999 resultados para SCALING THEORY


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The critical behavior of the stochastic susceptible-infected-recovered model on a square lattice is obtained by numerical simulations and finite-size scaling. The order parameter as well as the distribution in the number of recovered individuals is determined as a function of the infection rate for several values of the system size. The analysis around criticality is obtained by exploring the close relationship between the present model and standard percolation theory. The quantity UP, equal to the ratio U between the second moment and the squared first moment of the size distribution multiplied by the order parameter P, is shown to have, for a square system, a universal value 1.0167(1) that is the same for site and bond percolation, confirming further that the SIR model is also in the percolation class.


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In this paper we study fermion perturbations in four-dimensional black holes of string theory, obtained either from a non-extreme configuration of three intersecting five-branes with a boost along the common string or from a non-extreme intersecting system of two two-branes and two five-branes. The Dirac equation for the massless neutrino field, after conformal re-scaling of the metric, is written as a wave equation suitable to study the time evolution of the perturbation. We perform a numerical integration of the evolution equation, and with the aid of Prony fitting of the time-domain profile, we calculate the complex frequencies that dominate the quasinormal ringing stage, and also determine these quantities by the semi-analytical sixth-order WKB method. We also find numerically the decay factor of fermion fields at very late times, and show that the falloff is identical to those showing for massless fields in other four-dimensional black hole spacetimes.


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In this paper, the relationship between the filter coefficients and the scaling and wavelet functions of the Discrete Wavelet Transform is presented and exemplified from a practical point-of-view. The explanations complement the wavelet theory, that is well documented in the literature, being important for researchers who work with this tool for time-frequency analysis. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Approximate Lie symmetries of the Navier-Stokes equations are used for the applications to scaling phenomenon arising in turbulence. In particular, we show that the Lie symmetries of the Euler equations are inherited by the Navier-Stokes equations in the form of approximate symmetries that allows to involve the Reynolds number dependence into scaling laws. Moreover, the optimal systems of all finite-dimensional Lie subalgebras of the approximate symmetry transformations of the Navier-Stokes are constructed. We show how the scaling groups obtained can be used to introduce the Reynolds number dependence into scaling laws explicitly for stationary parallel turbulent shear flows. This is demonstrated in the framework of a new approach to derive scaling laws based on symmetry analysis [11]-[13].


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The coarsening of the nanoporous structure developed in undoped and 3% Sb-doped SnO2 sol-gel dip-coated films deposited on a mica substrate was studied by time-resolved small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) during in situ isothermal treatments at 450 and 650 degrees C. The time dependence of the structure function derived from the experimental SAXS data is in reasonable agreement with the predictions of the statistical theory of dynamical scaling, thus suggesting that the coarsening process in the studied nanoporous structures exhibits dynamical self-similar properties. The kinetic exponents of the power time dependence of the characteristic scaling length of undoped SnO2 and 3% Sb-doped SnO2 films are similar (alpha approximate to 0.09), this value being invariant with respect to the firing temperature. In the case of undoped SnO2 films, another kinetic exponent, alpha('), corresponding to the maximum of the structure function was determined to be approximately equal to three times the value of the exponent alpha, as expected for the random tridimensional coarsening process in the dynamical scaling regime. Instead, for 3% Sb-doped SnO2 films fired at 650 degrees C, we have determined that alpha(')approximate to 2 alpha, thus suggesting a bidimensional coarsening of the porous structure. The analyses of the dynamical scaling functions and their asymptotic behavior at high q (q being the modulus of the scattering vector) provided additional evidence for the two-dimensional features of the pore structure of 3% Sb-doped SnO2 films. The presented experimental results support the hypotheses of the validity of the dynamic scaling concept to describe the coarsening process in anisotropic nanoporous systems.


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We study the growth dynamics of the size of manufacturing firms considering competition and normal distribution of competency. We start with the fact that all components of the system struggle with each other for growth as happened in real competitive business world. The detailed quantitative agreement of the theory with empirical results of firms growth based on a large economic database spanning over 20 years is good with a single set of the parameters for all the curves. Further, the empirical data of the variation of the standard deviation of the growth rate with the size of the firm are in accordance with the present theory rather than a simple power law. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The solutions of a renormalized BCS equation are studied in three space dimensions in s, p and d waves for finite-range separable potentials in the weak to medium coupling region. In the weak-coupling limit, the present BCS model yields a small coherence length ξ and a large critical temperature, T c, appropriate for some high-T c materials. The BCS gap, T c, ξ and specific heat C s(T c) as a function of zero-temperature condensation energy are found to exhibit potential-independent universal scalings. The entropy, specific heat, spin susceptibility and penetration depth as a function of temperature exhibit universal scaling below T c in p and d waves.


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The mean-square radii of the triatomic molecules 4He 3, 4He 2- 6Li, 4He 2- 7Li, and 4He 2- 23Na were calculated using a renormalized three-body model with a pairwise Dirac-δ interaction, having as physical inputs only the values of the binding energies of the diatomic and triatomic molecules. Molecular three-body systems with bound subsystems were considered. The resultant data were analyzed in detail.


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It has been proposed recently the existence of a non-minimal coupling between a canonical scalar field (quintessence) and gravity in the framework of teleparallel gravity, motivated by similar constructions in the context of General Relativity. The dynamics of the model, known as teleparallel dark energy, has been further developed, but no scaling attractor has been found. Here we consider a model in which the non-minimal coupling is ruled by a dynamically changing coefficient α≡f,φ/(f)1/2, with f(φ) an arbitrary function of the scalar field φ. It is shown that in this case the existence of scaling attractors is possible, which means that the universe will eventually enter these scaling attractors, regardless of the initial conditions. As a consequence, the cosmological coincidence problem could be alleviated without fine-tunings. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl.


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The literature indicated that the fractal analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is related to the chaos theory. However, it is not clear if the both short and long-term fractal scaling exponents of HRV are reliable for short period analysis in women. We evaluated the association of the fractal exponents of HRV with the time and frequency domain and geometric indices of HRV. We evaluated 65 healthy women between 18 and 30 years old. HRV was analyzed with a minimal number of 256 RR intervals in the time (SDNN, RMSSD, NN50 and pNN50) and frequency (LF, HF and LF/HF ratio) domains, the geometric index were also analyzed (triangular indexRRtri, triangular interpolation of RR intervals-TINN and Poincaré plot-SD1, SD2 and SD1/SD2) as well as short and long-term fractal exponents (alpha-1 and alpha-2) of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). No significant correlation was observed for alpha-2 exponent with all indices. There was significant correlation of the alpha-1 exponent with RMSSD, pNN50, SDNN/RMSSD, LF (nu), HF (nu and ms2 ), LF/HF ratio, SD1 and SD1/SD2 ratio. Our data does not indicate the alpha-2 exponent to be used for 256 RR intervals and we support the alpha-1 exponent to be used for HRV analysis in this condition.


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Coupled-cluster theory in its single-reference formulation represents one of the most successful approaches in quantum chemistry for the description of atoms and molecules. To extend the applicability of single-reference coupled-cluster theory to systems with degenerate or near-degenerate electronic configurations, multireference coupled-cluster methods have been suggested. One of the most promising formulations of multireference coupled cluster theory is the state-specific variant suggested by Mukherjee and co-workers (Mk-MRCC). Unlike other multireference coupled-cluster approaches, Mk-MRCC is a size-extensive theory and results obtained so far indicate that it has the potential to develop to a standard tool for high-accuracy quantum-chemical treatments. This work deals with developments to overcome the limitations in the applicability of the Mk-MRCC method. Therefore, an efficient Mk-MRCC algorithm has been implemented in the CFOUR program package to perform energy calculations within the singles and doubles (Mk-MRCCSD) and singles, doubles, and triples (Mk-MRCCSDT) approximations. This implementation exploits the special structure of the Mk-MRCC working equations that allows to adapt existing efficient single-reference coupled-cluster codes. The algorithm has the correct computational scaling of d*N^6 for Mk-MRCCSD and d*N^8 for Mk-MRCCSDT, where N denotes the system size and d the number of reference determinants. For the determination of molecular properties as the equilibrium geometry, the theory of analytic first derivatives of the energy for the Mk-MRCC method has been developed using a Lagrange formalism. The Mk-MRCC gradients within the CCSD and CCSDT approximation have been implemented and their applicability has been demonstrated for various compounds such as 2,6-pyridyne, the 2,6-pyridyne cation, m-benzyne, ozone and cyclobutadiene. The development of analytic gradients for Mk-MRCC offers the possibility of routinely locating minima and transition states on the potential energy surface. It can be considered as a key step towards routine investigation of multireference systems and calculation of their properties. As the full inclusion of triple excitations in Mk-MRCC energy calculations is computational demanding, a parallel implementation is presented in order to circumvent limitations due to the required execution time. The proposed scheme is based on the adaption of a highly efficient serial Mk-MRCCSDT code by parallelizing the time-determining steps. A first application to 2,6-pyridyne is presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the current implementation.


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This work contains several applications of the mode-coupling theory (MCT) and is separated into three parts. In the first part we investigate the liquid-glass transition of hard spheres for dimensions d→∞ analytically and numerically up to d=800 in the framework of MCT. We find that the critical packing fraction ϕc(d) scales as d²2^(-d), which is larger than the Kauzmann packing fraction ϕK(d) found by a small-cage expansion by Parisi and Zamponi [J. Stat. Mech.: Theory Exp. 2006, P03017 (2006)]. The scaling of the critical packing fraction is different from the relation ϕc(d)∼d2^(-d) found earlier by Kirkpatrick and Wolynes [Phys. Rev. A 35, 3072 (1987)]. This is due to the fact that the k dependence of the critical collective and self nonergodicity parameters fc(k;d) and fcs(k;d) was assumed to be Gaussian in the previous theories. We show that in MCT this is not the case. Instead fc(k;d) and fcs(k;d), which become identical in the limit d→∞, converge to a non-Gaussian master function on the scale k∼d^(3/2). We find that the numerically determined value for the exponent parameter λ and therefore also the critical exponents a and b depend on the dimension d, even at the largest evaluated dimension d=800. In the second part we compare the results of a molecular-dynamics simulation of liquid Lennard-Jones argon far away from the glass transition [D. Levesque, L. Verlet, and J. Kurkijärvi, Phys. Rev. A 7, 1690 (1973)] with MCT. We show that the agreement between theory and computer simulation can be improved by taking binary collisions into account [L. Sjögren, Phys. Rev. A 22, 2866 (1980)]. We find that an empiric prefactor of the memory function of the original MCT equations leads to similar results. In the third part we derive the equations for a mode-coupling theory for the spherical components of the stress tensor. Unfortunately it turns out that they are too complex to be solved numerically.


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Variability in metabolic scaling in animals, the relationship between metabolic rate ( R) and body mass ( M), has been a source of debate and controversy for decades. R is proportional to Mb, the precise value of b much debated, but historically considered equal in all organisms. Recent metabolic theory, however, predicts b to vary among species with ecology and metabolic level, and may also vary within species under different abiotic conditions. Under climate change, most species will experience increased temperatures, and marine organisms will experience the additional stressor of decreased seawater pH ('ocean acidification'). Responses to these environmental changes are modulated by myriad species-specific factors. Body-size is a fundamental biological parameter, but its modulating role is relatively unexplored. Here, we show that changes to metabolic scaling reveal asymmetric responses to stressors across body-size ranges; b is systematically decreased under increasing temperature in three grazing molluscs, indicating smaller individuals were more responsive to warming. Larger individuals were, however, more responsive to reduced seawater pH in low temperatures. These alterations to the allometry of metabolism highlight abiotic control of metabolic scaling, and indicate that responses to climate warming and ocean acidification may be modulated by body-size.


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A novel class of graphs, here named quasiperiodic, are const ructed via application of the Horizontal Visibility algorithm to the time series generated along the quasiperiodic route to chaos. We show how the hierarchy of mode-locked regions represented by the Far ey tree is inherited by their associated graphs. We are able to establish, via Renormalization Group (RG) theory, the architecture of the quasiperiodic graphs produced by irrational winding numbers with pure periodic continued fraction. And finally, we demonstrate that the RG fixed-point degree distributions are recovered via optimization of a suitably defined graph entropy


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Despite decades of experimental and theoretical investigation on thin films, considerable uncertainty exists in the prediction of their critical rupture thickness. According to the spontaneous rupture mechanism, common thin films become unstable when capillary waves. at the interfaces begin to grow. In a horizontal film with symmetry at the midplane. unstable waves from adjacent interfaces grow towards the center of the film. As the film drains and becomes thinner, unstable waves osculate and cause the film to rupture, Uncertainty sterns from a number of sources including the theories used to predict film drainage and corrugation growth dynamics. In the early studies, (lie linear stability of small amplitude waves was investigated in the Context of the quasi-static approximation in which the dynamics of wave growth and film thinning are separated. The zeroth order wave growth equation of Vrij predicts faster wave growth rates than the first order equation derived by Sharma and Ruckenstein. It has been demonstrated in an accompanying paper that film drainage rates and times measured by numerous investigations are bounded by the predictions of the Reynolds equation and the more recent theory of Manev, Tsekov, and Radoev. Solutions to combinations of these equations yield simple scaling laws which should bound the critical rupture thickness of foam and emulsion films, In this paper, critical thickness measurements reported in the literature are compared to predictions from the bounding scaling equations and it is shown that the retarded Hamaker constants derived from approximate Lifshitz theory underestimate the critical thickness of foam and emulsion films, The non-retarded Hamaker constant more adequately bounds the critical thickness measurements over the entire range of film radii reported in the literature. This result reinforces observations made by other independent researchers that interfacial interactions in flexible liquid films are not adequately represented by the retarded Hamaker constant obtained from Lifshitz theory and that the interactions become significant at much greater separations than previously thought. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.