989 resultados para Reagan, Ronald.


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O presente trabalho realiza a análise dos processos de urbanização, cuja característica marcante é a segregação econômica, social e espacial da população de baixa renda, perceptível pelo fenômeno de periferização urbana vivenciado por este segmento social. Sem vias de acesso formal à terra urbana, a população de baixa renda residente em centros urbanos promove a ocupação irregular de áreas desprovidas ou carentes de infraestrutura e serviços urbanos, as quais, em geral, não são requisitadas pelo mercado imobiliário formal. A forma de apropriação desigual dos espaços territoriais é fruto do modo de apropriação do modo capitalista. Nesse contexto de desigualdade, exclusão, segregação se insere a questão da ocupação irregular nas margens de cursos d’água situadas no meio urbano, áreas estas especialmente protegidas pela legislação ambiental, tema que nos remete ao foco principal da dissertação: o estudo da possibilidade de implementação de ações de regularização fundiária sustentável em ocupações de interesse social, consolidadas em áreas urbanas situadas às margens de cursos d’água, analisada como instrumento de combate ao processo de segregação socioespacial vivenciado pela população de baixa renda em decorrência do processo de produção capitalista dos espaços urbanos. Para tanto, a partir da análise de casos concretos utiliza-se as ações de regularização como instrumento para a consecução do direito às cidades sustentáveis, albergado no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro na Lei nº10.257/2001, afirmando-o como um direito fundamental, a partir da teoria do jusfilósofo Ronald Dworkin. A problemática que a dissertação revela reside no aparente conflito ante a necessidade de atendimento dos direitos fundamentais das populações residentes destas ocupações e o dever de manutenção do meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado, cuja solução é pautada pelo sopesamento de princípios, e valores neles incutidos, com fundamento no conceito de direito como integridade, também desenvolvido por Ronald Dworkin.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Airports worldwide are at a disadvantage when it comes to being able to spot birds and warn aircrews about the location of flocks either on the ground or close to the airfield. Birds simply cannot be easily seen during the day and are nearly invisible targets for planes at night or during low visibility. Thermal imaging (infrared) devices can be used to allow ground and tower personnel to pinpoint bird locations day or night, thus giving the airport operators the ability to launch countermeasures or simply warn the aircrews. This technology is available now, though it has been predominately isolated to medical and military system modifications. The cost of these devices has dropped significantly in recent years as technology, capability, and availability have continued to increase. Davison Army Airfield (DAAF), which is located about 20 miles south of Ronald Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC, is the transient home to many bird species including an abundance of ducks, seagulls, pigeons, and migrating Canadian geese. Over the past few years, DAAF implemented a variety of measures in an attempt to control the bird hazards on the airfield. Unfortunately, when it came to controlling these birds on or near our runways and aircraft movement areas we were more reactive than proactive. We would do airfield checks several times an hour to detect and deter any birds in these areas. The deterrents used included vehicle/human presence, pyrotechnics, and the periodic use of a trained border collie. At the time, we felt like we were doing all we could to reduce the threat to aircraft and human life. It was not until a near fatal accident in October 1998, when we truly realized how dangerous our operating environment really was to aircraft at or near the airfield. It was at this time, we had a C-12 (twin-engine passenger plane) land on our primary runway at night. The tower cleared the aircraft to land, and upon touchdown to the runway the aircraft collided with a flock of geese. Neither the tower nor the crew of the aircraft saw the geese because they were obscured in the darkness. The end result was 12 dead geese and $374,000 damage to the C-12. Fortunately, there were no human fatalities, but it was painfully clear we needed to improve our method of clearing the runway at night and during low visibility conditions. It was through this realization that we ventured to the U.S. Army Communications and Electronics Command for ideas on ways to deal with our threat. It was through a sub-organization within this command, Night Vision Labs, that we realized the possibilities of modifying thermal imagery and infrared technology to detecting wildlife on airports.


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Il progetto si propone di tradurre parti di un’opera di John Ronald Reuel Tolkien inedita in Italia. Si tratta dell'introduzione e di un capitolo del settimo volume della History of Middle-Earth, che raccoglie l’intero corpus degli scritti tolkeniani e ne ricostruisce l’evoluzione narrativa. La tesi, oltre al capitolo dedicato alla traduzione dall'inglese all'italiano e alla discussione delle scelte traduttive, include: alcune notizie biografiche su Tolkien, con particolare riferimento agli anni giovanili; una discussione sulla legittimità di un suo eventuale inserimento all'interno dei canoni letterari; una discussione sulle differenti interpretazioni de Il Signore degli Anelli; una discussione sui contenuti di tutti i volumi della History e sulle difficoltà che sorgono nella traduzione delle opere di Tolkien.


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This examination of U.S. economic policy directed toward Chile centered on the political and economic changes that occurred within Chile between 1960 and 1988. During this time, U.S. economic policy directed toward Chile was crafted by members of the American government uneasy with Cold War concerns with the most important of which being the spread of Communism throughout the globe. By viewing U.S. policy toward Chile through this Cold War lens, this thesis explores the different ways in which economic policy was used to advance the political and economic goals within not only Chile, but also Latin America as a whole. The Cold Warriors that crafted and enacted these economic policies were motivated by a variety of factors, and influenced by events outside of their control. From President John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan, American policymakers utilized economic policy as a means to achieve regional goals. This project sheds light on an understudied section of U.S. foreign policy history by exploring the way that economic policy helped achieve Cold War objectives in the Southern Cone.


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Alfred A. Wolmark


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In my thesis I looked at Cold War interventionism by America. In the Post WWII period, many countries were searching for freedom from colonial rule, and many were attracted to the idea of communism or socialism. In this context of a destabilized world and power struggle between the U.S.A and the U.S.S.R., revolutions often became points of interests and parts of this larger power play. Any type of revolution was a destabilization, in a system that was unstable at best, and peace between the powers rested precariously on the idea of “Mutually Assured Destruction.” I would like to look more specifically, at the Latin American Region, which seemed full of upheaval, and was an area of much intervention, especially during the Reagan Administration. This administration had varying goals and conflicts about the region. The large amount of interventionism in the 1980s was in part a response to the Vietnam War, which was seen as an American failure, since prevention of communism did not occur. Following this, American strength needed to be shown again in the international stage, especially in Latin America, due to its close proximity to America. I would like to explore the intervention in Grenada and see if it followed a pattern of intervention in the region. This will be contrasted with the case of Nicaragua, which seemed more typical of interventions in the region. The causes of intervention in the region as well as the reasons these interventions took such different courses will be explored and investigated.