997 resultados para Rb-


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os efeitos de uma dieta de alto nível de energia e proteína combinada com a aplicação de bST no perfil de expressão dos genes da leptina e de seu receptor Ob-Rb no parênquima mamário de novilhas leiteiras. Foram utilizadas amostras de parênquima mamário de 32 novilhas holandesas distribuídas aleatoriamente em quatro tratamentos (n=8): dieta com alto ou baixo teor de energia e proteína combinada ou não com a aplicação de bST. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com arranjo de tratamentos em esquema fatorial 2 × 2. A extração do RNA total das amostras de tecido foi feita e o nível de expressão gênica foi analisado por qRT-PCR utilizando-se o gene da glicuronidase β como controle, pelo método 2-ΔΔCt. Animais que receberam a dieta com alto conteúdo de energia e proteína apresentaram maior expressão de mRNA de leptina, com aumento de 56%, e menor expressão de mRNA do receptor Ob-Rb, com redução de 18%. Por outro lado, a aplicação de bST resultou em diminuição da expressão do mRNA de leptina e do receptor Ob-Rb em 74% e 23%, respectivamente. Não houve interação entre dieta e aplicação de bST. O aumento na expressão de leptina pode explicar, ao menos em parte, os efeitos negativos da dieta de alta energia e proteína, oferecida no período pré-púbere, sobre a produção de leite de novilhas leiteiras.


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Great part of the gold mineralizations are associated with shearing zones through which circulate a great volume of fluids, that interact with the host rocks, originating leaching or precipitation of chemical elements, including gold. The studied mineralizations are inserted in the Seridó Belt. The tungsten mineralization in Brejuí Mine is hosted in calcsilicate rocks from Jucurutu Formation. The São Francisco auriferous mineralization has as host rocks mica-schists from Seridó Formation, while the Ponta da Serra and Fazenda Simpático mineralizations are hosted in orthogneisses of this fold belt basement. The research conducted on these mineralizations had the purpose of integrate the data of chemical elements behavior during the shearing/mineralizing event, and its influence on the isotopic systems Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd. The studies of chemical mobility in the auriferous mineralizations showed that elements that during the shearing displayed in general an immobile behavior were Al, Ti and Zr. Among the elements that were mobilized during the event, K and Rb showed mass gain in ali belts of transformed rocks, while the elements Ca, Na and Sr normally lost mass. Petrographic studies showed that the minerais biotite and plagioclase, in all investigated mineralizations, played an important role in the chemical reactions occurred in the transformed rocks to the generation of muscovite, cordierite and sillimanite, justifying the input of K to the formation of muscovite, and the release of Na and Ca from plagioclase to the fluid phase. In the São Francisco auriferous mineralization, the results of the Rb-Sr isotopic analysis yielded ages of 645 ± 19 Ma and 596 ± 17 Ma, with both samples, from original and transformed rocks. Two ages, 569 ± 20 Ma. and 554 ± 19 Ma., were obtained with samples frem the transformed rocks domain. These ages suggest that there were two metamorphic pulses during the emplacement of the mineralized shearing zone. The Sm-Nd data yielded TDM ages of 1,31 Ga and 1,26 Ga with 3Nd (0,6 Ga) of -0,26 e -0,40 for the original and final transformed rocks, respectively. In case of the orthogneisses of Caicó Complex, e.g. the Ponta da Serra and Fazenda Simpático mineralizations, the Rb-Sr data did not yield ages with geological significance. In the Ponta da Serra mineralization, the Sm-Nd isotopic data yielded T DM ages of 2,56 Ga and 2,63 Ga to the original rocks and of 2,71 Ga to the mineralized sheared rock, and values of 3Nd (2,0 Ga) between -3,70 e -5,42 to the original and sheared rock, respectively. In the Fazenda Simpático, Sm-Nd data yielded TDM between 2,65 and 2,69 Ga with values of 3Nd (2,0 Ga) between -5,25 e -5,52. Considering the Sm-Nd data, the TDM ages may be admitted as the age of the parental magma extraction, producer of the protoliths of the orthogneisses from Ponta da Serra and Fazenda Simpático mineralizations. The chemical mobility studies showed that in the basement hosted mineralizations, Rb achieved mass while Sr lost mass, as Sm as well as Nd were strongly mobilized. The Sm/Nd ratio remained constant, however, confirming the isochemical character of those elements. In the basement mineralizations, Rb-Sr ages are destituted of geological significance, because of the partial opening of the isotopic system during the tectono-metamorphic transformations. In the tungsten mineralization, the diagram Sm-Nd constructed with the whole-rock data of calcsilicatic and the high-temperature paragenesis (garnet, diopside and iron-pargasitic hornblende) indicated an 631 ± 24 Ma age, while with the whole-rock data and low-temperature paragenesis (vesuvianite, epidote and calcite), a 537 ± 107 Ma age was obtained. These ages, associated with the petrographic observations, suggest that there was a time gap among the hydrothernal events responsible by the formation of the high and low temperature paragenesis in the calcsilicatic rocks mineralized in scheelite


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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate a simple mnemonic rule (the RB-RB/LB-LB rule) for recording intra-oral radiographs with optimal projection for the control of dental implants.Methods: 30 third-year dental students received a short lesson in the RB-RB/LB-LB mnemonic rule. The rule is as follows: if right blur then raise beam (RB-RB), i.e. if implant threads are blurred at the right side of the implant, the X-ray beam direction must be raised towards the ceiling to obtain sharp threads on both implant sides; if left blur then lower beam (LB-LB), i.e. if implant threads are blurred at the left side of the implant, the X-ray beam direction must be lowered towards the floor to obtain sharp threads on both implant sides. Intra-oral radiographs of four screw-type implants placed with different inclination in a Frasaco upper or lower jaw dental model (Frasaco GmbH, Tettnang, Germany) were recorded. The students were unaware of the inclination of the implants and were instructed to re-expose each implant, implementing the mnemonic rule, until an image of the implant with acceptable quality (subjectively judged by the instructor) was obtained. Subsequently, each radiograph was blindly assessed with respect to sharpness of the implant threads and assigned to one of four quality categories: (1) perfect, (2) not perfect, but clinically acceptable, (3) not acceptable and (4) hopeless.Results: For all implants, from one non-perfect exposure to the following, a higher score was obtained in 64% of the cases, 28% received the same score and 8% obtained a lower score. Only a small variation was observed among exposures of implants with different inclination. on average, two exposures per implant (range: one to eight exposures) were needed to obtain a clinically acceptable image.Conclusion: The RB-RB/LB-LB mnemonic rule for recording intra-oral radiographs of dental implants with a correct projection was easy to implement by inexperienced examiners. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2012) 41, 298-304. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/20861598


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Chemical (Sr:Ba:Rb) and zircon typology data from the Nazare Paulista, Mairipora/Cantareira, Cunhaporanga, Tres Corregos, Morungaba, Socorro, Itu, Graciosa and Serra Carambei granitoid complexes from the states of Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo and Parana (SE/S Brazil) are presented and discussed. By the zircon typology method these complexes are refered, respectively, to the 2nd crustal, 3rd crustal/low temperature C-A, low temperature C-A, medium temperature C-A, medium/light temperature C-A, K-SA/Alkaline and alkaline series which are considered as generated under increasing temperature associated with a progressive major participation of mantle material. All these series display different positions and behaviour in the Sr:Ba:Rb diagram which reinforces the use of the zircon typology method in the study of granitoids. -from English summary


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os efeitos de uma dieta de alto nível de energia e proteína combinada com a aplicação de bST no perfil de expressão dos genes da leptina e de seu receptor Ob-Rb no parênquima mamário de novilhas leiteiras. Foram utilizadas amostras de parênquima mamário de 32 novilhas holandesas distribuídas aleatoriamente em quatro tratamentos (n=8): dieta com alto ou baixo teor de energia e proteína combinada ou não com a aplicação de bST. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com arranjo de tratamentos em esquema fatorial 2 × 2. A extração do RNA total das amostras de tecido foi feita e o nível de expressão gênica foi analisado por qRT-PCR utilizando-se o gene da glicuronidase β como controle, pelo método 2-ΔΔCt. Animais que receberam a dieta com alto conteúdo de energia e proteína apresentaram maior expressão de mRNA de leptina, com aumento de 56%, e menor expressão de mRNA do receptor Ob-Rb, com redução de 18%. Por outro lado, a aplicação de bST resultou em diminuição da expressão do mRNA de leptina e do receptor Ob-Rb em 74% e 23%, respectivamente. Não houve interação entre dieta e aplicação de bST. O aumento na expressão de leptina pode explicar, ao menos em parte, os efeitos negativos da dieta de alta energia e proteína, oferecida no período pré-púbere, sobre a produção de leite de novilhas leiteiras.


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A correlated two-body basis function is used to describe the three-dimensional bosonic clusters interacting via two-body van der Waals potential. We calculate the ground state and the zero orbital angular momentum excited states for Rb-N clusters with up to N = 40. We solve the many-particle Schrodinger equation by potential harmonics expansion method, which keeps all possible two-body correlations in the calculation and determines the lowest effective many-body potential. We study energetics and structural properties for such diffuse clusters both at dimer and tuned scattering length. The motivation of the present study is to investigate the possibility of formation of N-body clusters interacting through the van der Waals interaction. We also compare the system with the well studied He, Ne, and Ar clusters. We also calculate correlation properties and observe the generalised Tjon line for large cluster. We test the validity of the shape-independent potential in the calculation of the ground state energy of such diffuse cluster. These are the first such calculations reported for Rb clusters. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4730972]


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In einer Vielzahl von Ionenkristallen mit Wasserstoffbrücken kann der Übergang aus einer paraelektrischen in eine elektrisch geordnete Phase mittels Substitution der Deuteronen durch Protonen um typischerweise 100 K abgesenkt werden. Die Ursache dieses Isotopieeffekts wird in Tunnelmoden der Protonen, in der Kopplung der Protonen untereinander oder in der Geometrie bzw. Symmetrie der Wasserstoffbrücke gesucht. Als Modellsubstanzen zur Untersuchung bieten sich die Trialkalihydrogendisulfate an. Hier sind die Wasserstoffbrücken, welche die Sulfattetraeder lokal zu Dimeren vernetzen, weit voneinander getrennt. Daher wird kein langreichweitiges Wasserstoffbrückennetzwerk ausgebildet.Bei den in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Rb3H1-xDx(SO4)2-Kristallen tritt der Phasenübergang im deuterierten Kristall bei 82 K auf und ist in protonierten Proben vollständig unterdrückt. Es wurde die 87Rb-NMR eingesetzt, weil damit Untersuchungen von Struktur und Dynamik im gesamten Konzentrationsbereich möglich sind. Die Meßgröße ist der elektrische Feldgradient (EFG), welcher durch die umgebenden Ionenladungen erzeugt wird.Durch orientierungsabhängige Messungen wurde gezeigt, daß die drei in der paraelektrischen Phase von Rb3D(SO4)2 vorkommenden EFG sich nicht durch Symmetrieoperationen ineinander überführen lassen. Es liegen somit kleine Abweichungen von einer monoklinen Symmetrie vor. Am Übergang in die antiferroelektrische Phase vervierfacht sich die Anzahl der kristallografisch inäquivalenten Einbaulagen. Aus dem Vergleich von NMR und Röntgenbeugung kann geschlossen werden, daß die Abweichungen von der monoklinen Raumgruppe und die elektrische Ordnung primär durch die Wasserstoffkerne verursacht werden. Aus der Aufspaltung der Resonanzlinien wurde ein statischer kritischer Exponent von  = 0,21  0,03 ermittelt, der mit trikritischem Verhalten verträglich ist. Die longitudinale Relaxation der Kernspinmagnetisierung wird durch Fluktuationen des EFG verursacht. Am Phasenübergang sind diese Fluktuationen an der Einbaulage der Rubidiumatome vergleichsweise groß und stark anisotrop. Beides läßt sich gut beschreiben, wenn angenommen wird, daß nur die Dynamik der Wasserstoffkerne die Kernspins relaxieren läßt. Für die longitudinale Relaxation wurde ebenfalls ein kritisches Verhalten am Phasenübergang gefunden. Der Exponent beträgt in deuterierten Proben  = -0,67 +- 0,07 und ist für die teildeuterierte Proben mit x = 0,5 größer:  = -1,15 +- 0,15. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, daß zur Beschreibung der NMR an verschiedenen Kernsorten weder, wie zuvor in der Literatur diskutiert, asymmetrische Wasserstoffbrücken noch Tunnelmoden erforderlich sind. Die hier erstmalig in den Trialkalihydrogendisulfaten gefundenen konzentrationsabhängigen kritischen Exponenten bilden einen neuen Prüfstein für die Modelle des Isotopieeffekts, die sich bisher primär auf die Erklärung der Phasenübergangstemperatur beschränkt haben.


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microRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that are frequently involved in carcinogenesis. Although many miRNAs form part of integrated networks, little information is available how they interact with each other to control cellular processes. miR-34a and miR-15a/16 are functionally related; they share common targets and control similar processes including G1-S cell cycle progression and apoptosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the combined action of miR-34a and miR-15a/16 in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells.


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Atomic magnetometry was performed at Earth's magnetic field over a free-space distance of ten meters. Two laser beams aimed at a distant alkali-vapor cell excited and detected the Rb-87 magnetic resonance, allowing the magnetic field within the cell to be interrogated remotely. Operated as a driven oscillator, the magnetometer measured the geomagnetic field with less than or similar to 3.5 pT precision in a similar to 2 s data acquisition; this precision was likely limited by ambient field fluctuations. The sensor was also operated in self-oscillating mode with a 5.3 pT root Hz noise floor. Further optimization will yield a high-bandwidth, fully remote magnetometer with sub-pT sensitivity. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4747206]