209 resultados para Rapoport, Selomo Yehuda LebRapoport, Selomo Yehuda LebSelomo Yehuda LebRapoport
Edited by Yehuda Leyb b. la-a.a. ha-Rav M. Natan Neṭaʻ Rainherts.
Mode of access: Internet.
Reprint of Vilna, 1843 ed.
'Brain drain' is a phenomenon in which people of a high level of skills, qualifications, and competence, leave their countries and emigrate. One major case of the brain drain happens when students from developing countries studying in the developed countries decide not to return home after their studies. We examined the reasons for international students' inclination to stay in their host countries in a sample of 949 management students who came to study in the United Kingdom and the United States. The results support a three-fold model of factors that influenced this inclination. Students' perceptions of ethnic differences and labor markets, their adjustment process to the host country, and their family ties in host and home countries all affect their intention to stay. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper examines the developments in the field of career management in a cross-national comparative context. It investigates a wide range of career practices via two large-scale surveys in 108 Indian and 194 British organisations. The influence of a number of organisational characteristics on career practices is analysed. The study has identified a number of similarities as well as differences in the career management systems of firms operating in both India and Britain. Theoretical and managerial implications for the fields of careers and international HRM are discussed.
This paper examines and discusses the developments in the field of career management, bringing in the international perspective. In particular, the paper explores career management practices in 108 Indian organizations. A factor analysis procedure suggested five groups of practices: formal planning, formal active management, developmental, career stages and assessment. These are found to be associated with certain organizational and cultural characteristics. The research has both theoretical and practical implications.
In this thesis I argue that the statutory rape crisis which materialised following the decisions in CC v Ireland and A v The Governor of Arbour Hill Prison, was a moral panic. I also contend that Mr A, a convicted sex offender who was released during the crisis, was a folk devil. Using data obtained from an ethnographic content analysis of a selection of newspapers, interest group statements, and Oireachtas debates, I demonstrate that the social response to the statutory rape crisis exhibits the key indicators of the moral panic phenomenon put forward by Goode and Ben-Yehuda. These key indicators are: concern, consensus, hostility, disproportionality and volatility. I employ the theory of moral panic to explain why the events of the statutory rape crisis ignited such emotion and why Mr A became a folk devil of the moral panic
Las Tablas Astronómicas de Alfonso X el Sabio fueron realizadas en la ciudad de Toledo entre 1263 y 1270 por dos de los colaboradores habituales del Rey, Yehuda ibn Moshé e Isaac ibn Sid, ambos judíos. El manuscrito original no se conserva pero sí contamos con una copia de principios del siglo XVI (Ms. 3306, B.N.) que nos ha transmitido los cánones y el prólogo de las Tablas, proporcionándonos información acerca de quien, donde y cómo se desarrolló el proyecto. El equipo de astrónomos reunido en torno al Rey se valió de la herencia clásica recogida a través del mundo árabe así como de las innovaciones que se habían producido en al-Andalus para crear una obra de gran trascendencia en el panorama científico posterior, difundiéndose en copias manuscritas e impresas por toda Europa durante cuatro siglos.
Debido al reciente reconocimiento en la Constitución ecuatoriana de 2008 de los afroecuatorianos como un grupo con derechos colectivos a sus territorios ancestrales, el Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice ha dirigido un estudio legal sobre la política relacionada con los derechos territoriales de las comunidades rurales afroecuatorianas. El estudio incluye el trabajo de una delegación de investigadores que visitaron Quito, Esmeraldas y el Valle del Chota en la primavera de 2009. Este reporte está basado en información colectada en reuniones llevadas a cabo en Ecuador, entre delegados del Centro Rapoport y los miembros de la comunidad afroecuatoriana, activistas, académicos y oficiales del Estado. El reporte examina la situación que enfrentan comunidades afroecuatorianas rurales y su lucha por los derechos territoriales.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
meḥaber Selomo Wirga
Selomo Qaplansqî
Selomo Qaplansqî
Salomo Jehuda Löb Rapoport