Questionable antibiotic practices: Obtaining reliable estimates of consumer behaviours

Autoria(s): Page, Katie; Lum, Elaine



Background: Significant recent attention has focussed on the role of antibiotic prescribing and usage with the aim of combating antibiotic resistance, a growing worldwide health concern. A significant gap in this literature concerns the consumption patterns and beliefs of consumers about antibiotics and their effects. We seek to remedy this gap by exploring a range of questionable antibiotic practices and obtaining reliable estimates of their prevalence as well as their normative status. Methods: We conducted an online survey of over 100 consumers. We used a new incentive compatible technique, the Bayesian Truth Serum (BTS), to elicit more truthful responding than standard self-report measures. We asked participants to indicate whether they engaged in a number of practices including whether they had: taken antibiotics when they are out of date and stored antibiotics at home for later use. We then sought estimates of the percentage of other patients (like them) who had engaged in each behaviour, as well as asking them among those patients who had, the percentage that would admit to having done so. We also asked about social acceptability and responsibility of the practices. Results: These results will show for each type of questionable practice how prevalent it is and whether consumers view it as both socially acceptable and socially responsible. We will gain the relative prevalence of each of these practices. Conclusion: These findings are of paramount importance in gaining a better understanding of consumers’ antibiotic consumption patterns. These will be vital for better targeting educational campaigns to lower inappropriate antibiotic consumption.





Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control


Page, Katie & Lum, Elaine (2015) Questionable antibiotic practices: Obtaining reliable estimates of consumer behaviours. In Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control Conference Proceedings 2015, Hobart, Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control, Hobart, Australia.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Public Health & Social Work

Palavras-Chave #111799 Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified #anzsrc Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Class #Antibiotics #Consumer #Behaviour

Conference Paper