973 resultados para Reliable Computations


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Given a plant P, we consider the problem of designing a pair of controllers C1 and C2 such that their sum stabilizes P, and in addition, each of them also stabilizes P should the other one fail. This is referred to as the reliable stabilization problem. It is shown that every strongly stabilizable plant can be reliably stabilized; moreover, one of the two controllers can be specified arbitrarily, subject only to the constraint that it should be stable. The stabilization technique is extended to reliable regulation.


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In this paper we study two problems in feedback stabilization. The first is the simultaneous stabilization problem, which can be stated as follows. Given plantsG_{0}, G_{1},..., G_{l}, does there exist a single compensatorCthat stabilizes all of them? The second is that of stabilization by a stable compensator, or more generally, a "least unstable" compensator. Given a plantG, we would like to know whether or not there exists a stable compensatorCthat stabilizesG; if not, what is the smallest number of right half-place poles (counted according to their McMillan degree) that any stabilizing compensator must have? We show that the two problems are equivalent in the following sense. The problem of simultaneously stabilizingl + 1plants can be reduced to the problem of simultaneously stabilizinglplants using a stable compensator, which in turn can be stated as the following purely algebraic problem. Given2lmatricesA_{1}, ..., A_{l}, B_{1}, ..., B_{l}, whereA_{i}, B_{i}are right-coprime for alli, does there exist a matrixMsuch thatA_{i} + MB_{i}, is unimodular for alli?Conversely, the problem of simultaneously stabilizinglplants using a stable compensator can be formulated as one of simultaneously stabilizingl + 1plants. The problem of determining whether or not there exists anMsuch thatA + BMis unimodular, given a right-coprime pair (A, B), turns out to be a special case of a question concerning a matrix division algorithm in a proper Euclidean domain. We give an answer to this question, and we believe this result might be of some independent interest. We show that, given twon times mplantsG_{0} and G_{1}we can generically stabilize them simultaneously provided eithernormis greater than one. In contrast, simultaneous stabilizability, of two single-input-single-output plants, g0and g1, is not generic.


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The test based on comparison of the characteristic coefficients of the adjancency matrices of the corresponding graphs for detection of isomorphism in kinematic chains has been shown to fail in the case of two pairs of ten-link, simple-jointed chains, one pair corresponding to single-freedom chains and the other pair corresponding to three-freedom chains. An assessment of the merits and demerits of available methods for detection of isomorphism in graphs and kinematic chains is presented, keeping in view the suitability of the methods for use in computerized structural synthesis of kinematic chains. A new test based on the characteristic coefficients of the “degree” matrix of the corresponding graph is proposed for detection of isomorphism in kinematic chains. The new test is found to be successful in the case of a number of examples of graphs where the test based on characteristic coefficients of adjancency matrix fails. It has also been found to be successful in distinguishing the structures of all known simple-jointed kinematic chains in the categories of (a) single-freedom chains with up to 10 links, (b) two-freedom chains with up to 9 links and (c) three-freedom chains with up to 10 links.


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Typhoid fever is becoming an ever increasing threat in the developing countries. We have improved considerably upon the existing PCR-based diagnosis method by designing primers against a region that is unique to Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi A, corresponding to the STY0312 gene in S. Typhi and its homolog SPA2476 in S. Paratyphi A. An additional set of primers amplify another region in S. Typhi CT18 and S. Typhi Ty2 corresponding to the region between genes STY0313 to STY0316 but which is absent in S. Paratyphi A. The possibility of a false-negative result arising due to mutation in hypervariable genes has been reduced by targeting a gene unique to typhoidal Salmonella serovars as a diagnostic marker. The amplified region has been tested for genomic stability by amplifying the region from clinical isolates of patients from various geographical locations in India, thereby showing that this region is potentially stable. These set of primers can also differentiate between S. Typhi CT18, S. Typhi Ty2, and S. Paratyphi A, which have stable deletions in this specific locus. The PCR assay designed in this study has a sensitivity of 95% compared to the Widal test which has a sensitivity of only 63%. As observed, in certain cases, the PCR assay was more sensitive than the blood culture test was, as the PCR-based detection could also detect dead bacteria.


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We solve the Dynamic Ehrenfeucht-Fra\"iss\'e Game on linear orders for both players, yielding a normal form for quantifier-rank equivalence classes of linear orders in first-order logic, infinitary logic, and generalized-infinitary logics with linearly ordered clocks. We show that Scott Sentences can be manipulated quickly, classified into local information, and consistency can be decided effectively in the length of the Scott Sentence. We describe a finite set of linked automata moving continuously on a linear order. Running them on ordinals, we compute the ordinal truth predicate and compute truth in the constructible universe of set-theory. Among the corollaries are a study of semi-models as efficient database of both model-theoretic and formulaic information, and a new proof of the atomicity of the Boolean algebra of sentences consistent with the theory of linear order -- i.e., that the finitely axiomatized theories of linear order are dense.


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In a very recent study [1] the Renormalisation Group (RNG) turbulence model was used to obtain flow predictions in a strongly swirling quarl burner, and was found to perform well in predicting certain features that are not well captured using less sophisticated models of turbulence. The implication is that the RNG approach should provide an economical and reliable tool for the prediction of swirling flows in combustor and furnace geometries commonly encountered in technological applications. To test this hypothesis the present work considers flow in a model furnace for which experimental data is available [2]. The essential features of the flow which differentiate it from the previous study [1] are that the annular air jet entry is relatively narrow and the base wall of the cylindrical furnace is at 90 degrees to the inlet pipe. For swirl numbers of order 1 the resulting flow is highly complex with significant inner and outer recirculation regions. The RNG and standard k-epsilon models are used to model the flow for both swirling and non-swirling entry jets and the results compared with experimental data [2]. Near wall viscous effects are accounted for in both models via the standard wall function formulation [3]. For the RNG model, additional computations with grid placement extending well inside the near wall viscous-affected sublayer are performed in order to assess the low Reynolds number capabilities of the model.


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Background: Significant recent attention has focussed on the role of antibiotic prescribing and usage with the aim of combating antibiotic resistance, a growing worldwide health concern. A significant gap in this literature concerns the consumption patterns and beliefs of consumers about antibiotics and their effects. We seek to remedy this gap by exploring a range of questionable antibiotic practices and obtaining reliable estimates of their prevalence as well as their normative status. Methods: We conducted an online survey of over 100 consumers. We used a new incentive compatible technique, the Bayesian Truth Serum (BTS), to elicit more truthful responding than standard self-report measures. We asked participants to indicate whether they engaged in a number of practices including whether they had: taken antibiotics when they are out of date and stored antibiotics at home for later use. We then sought estimates of the percentage of other patients (like them) who had engaged in each behaviour, as well as asking them among those patients who had, the percentage that would admit to having done so. We also asked about social acceptability and responsibility of the practices. Results: These results will show for each type of questionable practice how prevalent it is and whether consumers view it as both socially acceptable and socially responsible. We will gain the relative prevalence of each of these practices. Conclusion: These findings are of paramount importance in gaining a better understanding of consumers’ antibiotic consumption patterns. These will be vital for better targeting educational campaigns to lower inappropriate antibiotic consumption.


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Flood extent mapping is a basic tool for flood damage assessment, which can be done by digital classification techniques using satellite imageries, including the data recorded by radar and optical sensors. However, converting the data into the information we need is not a straightforward task. One of the great challenges involved in the data interpretation is to separate the permanent water bodies and flooding regions, including both the fully inundated areas and the wet areas where trees and houses are partly covered with water. This paper adopts the decision fusion technique to combine the mapping results from radar data and the NDVI data derived from optical data. An improved capacity in terms of identifying the permanent or semi-permanent water bodies from flood inundated areas has been achieved. Computer software tools Multispec and Matlab were used.


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We evaluated trained listener-based acoustic sampling as a reliable and non-invasive method for rapid assessment of ensiferan species diversity in tropical evergreen forests. This was done by evaluating the reliability of identification of species and numbers of calling individuals using psychoacoustic experiments in the laboratory and by comparing psychoacoustic sampling in the field with ambient noise recordings made at the same time. The reliability of correct species identification by the trained listener was 100% for 16 out of 20 species tested in the laboratory. The reliability of identifying the numbers of individuals correctly was 100% for 13 out of 20 species. The human listener performed slightly better than the instrument in detecting low frequency and broadband calls in the field, whereas the recorder detected high frequency calls with greater probability. To address the problem of pseudoreplication during spot sampling in the field, we monitored the movement of calling individuals using focal animal sampling. The average distance moved by calling individuals for 17 out of 20 species was less than 1.5 m in half an hour. We suggest that trained listener-based sampling is preferable for crickets and low frequency katydids, whereas broadband recorders are preferable for katydid species with high frequency calls for accurate estimation of ensiferan species richness and relative abundance in an area.


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The Upwind-Least Squares Finite Difference (LSFD-U) scheme has been successfully applied for inviscid flow computations. In the present work, we extend the procedure for computing viscous flows. Different ways of discretizing the viscous fluxes are analysed for the positivity, which determines the robustness of the solution procedure. The scheme which is found to be more positive is employed for viscous flux computation. The numerical results for validating the procedure are presented.


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This paper describes the architecture of a multiprocessor system which we call the Broadcast Cube System (BCS) for solving important computation intensive problems such as systems of linear algebraic equations and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), and highlights its features. Further, this paper presents an analytical performance study of the BCS, and it describes the main details of the design and implementation of the simulator for the BCS.


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This paper may be considered as a sequel to one of our earlier works pertaining to the development of an upwind algorithm for meshless solvers. While the earlier work dealt with the development of an inviscid solution procedure, the present work focuses on its extension to viscous flows. A robust viscous discretization strategy is chosen based on positivity of a discrete Laplacian. This work projects meshless solver as a viable cartesian grid methodology. The point distribution required for the meshless solver is obtained from a hybrid cartesian gridding strategy. Particularly considering the importance of an hybrid cartesian mesh for RANS computations, the difficulties encountered in a conventional least squares based discretization strategy are highlighted. In this context, importance of discretization strategies which exploit the local structure in the grid is presented, along with a suitable point sorting strategy. Of particular interest is the proposed discretization strategies (both inviscid and viscous) within the structured grid block; a rotated update for the inviscid part and a Green-Gauss procedure based positive update for the viscous part. Both these procedures conveniently avoid the ill-conditioning associated with a conventional least squares procedure in the critical region of structured grid block. The robustness and accuracy of such a strategy is demonstrated on a number of standard test cases including a case of a multi-element airfoil. The computational efficiency of the proposed meshless solver is also demonstrated. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we introduce an analytical technique based on queueing networks and Petri nets for making a performance analysis of dataflow computations when executed on the Manchester machine. This technique is also applicable for the analysis of parallel computations on multiprocessors. We characterize the parallelism in dataflow computations through a four-parameter characterization, namely, the minimum parallelism, the maximum parallelism, the average parallelism and the variance in parallelism. We observe through detailed investigation of our analytical models that the average parallelism is a good characterization of the dataflow computations only as long as the variance in parallelism is small. However, significant difference in performance measures will result when the variance in parallelism is comparable to or higher than the average parallelism.


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Direct use of experimental eigenvalues of the vibrational secular equation on to the ab initio predicted eigenvector space is suggested as a means of obtaining a reliable set of intramolecular force constants. This method which we have termed RECOVES (recovery in the eigenvector space) is computationally simple and free from arbitrariness. The RECOVES force constants, by definition, reproduce the experimental vibrational frequencies of the parent molecule exactly. The ab initio calculations were carried out for ethylene as a test molecule and the force constants obtained by the present procedure also correctly predict the vibrational frequencies of the deuterated species. The RECOVES force constants for ethylene are compared with those obtained by using the SQM procedure.