921 resultados para Resource-Based View
A gestão do conhecimento (GC) é uma das recentes abordagens da administração contemporânea, cujo foco engloba o conceito de conhecimento como recurso estratégico, sendo que suas técnicas, práticas e iniciativas gerenciais encontram-se em momento de consolidação. Muitos estudos acadêmicos sobre gestão do conhecimento estão sendo realizados no campo da Administração, com o objetivo de sistematizar os conceitos, as práticas e as contribuições para o poder de competição das empresas (NONAKA e TAKEUCHI, 1997; EISENHARDT e SANTOS, 2000; PROBST, RAUB e ROMHARDT, 2002; DALKIR, 2005). Esta pesquisa objetivou classificar as empresas do setor elétricoeletrônico brasileiro de acordo com o estágio de institucionalização da gestão do conhecimento, bem como verificar as contribuições das práticas de GC para seu poder competitivo. Foi realizado um survey a partir da listagem de 553 empresas elétricas e eletrônicas atuantes no Brasil e participantes da Associação Brasileira da Indústria Elétrica e Eletrônica (ABINEE), tendo sido averiguada uma amostra formada por 56 empresas respondentes. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: a) as empresas pesquisadas estão nos estágios iniciais de institucionalização de GC e b) as contribuições para o poder de competição, realizadas com adoção das práticas de GC, tinham como objetivo fortalecer a cultura de compartilhamento e disseminação do conhecimento, bem como, criar o ambiente favorável para o trabalho em equipe.
This study tests the effect of age diversity on firm performance among international firms. Based on the resource-based view of the firm, it argues that age diversity among employees will influence firm performance. Moreover, it argues that two contextual variables—a firm's level of market diversification and its country of origin—influence the relationship between age diversity and firm performance. By testing relevant hypotheses in a major emerging economy, that is, the People's Republic of China, this study finds a significant and positive effect of age diversity and a significant interactive effect between age diversity and firm strategy on profitability. We also find a significant relationship between age diversity and firm profitability for firms from Western societies, but not for firms from East Asian societies. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of this study's findings. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Due to the high standards expected from diagnostic medical imaging, the analysis of information regarding waiting lists via different information systems is of utmost importance. Such analysis, on the one hand, may improve the diagnostic quality and, on the other hand, may lead to the reduction of waiting times, with the concomitant increase of the quality of services and the reduction of the inherent financial costs. Hence, the purpose of this study is to assess the waiting time in the delivery of diagnostic medical imaging services, like computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Thereby, this work is focused on the development of a decision support system to assess waiting times in diagnostic medical imaging with recourse to operational data of selected attributes extracted from distinct information systems. The computational framework is built on top of a Logic Programming Case-base Reasoning approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning that caters for the handling of in-complete, unknown, or even self-contradictory information.
It is well known that rib cage dimensions depend on the gender and vary with the age of the individual. Under this setting it is therefore possible to assume that a computational approach to the problem may be thought out and, consequently, this work will focus on the development of an Artificial Intelligence grounded decision support system to predict individual’s age, based on such measurements. On the one hand, using some basic image processing techniques it were extracted such descriptions from chest X-rays (i.e., its maximum width and height). On the other hand, the computational framework was built on top of a Logic Programming Case Base approach to knowledge representation and reasoning, which caters for the handling of incomplete, unknown, or even contradictory information. Furthermore, clustering methods based on similarity analysis among cases were used to distinguish and aggregate collections of historical data in order to reduce the search space, therefore enhancing the cases retrieval and the overall computational process. The accuracy of the proposed model is satisfactory, close to 90%.
Purpose - Using Brandenburger and Nalebuff`s 1995 co-opetition model as a reference, the purpose of this paper is to seek to develop a tool that, based on the tenets of classical game theory, would enable scholars and managers to identify which games may be played in response to the different conflict of interest situations faced by companies in their business environments. Design/methodology/approach - The literature on game theory and business strategy are reviewed and a conceptual model, the strategic games matrix (SGM), is developed. Two novel games are described and modeled. Findings - The co-opetition model is not sufficient to realistically represent most of the conflict of interest situations faced by companies. It seeks to address this problem through development of the SGM, which expands upon Brandenburger and Nalebuff`s model by providing a broader perspective, through incorporation of an additional dimension (power ratio between players) and three novel, respectively, (rival, individualistic, and associative). Practical implications - This proposed model, based on the concepts of game theory, should be used to train decision- and policy-makers to better understand, interpret and formulate conflict management strategies. Originality/value - A practical and original tool to use game models in conflict of interest situations is generated. Basic classical games, such as Nash, Stackelberg, Pareto, and Minimax, are mapped on the SGM to suggest in which situations they Could be useful. Two innovative games are described to fit four different types of conflict situations that so far have no corresponding game in the literature. A test application of the SGM to a classic Intel Corporation strategic management case, in the complex personal computer industry, shows that the proposed method is able to describe, to interpret, to analyze, and to prescribe optimal competitive and/or cooperative strategies for each conflict of interest situation.
The objective of he article is to research the dynamic capacities developed and used by WEG in its internationalization process and to explain how these capacities help the company defends and supports competitive advantage. The article presents an exploratory study of the internationalization process of WEG in Argentina and China. This article has as analysis approach the dynamic capacities, contributes to the literature of international management in two aspects. First, it adds the analytical look of the internationalization based on dynamic capacities that are still well restricted. Second, when working the dynamic capacities as central element of the analysis of the internationalization process, it Proposes one framework of integrative analysis of the economic and behavioral theories that are used to explain the process of companies`-internationalization, although they are dealt independently and sometimes antagonistic way. The result shows as the dynamic capacities are articulated in the base of WEG in its process of internationalization for Argentina and the subsequent movement for China. The developed dynamic capacities in Argentina were acquired for the Brazilian headquarter and could have been applied in the process of internationalization for China. However, a more complex organizational structure cannot be identified where the inter-subsidiary relationships could share dynamic capacities as proposed in framework.
Despite the social and (increasingly) commercial significance of sport and sporting bodies worldwide, they remain under-represented in the mainstream management literature. One of the more recent and dramatic examples of the global sports-media nexus is the 'Super League saga' in Australia. This paper recounts the tale of the Super League saga, providing a holistic analysis of the events and competitive issues arising by drawing on literatures concerning the economic nature and value of sports leagues, the resource-based view of the firm and the nature of psychological contracts in changing environments. The analysis confirms the general monopolistic tendencies of professional sports leagues in an increasingly global industry driven by the sports-media nexus, in accord with a number of comparable cases internationally. The particular conditions of the Australian marketplace that exacerbate this tendency beyond, for example, that found in the USA, and differences in the outcomes of battles between rival leagues are also considered. The Super League saga portrays the importance of effective management of resources key to the production of the 'rugby league product' including, among others, the often over-looked importance of careful management of local resources for the success of global strategies, and, where human resources are key, the importance of psychological contracting. The holistic analysis of the Super League saga in Australia affords lessons that extend well beyond the realm of sports.
A abordagem VBR, visão baseada em recursos da empresa (resource-based view of the fi rm), para desenvolver e explorar os benefícios que os recursos internos podem oferecer às empresas, tem sido um tema de impacto na literatura da área de Administração Estratégica. Tem havido grande interesse no papel que os recursos internos da empresa podem assumir na criação de vantagem competitiva, em especial no seu impacto na performance de inovação. Visando um aprofundamento desse tema, este artigo teve como objetivo principal a avaliação da relação de recursos da empresa com a performance de inovação, com ênfase em recursos como a orientação para o mercado, as capacidades gerenciais, a capacidade de conexão com os clientes, os ativos de recursos humanos e a capacidade de inovação. Para tanto, um modelo teórico foi desenvolvido e testado pela aplicação da técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais, em um estudo que envolveu empresas de diversos setores econômicos do Brasil. Os resultados do estudo expõem alguns caminhos pelos quais os recursos, ativos e habilidades empresariais infl uenciam a performance da inovação nas organizações.
RESUMO Este trabalho trata da influência da Estratégia Socioambiental Baseada em (RBSS [Resourcebased Socio-environmental Strategy]) na variável dependente ambiguidade causal. Esta, sob a ótica da Visão Baseada em Recursos da Firma (Resource-based View of the Firm - RBV), funciona como um mecanismo de isolamento que impede a imitação pelos concorrentes. A RBSS foi operacionalizada a partir dos construtos orientação socioambiental, engajamento com stakeholders, aperfeiçoamento ambiental e capital humano. Os dados foram analisados com regressão linear. Como resultados, as hipóteses que trataram de orientação socioambiental e engajamento com stakeholders foram suportadas parcialmente, e aquelas que trataram de aperfeiçoamento ambiental e capital humano não foram suportadas.
Understanding the determinants of international performance, and in particular, export performance is key for the success of international companies. Research in this area focuses mainly on how resources and capabilities allow companies to gain competitive advantage and superior performance in external markets. Building on the Resource-Based View (RBV) and the Dynamic Capabilities Approach (DCA), this study aims at analysing the effect of intangible resources and capabilities on export performance. Specifically, this study focuses on the proposition that entrepreneurial orientation potentiates the attraction of intangible resources, namely relational and informational resources. Moreover, we propose that these resources impact export performance both directly and indirectly through dynamic capabilities.
Aim of the paper: The purpose of this paper is to examine human resources management practices (HRM practices) in small firms and to improve the understanding of the relationship between this kind of practices and business growth. This exploratory study is based on the resource-based view of the firm and empirical work carried out in two small firms by relating HRM practices with the firms’ results. Contribution to the literature: This is an in-depth study of HRM practices and its impact on performance growth in micro firms, isolating and controlling for most of the contextual and internal variables considered in the literature that relate HRM to growth. Firm growth analysis was broadened by the use of several dependent variables: employment growth and operational and financial performance growth. Some hypotheses for further research in identifying HRM practices in small business and its relation with firm growth are suggested. Methodology: Case study methodology was used to study two firms. The techniques used to collect data were semi-structured interviews to the owner and all the employees, unstructured observation at the firms’ facilities (during two days), entrepreneur profile definition (survey answer) and document data collection (on demographic characterization and performance results). Data was analyzed through content analysis methodology, and categories derived from the interviews’ protocols and literature. Results and implications: Results revealed that despite the firms’ organizational characteristics similarities, they differ significantly in owners’ motivation to grow, HRM practices and organizational performance and growth. Future studies should pay special attention to owner willingness to grow, to firms’ years of experience in business, to staff’s years of experience in their field of work and turnover. HRM practices in micro/small firms should be better defined and characterized. The external image of management posture relating to longitudinal financial results and growth should also be explored.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics