905 resultados para Resiliência de cadeia de suprimentos


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In the last decade the complexity of the environment in which organizations are embedded increased dramatically, having on one side the increasingly demanding consumers in regard to the quality and value of the product and the other companies with the need to reduce operating costs in order to achieve greater profitability, without this there is a downturn in growth or market share powers. In this context the necessity of effectively structuring actions relating to the line with the operational work processes so that business objectives are achieved organizational strategic planning, ensuring the competitiveness of the organization. This study aims to analyze how you have made the management of the supply chain in a grocery retailer in the light of guidelines of Supply Chain Management by using the SCOR model. For realization of this study a survey was needed, classified according to their goals, exploratory and descriptive as to its procedure, document, field and case study. Thus, the processing of data will be qualitative merit, using the thematic categorical analysis of Bardin (1977). Thus, to obtain data interviews together the operational and strategic management of a company that was named Supermarket Omega were performed. After analyzing the information obtained is perceived that there is an effort of the organization enhance its management of the supply chain. However, there is a lack of alignment between the various areas that compose it. About their work processes, we stress that the focus of the company is still very directed on sailing than profitability, although it is undergoing a transformation in its organizational culture However, records the existence of many improvement projects in developing. Thus, it can be noticed that there is some consistency between the assumptions of the SCOR model and applied within the supply chain Omega Supermarket, although a greater effort to better align with the model still needs to be studied


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The pursuit of competitive advantage is lobbying organizations to strategically plan the use of their material, human, technological and financial resources, so that it s possible to add value to the product, even when it is considered a commodity. The scenario for this planning should not be limited to the company in question, but cover an entire supply chain, which is composed of several organizations which have common goals of growth and sustainability of the market. They should form trade links, integrating the chains of individual values, in a perspective of value system. In this supply chain there is a flow of services, payments and information, as products well as. The training of these links can be supported by the adoption of a set of information technology, here called solutions business-to-business (B2B), which will be responsible for the production, storage and distribution of relevant information to business transactions between the companies involved. On this view, this thesis aims to describe the B2B solutions adopted in the downstream segment of the supply chain of a distributor of fuel and the nature of these technologies as well as their impact on the creation of value for business and optimization of the relationship between companies. This is a case study on a national distributor of fuels, from a model of research produced under the influence of theories of integrated logistics system and value of Michael Porter. The analyses came to the conclusion that information technology is perceived as an essential tool to the operation of all activities carried out by the company. Among them, at was also brought the key activities of integrated logistics: administration of applications, inventory management, management transport and customer services, which were highlighted in this study. It was also noticed that even these activities are, in principle, purely operational; they all had in the adoption of strategies for leadership in cost or differentiation, supported by B2B solutions identified, making it more conducive to business and direct customer, the clinic reseller of fuel, to obtain value and benefits of this market segment as competitive


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This work presents a hybrid approach for the supplier selection problem in Supply Chain Management. We joined decision-making philosophy by researchers from business school and researchers from engineering in order to deal with the problem more extensively. We utilized traditional multicriteria decision-making methods, like AHP and TOPSIS, in order to evaluate alternatives according decision maker s preferences. The both techiniques were modeled by using definitions from the Fuzzy Sets Theory to deal with imprecise data. Additionally, we proposed a multiobjetive GRASP algorithm to perform an order allocation procedure between all pre-selected alternatives. These alternatives must to be pre-qualified on the basis of the AHP and TOPSIS methods before entering the LCR. Our allocation procedure has presented low CPU times for five pseudorandom instances, containing up to 1000 alternatives, as well as good values for all considered objectives. This way, we consider the proposed model as appropriate to solve the supplier selection problem in the SCM context. It can be used to help decision makers in reducing lead times, cost and risks in their supply chain. The proposed model can also improve firm s efficiency in relation to business strategies, according decision makers, even when a large number of alternatives must be considered, differently from classical models in purchasing literature


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Performance measurement in highly competitive markets is a necessary measure for those who aim the top positions. The business performance measurement approach have reached relevant results in the literature, however, a different approach has recently appeared that broadened the perception of competition, where companies do not seek the competition among companies only, but also among supply chains. Brazilian Wind energy supply chain is living a structuring and expanding moment, with the major global players in the industry making investments in the country. This research aims to answer which are the key performance indicators that must be considered by the Brazilian wind energy sector companies, which are part in a broad perspective of supply chain competition. The research was executed in two steps: exploratory (literature review and a field research in the companies) and later a survey was conducted with the Brazilian Wind energy companies workers with the purpose to validate the performance indicators found in the exploratory step. The survey evaluated 40 performance indicators distributed among five major activities: Project prospection, building/execution, operation and maintenance, logistics and transverse processes, which summarize the performance of the entire supply chain, pointing the sinergy and the competitive level of the supply chain. The selected performance indicators reflect the high relevance of the costs dimension in the Brazilian energy companies performance, acting as a key performance indicator, is also indicates the limited performance management integration throughout the Brazilian wind energy supply chain


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Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar as práticas de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos que estão sendo adotadas no setor eletroeletrônico brasileiro e verificar se as prioridades competitivas da produção das empresas desse setor se relacionam com a adoção de tais práticas. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa empírica, de cunho quantitativo, a partir da realização de uma pesquisa survey por e-mail com gerentes de empresas do setor eletroeletrônico da Associação Brasileira da Indústria Elétrica e Eletrônica. Técnicas estatísticas descritivas e multivariadas de segunda geração (modelagem de equações estruturais) foram empregadas para analisar os dados obtidos. Como principais resultados deste artigo destacam-se: a) as práticas de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos que estão sendo mais implantadas são voltadas à integração e apoio das atividades de desenvolvimento de produtos com os clientes; e b) não foram verificadas relações significativas entre as prioridades competitivas das empresas estudadas e a adoção de práticas de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)