975 resultados para Rice Grains


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Low temperature during microspore development increases spikelet sterility and reduces grain yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The objectives of this study were to determine genotypic variation in spikelet sterility in the field in response to low-temperature and then to examine the use of physio-morphological traits at flowering to screen for cold tolerance. Multiple-sown field experiments were conducted over 4 consecutive years in the rice-growing region of Australia to increase the likelihood of encountering low-temperature during microspore development. More than 50 cultivars of various origins were evaluated, with 7 cultivars common to all 4 years. The average minimum temperature for 9 days during microspore development was used as a covariate in the analysis to compare cultivars at a similar temperature. The low-temperature conditions in Year 4 identified cold-tolerant cultivars such as Hayayuki and HSC55 and susceptible cultivars such as Sasanishiki and Doongara. After low temperature conditions, spikelet sterility was negatively correlated with the number of engorged pollen grains, anther length, anther area, anther width, and stigma area. The number of engorged pollen grains and anther length were found to be facultative traits as their relationships with spikelet sterility were identified only after cold water exposure and did not exist under non-stressed conditions.


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Increased rates of nitrogen fertilizer application lead to increased spikelet sterility. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects on engorged pollen production and spikelet sterility, of nitrogen and assimilate availability during microspore development, in two rice cultivars (Doongara and Amaroo) grown under two different water depths. Despite the temperature not being low enough during microspore development to cause spikelet sterility, the number of engorged pollen grains was lower in cv. Doongara than in cv. Amaroo. Nitrogen application decreased the number of engorged pollen grains per anther through increased spikelet density. Nitrogen application increased spikelet sterility as a result of increased panicle density showing pronounced indirect effect of N on spikelet sterility. Engorged pollen number was also closely related (r = -0.636*) to the nitrogen content of the leaf blade, indicating a direct negative effect of plant N status on engorged pollen production. The results suggest that the intrinsic pollen producing ability is the key element in the difference in cold tolerance between the two cultivars, particularly under high N rates. Opening the canopy for increased solar radiation interception by the treated plants increased the level of engorged pollen, indicating the importance of immediate assimilate availability for engorged pollen production. Shading reduced crop growth rate, but did not effect engorged pollen production. There was no effect of variation in assimilates production on spikelet sterility.


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Background: Research indicates that a diet rich in whole grains may reduce the risk of prevalent chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers, and that risk for these diseases varies by ethnicity. The objective of the current study was to identify major dietary sources of grains and describe their contribution to B vitamins in five ethnic groups. Methods. A cross-sectional mail survey was used to collect data from participants in the Multiethnic Cohort Study in Hawaii and Los Angeles County, United States, from 1993 to 1996. Dietary intake data collected using a quantitative food frequency questionnaire was available for 186,916 participants representing five ethnic groups (African American, Latino, Japanese American, Native Hawaiian and Caucasian) aged 45-75 years. The top sources of grain foods were determined, and their contribution to thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, and folic acid intakes were analyzed. Results: The top source of whole grains was whole wheat/rye bread for all ethnic-sex groups, followed by popcorn and cooked cereals, except for Native Hawaiian men and Japanese Americans, for whom brown/wild rice was the second top source; major contributors of refined grains were white rice and white bread, except for Latinos. Refined grain foods contributed more to grain consumption (27.1-55.6%) than whole grain foods (7.4-30.8%) among all ethnic-sex groups, except African American women. Grain foods made an important contribution to the intakes of thiamin (30.2-45.9%), riboflavin (23.1-29.2%), niacin (27.1-35.8%), vitamin B6 (22.9-27.5%), and folic acid (23.3-27.7%). Conclusions: This is the first study to document consumption of different grain sources and their contribution to B vitamins in five ethnic groups in the U.S. Findings can be used to assess unhealthful food choices, to guide dietary recommendations, and to help reduce risk of chronic diseases in these populations.


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In vitro experimental environments are used to study interactions between microorganisms, and predict dynamics in natural ecosystems. This study highlights that experimental in vitro environments should be selected to closely match the natural environment of interest during in vitro studies to strengthen extrapolations about aflatoxin production by Aspergillus and competing organisms. Fungal competition and aflatoxin accumulation was studied in soil, cotton wool or tube (water-only) environments, for Aspergillus flavus competition with Penicillium purpurogenum, Fusarium oxysporum or Sarocladium zeae within maize grains. Inoculated grains were incubated in each environment at two temperature regimes (25oC and 30oC). Competition experiments showed interaction between main effects of aflatoxin accumulation and environment at 25oC, but not so at 30oC. However, competition experiments showed fungal populations were always interacting with their environments. Fungal survival differed after the 72-hour incubation in different experimental environments. Whereas, all fungi incubated within the soil environment survived; in the cotton-wool environment, none of the competitors of A. flavus survived at 30 oC. With aflatoxin accumulation, F. oxysporum was the only fungus able to interdict aflatoxin production at both temperatures. This occurred only in the soil environment and fumonisins accumulated instead. Smallholder farmers in developing countries face serious mycotoxin contamination of their grains, and soil is a natural reservoir for the associated fungal propagules, and a drying and storage surface for grains on these farms. Studying fungal dynamics in the soil environment and other environments in vitro can provide insights into aflatoxin accumulation post harvest.


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In vivo and in vitro experiments were conducted to determine digestibility of GE and nutrients, as well as DE and ME of carbohydrates fed to growing pigs. The objective of Exp. 1 was to determine the DE and ME of 4 novel carbohydrates fed to pigs. The 4 novel carbohydrates were 2 sources of resistant starch (RS 60 and RS 70), soluble corn fiber (SCF), and pullulan. These carbohydrates were produced to increase total dietary fiber (TDF) intake by humans. Maltodextrin (MD) was used as a highly digestible control carbohydrate. The DE and ME for RS 60 (1,779 and 1,903 kcal/kg, respectively), RS 75(1,784 and 1,677 kcal/kg, respectively), and SCF (1,936 and 1,712 kcal/kg, respectively) were less (P < 0.05) than for MD (3,465 and 3,344 kcal/kg, respectively) and pullulan (2,755 and 2,766 kcal/kg, respectively), and pullulan contained less (P < 0.05) DE and ME than MD. However, there was no difference in the DE and ME for RS 60, RS 75, and SCF. The varying degrees of small intestinal digestibility and differences in fermentability among these novel carbohydrates may explain the differences in the DE and ME among carbohydrates. Therefore, the objectives of Exp. 2 were to determine the effect of these 4 novel carbohydrates and cellulose on apparent ileal (AID) and apparent total tract (ATTD) disappearance, and hindgut disappearance (HGD) of GE, TDF, and nutrients when added to diets fed to ileal-cannulated pigs. The second objective was to measure the endogenous flow of TDF to be able to calculate the standardized ileal disappearance (SID) and standardized total tract (STTD) disappearance of TDF in the 4 novel fibers fed to pigs. Results of the experiment indicated that the AID of GE and DM in diets containing cellulose or the novel fibers was less (P < 0.05) than of the maltodextrin diet, but the ATTD of GE and DM was not different among diets. The addition of RS 60, RS 75, and SCF did not affect the AID of acid hydrolysed ether extract (AEE), CP, or ash, but the addition of cellulose and pullulan reduced (P < 0.01) the AID of CP. The average ileal and total tract endogenous losses of TDF were calculated to be 25.25 and 42.87 g/kg DMI, respectively. The SID of TDF in diets containing RS 60, SCF, and pullulan were greater (P < 0.01) than the SID of TDF in the cellulose diet, but the STTD of the SCF diet was greater (P < 0.05) than for the cellulose and pullulan diets. Results of this experiment indicate that the presence of TDF reduces small intestinal disappearance of total carbohydrates and energy which may reduce the DE and ME of diets and ingredients. Therefore, the objective of Exp. 3 was to determine the DE and ME in yellow dent corn, Nutridense corn, dehulled barley, dehulled oats, polished rice, rye, sorghum, and wheat fed to growing pigs and to determine the AID and ATTD of GE, OM, CP, AEE, starch, total carbohydrates, and TDF in these cereal grains fed to pigs. Results indicated that the AID of GE, OM, and total carbohydrates was greater (P < 0.001) in rice than in all other cereal grains. The AID of starch was also greater (P < 0.001) in rice than in yellow dent corn, dehulled barley, rye, and wheat. The ATTD of GE was greater (P < 0.001) in rice than in yellow dent corn, rye, sorghum, and wheat. With a few exceptions, the AID and ATTD of GE and nutrients in Nutridense corn was not different from the values for dehulled oats. Likewise, with a few exceptions, the AID, ATTD, and HGD of GE, OM, total carbohydrates, and TDF in yellow corn, sorghum, and wheat were not different from each other. The AID of GE and AEE in dehulled barley was greater (P < 0.001) than in rye. The ATTD of GE and most nutrients was greater (P < 0.001) in dehulled barley than in rye. Dehulled oats had the greatest (P < 0.001) ME (kcal/kg DM) whereas rye had the least ME (kcal/kg DM) among the cereal grains. Results of the experiment indicate that the presence of TDF and RS may reduce small intestinal digestibility of starch in cereal grains resulting in reduced DE and ME in these grains. Digestibility experiments involving animals are time consuming and expensive. Therefore, the objective of Exp. 4 was to correlate DM and OM digestibility obtained from 3 in vitro procedures with ATTD of GE and with the concentration of DE in 50 corn samples that were fed to growing pigs. The second objective was to develop a regression model that can predict the ATTD of GE or the concentration of DE in corn. The third objective was to evaluate the suitability of using the DaisyII incubator as an alternative to the traditional water bath when determining in vitro DM and OM digestibility. Results indicated that corn samples incubated with Viscozyme for 48 h in the DaisyII incubator improved (P < 0.001) the ability of the procedure to detect small differences in the ATTD of GE or to detect small differences in the concentration of DE in corn. Likewise, compared with using cellulase or fecal inoculum, the variability in the ATTD of GE and the variability in the DE in corn was better (R2 = 0.56; P < 0.05 and R2 = 0.53; P < 0.06, respectively) explained if Viscozyme was used than if cellulase or fecal inoculum was used. A validated regression model that predicted the DE in corn was developed using Viscozyme and with the corn samples incubated in the DaisyII incubator for a 48 h. In conclusion, this present work used the pig as a model for human gastrointestinal function and evaluates carbohydrates from 2 different nutritional perspectives – humans and animals. The addition of novel carbohydrates reduced the digestibility of energy in the diets without necessarily reducing the digestibility of other nutrients. Thus, supplementation of novel carbohydrates in the diets may be beneficial for the management of diabetes. Aside from diabetic management, cereal grains such as rye and sorghum, may also help in BW management because of there low caloric value, but for undernourished individuals, dehulled oats, dehulled barley, and rice are the ideal grains. From an animal nutrition standpoint, high concentration of dietary fiber is undesirable because it reduces feed efficiency. Therefore, the inclusion of feed ingredients that have a high concentration of dietary fiber is often limited in animal diets. Although in vivo determination is ideal, in vitro procedures are useful tools to determine caloric value of food and feed ingredients.


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Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, or another cereal grain is a grain product. Bread, pasta, oatmeal, breakfast cereals, tortillas, and grits are examples. Grains are divided into two subgroups, whole grains and refined grains. Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel—the bran, germ, and endosperm. People who eat whole grains as part of a healthy diet have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases


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Visando entender as diferenças entre as propriedades dinâmicas dos materiais granulares e as propriedades dinâmicas dos líquidos, foram realizados experimentos usando água e grãos de arroz e açúcar. Os experimentos requerem poucos recursos e foram pensados para que possam ser desenvolvidos com facilidade na sala de aula ou num laboratório de ensino. Os resultados mostraram que o fluxo de grãos difere significativamente do fluxo de líquidos.


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Many routes for extracting silica from rice hulls are based on direct calcining. These methods, though, often produce silica contaminated with inorganic impurities. This work presents the study of a strategy for obtaining silica from rice hulls with a purity level adequate for applications in electronics. The technique is based on two leaching steps, using respectively aqua regia and Piranha solutions, which extract the organic matrix and inorganic impurities. The material was characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), powder x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), particle size analysis by laser diffraction (LPSA) and thermal analysis.


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Cardiovascular disease is a serious public health problem; it is the first cause of death in Brazil and in developed countries. Thus, it is essential to search for alternative sources such as some functional foods to prevent and control the risks of this disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the lipidemic parameters in hypercholesterolemic rats fed diets containing black rice variety IAC 600 or unrefined rice. Adult male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus var. albinos) were used, weighing about 200-220 g. The animals were divided into four groups: the first received a control casein diet, the second received hypercholesterolemic diet, and the other two groups, after induction of hypercholesterolemia, received the test diets, the first containing 20% black rice and the second 20% unrefined, for 30 days. It was observed that diet containing black rice reduced the level of plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein. For high-density lipoprotein values, the diet that provided an increase in the levels was the black rice. The diet containing black rice was more effective in controlling the lipidemia in rats compared with the whole rice diet.


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Nowadays, rice is among the most preferred crops for rotation with soybean and cotton in the large producing areas of Central Brazil. Nevertheless, the host status of the Brazilian upland rice cultivars for Meloidogyne incognita race 4 and Rotylenchulus reniformis has not been investigated and remains unknown. This study dealt with the assessment of the host response of some selected Brazilian upland rice cultivars to these nematodes under glasshouse conditions. The host status for each tested interaction was based on the nematode reproduction factor (RF) and number of nematodes (g root)(-1). Two experiments with M. incognita race 4, referred to as trial I (initial population (IP) = 4000) and trial 2 (IP = 800), included, respectively, 14 cultivars (cvs AN Cirad 141, BRS Monarca, BRS Primavera, AN Cambara, BRS Pepita, BRS Curinga, BRS Sertaneja, IAPAR 9, IAPAR 62, IAPAR 63, IAPAR 64, IAPAR 117, IAC 201, IAC 202) and 19 cultivars (the same ones in Experiment 1 plus cvs BRS Maravilha, BRS Talento, BRS Bonanca, Ricetec Ecco, BRS Soberana). Except for cv. BRS Pepita, rated as resistant, the cultivars were rated as susceptible or moderately susceptible (RF means ranged from 1.09 to 12.56). In a third experiment with R. reniformis (IP = 1800) that included the same cultivars as in Experiment I, all cultivars were rated as resistant (RF means ranged from 0.01 to 0.29).


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The health-relevant functionality of 10 thermally processed Peruvian Andean grains (five cereals, three pseudocereals, and two legumes) was evaluated for potential type 2 diabetes-relevant antihyperglycemia and antihypertension activity using in vitro enzyme assays. Inhibition of enzymes relevant for managing early stages of type 2 diabetes such as hyperglycemia-relevant alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase and hypertension-relevant angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) were assayed along with the total phenolic content, phenolic profiles, and antioxidant activity based on the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical assay. Purple corn (Zea mays L.) (cereal) exhibited high free radical scavenging-linked antioxidant activity (77%) and had the highest total phenolic content (8 +/- 1 mg of gallic acid equivalents/g of sample weight) and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity (51% at 5 mg of sample weight). The major phenolic compound in this cereal was protocatechuic acid (287 +/- 15 mu g/g of sample weight). Pseudocereals such as Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) and Kaniwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) were rich in quercetin derivatives (1,131 +/- 56 and 943 +/- 35 mu g [expressed as quercetin aglycone]/g of sample weight, respectively) and had the highest antioxidant activity (86% and 75%, respectively). Andean legumes (Lupinus mutabilis cultivars SLP-1 and H-6) inhibited significantly the hypertension-relevant ACE (52% at 5 mg of sample weight). No alpha-amylase inhibitory activity was found in any of the evaluated Andean grains. This in vitro study indicates the potential of combination of Andean whole grain cereals, pseudocereals, and legumes to develop effective dietary strategies for managing type 2 diabetes and associated hypertension and provides the rationale for animal and clinical studies.


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The 30Si silicon isotope stable was used for assessing the accumulation and translocation of Si in rice and bean plants grown in labeled nutritive solution. The isotopic silicon composition in plant materials was determined by mass spectrometry (IRMS) using the method based on SiF4 formation. Considering the total-Si added into nutritive solutions, the quantity absorbed by plants was near to 51% for rice and 15% for bean plants. The accumulated amounts of Si per plant were about 150g in rice and 8.6g in bean. Approximately 70% of the total-Si accumulated was found in leaves. At presented experimental conditions, the results confirmed that once Si is accumulated in the old parts of rice and bean plant tissues it is not redistributed to new parts, even when Si is not supplied to plants from nutritive solution.


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Upland rice plants, cultivar `IAC 202,` were grown in nutrient solution until full tillering. Treatments consisted of ammonium nitrate (AN) or urea (UR) as nitrogen (N) source plus molybdenum (Mo) and/or nickel (Ni): AN + Mo + Ni, AN + Mo - Ni, AN - Mo + Ni, UR + Mo + Ni, UR + Mo - Ni, and UR - Mo + Ni. The experiment was carried out to better understand the effect of these treatments on dry-matter yield, chlorophyll, net photosynthesis rate, nitrate (NO3 --N), total N, in vitro activities of urease and nitrate reductase (NR), and Mo and Ni concentrations. In UR-grown plants, Mo and Ni addition increased yield of dry matter. Regardless of the N source, chlorophyll concentration and net photosynthesis rate were reduced when Mo or Ni were omitted, although not always significantly. The omission of either Mo or Ni led to a decrease in urease activity, independent of N source. Nitrate reductase activity increased in nutrient solutions without Mo, although NO3 --N increased. There was not a consistent variation in total N concentration. Molybdenum and Ni concentration in roots and shoots were influenced by their supply in the nutrient solution. Molybdenum concentration was not influenced by N sources, whereas Ni content in both root and shoots was greater in ammonium nitrate-grown plants. In conclusion, it can be hypothesized that there is a relationship between Mo and Ni acting on photosynthesis, although is an indirect one. This is the first evidence for a beneficial effect of Mo and Ni interaction on plant growth.


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Little information is available on the agronomic effectiveness of calcined nonapatite phosphate rock (PR) sources containing crandallite minerals in the form of Ca-Fe-Al-P for flooded and upland rice (Oryza sativa L.). We conducted laboratory and greenhouse studies to (i) characterize the mineralogical composition, (ii) investigate the solubility and dissolution behavior, and (iii) evaluate the agronomic effectiveness of two nonapatite PR sources (Juquia and Sapucaia) from Brazil and compared them with (i) a highly reactive Gafsa PR (Tunisia) containing apatite in the form of Ca-P and (ii) a reference water-soluble triple superphosphate (TSP) for flooded and upland rice. After calcination at 500 degrees C for 4 h, the solubility of Juquia PR and Sapucaia PR in neutral ammonium citrate (NAC) significantly increased from almost nil to a maximum of 39.3 and 114 g P kg(-1), respectively. X-ray diffraction showed that crystalline crandallite mineral was transformed to an amophorus form after calcination. The solubility behavior of the two calcined PR sources followed the same trend as Gafsa PR, that is, P release decreased with increasing equilibrium pH in the 0.01 M KCl solution (PH 3.0-8.0). At PH 3, the solubility followed: Gafsa PR > calcined Sapucaia PR > calcined Juquia PR. No P release was detected from any of the PR sources at pH >= 5.0 in the solution, indicating the Ca-P characteristic of the Ca-Fe-Al-P mineral controlled P dissolution of the calcined PR. Without calcination, both Juquia PR and Sapucaia PR were totally ineffective for upland rice grown on a Hiwassee clay loam (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Rhodic Kanhapludult) with pH 5.4 whereas a significant P response was observed with the calcined PR samples. For flooded rice grown on Hiwassee soil, the calcined Juquia PR and Sapucaia PR were 66 and 72%, respectively, as effective as TSP in increasing rice grain yield whereas Gafsa PR was ineffective. For upland rice grown on the unlimed soil, Gafsa PR was as effective as TSP in increasing rice grain yield whereas calcined Juquia PR and Sapucaia PR were 89 and 83% of TSP. The effectiveness of Gafsa PR was reduced to 0% after the soil was limed to pH 7.0 whereas the two calcined PR sources were reduced to 49% of TSP. Soil available P extracted by iron oxide impregnated filter paper (Pi test) or anion-exchange resin after rice harvest correlated well with P uptake by rice grain for flooded and upland rice.


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Flavor compounds` formation and fermentative parameters of continuous high gravity brewing with yeasts immobilized on spent grains were evaluated at three different temperatures (7, 10 and 15 degrees C). The assays were performed in a bubble column reactor at constant dilution rate (0.05 h(-1)) and total gas flow rate (240 ml/min of CO(2) and 10 ml/min of air), with high-gravity all-malt wort (15 degrees Plato). The results revealed that as the fermentation temperature was increased from 7 to 15 degrees C, the apparent and real degrees of fermentation, rate of extract consumption, ethanol volumetric productivity and consumption of free amino nitrogen (FAN) increased. In addition, beer produced at 15 degrees C presented a higher alcohols to esters ratio (2.2-2.4:1) similar to the optimum values described in the literature. It was thus concluded that primary high-gravity (15 degrees Plato) all-malt wort fermentation by continuous process with yeasts immobilized on spent grains, can be carried out with a good performance at 15 degrees C.