255 resultados para Retraction
A dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre a constituição do Fundo Público no capitalismo contemporâneo, a partir das três grandes crises do capital do século XX. Realizaremos, para tanto, uma incursão histórica e analítica, percorrendo o início do século XX até os dias atuais, demonstrando a importância e imprescindibilidade do Fundo Público para a reprodução do capital e do trabalhador. Neste contexto, de expansão e retração da economia em nível mundial, analisaremos os rebatimentos no Brasil, a partir da contrarreforma do Estado, na apropriação e composição do fundo público brasileiro. Ao garantir a reprodução do trabalhador, o Fundo Público o faz por meio das políticas sociais, e em especial, trabalharemos a Política de Assistência Social. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar análise sobre todos os recursos destinados ao Fundo Municipal de Assistência Social do município de Campos dos Goytacazes, que servirão para o financiamento da rede socioassistencial em âmbito municipal no período de 2004 a 2012. Analisaremos, portanto, os recursos municipal, estadual e federal, tendo como base os segintes documentos: Demonstrativo da Evolução Orçamentária e de Despesas, Relatório de Receitas Geral, Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentária e a lei Orçamentária Anual, que serão transferidos para o fundo e de que forma o poder executivo prioriza a gestão destes recursos, por meio de suas despesas. O resultado da pesquisa nos mostrou que a Política de Assistência Social é cofinanciada pelos três entes federativos, no entanto, evidenciamos grandes dificuldades para a gestão compartilhada. O município é o maior financiador desta política, entremente, seus recursos são alocados prioritariamente nos Programas de Transferência de Renda municipais e nas entidades filantrópicas, enquanto os programas federais ficam sob a responsabilidade majoritária da União. O estado neste processo, quase que esquecido, se mostra com um financiamento extremamente pontual, descontínuo e ínfimo. Dos recursos direcionados a esta política, identificamos um grande montante que não são executados, o que consideramos hoje um dos grandes desafios para a efetivação desta Política em Campos dos Goytacazes.
Endothelial filopodia play key roles in guiding the tubular sprouting during angiogenesis. However, their dynamic morphological characteristics, with the associated implications in cell motility, have been subjected to limited investigations. In this work, the interaction between endothelial cells and extracellular matrix fibrils was recapitulated in vitro, where a specific focus was paid to derive the key morphological parameters to define the dynamics of filopodium-like protrusion during cell motility. Based on one-dimensional gelatin fibrils patterned by near-field electrospinning (NFES), we study the response of endothelial cells (EA.hy926) under normal culture or ROCK inhibition. It is shown that the behaviour of temporal protrusion length versus cell motility can be divided into distinct modes. Persistent migration was found to be one of the modes which permitted cell displacement for over 300 μm at a speed of approximately 1 μm min-1. ROCK inhibition resulted in abnormally long protrusions and diminished the persistent migration, but dramatically increased the speeds of protrusion extension and retraction. Finally, we also report the breakage of protrusion during cell motility, and examine its phenotypic behaviours. © 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
Evaporation of a droplet of silica microsphere suspension on a polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) blend film with isolated holes in its surface has been exploited as a means of particles self-assembly. During the retraction of the contact line of the droplet, spontaneous dewetting combined with the strong capillary force pack the silica microspheres into the holes in the polymer surface. Complex aggregates of colloids are formed after being exposed to acetone vapor. The morphology evolution of the underlying polymer film by exposure to acetone solvent vapor is responsible for the complex aggregates of colloids formation.
This work aims to use the Palierne emulsion type model to describe the relationship between the rheological response to small amplitude oscillatory deformation and morphology of polypropylene/polyamide 6 (PP/PA6) blends compatibilized with maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (PP-g-MAH). It was found that the Palierne emulsion type model could describe very well the linear viscoelastic responses of binary uncompatibilized PP/PA6 blends and failed to describe the ternary compatibilized PP/PP-g-MAH/PA6 blends. These features could be attributed to the fact that the morphology of the ternary blends was not of the emulsion type with the PA6 particles dispersed in the PP matrix but of an emulsion-in-emulsion type, i.e., PA6 particles dispersed in the PP matrix themselves contained PP or PP-g-MAH inclusions. By consideration of PP-in-PA6 particles as pure PA6 particles, where the volume fraction of the PA6 phase was increased accordingly, the Palierne emulsion type model could work very well for a ternary blending system. Preshear at low frequencies modified the morphology of both binary and ternary blends. The particles of the dispersed phase (PA6) became more uniform. These results suggested that the Palierne emulsion type model could be used to extract information on rheological properties and interfacial tension of polymer blends from known morphology and vice versa.
Ecdysone inducible gene. E75 is a primary target of ecdysone receptor (EcR). and is found to play a critical role in the molting process of arthropods In this study, a cDNA encoding the E75 of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis (FcE75) was cloned using RT-PCR and RACE techniques FcE75 cDNA was 3611 bp in length with an ORF of 2394 bp. The deduced amino acid sequence of FcE75 had the highest sequence identity to E75 from a land crab Gecarcinus lateral's and E75 of the shrimp Metapenaeus crisis Quantitative real-time PCR revealed a prominently high expression of FcE75 mRNA in the whole body RNA extract of late premolt period (D3) juvenile shrimp. The role of E75 in the process of shrimp molting was investigated using the RNA interference technique Long double-stranded RNA corresponding to the FcE75 (dsE75) efficiently silenced the FcE75 transcript levels in juvenile F. chinensis. Further, injection with dsE75 completely arrested the molting process in experimental shrimp which eventually caused death Setogenic analysis of the uropods from molt-arrested shrimp, showed defective epidermal retraction, poor development of setae and new cuticle. These results indicate that E75 might be related to the molting process and is essential for proper molting and survival of shrimp This is the first report demonstrating the use of double stranded RNA to elucidate the possible role of E75 in the molting of decapod crustaceans (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved
Burkholderia cenocepacia, a member of the Burkholderia cepacia complex, is an opportunistic pathogen that causes devastating infections in patients with cystic fibrosis. The ability of B. cenocepacia to survive within host cells could contribute significantly to its virulence in immunocompromised patients. In this study, we explored the mechanisms that enable B. cenocepacia to survive inside macrophages. We found that B. cenocepacia disrupts the actin cytoskeleton of infected macrophages, drastically altering their morphology. Submembranous actin undergoes depolymerization, leading to cell retraction. The bacteria perturb actin architecture by inactivating Rho family GTPases, particularly Rac1 and Cdc42. GTPase inactivation follows internalization of viable B. cenocepacia and compromises phagocyte function: macropinocytosis and phagocytosis are markedly inhibited, likely impairing the microbicidal and antigen-presenting capability of infected macrophages. The type VI secretion system is essential for the bacteria to elicit these changes. This is the first report demonstrating inactivation of Rho family GTPases by a member of the B. cepacia complex.
A 42-year-old man has been under long-term follow-up since he was a child for congenital glaucoma and buphthalmos in both eyes. His left eye best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was counting fingers, due to end-stage glaucoma. He was on maximal medical therapy with an intraocular pressure (IOP) maintained at mid to low twenties. His right eye, the only seeing eye, had a BCVA of 6/9. This eye had undergone multiple glaucoma laser and surgical procedures, including an initial first Molteno drainage device inserted superonasally that failed in April 2003 due to fibrotic membrane over the tube opening. As a result, he subsequently had a second Molteno drainage device inserted inferotemporally. To further maximize his vision he had an uncomplicated cataract extraction and intraocular lens implant in December 2004, after which he developed postoperative cystoid macular edema and corneal endothelial failure. He underwent a penetrating keratoplasty in the right eye thereafter in March 2007. After approximately a year, the second Molteno device developed drainage tube retraction, which was managed surgically to maintain optimum IOP in the right eye. His right eye vision to date is maintained at 6/12. © 2011 Mustafa and Azuara-Blanco.
Unlike other BCC metals, the plastic deformation of nanocrystalline Tantalum during compression is regulated by deformation twinning. Whether or not this twinning exhibits anisotropy was investigated through simulation of displacement-controlled nanoindentation test using molecular dynamics simulation. MD data was found to correlate well with the experimental data in terms of surface topography and hardness measurements. The mechanism of the transport of material was identified due to the formation and motion of prismatic dislocations loops (edge dislocations) belonging to the 1/2<111> type and <100> type Burgers vector family. Further analysis of crystal defects using a fully automated dislocation extraction algorithm (DXA) illuminated formation and migration of twin boundaries on the (110) and (111) orientation but not on the (010) orientation and most importantly after retraction all the dislocations disappeared on the (110) orientation suggesting twinning to dominate dislocation nucleation in driving plasticity in tantalum. A significant finding was that the maximum shear stress (critical Tresca stress) in the deformation zone exceeded the theoretical shear strength of tantalum (Shear modulus/ 2π~10.03 GPa) on the (010) orientation but was lower than it on the (110) and the (111) orientations. In light to this, the conventional lore of assuming the maximum shear stress being 0.465 times the mean contact pressure was found to break down at atomic scale.
O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação descreve estudos desenvolvidos segundo três metodologias para a funcionalização de meso-tetra-arilporfirinas; uma delas baseada na funcionalização com diazo compostos, outra na reacção de Suzuki-Miyaura e a terceira na reacção de metátese. O presente documento é composto por quatro partes distintas. Na primeira parte são feitas considerações gerais sobre propriedades e aplicações de macrociclos porfirínicos. Na segunda parte é apresentado o trabalho realizado na funcionalização de porfirinas com diazo compostos através de reacções de inserção com um catalisador de ródio(II). Este estudo envolveu a preparação de duas porfirinas com grupos O-H e N-H nas posições para dum substituinte meso-fenilo. Os estudos iniciaram-se com a reacção de 5-(4-hidroxifenil)-10,15,20-trifenilporfirinatozinco(II) com diazoacetato de etilo na presença de Rh2(OAc)4. Obteve-se o produto esperado de inserção com bons rendimentos. A reacção de 5-(4-aminofenil)- 10,15,20-trifenilporfirinatozinco(II) com esse diazo composto na presença de Rh2(OAc)4 mostrou um perfil diferente do da reacção com o outro porfirinato. Foram obtidos três produtos, a saber: produto de bis-inserção e dois outros contendo o grupo funcional amida. Este capítulo descreve ainda a síntese de glicoporfirinas e de glicoclorinas através de reacções de inserção e de ciclopropanação envolvendo, respectivamente, os complexos 5-(4-hidroxifenil)- 10,15,20-trifenilporfirinatozinco(II) e 5,10,15,20- tetraquis(pentafluorofenil)porfirinatozinco(II) com α-diazoacetatos com substituintes sacarídicos. Foram usados, como catalisadores, Rh2(OAc)4 e CuCl, respectivamente, na reacção de inserção e na de ciclopropanação. Tendo em vista a sua aplicação em PDT, os novos produtos foram descomplexados e a unidade glicosídica foi desprotegida. Estudos de geração de oxigénio singuleto mostraram que os compostos obtidos são bons geradores dessa espécie citotóxica. Foram também realizados estudos de avaliação da actividade fotodinâmica em células humanas tumorais HeLa e em células humanas saudáveis HaCaT. Estudos de viabilidade celular, após tratamento fotodinâmico, mostraram que as glicoclorinas são mais eficazes na fotoinactivação das células tumorais. Apenas o derivado da clorina com a unidade de galactose mostrou selectividade para a linha celular tumoral, inibindo o crescimento desta e não causando efeito significativo na linha celular saudável. Este fotossensibilizador não foi tóxico na ausência de luz e depois do tratamento fotodinâmico e em condições sub-letais, provocou vacuolização citoplasmática e retracção pronunciada nas células tumorais, enquanto que nas células saudáveis os danos sofridos foram escassos. Nos estudos de localização celular este fotossensibilizador localizou-se na membrana citoplasmática e nos lisossomas tanto nas células HeLa como nas HaCaT. Na terceira parte deste trabalho são descritos os resultados obtidos nos estudos de funcionalização de porfirinas através da reacção de Suzuki-Miyaura. O complexo 2-(4,4,5,5,-tetrametil-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-il)-5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirinatozinco(II) foi o composto escolhido como reagente de partida. Usando a reacção de Suzuki foi possível sintetizar complexos β-bromoarilporfirínicos em bons rendimentos. Estes complexos foram sujeitos à reacção de Suzuki com pinacolborano, tendo sido possível obter os produtos de acoplamento esperados e ainda derivados diméricos de complexos porfirínicos ligados por unidades fenileno. Esta metodologia reacional, catalisada por paládio, permitiu ainda sintetizar novos derivados quinolona-porfirina através da reacção do complexo porfirínico β-borilado anteriormente referido com bromo-quinolonas Nsubstiuídas com grupos alquílicos e glicosídicos. Deste modo foram obtidos derivados quinolona-porfirina em bons rendimentos. Com vista a realizar estudos de potencial aplicação em PACT, foram hidrolisados os grupos éster da unidade de quinolona e clivados os grupos protectores das unidades glicosídicas desses derivados. No estudo por MS Tandem (MS/MS) foi possível verificar que os isómeros dos derivados quinolona-porfirina sofrem as mesmas vias de fragmentação, confirmando as suas estruturas análogas. Foi possível ainda distinguir os derivados em que a unidade de porfirina está ligada à quinolona através da posição C-6 da quinolona daqueles em que a unidade de porfirina está ligada à quinolona através da sua posição C-7. Os estudos de geração de oxigénio singuleto mostraram que as porfirinas β- substituídas com unidades de quinolona são melhores geradoras desta espécie citotóxica do que a tetrafenilporfirina e que a eficiência que têm em gerar essa espécie é afectada pela posição da ligação entre a porfirina e a quinolona, assim como com o tipo do N-substituinte da quinolona. As bases livres dos conjugados quinolona-porfirinatos foram testadas como fotossensibilizadores em PACT em células do parasita Leishmania Braziliensis, tendo-se observado que estes compostos têm capacidade para fotoinactivar este parasita. Na quarta parte deste trabalho são descritos os resultados dos estudos de funcionalização de porfirinas através da reacção de metátese com catalisador de Grubbs, visando a obtenção de novos macrociclos com grupos triazolilo. Verificouse que a eficiência da reacção de metátese cruzada entre 2-vinil-5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirinatozinco(II) e 4-vinil-1,2,3-triazóis N-substituídos dependia das condições reaccionais e do triazol usado em cada caso. Foi possível ainda concluir que o impedimento estéreo das espécies envolvidas é um dos responsáveis pelo ciclo catalítico prosseguir por uma via secundária, originando uma espécie de ruténio pouco eficiente como catalisador. Este estudo foi estendido à reacção dos 4-vinil-1,2,3-triazois seleccionados com 2-butadienil-5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirinatoniquel(II); em cada caso foi possível obter uma mistura de isómeros dos derivados triazol-porfirina, geralmente em maiores rendimentos globais do que na reacção com 2-vinil-5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirinatozinco(II). Este facto será indicativo de que a reacção de metátase com esse derivado porfirínico segue, predominantemente, a via mais eficiente.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Supervisão, Especialização em 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
This thesis revealed the most importance factors shaping the distribution, abundance and genetic diversity of four marine foundation species. Environmental conditions, particularly sea temperatures, nutrient availability and ocean waves, played a primary role in shaping the spatial distribution and abundance of populations, acting on scales varying from tens of meters to hundreds of kilometres. Furthermore, the use of Species Distribution Models (SDMs) with biological records of occurrence and high-resolution oceanographic data, allowed predicting species distributions across time. This approach highlighted the role of climate change, particularly when extreme temperatures prevailed during glacial and interglacial periods. These results, when combined with mtDNA and microsatellite genetic variation of populations allowed inferring for the influence of past range dynamics in the genetic diversity and structure of populations. For instance, the Last Glacial Maximum produced important shifts in species ranges, leaving obvious signatures of higher genetic diversities in regions where populations persisted (i.e., refugia). However, it was found that a species’ genetic pool is shaped by regions of persistence, adjacent to others experiencing expansions and contractions. Contradicting expectations, refugia seem to play a minor role on the re(colonization) process of previously eroded populations. In addition, the available habitat area for expanding populations and the inherent mechanisms of species dispersal in occupying available habitats were also found to be fundamental in shaping the distributions of genetic diversity. However, results suggest that the high levels of genetic diversity in some populations do not rule out that they may have experienced strong genetic erosion in the past, a process here named shifting genetic baselines. Furthermore, this thesis predicted an ongoing retraction at the rear edges and extinctions of unique genetic lineages, which will impoverish the global gene pool, strongly shifting the genetic baselines in the future.
Resection of midline skull base lesions involve approaches needing extensive neurovascular manipulation. Transnasal endoscopic approach (TEA) is minimally invasive and ideal for certain selected lesions of the anterior skull base. A thorough knowledge of endonasal endoscopic anatomy is essential to be well versed with its surgical applications and this is possible only by dedicated cadaveric dissections. The goal in this study was to understand endoscopic anatomy of the orbital apex, petrous apex and the pterygopalatine fossa. Six cadaveric heads (3 injected and 3 non injected) and 12 sides, were dissected using a TEA outlining systematically, the steps of surgical dissection and the landmarks encountered. Dissection done by the "2 nostril, 4 hands" technique, allows better transnasal instrumentation with two surgeons working in unison with each other. The main surgical landmarks for the orbital apex are the carotid artery protuberance in the lateral sphenoid wall, optic nerve canal, lateral optico-carotid recess, optic strut and the V2 nerve. Orbital apex includes structures passing through the superior and inferior orbital fissure and the optic nerve canal. Vidian nerve canal and the V2 are important landmarks for the petrous apex. Identification of the sphenopalatine artery, V2 and foramen rotundum are important during dissection of the pterygopalatine fossa. In conclusion, the major potential advantage of TEA to the skull base is that it provides a direct anatomical route to the lesion without traversing any major neurovascular structures, as against the open transcranial approaches which involve more neurovascular manipulation and brain retraction. Obviously, these approaches require close cooperation and collaboration between otorhinolaryngologists and neurosurgeons.
Les noyaux supraoptiques (NSO) et paraventriculaires (NPV) de l’hypothalamus montrent un phénomène réversible de plasticité structurale neurono-gliale dans diverses conditions physiologiques telles que la parturition, l’allaitement ou lors d’une surcharge en sel. En effet, les feuillets astrocytaires qui enveloppent normalement les somas et dendrites des neurones à ocytocine (OT) ou à vasopressine (AVP) se rétractent alors, autour des neurones à OT, laissant place à la formation de nouvelles synapses, surtout GABAergiques. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse voulant que ces mouvements cellulaires soient régulés par des molécules connues pour leurs rôles dans l’adhérence et la motilité cellulaires, notamment les récepteurs Eph et les éphrines (Efn). Nous avons étudié le rôle de l’un de ces récepteurs, EphA4, un récepteur à tyrosine kinase reconnaissant l’ensemble des Efn, A ou B, puis tenté d’identifier les Efn partenaires dans le NSO, à la suite d’une surcharge en sel. Pour démontrer la présence d’EphA4 dans le NSO et déterminer l’effet d’une surcharge en sel sur son expression et sa localisation, nous avons utilisé l’hybridation in situ et l’immunohistochimie en microscopie électronique, sur des coupes de cerveaux de souris ou rats traités ou non à l’eau salée pendant 1-7 j, avec des ribosondes ou des anticorps spécifiques pour EphA4. Ces travaux ont démontré une augmentation de l’expression d’EphA4 dans le NSO, notamment dans des dendrites, après le régime salé. La distribution de cette expression correspondait à celle des neurones OT et était absente de la glia limitans. Nous avons ensuite déterminé l’effet d’une absence d’EphA4 sur les mouvements astrocytaires et la synaptogènese autour des dendrites à OT et AVP, en utilisant des souris EphA4 knockouts et des souris de type sauvage des mêmes portées. Nous avons ainsi mesuré la couverture astrocytaire des dendrites OT ou AVP, identifiées par immunocytochimie anti-OT ou anti-AVP, en microscopie électronique. Ces mesures ont confirmé la rétraction des feuillets astrocytaires et la synaptogenèse autour des dendrites OT, mais pas autour des dendrites AVP, chez les souris de type sauvage, et démontré que la rétraction des feuillets astrocytaires et la synaptogenèse sur les dendrites OT ne se produisait pas chez les souris knockouts soumises à la surcharge en sel. L’ensemble de ces résultats démontre un rôle d’EphA4 dans cette plasticité structurale neurono-gliale. Afin d’identifier l’Efn partenaire d’EphA4 dans cette fonction, nous avons utilisé l’hybridation in situ et l’immunohistochimie pour les EfnB3 et -A3. L’hybridation in situ n’a pas démontré d’expression de l’EfnB3 dans le NSO, tandis que les résultats pour l’EfnA3 restent à quantifier. Cependant, l’immunohistochimie anti-EfnA3 montre un marquage d’astrocytes dans le NSO et la glia limitans, marquage qui semble augmenter après surcharge en sel, mais il reste à démontrer que l’anticorps anti-EfnA3 est bien spécifique et à quantifier les éventuels changements sur un plus grand nombre d’animaux. L’ensemble de ces observations démontre un rôle du récepteur EphA4 dans les mécanismes à la base des changements structuraux neurono-gliaux du NSO et pointe vers l’EfnA3 comme partenaire d’EphA4 dans ce modèle.
Ces dernières années, la découverte de fraudes scientifiques majeures a créé des ondes de choc dans la communauté scientifique. Le nombre annuel de rétractations a considérablement augmenté, et la plupart sont dues à des cas de fraude. Bien qu’il soit généralement pris pour acquis que tous les coauteurs sont affectés par ces rétractations, l’objectif de cette étude est de vérifier cette présupposition empiriquement. Nous avons recensé toutes les rétractations du domaine biomédical (443) de 1996 à 2006 dans PubMed et mesuré, à l’aide du Web of Science (WOS), la productivité, l’impact et les pratiques de collaboration des coauteurs (1 818) sur une période de cinq ans avant et après la rétractation. Nos résultats montrent que les rétractations ont des conséquences sur la carrière des coauteurs, surtout au niveau du nombre de publications des années subséquentes. Cet impact est plus grand dans les cas de fraude, et pour les premiers auteurs.
Les dendrites sont essentielles pour la réception et l’intégration des stimuli afférents dans les neurones. De plus en plus d’évidences d’une détérioration dendritique sont associées à une axonopathie dans les maladies neurodégénératives. Le glaucome dont la physiopathologie est caractérisée par une détérioration progressive et irréversible des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine (CGRs) est la première cause de cécité irréversible dans le monde. Son évolution est associée à un amincissement graduel des axones et à l’atrophie des somas des CGRs. La majorité des études de neuroprotection des neuropathies rétiniennes visent la survie et la protection des somas et des axones. Des études récentes ont démontré des changements dendritiques associés à cette pathologie, toutefois les mécanismes moléculaires les régulant sont méconnus. L’hypothèse principale de ma thèse stipule qu’une lésion axonale entraîne des altérations précoces des structures dendritiques. L’identification de voies de signalisation régulant ces changements permettrait d’élaborer des stratégies de neuroprotection et de rétablir la fonction de ces neurones. Dans la première étude, nous avons examiné l’effet précoce d’une lésion axonale aigüe sur la morphologie dendritique des CGRs in vivo. En utilisant des souris transgéniques exprimant la protéine fluorescente jaune (YFP) soumises à une axotomie, nous avons démontré un rétrécissement de l’arbre dendritique des CGRs et une diminution sélective de l’activité de mTOR avant le début de la mort des CGRs lésées. Aussi nous avons démontré une augmentation de l’expression de la protéine Regulated in development and DNA damage response 2 (REDD2), un régulateur négatif en amont de la protéine mTOR en réponse à la lésion du nerf optique in vivo. Nous avons démontré que la réactivation de mTOR par l’inhibition de l’expression de REDD2 préserve les arbres dendritiques des CGRs adultes. En effet, l’injection de petits ARN d’interférence contre la REDD2 (siREDD2) stimule l’activité de mTOR dans les CGRs lésées et augmente significativement la longueur et la surface dendritique totale. De plus, la rapamycine, un inhibiteur de mTOR, inhibe complètement l’effet du siREDD2 sur la croissance et l’élaboration des dendrites. L’analyse électrophysiologique des CGRs démontre une augmentation de l’excitabilité des CGRs lésées qui est restaurée en présence du siREDD2. Par ailleurs, des données récentes ont mis en évidence l’implication de la neuro-inflammation dans le glaucome, caractérisée par une augmentation de cytokines pro-inflammatoires dont principalement le facteur de nécrose tumorale (TNFα). Ainsi dans la deuxième étude nous avons examiné l’effet du TNF exogène sur la morphologie de l’arbre dendritique des CGRs et commencé l’étude des mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents à ces changements. Nos résultats démontrent que l’injection de TNF recombinante dans le vitrée induit une rétraction dendritique précoce qui corrèle à une réduction de phospho-S6 suggérant l’implication de mTOR dans ces CGRs lésées. Ainsi, les études présentées dans cette thèse mettent en évidence un nouveau rôle de mTOR dans la stabilité et le maintien des dendrites de neurones rétiniennes adultes. Ces études ont aussi démontré l’effet précoce de stress direct ou indirect, c’est-à-dire l’axotomie et le TNFα respectivement sur la pathologie dendritique et sur leur effet sur la fonction neuronale.