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A transient flame simulation tool based on unsteady Reynolds average Navier Stokes (RANS) is characterized for stationary and nonstationary flame applications with a motivation of performing computationally affordable flame stability studies. Specifically, the KIVA-3V code is utilized with incorporation of a recently proposed modified eddy dissipation concept for simulating turbulence-chemistry interaction along with a model for radiation loss. Detailed comparison of velocities, turbulent kinetic energies, temperature, and species are made with the experimental data of the turbulent, non-premixed DLR_A CH4/H-2/N-2 jet flame. The comparison shows that the model is able to predict flame structure very well. The effect of some of the modeling assumptions is assessed, and strategies to model a stationary diffusion flame are recommended. Unsteady flame simulation capabilities of the numerical model are assessed by simulating an acoustically excited, experimental, oscillatory H-2-air diffusion flame. Comparisons are made with oscillatory velocity field and OH plots, and the numerical code is observed to predict transient flame structure well.


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A detailed study on the removal of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from the exhaust of a stationary diesel engine was carried out using nonthermal-plasma (pulsed electrical-discharge plasma)-promoted catalytic process. In this paper, the filtered exhaust from the diesel engine is made to pass through a combination of nonthermal plasma reactor and a catalytic reactor connected in series. This combination is referred to as cascade. Two types of cascaded systems were studied. In one type, the plasma treating filtered exhaust was cascaded with a reduction catalyst V2O5/TiO2 using ammonia as reducing agent, and in the other type, the plasma treating filtered exhaust was cascaded with activated-alumina catalyst without any additive. Improved NOx-removal performance of both the cascaded processes and the role of nonthermal plasma in promoting catalysis are explained. Along with the NOx, total hydrocarbon and aldehydes were also removed. Furthermore, experiments were conducted at different temperatures and engine-loading conditions.


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A detailed study on the removal of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from the filtered/unfiltered exhaust of a stationary diesel engine was carried out using non-thermal plasma (pulsed electrical discharge plasma) process and cascaded processes namely plasma- adsorbent and plasma-catalyst processes. The superior performance of discharge plasma with regard to NOx removal, energy consumption and formation of by-products in unfiltered exhaust environment is identified. In the cascaded plasma-adsorbent process, the plasma was cascaded with adsorbents (MS13X/Activated alumina/Activated charcoal). The cascaded process treating unfiltered exhaust exhibits a very high NOx removal compared to the individual processes and further, the cascaded process gives almost the same NOx removal efficiency irrespective of type of adsorbent used. In the cascaded plasma- catalyst process, the plasma was cascaded with activated alumina catalyst at high temperature. The synergy effect and improved performance of the cascaded process are explained. Further, experiments were conducted at room temperature as well as at higher temperatures.


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A detailed study on the removal of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from the exhaust of a stationary diesel engine was carried out using non-thermal plasma (dielectric barrier discharge) process. The objective of the study was to explore the effect of different voltage energizations and exhaust composition on the NOx removal process. Three types of voltage energizations, namely AC, DC and Pulse were examined. Due to the ease of generation of high voltage AC/DC electrical discharges from automobile/Vehicular battery supply for possible retrofitting in exhaust cleaning circuit, it was found relevant to investigate individual energisation cases in detail for NOx removal. AC and Pulse energisations exhibit a superior NOx removal efficiency compared to DC energisation. However,Pulse energisation is found to be more energy efficient. Experiments were further carried out with filtered/ unfiltered (raw) exhaust under pulse energisations. The results were discussed with regard to NOx removal, energy consumption and formation of by-products.


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Long-term batch cultures of Escherichia coli grown in nutrient-rich medium accumulate mutations that provide a growth advantage in the stationary phase (GASP). We have examined the survivors of prolonged stationary phase to identify loci involved in conferring a growth advantage and show that a mutation in the hns gene causing reduced activity of the global regulator H-NS confers a GASP phenotype under specific conditions. The hns-66 allele bears a point mutation within the termination codon of the H-NS open reading frame, resulting in a longer protein that is partially functional. Although isolated from a long-term stationary-phase culture of the parent carrying the rpoS819 allele that results in reduced RpoS activity, the hns-66 survivor showed a growth disadvantage in the early stationary phase (24 to 48 h) when competed against the parent. The hns-66 mutant is also unstable and reverts at a high frequency in the early stationary phase by accumulating second-site suppressor mutations within the ssrA gene involved in targeting aberrant proteins for proteolysis. The mutant was more stable and showed a moderate growth advantage in combination with the rpoS819 allele when competed against a 21-day-old parent. These studies show that H-NS is a target for mutations conferring fitness gain that depends on the genetic background as well as on the stage of the stationary phase.


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We introduce and study a class of non-stationary semi-Markov decision processes on a finite horizon. By constructing an equivalent Markov decision process, we establish the existence of a piecewise open loop relaxed control which is optimal for the finite horizon problem.


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In this paper the cubic spline guidance law is presented for intercepting a stationary target at a desired impact angle. The guidance law is obtained from cubic spline curve based trajectory using an inverse method. The cubic spline t rajectory curve expresses the altitude as a cubic polynomial of the downrange. The guidance law is modified to achieve interception in the cases where impact angle is greater that or equal to 90◦. The guidance law is implemented in a feedback mode to maintain the desired impact angle and to reduce miss distance in the presence of lateral acceleration saturation and atmospheric distur- bances. The simulation results show that the guidance law fulfills all the requirements.


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We present a localization system that targets rapid deployment of stationary wireless sensor networks (WSN). The system uses a particle filter to fuse measurements from multiple localization modalities, such as RF ranging, neighbor information or maps, to obtain position estimations with higher accuracy than that of the individual modalities. The system isolates different modalities into separate components which can be included or excluded independently to tailor the system to a specific scenario. We show that position estimations can be improved with our system by combining multiple modalities. We evaluate the performance of the system in both an indoor and outdoor environment using combinations of five different modalities. Using two anchor nodes as reference points and combining all five modalities, we obtain RMS (Root Mean Square) estimation errors of approximately 2.5m in both cases, while using the components individually results in errors within the range of 3.5 and 9 m.


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The optimal power-delay tradeoff is studied for a time-slotted independently and identically distributed fading point-to-point link, with perfect channel state information at both transmitter and receiver, and with random packet arrivals to the transmitter queue. It is assumed that the transmitter can control the number of packets served by controlling the transmit power in the slot. The optimal tradeoff between average power and average delay is analyzed for stationary and monotone transmitter policies. For such policies, an asymptotic lower bound on the minimum average delay of the packets is obtained, when average transmitter power approaches the minimum average power required for transmitter queue stability. The asymptotic lower bound on the minimum average delay is obtained from geometric upper bounds on the stationary distribution of the queue length. This approach, which uses geometric upper bounds, also leads to an intuitive explanation of the asymptotic behavior of average delay. The asymptotic lower bounds, along with previously known asymptotic upper bounds, are used to identify three new cases where the order of the asymptotic behavior differs from that obtained from a previously considered approximate model, in which the transmit power is a strictly convex function of real valued service batch size for every fade state.


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Campylobacter jejuni is a prevalent cause of food-borne diarrhoeal illness in humans. Understanding of the physiological and metabolic capabilities of the organism is limited. We report a detailed analysis of the C. jejuni growth cycle in batch culture. Combined transcriptomic, phenotypic and metabolic analysis demonstrates a highly dynamic 'stationary phase', characterized by a peak in motility, numerous gene expression changes and substrate switching, despite transcript changes that indicate a metabolic downshift upon the onset of stationary phase. Video tracking of bacterial motility identifies peak activity during stationary phase. Amino acid analysis of culture supernatants shows a preferential order of amino acid utilization. Proton NMR (1H-NMR) highlights an acetate switch mechanism whereby bacteria change from acetate excretion to acetate uptake, most probably in response to depletion of other substrates. Acetate production requires pta (Cj0688) and ackA (Cj0689), although the acs homologue (Cj1537c) is not required. Insertion mutants in Cj0688 and Cj0689 maintain viability less well during the stationary and decline phases of the growth cycle than wild-type C. jejuni, suggesting that these genes, and the acetate pathway, are important for survival.


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We use reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to address the problem of model order uncertainty in autoregressive (AR) time series within a Bayesian framework. Efficient model jumping is achieved by proposing model space moves from the full conditional density for the AR parameters, which is obtained analytically. This is compared with an alternative method, for which the moves are cheaper to compute, in which proposals are made only for new parameters in each move. Results are presented for both synthetic and audio time series.


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This paper analyses the transient effect on ideally plastic stationary crack-tip fields under mode I plane strain conditions, when the inertial forces are not negligible. It is shown that the governing equation for such a problem can be expressed in formal simplicity when referred to a system of moving curvilinear coordinates, which is a generalization of the system defined by the slip-line field in quasi-static plasticity. A perturbation method of solving the equations is described and illustrated by application to problems of ideally plastic stationary crack-tip fields when the inertia forces are not negligible.


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This paper analyses the transient effect on ideally plastic stationary crack tip fields under mode I plane strain conditions, when the inertial forces are not negligible. It is shown that the governing equation for such a problem can be expressed in formal simplicity when referred to a system of moving curvilinear coordinates, which is a generalization of the system defined by the slip-line field in quasi-static plasticity. A perturbation method of solving the equations is described and illustrated by application to problems of ideally plastic stationary crack tip fields when the inertial forces are not negligible.


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Pulse fishing may be a global optimal strategy in multicohort fisheries. In this article we compare the pulse fishing solutions obtained by using global numerical methods with the analytical stationary optimal solution. This allows us to quantify the potential benefits associated with the use of periodic fishing in the Northern Stock of hake. Results show that: first, management plans based exclusively on traditional reference targets as Fmsy may drive fishery economic results far from the optimal; second, global optimal solutions would imply, in a cyclical manner, the closure of the fishery for some periods and third, second best stationary policies with stable employment only reduce optimal present value of discounted profit in a 2%.


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In a context where demand for the services of a durable good changes over time, and this change may be uncertain, the paper shows that social welfare may be higher when the monopolist seller can commit to any future price level she wishes than when she cannot. Moreover, the equilibrium under a monopolist with commitment power may Pareto-dominate the equilibrium under a monopolist without commitment ability. These results affect the desired regulation of a durable goods monopolist in this context.