981 resultados para SINGLE-MOLECULE-MAGNET


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Chemistry.


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Two classes of building blocks have been prepared and characterized and their coordination chemistry explored working towards the preparation of new molecule-based magnetic materials. In the first project, the amine functionality of 3,3'-diamino-2,2'- bipyridine was exploited for the preparation of a new family of ligands (H2L 1)-(H2L 4). The molecular structures of three ligands have been fully characterized by X-ray crystallography. [molecular structure diagram will not copy here, but is available in full pdf.] The coordination chemistry of these ligands with divalent first row transition metal ions was investigated. For ligand (H2L1), the molecular structures of four coordination complexes with stoichiometries [Zn2(Ll)(OAc)(MeO)]2 (I), [Cu2(L1)(OAc)2 (II), [Li(L1)]3 (III), and [Ni(L1)]3 (IV) were determined by X-ray crystallography. For ligand (H2L2), a Cu(II) complex of stoichiometry [Cu3(L2)(OAc)3MeO] (V) was determined by X-ray crystallography. The magnetic properties of complexes (II), (III), and (V) have been fully elucidated. In project two, synthetic strategies for the preparation of porphyrin molecules bearing triol substituents is presented. Following this approach, three new porphyrin derivatives have been prepared and characterized [Zn(HPTPP-CH2C(CH20H)3)] (VI), [P(TPP)(OCH2C(CH2)H)3)2]+CL- (VII), and [P(OEP)(C6H5)(OCH2C(CH2OH)3)]+Cl- (VIII). Attempts to exchange the labile methoxide bridges of a tetraironIIl single molecule magnet of stoichiometry [Fe4(OMe)6(dpm)6] (Hdpm = dipivaloylmethane) with the triol appended porphyrins will be discussed. [molecular structure diagram will not copy here, but is available in full pdf.]


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The preparation and characterization of coordination complexes of Schiff-base and crown ether macrocycles is presented, for application as contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging, Project 1; and single-molecule magnets (SMMs), Projects 2 and 3. In Project 1, a family of eight Mn(II) and Gd(III) complexes of N3X2 (X = NH, O) and N3O3 Schiff-base macrocycles were synthesized, characterized, and evaluated as potential contrast agents for MRI. In vitro and in vivo (rodent) studies indicate that the studied complexes display efficient contrast behaviour, negligible toxicity, and rapid excretion. In Project 2, DyIII complexes of Schiff-base macrocycles were prepared with a view to developing a new family of mononuclear Ln-SMMs with pseudo-D5h geometries. Each complex displayed slow relaxation of magnetization, with magnetically-derived energy barriers in the range Ueff = 4 – 24 K. In Project 3, coordination complexes of selected later lanthanides with various crown ether ligands were synthesized. Two families of complexes were structurally and magnetically analyzed: ‘axial’ or sandwich-type complexes based on 12-crown-4 and 15-crown-5; and ‘equatorial’ complexes based on 18-crown-6. Magnetic data are supported by ab initio calculations and luminescence measurements. Significantly, the first mononuclear Ln-SMM prepared from a crown ether ligand is described.


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Our work on single molecule magnets and multifunctional magnetic materials is presented in four projects. In the first project we show for first time that heteroatomic-type pseudohalides, such as OCN-, can be employed as structure-directing ligands and ferromagnetic couplers in higher oxidation state metal cluster chemistry. The initial use of cyanato groups in Mn cluster chemistry has afforded structurally interesting MnII/III14 (1) and MnII/III/IV16 (2) clusters in which the end-on bridging cyanates show a preference in binding through their O-atom. The Mn14 compound shows entirely visible out-of-phase alternating currect signals below 5 K and large hysteresis loops below 2 K. Furthermore, the amalgamation of azido groups with the triethanolamine tripodal ligand in manganese carboxylate cluster chemistry has led to the isolation of a new ferromagnetic, high-nuclearity and mixed-valence MnII/III15Na2 (3) cluster with a large ground-state spin value of S = 14. In the second project we demonstrate a new synthetic route to purely inorganic-bridged, transition metal-azido clusters [CoII7 (4) and NiII7 (5)] and coordination polymers [{FeII/III2}n (6)] which exhibit strong ferromagnetic, SMM and long-range magnetic ordering behaviors. We also show that access to such a unique ferromagnetic class of inorganic, N-rich and O-free materials is feasible through the use of Me3SiN3 as the azido-ligand precursor without requiring the addition of any organic chelating/bridging ligand. In the last projects we have tried to bring together molecular magnetism and optics via the synthesis of multifunctional magnetic materials based on 3d- or 4f-metal ions. We decided to approach such challenge from two different directions: firstly, in our third project, by the deliberate replacement of non-emissive carboxylato ligands in known 3d-SMMs with their fluorescent analogues, without perturbing the metal-core structure and SMM properties (complexes 7, 8, and 9). The second route (last project) involves the use of naphthalene or pyridine-based polyalcohol bridging ligands for the synthesis of new polynuclear LnIII metal clusters (Ln = lanthanide) with novel topologies, SMM behaviors and luminescent properties arising from the increased efficiency of the “antenna” organic group. This approach has led us to the isolation of two new families of LnIII8 (complexes 10-13) and LnIII4 (complexes 14-20) clusters.


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La microscopie par fluorescence de cellules vivantes produit de grandes quantités de données. Ces données sont composées d’une grande diversité au niveau de la forme des objets d’intérêts et possèdent un ratio signaux/bruit très bas. Pour concevoir un pipeline d’algorithmes efficaces en traitement d’image de microscopie par fluorescence, il est important d’avoir une segmentation robuste et fiable étant donné que celle-ci constitue l’étape initiale du traitement d’image. Dans ce mémoire, je présente MinSeg, un algorithme de segmentation d’image de microscopie par fluorescence qui fait peu d’assomptions sur l’image et utilise des propriétés statistiques pour distinguer le signal par rapport au bruit. MinSeg ne fait pas d’assomption sur la taille ou la forme des objets contenus dans l’image. Par ce fait, il est donc applicable sur une grande variété d’images. Je présente aussi une suite d’algorithmes pour la quantification de petits complexes dans des expériences de microscopie par fluorescence de molécules simples utilisant l’algorithme de segmentation MinSeg. Cette suite d’algorithmes a été utilisée pour la quantification d’une protéine nommée CENP-A qui est une variante de l’histone H3. Par cette technique, nous avons trouvé que CENP-A est principalement présente sous forme de dimère.


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Three promising variants of autofluorescent proteins have been analyzed photophysically for their proposed use in single-molecule microscopy studies in living cells to compare their superiority to other fluorescent proteins previously reported regarding the number of photons emitted. The first variant under investigation the F46L mutant of eYFP has a 10% greater photon emission rate and > 50% slower photobleaching rate on average than the standard eYFP fluorophore. The monomeric red fluorescent protein (mRFP) has a fivefold lower photon emission rate, likely due to the monomeric content, and also a tenfold faster photobleaching rate than the DsRed fluorescent protein. In contrast, the previously reported eqfp611 has a 50% lower emission rate yet photobleaches more than a factor 2 slowly. We conclude that the F46L YFP and the eqfp611 are superior new options for single molecule imaging and tracking studies in living cells. Studies were also performed on the effects of forced quenching of multiple fluorescent proteins in sub-micrometer regions that would show the effects of dimerization at low concentration levels of fluorescent proteins and also indicate corrections to stoichiometry patterns with fluorescent proteins previously in print. We also introduce properties at the single molecule level of new FRET pairs with combinations of fluorescent proteins and artificial fluorophores.


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We report on the assembly of tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNF-R1) prior to ligand activation and its ligand-induced reorganization at the cell membrane. We apply single-molecule localization microscopy to obtain quantitative information on receptor cluster sizes and copy numbers. Our data suggest a dimeric pre-assembly of TNF-R1, as well as receptor reorganization toward higher oligomeric states with stable populations comprising three to six TNF-R1. Our experimental results directly serve as input parameters for computational modeling of the ligand-receptor interaction. Simulations corroborate the experimental finding of higher-order oligomeric states. This work is a first demonstration how quantitative, super-resolution and advanced microscopy can be used for systems biology approaches at the single-molecule and single-cell level.


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Electrochemical gating at the single molecule level of viologen molecular bridges in ionic liquids is examined. Contrary to previous data recorded in aqueous electrolytes, a clear and sharp peak in the single molecule conductance versus electrochemical potential data is obtained in ionic liquids. These data are rationalized in terms of a two-step electrochemical model for charge transport across the redox bridge. In this model the gate coupling in the ionic liquid is found to be fully effective with a modeled gate coupling parameter, ξ, of unity. This compares to a much lower gate coupling parameter of 0.2 for the equivalent aqueous gating system. This study shows that ionic liquids are far more effective media for gating the conductance of single molecules than either solid-state three-terminal platforms created using nanolithography, or aqueous media.


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The design and synthesis of two novel fluorescent PET anion sensors is described, based on the principle of ‘fluorophore-spacer-(anion)receptor’. The sensors 1 and 2 employ simple diaromatic thioureas as anion receptors, and the fluorophore is a naphthalimide moiety that absorbs in the visible part of the spectrum and emits in the green. Upon recognition of anions such as F and AcO in DMSO, the fluorescence emission of 1 and 2 was ‘switched off’, with no significant changes in the UV–vis spectra. This recognition shows a 1:1 binding between the receptor and the anions. In the case of F, further additions of the anion, gave rise to large changes in the UV–vis spectra, where the λmax at 455 nm was shifted to 550 nm. These changes are thought to be due to the deprotonation of the 4-amino moiety of the naphthalimide fluorophore. This was in fact found to be the case, using simple naphthalimide derivatives such as 6. Sensors 1 and 2 can thus display dual sensing action; where at low concentrations, the fluorescence emission is quenched, and at higher concentrations the absorption spectra are modulated.


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A new homologous series of norbornylogous (NB) bridges has been synthesized in which the average curvature of the bridges is very small. The molecules are rigid and have two thiol moieties at each end to allow them to form self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) and to connect to two gold electrodes to form a molecular junction. The SAMs formed were characterized using electrochemistry to determine the surface coverage of molecules on gold surface and to provide an indication of the packing of the NB bridges while ellipsometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to provide an indication of the SAM thickness and orientation. Single molecule conductance of NB bridges was measured as a function of the molecular length. The conductance was found to decrease exponentially with the length with a decay constant that is exactly correlated with photoelectron transfer and other studies at the multiple molecule level. The molecule−electrode contact resistance was determined and compared with that of related alkanedithiol molecular junctions.


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Viruses are often thought to have static structure, and they only remodel after the viruses have entered target cells. Here, we detected a size expansion of virus particles prior to viral entry using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and single molecule fluorescence imaging. HIV expanded both under cell-free conditions with soluble receptor CD4 (sCD4) targeting the CD4 binding site on the HIV-1 envelope protein (Env) and when HIV binds to receptor on cellular membrane. We have shown that the HIV Env is needed to facilitate receptor induced virus size expansions, showing that the 'lynchpin' for size expansion is highly specific. We demonstrate that the size expansion required maturation of HIV and an internal capsid core with wild type stability, suggesting that different HIV compartments are linked and are involved in remodelling. Our work reveals a previously unknown event in HIV entry, and we propose that this pre-entry priming process enables HIV particles to facilitate the subsequent steps in infection.


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Surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) is used for single-molecule detection from spatially resolved 1-mum(2) sections of a Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) monolayer deposited onto a Ag film. The target molecule, his (benzimidazo) thioperylene (BZP), is dispersed in an arachidic acid monomolecular layer containing one BZP molecule per mum(2) which is also the probing area of the Raman microscope. For concentrated samples (attomole quantities in the field of view), average SERRS, surface-enhanced fluorescence (SEF), and Raman imaging, including line mapping and global images at different temperatures, were recorded. Single-molecule SERRS spectra, obtained using an LB monolayer, present changes in bandwidth and relative intensities, highlighting the properties of single-molecule SERRS that are lost in average SERRS measurements of mixed LB monolayers obtained at the same temperatures. Also, the dilute system phenomenon of blinking is discussed with regard to results obtained from LB monolayers. The dilution process used in the single-molecule LB SERRS work is independently supported by fluorescence results obtained from very dilute solutions with monomer concentrations down to 10(-12) M.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We propose a new theoretical approach to study the kinetics of the electron transfer (ET) under the dynamical influence of the complex environments with the first passage times (FPT) of the reaction events. By measuring the mean and high order moments of FPT and their ratios, the full kinetics of ET, especially the dynamical transitions across different temperature zones, is revealed. The potential applications of the current results to single molecule electron transfer are discussed.