995 resultados para Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition, 1946-1948


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The datasets present measurements of cDOM absorption in lakes, rivers and streams of Yamal and Gydan Peninsula area during the summer periods from 2012-2014 and 2016. In summer seasons of 2012 - 2013 water samples was collected during "Yamal-Arctic" Expedition. All of the research areas were located near the coastline of Yamal, Yavay, and Gydan Peninsula and Bely Island. In 2012 water samples from rivers, lakes and streams were taken near New Port, Cape Kamenny and Tambey settlements and in basins (water catchments) of the Sabetta, Seyakha, Yuribey (Baydaratskaya Bay, Gydan Peninsula) and Mongocheyakha rivers. In 2013 water samples from rivers, lakes and streams were taken in the Yavai Peninsula, Yayne Vong bay and in the basins (water catchments) of the Sabetta, Mongocheyakha and Yuribey (Gydan Peninsula) rivers. In 2014 lakes were sampled in the Erkuta River basin, south of Yamal Peninsula. In 2016 lakes and rivers were sampled it the Erkuta River basin and Polar Ural area. cDOM is operationally defined by the chosen filter pore size. Samples have been consistently filtrated through 0.7 µm pore size glas fibre filters. cDOM filtrates have been stored in darkness and have been measured after the expedition using the dual-beam Specord200 laboratory spectrometer (Jena Analytik) at the Otto Schmidt Laboratory OSL, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. The OSL cDOM protocol (Heim and Roessler, 2016) prescribes 3 Absorbance (A) measurements per sample from UV to 750 nm against ultra-pure water. The absorption coefficient, a, is calculated by a = 2.303A/L, where L is the pathlength of the cuvette [m], and the factor 2.303 converts log10 to loge. The output of the calculation is a continuous spectrum of a. The cDOM a spectra are used to determine the exponential slope value for specific wavelength ranges, S by fitting the data between min and max wavelength to an exponential function. We provide cDOM absorption coefficients for the wavelengths 254, 260, 350, 375, 400, 412, 440, 443 nm [1/m] and Slope values for three different UV, VIS, wavelength ranges: 275 to 295 nm, 350 to 400 nm, 300 to 500 nm [1/m]. All data were carried out by scientists from Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and Saint Petersburg State University of Russia during "Yamal-Arctic" expeditions in 2012-2013, RFBR project No 14-04-10065 in 2014, No 14-05-00787 in 2016.


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We present an update of the "key points" from the Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment (ACCE) report that was published by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) in 2009. We summarise subsequent advances in knowledge concerning how the climates of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean have changed in the past, how they might change in the future, and examine the associated impacts on the marine and terrestrial biota. We also incorporate relevant material presented by SCAR to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings, and make use of emerging results that will form part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report.


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The Late Quaternary sediment sequence of the continental margin in the eastern Weddell Sea is well suited for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Two cores from the upper slope, which contain the sedimentary record of the last 300 ky, have been sedimentologically investigated. Age models are based on lithostratigraphy and are correlated with the stable isotope record. As a result of a detailed analysis of the clay mineral composition, grain size distributions and structures, this sedimentary record provides the first marine evidence that the Antarctic ice sheet extended to the shelf edge during the last glacial. The variations in volume and size of the ice sheet were also simulated in numerical models. Changes in accumulation rate and ice temperature are of some importance, but the model revealed that fluctuations are primarily driven by changes in eustatic sea-level and that the ice edge extended to the shelf edge during the last glacial maximum. This causal relationship implies that the maximum ice extension strongly depends on the magnitude and duration of the sea-level depression during a glacial period. The results of the sedimentological investigations and of the numerical models show that the Antarctic ice sheet follows glacial events in the northern hemisphere by teleconnections of sea level.


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During the 1996 Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide-International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition traverse, two firn cores were retrieved from the Talos Dome area (East Antarctica) at elevations of 2316 m (TD, 89 m long) and 2246 m (ST556, 19 m long). Cores were dated by using seasonal variations in non-sea-salt (nss) SO42- concentrations coupled with the recognition of tritium marker level (1965-1966) and nss SO42- spikes due to the most important volcanic events in the past (Pinatubo 1991, Agung 1963, Krakatoa 1883, Tambora 1815, Kuwae 1452, Unknown 1259). The number of annual layers recognized in the TD and ST556 cores was 779 and 97, respectively. The dD record obtained from the TD core has been compared with other East Antarctic isotope ice core records (Dome C EPICA, South Pole, Taylor Dome). These records suggest cooler climate conditions between the middle of 16th and the beginning of 19th centuries, which might be related to the Little Ice Age (LIA) cold period. Because of the high degree of geographical variability, the strongest LIA cooling was not temporally synchronous over East Antarctica, and the analyzed records do not provide a coherent picture for East Antarctica. The accumulation rate record presented for the TD core shows a decrease during part of the LIA followed by an increment of about 11% in accumulation during the 20th century. At the ST556 site, the accumulation rate observed during the 20th century was quite stable.


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"Visit to a Viennese Cemetary" is a personal reflection about Fireside's first trip back to Austria since his arrival in the USA. It was organised by the "Jewish Welcome Service" in September 2000. This trip brings forgotten memories back to life, questioning the role of Austrians in the Holocaust, and their denial afterwards. The author describes the trip, first days of sightseeing and conversations of his fellow travellers. On the last day, the group went to Zentralfreidhof, the main cemetery in Vienna.


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Snow cover is very sensitive to climate change and has a large feedback effect on the climate system due to the high albedo. Snow covers almost all surfaces in Antarctica and small changes in snow properties can mean large changes in absorbed radiation. In the ongoing discussion of climatic change, the mass balance of Antarctica has received increasing focus during recent decades, since its reaction to global warming strongly influences sea-level change. The aim of the present work was to examine the spatial and temporal variations in the physical and chemical characteristics of surface snow and annual accumulation rates in western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The data were collected along a 350-km-long transect from the coast to the plateau during the years 1999-2004 as a part of the Finnish Antarctic Research Programme (FINNARP). The research focused on the most recent annual accumulation in the coastal area. The results show that the distance from the sea, and the moisture source, was the most predominant factor controlling the variations in both physical (conductivity, grain size, oxygen isotope ratio and accumulation) and chemical snow properties. The sea-salt and sulphur-containing components predominated in the coastal region. The local influences of nunataks and topographic highs were also visible on snow. The variations in all measured properties were wide within single sites mostly due to redistribution by winds and sastrugi topography, which reveals the importance of the spatially representative measurements. The mean accumulations occurred on the ice shelf, in the coastal region and on the plateau: 312 ± 28, 215 ± 43 and 92 ± 25 mm w.e., respectively. Depth hoar layers were usually found under the thin ice crust and were associated with a low dielectric constant and high concentrations of nitrate. Taking into account the vast size of the Antarctic ice sheet and its geographic characteristics, it is important to extend investigation of the distribution of surface snow properties and accumulation to provide well-documented data.


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The 1984 International Symposium and Workshop on the Biology of Fur Seals originated in informal talks in 1981. However, the scope and focus of the symposium remained unclear until an informal workshop was held in San Diego in June 1983. This meeting synthesised data on the foraging and pup attendance activities of six species of fur seals, and attempted to formulate a coherent framework for the adaptations associated with their maternal strategies (Gentry et al. 1986). During the workshop it was clear that comparative data on many key aspects of fur seal biology and ecology were missing. This absence of data applied not only to less well known species, for some of which considerable unpublished data existed, but also to better known species for which research in some areas had either been neglected or unreported. The value of applying the comparative method to seals, especially comparisons integrating physiology, ecology, and reproductive biology, was amply demonstrated by the results of the 1983 workshop (Gentry and Kooyman 1986). However, we were also aware that many other problems outside the area of maternal strategies could benefit from comparative data, such as recovery of populations from the effects of harvesting. Therefore, to accommodate the range of potential research, we organized this symposium to produce an up-to-date synthesis of relevant information for all species of fur seals. It was also clear that fur seal research could benefit from increased communication and collaboration among its practitioners. To foster the spread of ideas, we held oral presentations on some topics of current research and techniques and organized workshops on specific topics, in addition to providing opportunities for informal talks among participants. Thanks to generous support from the British Antarctic Survey, the National Marine Fisheries Service of the United States, and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, the International Fur Seal Symposium was held at the British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, England, 23-27 April 1984. The 36 participants are shown in Figure 1. A list of Symposium participants and authors is presented in Appendix 1 of the Proceedings. (PDF file contains 220 pages.)


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The result of an analysis of mollusca remains collected from the Chukchi Sea, Beaufort Sea and Bering Sea in the First Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition, from July to September, 1999 is presented. Seventeen species of mollusca have been identified, which belong to two classes: Bivalvia and Gastropoda. The compositions of the mollusca are very simple. According to the distribution pattern two groups may be distinguished among molluscan species. The Pan-Arctic and circumboreal group comprises Nuculana pernula, N.radiata, Nucula bellotii, Astarte montagui, Seripes groenlandicus, Macoma calcarea, M. moesta alaskana, Liocyrna fluctuosa, Mya pseudoarenaria and Turritella polaris. Three species, Cyclocardia crebricostata, Trichotrois coronata and Argobuccinum oregonense are components of the Pan-Arctic and Pacific boreal group. With regard to feeding habits, detritus feeders dominate. There are 7 species of detritus feeders, i.e., Nuculana pernula, N. radiata, Nucula bellotii, Macoma calcarea, M. moesta alaskana, Macoma sp. and Trichotropis coronata. Detritus feeders are dominant with regard to the numbers of species as well as to the frequency of occurrence. Macoma calcarea is the most abundant species.


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4 Minute Books dated: 1880, 1892, 1901, 1934, 1948-1950, 1952-1953, 1955, 1958, 1962 – 1975, 1981, 1984, 1986; 3 Common stock books dated: 1934-1935, 1937-1941, 1946, 1948-1950, 1955-1956, 1958, 1961-1974, 1981 and 2 Class A stock books dated:1948 - 1951


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El consentimiento informado (CI) en medicina corre el riesgo de quedar reducido a un formalismo legal sin valor moral; esto puede suceder por dos cosas: 1) como consecuencia de que el paciente no comprenda con suficiencia el concepto de autonomía y 2) debido a la disminución de la autonomía práctica del paciente por efecto de la autoridad del personal médico o de las instituciones de salud. Este artículo tiene como fin mostrar bajo qué condiciones se puede evitar la reducción del CI a un formalismo legal desprovisto de valor moral. Para servir a este propósito, se considera el concepto de autonomía relacional como eje articulador que pone en relación al paciente con su comunidad moral y con el médico, lo que impulsa al personal de la salud a proporcionar las condiciones para tal fin. Así, se afirma que la valía moral del CI puede conservarse, primero, a partir de una concepción relacional de la autonomía y, segundo, mediante la aplicación, por parte del médico y de la institución, de un protocolo que disminuya la posibilidad de choque entre la autonomía y la autoridad.