Several freshwater phytoplanktonic species (eukaryotic and prokaryotic) were grown in batch cultures up to stationary phase and quantified by chlorophyll a analysis. The complexation properties (conditional stability constant and total ligand concentration) of their exudates were investigated by complexometric titrations of the culture media using either copper or lead ion-selective electrodes. For most algae, Scatchard plot analysis of the titration data revealed two classes of copper-complexing ligands, one weaker and the other stronger. Strong copper-complexing agents were produced by Cyanophyta mainly in stationary growth phase. During exponential phase, ligand concentrations and the affinity for copper were similar for both Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta. Complexation parameters for Chlorophyta exudates were similar for both growth phases: exponential and stationary. In contrast, ligand concentrations were similar for Cyanophyta, but the conditional stability constants (the strength of association between ligand and metal) were different. Weak lead-complexing ligands were produced exclusively by two Chlorophyta.
A mercury-sensitive chemically modified graphite paste electrode was constructed by incorporating modified silica gel into a conventional graphite paste electrode. The functional group attached to the (3-chloropropyl) silica gel surface was 2-mercaptoimidazole, giving a new product denoted by 3-(2-thioimidazolyl)propyl silica gel, which is able to complex mercury ions. Mercury was chemically adsorbed on the modified graphite paste electrode containing 3-(2-thioimidazolyl)propyl silica (TIPSG GPE) by immersion in a Hg(II) solution, and the resultant surface was characterized by cyclic and differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry. One cathodic peak at 0.1 V and other anodic peak at 0.34 V were observed on scanning the potential from -0.1 to 0.8 V (0.01 M KNO3; ν = 2.0 mV s-1 νs. Ag/AgCl). The anodic peak at 0.34 V show an excellent sensitivity for Hg(II) ions in the presence of several foreign ions. A calibration graph covering the concentration range from 0.02 to 2 mg L-1 was obtained. The detection limit was estimated to be 5 μg L-1. The precision for six determinations of 0.05 and 0.26 mg L-1 Hg(II) was 3.0 and 2.5% (relative standard deviation), respectively. The method can be used to determine the concentration of mercury(II) in natural waters contaminated by this metal. 2005 © The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.
This study evaluated the surface microhardness and fluoride release of 5 restorative materials - Ketac-Fil Plus, Vitremer, Fuji II LC, Freedom and Fluorofil - in two storage media: distilled/deionized water and a pH-cycling (pH 4.6). Twelve specimens of each material, were fabricated and the initial surface microhardness (ISM) was determined in a Shimadzu HMV-2000 microhardness tester (static load Knoop). The specimens were submitted to 6- or 18-h cycles in the tested media. The solutions were refreshed at the end of each cycle. All solutions were stored for further analysis. After 15-day storage, the final surface microhardness (FSM) and fluoride release were measured. Fluoride dose was measured with a fluoride-specific electrode (Orion 9609-BN) and digital ion analyzer (Orion 720 A). The variables ISM, FSM and fluoride release were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and Tukey's test (p<0.05). There was significant difference in FSM between the storage media for Vitremer (pH 4.6 = 40.2 ± 1.5; water = 42.6 ± 1.4), Ketac-Fil Plus (pH 4.6 = 73.4 ± 2.7; water = 58.2 ± 1.3) and Fluorofil (pH 4.6 = 44.3 ± 1.8; water = 38.4 ± 1.0). Ketac-Fil Plus (9.9 ± 18.0) and Fluorofil (4.4 ± 1.3) presented higher fluoride release in water, whereas Vitremer (7.4 ± 7.1), Fuji II LC (5.7 ± 4.7) and Freedom (2.1 ± 1.7) had higher fluoride release at pH 4.6. Microhardness and fluoride release of the tested restorative materials varied according to the storage medium.
This paper presents a climatic and statistical analysis of global, direct horizontal and diffuse radiation from a database of solar radiation measured from 1996 to 2006 in the city of Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Variation intervals of hourly and daily irradiation, annual mean 〈H̄G〉, 〈H̄bh〉 and 〈H̄d〉 irradiation, monthly mean 〈H̄G〉, 〈H̄ bh〉 and 〈H̄d〉 irradiation and monthly mean 〈K̄t〉, 〈K̄bh〉 and 〈K̄d〉 fractions were determined. Results showed that values of hourly and daily annual mean irradiation were as follows: 〈H̄G〉=1.49MJ/m2 and 〈H̄ G〉=17.74MJ/m2; 〈H̄bh〉=0. 90MJ/m2 and 〈H̄bh〉=10.33MJ/m2 and 〈H̄d〉=0.57 MJ/m2 and 〈H̄d〉=7.09MJ/m2, respectively. Variation intervals of hourly monthly mean irradiation were as follows: 〈H̄G〉 ranged from 1.65MJ/m2 in March to 1.16MJ/m2 in June; 〈H̄bh〉 ranged from 1.06MJ/m2 in April to 0.79MJ/m2 in June, and 〈H̄d〉 ranged from 0.70MJ/m2 in January to 0.37MJ/m2 in June and July. Similarly, daily 〈H̄ G〉 irradiation ranged from 21.35MJ/m2 in November to 12.94MJ/m2 in June; 〈H̄bh〉 ranged from 11.83MJ/m2 in April to 8.49MJ/m2 in June, and 〈H̄d〉 ranged from 10.29MJ/m2 in December to 4.38MJ/m2 in June. Variation intervals of hourly monthly mean fractions were as follows: 〈K̄t〉 ranged from 43.5% in January to 54.2% in April; 〈K̄bh〉 ranged from 33.6% in January to 58.0% in April and 〈K̄d〉 ranged from 66.4% in January to 42.0% in April. In the same way, daily 〈K̄ t〉 fractions ranged from 45.5% in January to 59.8% in August; 〈K̄bh〉 ranged from 38.9% in January to 62.0% in August and 〈K̄d〉 ranged from 61.1% in January to 37.7% in July.
The Brazilian National Electricity Conservation Program - PROCEL - runs regular surveys in the electric-energy-consumption market. These studies are used as valuable data to better plan the actions of this program. These data also evaluate the program's performance by identifying the level of penetration of the most efficient electric equipment within the residential sector. PROCEL's main lines of action is to promote and make available the most efficient technologies. Based on the results from the latest survey, it is estimated that 24% of the electric-energy consumption of the residential sector is used by electric shower devices, which instantaneously heat the water that flows through them, normally using an electric resistance of 5 kW. These are an important factor in a country where electric-heating devices are present in about 73% of Brazilian households. Keeping that in mind, the purpose of this work is to present the main results of the Brazilian Solar-Water-Heating-Systems Evaluation, finished in 2010, where 535 installations were visited and more than 50 researchers from different universities participated in the project. Moreover, seven Brazilian cities were selected to be studied. The information was collected from field research and statistically treated. The collected information focused on the adequacy of the project to the household, installation, operation and life cycle of the systems, as well as the users' satisfaction level. Technical questionnaires were developed to summarize all the required information, such as a Web site designed to organize and manage the data collected and a Matlab application that performed the dimensioning and F-chart systems evaluation. Quality indicators were created through a full system monitoring, with thermographic analysis and evaluation of shading influence at the system's efficiency, using the Ecotect software.
The present paper deals with numerical corrections factors proposed as a function of the clearness index in order to correct the diffuse solar irradiance measured with the Melo-Escobedo Shadowring Measuring Method (ME shadowring). The global irradiance was measured by an Eppley - PSP pyranometer ; direct normal irradiance by an Eppley-NIP pyrheliometer fitted to a ST-3 sun tracking device and the diffuse irradiance by an Eppley-PSP pyranometer fitted to a ME shadowring. The validations were performed by the MBE and RMSE statistical indicators. The results showed that the numerical correction factors were appropriate to correct the shadowring diffuse irradiance.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A montmorillonite from Wyoming-USA was used to prepare an organo-clay complex, named 2-thiazoline-2-thiol-hexadecyltrimethylammonium-clay (TZT-HDTA-clay), for the purpose of the selective adsorption of the heavy metals ions and possible use as a chemically modified carbon paste electrode (CMCPE). Adsorption isotherms of Hg 2+, Pb 2+, Cd 2+, Cu 2+, and Zn 2+ from aqueous solutions as a function of the pH were studied at 298 K. Conditions for quantitative retention and elution were established for each metal by batch and column methods. The organo-clay complex was very selective to Hg(II) in aqueous solution in which other metals and ions were also present. The accumulation voltammetry of Hg(II) was studied at a carbon paste electrode chemically modified with this material. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to the pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, cleaning solution, possible interferences and other variables. A carbon paste electrode modified by TZT-HDTA-clay showed two peaks: one cathodic peak at about 0.0 V and an anodic peak at 0.25 V, scanning the potential from -0.2 to 0.8 V (0.05 M KNO 3 vs. Ag/AgCl). The anodic peak at 0.25 V presents excellent selectivity for Hg(II) ions in the presence of foreign ions. The detection limit was estimated as 0.1 μg L -1. The precision of determination was satisfactory for the respective concentration level. 2005 © The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Miniemulsionen als räumliche Begrenzungen für die Synthese von unterschiedlichen funktionellen Materialien mit neuartigen Eigenschaften verwendet. Das erste Themengebiet umfasst die Herstellung von Polymer/Calciumphosphat-Hybridpartikeln und –Hybridkapseln über die templatgesteuerte Mineralisation von Calciumphosphat. Die funktionalisierte Oberfläche von Polymernanopartikeln, welche über die Miniemulsionspolymerisation hergestellt wurden, diente als Templat für die Kristallisation von Calciumphosphat auf den Partikeln. Der Einfluss der funktionellen Carboxylat- und Phosphonat-Oberflächengruppen auf die Komplexierung von Calcium-Ionen sowie die Mineralisation von Calciumphosphat auf der Oberfläche der Nanopartikel wurde mit mehreren Methoden (ionenselektive Elektroden, REM, TEM und XRD) detailliert analysiert. Es wurde herausgefunden, dass die Mineralisation bei verschiedenen pH-Werten zu vollkommen unterschiedlichen Kristallmorphologien (nadel- und plättchenförmige Kristalle) auf der Oberfläche der Partikel führt. Untersuchungen der Mineralisationskinetik zeigten, dass die Morphologie der Hydroxylapatit-Kristalle auf der Partikeloberfläche mit der Änderung der Kristallisationsgeschwindigkeit durch eine sorgfältige Wahl des pH-Wertes gezielt kontrolliert werden kann. Sowohl die Eigenschaften der als Templat verwendeten Polymernanopartikel (z. B. Größe, Form und Funktionalisierung), als auch die Oberflächentopografie der entstandenen Polymer/Calciumphosphat-Hybridpartikel wurden gezielt verändert, um die Eigenschaften der erhaltenen Kompositmaterialien zu steuern. rnEine ähnliche bio-inspirierte Methode wurde zur in situ-Herstellung von organisch/anorganischen Nanokapseln entwickelt. Hierbei wurde die flexible Grenzfläche von flüssigen Miniemulsionströpfchen zur Mineralisation von Calciumphosphat an der Grenzfläche eingesetzt, um Gelatine/Calciumphosphat-Hybridkapseln mit flüssigem Kern herzustellen. Der flüssige Kern der Nanokapseln ermöglicht dabei die Verkapselung unterschiedlicher hydrophiler Substanzen, was in dieser Arbeit durch die erfolgreiche Verkapselung sehr kleiner Hydroxylapatit-Kristalle sowie eines Fluoreszenzfarbstoffes (Rhodamin 6G) demonstriert wurde. Aufgrund der intrinsischen Eigenschaften der Gelatine/Calciumphosphat-Kapseln konnten abhängig vom pH-Wert der Umgebung unterschiedliche Mengen des verkapselten Fluoreszenzfarbstoffes aus den Kapseln freigesetzt werden. Eine mögliche Anwendung der Polymer/Calciumphosphat-Partikel und –Kapseln ist die Implantatbeschichtung, wobei diese als Bindeglied zwischen künstlichem Implantat und natürlichem Knochengewebe dienen. rnIm zweiten Themengebiet dieser Arbeit wurde die Grenzfläche von Nanometer-großen Miniemulsionströpfchen eingesetzt, um einzelne in der dispersen Phase gelöste Polymerketten zu separieren. Nach der Verdampfung des in den Tröpfchen vorhandenen Lösungsmittels wurden stabile Dispersionen sehr kleiner Polymer-Nanopartikel (<10 nm Durchmesser) erhalten, die aus nur wenigen oder einer einzigen Polymerkette bestehen. Die kolloidale Stabilität der Partikel nach der Synthese, gewährleistet durch die Anwesenheit von SDS in der wässrigen Phase der Dispersionen, ist vorteilhaft für die anschließende Charakterisierung der Polymer-Nanopartikel. Die Partikelgröße der Nanopartikel wurde mittels DLS und TEM bestimmt und mit Hilfe der Dichte und des Molekulargewichts der verwendeten Polymere die Anzahl an Polymerketten pro Partikel bestimmt. Wie es für Partikel, die aus nur einer Polymerkette bestehen, erwartet wird, stieg die mittels DLS bestimmte Partikelgröße mit steigendem Molekulargewicht des in der Synthese der Partikel eingesetzten Polymers deutlich an. Die Quantifizierung der Kettenzahl pro Partikel mit Hilfe von Fluoreszenzanisotropie-Messungen ergab, dass Polymer-Einzelkettenpartikel hoher Einheitlichkeit hergestellt wurden. Durch die Verwendung eines Hochdruckhomogenisators zur Herstellung der Einzelkettendispersionen war es möglich, größere Mengen der Einzelkettenpartikel herzustellen, deren Materialeigenschaften zurzeit näher untersucht werden.rn
We present the development of a multifunctional platform equipped with an array of silicon nitride micropipettes with dimensions allowing the implementation of extra- and intracellular operations. Micropipettes with outer diameter that ranges from 6 mum down to 300 nm and with walls thicknesses of 500 down to 150 nm are presented. The generic technology developed to fabricate these micropipettes has a number of advantages, including the ability to be implemented as ion-selective electrodes for (A) intracellular and (B) extracellular recordings and as (C) local drug microdispensers.
In this thesis the factors surrounding the permeation of alkali and alkaline earth metal salts through hydrogel membranes are investigated. Although of relevance to aqueous separations in general, it was with their potential application in sensors that this work was particularly concerned. In order to study the effect that the nature of the solute has on the transport process, a single polymer matrix, poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), was initially studied. The influence of cation variation in the presence of a fixed anion was looked at, followed by the effect of the anion in the presence of a fixed cation. The anion was found to possess the dominant influence and tended to subsume any influence by the cation. This is explained in terms of the structure-making and structure-breaking characteristics of the ions in their solute-water interactions. Analogies in the transport behaviour of the salts are made with the Hofmeister series. The effect of the chemical composition of the polymer backbone on the water structuring in the hydrogel and, consequently, transport through the membrane, was investigated by preparing a series of poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) copolymer membranes and determining the permeability coefficient of salts with a fixed anion. The results were discussed in terms of the `free-volume' model of permeation and the water structuring of the polymer backbone. The ability of ionophores to selectively modulate the permeation of salts through hydrogel membranes was also examined. The results indicated that a dualsorption model was in operation. Finally, hydrogels were used as membrane overlays on coated wire ion-selective electrodes that employed conventional plasticised-PVC-valinomycin based sensing membranes. The hydrogel overlays were found to affect the access of the analyte but not the underlying electrochemistry.
A presente dissertação teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e caracterização de sensores potenciométricos com base em polímeros de impressão molecular (MIP, do inglês, Molecularly Imprinted Polymer) para a determinação da molécula alvo, a acetilcolina. A acetilcolina (ACh) é um neurotransmissor que está associado à doença de Alzheimer. Os materiais biomiméticos desenvolvidos para a interação com a ACh foram obtidos por polimerização em bulk, recorrendo a uma combinação de nanotubos de carbono com monómeros de anilina, dispersos em solvente plastificante oNFOE e PVC. Para aferir sobre o efeito da impressão de ACh na resposta dos materiais MIP, foram igualmente preparados e avaliados materiais de controlo, ou seja, materiais sem impressão molecular (NIP). O controlo da constituição química destes materiais foi realizado recorrendo a Espectroscopia de Raman e Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR, do inglês Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy). Os materiais desenvolvidos foram integrados em membranas seletivas de ião, preparadas com ou sem aditivo iónico lipófilo, de carga negativa ou positiva. A avaliação das características gerais das membranas baseou-se na comparação das caraterísticas dos diversos elétrodos. Estas caraterísticas foram obtidas a partir de curvas de calibração, conseguidas para valores de pH diferentes. Em meio ácido, mais precisamente para pH 4, as membranas com materiais impressos e aditivo aniónico foram as que apresentaram as melhores características analíticas, quer em termos de sensibilidade (+83,86 mV década-1) quer em gama de linearidade (de 3,52×10-5 a 1,73×10-3 M). O estudo de seletividade realizado aos sensores revelou que os elétrodos cuja membrana possuía aditivo aniónico apresentavam menores valores de log KPOT. A presença desse constituinte fez com que a seletividade aumentasse nesses mesmos elétrodos. A espécie menos interferente foi a creatina e a mais interferente a creatinina. Os elétrodos foram, ainda, aplicados em amostras de soro sintético. A qualidade dos resultados obtidos dependeu do nível de concentração em estudo, sendo possível identificar uma região onde os resultados foram exatos e precisos. De uma forma geral, os biossensores com MIP e aditivo aniónico apresentaram um desempenho adequado à prossecução deste estudo em amostras reais.
In this elaborate, a textile-based Organic Electrochemical Transistor (OECT) was first developed for the determination of uric acid in wound exudate based on the conductive polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS), which was then coupled to an electrochemically gated textile transistor consisting of a composite of iridium oxide particles and PEDOT:PSS for pH monitoring in wound exudate. In that way a sensor for multiparameter monitoring of wound health status was assembled, including the ability to differentiate between a wet-dry status of the smart bandage by implementing impedance measurements exploiting the OECT architecture. Afterwards, for both wound management as well as generic health status tracking applications, a glass-based calcium sensor was developed employing polymeric ion-selective membranes on a novel architecture inspired by the Wrighton OECT configuration, which was later converted to a Proof-of-Concept textile prototype for wearable applications. Lastly, in collaboration with the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia) under the supervision of Prof. Sahika Inal, different types of ion-selective thiophene-based monomers were used to develop ion-selective conductive polymers to detect sodium ion by different methods, involving standard potentiometry and OECT-based approaches. The textile OECTs for uric acid detection performances were optimized by investigating the geometry effect on the instrumental response and the properties of the different textile materials involved in their production, with a special focus on the final application that implies the operativity in flow conditions to simulate the wound environment. The same testing route was followed for the multiparameter sensor and the calcium sensor prototype, with a particular care towards the ion-selective membrane composition and electrode conditioning protocol optimization. The sodium-selective polymer electrosynthesis was optimized in non-aqueous environments and was characterized by means of potentiostatic and potentiodynamic techniques coupled with Quartz Crystal Microbalance and spectrophotometric measurements.
The production of electronic equipment, such as computers and cell phones, and, consequently, batteries, has increased dramatically. One of the types of batteries whose production and consumption has increased in recent times is the nickel metal hydride (NiMH) battery. This study evaluated a hydrometallurgical method of recovery of rare earths and a simple method to obtain a solution rich in Ni-Co from spent NiMH batteries. The active materials from both electrodes were manually removed from the accumulators and leached. Several acid and basic solutions for the recovery of rare earths were evaluated. Results showed that more than 98 wt.% of the rare earths were recovered as sulfate salts by dissolution with sulfuric acid, followed by selective precipitation at pH 1.2 using sodium hydroxide. The complete process. precipitation at pH 1.2 followed by precipitation at pH 7, removed about 100 wt.% of iron and 70 wt.% of zinc from the leaching solution. Results were similar to those found in studies that used solvent extraction. This method is easy, economic, and does not pose environmental threats of solvent extraction. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present work reports new sensors for the direct determination of Microcystin-LR (MC-LR) in environmental waters. Both selective membrane and solid contact were optimized to ensure suitable analytical features in potentiometric transduction. The sensing layer consisted of Imprinted Sol–Gel (ISG) materials capable of establishing surface interactions with MC-LR. Non-Imprinted Sol–Gel (NISG) membranes were used as negative control. The effects of an ionic lipophilic additive, time of sol–gel polymerization, time of extraction of MC-LR from the sensitive layer, and pH were also studied. The solid contact was made of carbon, aluminium, titanium, copper or nickel/chromium alloys (80 : 20 or 90 : 10). The best ISG sensor had a carbon solid contact and displayed average slopes of 211.3 mV per decade, with detection limits of 7.3 1010 M, corresponding to 0.75 mg L1 . It showed linear responses in the range of 7.7 1010 to 1.9 109 M of MC-LR (corresponding to 0.77–2.00 mg L1 ), thus including the limiting value for MC-LR in waters (1.0 mg L1 ). The potentiometric-selectivity coefficients were assessed by the matched potential method for ionic species regularly found in waters up to their limiting levels. Chloride (Cl) showed limited interference while aluminium (Al3+), ammonium (NH4 + ), magnesium (Mg2+), manganese (Mn2+), sodium (Na+ ), and sulfate (SO4 2) were unable to cause the required potential change. Spiked solutions were tested with the proposed sensor. The relative errors and standard deviation obtained confirmed the accuracy and precision of the method. It also offered the advantages of low cost, portability, easy operation and suitability for adaptation to flow methods.