518 resultados para Rumble strips.


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From ancient to modern time, humans have been trying to use finer fibres to make fibrous products for various purposes and believing that finer fibres have better aesthetic qualities. So far, the commercial fibres have been reduced to microns in diameter, but it seems difficult to further reduce the fibre fineness to submicrons using conventional fibre-making techniques.
Electrospinning is a promising technique to produce continuous fibres with diameters on nanometre scales. This technique involves stretching a polymer fluid under a strong electric field into fine filaments, which are deposited randomly on the electrode collector forming a nonwoven nanofibre mat in most cases. Despite considerable efforts in exploring the applications of electrospun nanofibres in non-fibrous fields [1], very limited work has been conducted on using this material to process mechanically robust nanofibre yarns [2,3].


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We describe, for the first time, the predatory behaviour of Thaumatomyrmex ants on millipedes of the family Polyxenidae, based on field observations of T. atrox and a field and laboratory study of T. contumax. The capture of the prey and the removal process of its body-covering setae by the ants before they eat the millipede are described. This specialized behaviour in at least two species of the genus, belonging to two distinct groups of species, indicates a general trend in Thaumatomyrmex. We coupled this study with a comparative morphological analysis of the mouthparts and digestive tube of these and other Thaumatomyrmex species. Also, we report the first case of sympatry in the genus, which suggests that Thaumatomyrmex includes several species. and not only one highly variable taxon, as hypothesized earlier.


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An apiary trial was conducted in 1997 in Sardinia, Italy, to verify the effectiveness of fluvalinate in polyvinyl chloride strips and flumethrin in polyethylene strips against Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans. Two indices to evaluate the efficacy of the treatments were adopted: percentage change in mite infestation of worker-sealed brood cells considering only treated hives and percentage change in mite mortality, and the natural variation in mite populations recorded in control hives during the trial. All acaricide treatments reduced the level of mite infestation of both sealed brood and adult bees. However, their effectiveness was slightly reduced in comparison to previous studies because of mite resistance phenomena. Portions of polyethylene strips of flumethrin from treated hives were sampled weekly to determine acaricide persistence using gas chromatography. After 4 wk, a slight reduction (approximate to9%) of the active ingredient content was observed, A laboratory bioassay also was performed to establish the resistance of adult female mites to fluvalinate, Mites were sampled from the experimental apiary and from various Sardinian apiaries which had primarily been subjected to fluvalinate applications in plastic strips or wood inserts for years. Mite resistance varied from 0 to 96%, depending on the acaricide management adopted, the lowest resistance level occurred in an apiary where pyrethroids had never been used, whereas the highest level occurred in an apiary with intensive use of fluvalinate in wood inserts.


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Vegetated riparian buffer strips have been established in Southern Quebec (Canada) in order to intercept nutrients such as nitrate (NO(3)(-)) and protect water quality near agricultural fields. Buffer strips may also favour denitrification through a combination of high soil moisture, NO(3)(-) and carbon supply, which could lead to the production of nitrous oxide (N(2)O), a greenhouse gas. Denitrification could be further amplified by the presence of earthworms, or by plant species that promote earthworm and bacterial activity in soils. Soils from four farms, comprising maize fields and adjacent buffer strips, were sampled in the fall of 2008. A total of six earthworm species were found, but average earthworm biomass did not differ between buffer strips and maize agroecoecosystems. Nitrate concentrations and net nitrification rates were higher in the maize fields than in the buffer strips: there was no difference in N(2)O production in soils collected from the two sampling locations. Potential denitrification, measured by acetylene inhibition, varied by two orders of magnitude, depending on experimental conditions: when amended with H(2)O or with H(2)O + NO3-, potential denitrification was higher (P < 0.05) in soils from buffer strips than from maize fields. Potential denitrification was highest in soils amended with H(2)O+glucose, or with H(2)O+ NO(3)(-) + glucose. Using microcosms, we tested the effect of litter-soil mixtures on earthworm growth, and the effect of earthworm-litter-soil mixtures on potential denitrification. Based on four categories of chemical assays, litters of woody species (oak, apple, Rhododendron) were generally of lower nutritional quality than litter from agronomic species (alfalfa, switchgrass, corn stover). Alfalfa litter had the most positive effect, whereas apple litter had the most negative effect, on earthworm growth. Potential denitrification was 2-4 times higher in earthworm-litter-soil mixtures than in plain soil. Litter treatments that included corn stover had lower potential denitrification than those that included alfalfa or switchgrass, whereas litter treatments that included oak had lower potential denitrification than those that included apple or Rhododendron. Results suggest that potential N(2)O emissions may be higher in riparian buffer strips than in adjacent maize fields, that N(2)O emissions in buffer strips may be amplified by comminuting earthworms, and that plant litters that reduce earthworm growth may not be best at mitigating N(2)O emissions. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Anchietia salutaris tea is traditionally used in Brazil to treat allergies, suggesting it contains compounds with antagonistic activity on the allergic mediators. We have evaluated extracts and semi-purified fractions of Anchietia salutaris as a source of compounds having this type of antagonism on the contraction induced in guinea-pig lung parenchymal strips and on platelet aggregation and shape change. After 10 min pre-incubation dichloromethane extracts containing 30 or 100 μg mL-1 inhibited the contraction induced by prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) in guinea-pig lung parenchymal strips with dose ratios (DR) of 0.76 ± 0.14 and 0.93 ± 0.19, respectively; the amount of inhibition depended both on the concentration and on the time of preincubation (DR after 30 min pre-incubation was 1.21 ± 0.51). The dichloromethane extract and its semi-purified fractions also inhibited the contractions induced by U46619, a more potent, stable, synthetic agonist of thromboxane A2 (TxA2) prostanoid (TP) receptors, the receptors acted upon by PGD2 to produce lung contractions. The dichloromethane extract did not inhibit the lung parenchymal contractions induced by histamine, leukotriene D4 (LTD4) or platelet-activating factor (PAF). Platelet aggregation induced by U46619, adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) or PAF was not inhibited by the dichloromethane extract. Indeed, the extract potentiated platelet aggregation induced by low concentrations of these agonists and also potentiated the shape change induced by U46619. These results imply that the dichloromethane extract of Anchietia salutaris and its semipurified fractions contain an active principle that competitively inhibits TxA2 TP receptors, the stimulation of which causes lung parenchymal contraction. The inhibition seems to be selective for this receptor subtype, because the extract fails to inhibit platelet aggregation or shape change. This provides additional support of earlier reports suggesting the occurrence of TP receptor subtypes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of the current study was to compare the objective and subjective effects of continuous positive airway pressure to the use of nasal dilator strips in patients with acromegaly and moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea. METHODS: We studied 12 patients with acromegaly and moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (male/females = 8/4, age = 52 +/- 8 ys, body mass index = 33.5 +/- 4.6 Kg/m(2), apnea-hypopnea index = 38 +/- 14 events/h) who had been included in a randomized, crossover study to receive three months of treatment with continuous positive airway pressure and nasal dilator strips. All patients were evaluated at study entry and at the end of each treatment by polysomnography, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and treatment satisfaction questionnaires. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01265121 RESULTS: The apnea-hypopnea index values decreased significantly with continuous positive airway pressure treatment but did not change with the use of nasal dilator strips. All of the subjective symptoms improved with both treatments, but these improvements were significantly greater with continuous positive airway pressure than with the nasal dilator strips. CONCLUSION: The use of nasal dilator strips had a much smaller effect on the severity of obstructive sleep apnea in patients with acromegaly and moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea in comparison to the use of continuous positive airway pressure. Moreover, the improvement in several subjective parameters without any significant objective improvement in obstructive sleep apnea resulting from the use of nasal dilator strips is compatible with a placebo effect.


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If riparian buffer zones are ineffective in preventing C-4 plant carbon from upland areas reaching the stream sediment, the composition of stream fauna can be significantly altered. The permeability of riparian forest strips in agricultural, small subtropical watersheds in south-eastern Brazil was measured in nine watersheds categorised according to the predominant land cover of the legally required 30-m buffer riparian zone. Four watersheds with well preserved riparian forest along the 30-m buffer zone were designated as FOREST watersheds; three watersheds, with a predominance of C-4 grasses from sugarcane to pasture, mixed with preserved riparian forests, were designated MIXED watersheds; and two watersheds were termed PASTURE-SUGAR because their entire 30-m buffer zone was covered by C-4 plants. Stable carbon (delta C-13) isotopes were used as tracers of upland C-4 carbon in sediments, suspended particulate organic carbon, terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates and two species of neotropical fish. Although the intact 30-m buffer zone of riparian forests did not entirely prevent the input of C-4 to the river environment and food web, there was a significant increase in C-4 carbon in those watersheds where the buffer zone was not covered by riparian forests. These findings emphasise the importance of riparian forests in mitigating disturbance in streams and support efforts to preserve such riparian corridors.


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A broad spectrum of synthetic agents is available for the treatment of overactive bladder. Anti-cholinergic drugs show a poor compliance due to side effects. There is an increasing use of plant extracts in medicine. We have therefore investigated the inhibitory effects of leaf press juice from Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken (Kalanchoe pinnata L.) on bladder strips and compared the effects to that of oxybutynin.


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Riparian ecology plays an important part in the filtration of sediments from upland agricultural lands. The focus of this work makes use of multispectral high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery (Quickbird by Digital Globe) and geographic information systems (GIS) to characterize significant riparian attributes in the USDA’s experimental watershed, Goodwin Creek, located in northern Mississippi. Significant riparian filter characteristics include the width of the strip, vegetation properties, soil properties, topography, and upland land use practices. The land use and vegetation classes are extracted from the remotely sensed image with a supervised maximum likelihood classification algorithm. Accuracy assessments resulted in an acceptable overall accuracy of 84 percent. In addition to sensing riparian vegetation characteristics, this work addresses the issue of concentrated flow bypassing a riparian filter. Results indicate that Quickbird multispectral remote sensing and GIS data are capable of determining riparian impact on filtering sediment. Quickbird imagery is a practical solution for land managers to monitor the effectiveness of riparian filtration in an agricultural watershed.


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The specific gravity of urine (SG) indicates the number and weight of solute particles in urine; its measurement is helpful in interpreting proteinuria detected by dipstick tests and in monitoring adequate hydration in patients with nephrolithiasis. Four methods for measuring SG or osmolality of urine are currently available (depression of the freezing-point, urometry, refractometry, cation exchange on a reagent strip). Using a recently developed reagent strip, we have measured SG in morning urines of 340 non-selected outpatients and compared the results with SG measurements by refractometry of the same urines. In 86.2% of all urines, a good positive correlation between SG measured by reagent strip and refractometry was noted (r = 0.913, p = 0.0001). In 13.8% of the urines, however, the SG measured by reagent strip deviated by more than +/- 5 from the value obtained by refractometry; in 90% of these urines, glucosuria (reagent strip values too low or too high), proteinuria (values too high), or bacteriuria/leukocyturia (values too low or too high) could be found. In alkaline urine (pH > 7.0), SG values obtained by reagent strip have to be corrected by +5.


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We give a partition of the critical strip, associated with each partial sum 1 + 2z + ... + nz of the Riemann zeta function for Re z < −1, formed by infinitely many rectangles for which a formula allows us to count the number of its zeros inside each of them with an error, at most, of two zeros. A generalization of this formula is also given to a large class of almost-periodic functions with bounded spectrum.


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This paper shows, by means of Kronecker’s theorem, the existence of infinitely many privileged regions called r -rectangles (rectangles with two semicircles of small radius r ) in the critical strip of each function Ln(z):= 1−∑nk=2kz , n≥2 , containing exactly [Tlogn2π]+1 zeros of Ln(z) , where T is the height of the r -rectangle and [⋅] represents the integer part.