67 resultados para Rabia.
The aim of this study was to characterize dog bites using data on biter dogs and victims. An exploratory cross-sectional study was performed using 203 records of individuals who had attended in public health services in 2009 in the municipality of Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, after they had been bitten by a dog. Over 70% (92/129) of the biter dogs were male and most of them (71%) received as a gift. Dog owners reported companionship as the main reason for acquiring the dog. The victims who were children were predominantly male, while the victims who were elderly were predominantly female. Most children were bitten on the head/neck, while adults were bitten on the hands/feet and lower limbs (p<0.0001). The owner of the dog was known in 83.2% of cases. However, rabies observation of the biter dog following the attack was only reported in 59.4% of cases. Situations involving aggression were related to dogs having escaped from their home (18.7%) or roaming free on the streets (17.0%). The analysis of biting dog characteristics using information obtained from dog bite victims and biting dog owners can help direct the medical treatment for dog bite victims. Moreover, concepts of responsible dog ownership can reduce the occurrence of bites.
This study was developed with the purpose to search for relevant knowledge concerning nursing care for individuals exposed to the rabies virus and submitted to post-exposure anti-rabies serovaccination. The authors aimed at evaluating the epidemiological aspects of accidents involving household and wild animals occurring in 2007 and patients assisted at a reference hospital located in the mid-southern region of São Paulo State. They also aimed at identifying the relevance of nurses' actions by describing aspects of care provision. The method adopted was exploratory, retrospective and descriptive of the epidemiological aspects of the accidents and of the care provided to these patients by referring to information in their medical charts. Fifty-one charts of patients aged 17 to 81 years, considered to be at risk and with indication for post-exposure prophylaxis against human rabies were evaluated. It was found that nursing care provision to these patients presents low complexity although it requires properly trained professionals. It was possible to identify the relevance of nurses' actions in care provision and procedures related to anti-rabies prophylaxis; however, consistent information concerning nursing care was not observed.
Ten black bears, Ursus americanus Pallas, and three brown bears, U. arctos Linnaeus, were inoculated with rabies virus from naturally infected foxes in Alaska. The bears were more resistant than canine species, requiring at least 1,000 MLD50 of virus for infection. Low titres or negative results were obtained in salivary glands titrated in mice. Clinical course of the disease, post mortem findings, and microscopic lesions are described. Microscopic lesions were more· severe in brown bears, in which the inflammatory response was distinguished by the presence of numerous eosinophils in the perivascular infiltrate and among cells diffusely infiltrating the parenchyma. In both species, inclusion bodies were found only in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. Rabies is discounted as a factor in unprovoked attacks by bears on man at high latitudes. The epizootiology of rabies in a region where bears are numerous is discussed, with the conclusion that rabid foxes usually do not excrete sufficient quantities of virus in the saliva to infect bears. German title: Tollwut bei experimentell infizierten Bären, Ursus spp., mit epizootiologischen Anmerkungen German abtract: Zehn Schwarzbären, Ursus americanus Pallas, und drei Braunbären, U. arctos Linnaeus, wurden mit einem von Füchsen in Alaska isolierten Feldstamm des Tollwutvirus infiziert. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen erkennen, daß Bären eine größere Resistenz gegenüber Tollwutinfektion aufweisen als hundeartige Karnivoren, und zwar konnten sie nicht mit weniger als 1000 MLD50 des Tollwutvirus infiziert werden. Das Virus war selten nachweisbar in den Speicheldrüsen der tollwuterkrankten Bären. Klinik und Pathologie der Tollwut bei Bären wurden kurz beschrieben. Die im Gehirn vorkommenden entzündlichen Veränderungen waren bei Braunbären besonders schwer und unterschieden sich durch die Häufigkeit der eosinophilen Leukozyten in den perivasculären und Gewebs-Infiltraten. Bei beiden Arten wurden Einschlußkörperchen nur in den Purkinje-Zellen beobachtet. Die Epizootiologie der Tollwut auf der Alaska-Halbinsel, wo Bären häufig vorkommen, wurde besprochen. Die Ergebnisse deuten an, daß Füchse wenig Virus mit dem Speichel ausscheiden, und selten soviel, daß es für die Infektion von Bären ausreicht. French title: La rage expérimentale chez les ours, Ursus spp., avec observations épizootiologiques French abstract: Dix ours noirs, Ursus americanus Pallas, et trois ours bruns, U. arctos Linnaeus, ont été inoculés avec de virus rabique provenant des renards infectés naturellement dans l'Alaska. Les ours Ont été plus résistants au virus que des espèces canines, et pour produire l'infection chez les ours, au moins 1000 MLD50 ont été requis. La titration des glandes salivaires chez des souris a données des titres peu éléves ou des résultats négatifs. La course clinique de la maladie, les observations des autopsies, et les lésions microscopiques sont decrites. Les lésions microscopiques les plus sévères ont été observées chez les ours bruns, dans lesquels la réponse inflammatoire a été distinguée par la présence de nombreux éosinophiles dans l'infiltration périvasculaire et parmi les cellules infiltrées diffusément dans Ie parenchyme. Chez les deux espèces des ours, des corps d'inclusion ont été trouvés seulement dans les cellules de Purkinje du cervelet. On a discuté l'épizootiologie de la rage dans une région où des ours sont nombreux, avec la conclusion qu'il y a dans la salive des renards rabiques une quantité de virus insuffisante pour infecter les ours. é ó í á ú Spanish title: Rabia en osos, Ursus spp., infectados experimentalmente, con anotaciones epizootológicas Spanish abstract: Diez osos negros, Ursus americanus Pallas, y tres osos pardos, U. arctos Linea, se infectaron con una estirpe campal de virus rábico aislada de zorros en Alasca. Los resultados de la experiencia permiten reconocer que los osos presentan una resistencia mayor frente a la infección rábica que los carnívoros cánidos, pues no se pudieron infectar con menos de 1.000 DML50 de virus rábico. El virus era muy raras veces identificable en las glándulas salivales de los osos enfermos de rabia. Se describen sucintamente la clínica y patología de la rabia en los osos. Las modificaciones inflamatorias en el cerebro eran muy graves en el oso pardo y se distinguían por la frecuencia de los leucocitos eosinófilos en los infiltrados perivasculares e hísticos. En ambas especies solo se hallaron corpúsculos de inclusión en las células de Purkinje. Se discute la epizootología de la rabia en la península de Alasca, donde es frecuente Ia presencia de osos. Los resultados señalan que los zorros eliminan poco virus con la saliva y casi nunca en cantidad tal que fuese suficiente para infectar los osos.
1230 year 11 and 12 college students, modal age 16 and 17, in three colleges in Bombay, India, were studied on sexual behaviors or risk of sexual behaviors, beliefs about sex, HIV/STD knowledge, perceived norms regarding sexual behaviors, and the relationships between social skills/anxieties in HIV/STD prevention and actual and anticipated sexual behaviors. A quantitative questionnaire examining HIV/STD risk behaviors, knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, and the AIDS Social Assertiveness Scale (ASAS) were administered to these 1230 college students. Data indicated that 8% of males and 1% of females had had sexual experience, but over one third were not sure at all of being able to abstain from sexual activity with either steady or casual partners. Perceived norms were slanted toward sexual abstinence for the majority of the sample. Knowledge of protective effects of condoms was high, although half of those who had had sex did not use condoms. Logistic regression showed knowledge was higher among males, those who believed it was OK to have sex with a steady partner and that they should not wait until they were older, those who believed that condoms should be used even if the partner is known, and those who believed it was acceptable to have multiple partners. Gender differences in sexual activity and beliefs about sexual activity showed males were less likely to believe in abstaining from sexual activity. The 5 scales of the ASAS were scored and compared on ANOVA on: those who had had sexual experience (HS), those who anticipated being unable to refuse sex (AS), and those who did not anticipate problems in refusing sex (DS). Those in the AS group had greater anxieties about refusing sexual or other risk behaviors than HS and DS groups. There were greater anxieties about dealing with condoms in the AS and DS groups compared with the HS group. Confiding sexual or HIV/STD-related problems to significant others was more anxiety-provoking for the AS group compared with the HS group, and the AS group were more anxious about interactions with people with HIV. Factor analysis produced the same 5 factors as those found in previous studies. Of these, condom interactions and confiding in significant others were most anxiety provoking, and condom interactions most variable based on demographic and attitudinal factors.^ This age group is appropriate for HIV/STD reduction education given the low rate of sexual activity but despite knowledge of the importance of condom use, social skills to apply this knowledge are lacking. Social skills training in sexual negotiations, condom negotiations, and confiding HIV/STD-related concerns to significant others should reduce the risks of Indian college students having unwanted or unprotected sex. ^
El día 10 de mayo de 2011 murió Ramón Fernández Durán, dos meses escasos desde el envío de la carta en la que informaba de su decisión de no continuar con el tratamiento de su segundo cáncer (http://www.rojoynegro.info/articulo/ideas/ramon-fernandez-duran-carta-despedida ). Con prisa, quizás con rabia, Ramón Fernández Durán y sus compañeros de Ecologistas en Acción y la Editorial Virus habían acelerado la publicación de dos pequeños libros en los que Ramón establecía la urgencia en revisar un modelo de producción y consumo que extendido a la totalidad del planeta está abocado a su destrucción, arrastrando tras de si unas estructuras sociales y económicas que aún nos parecen indestructibles; dejando tras de sí un marco de caos social y ambiental, para el que parece que nadie se está preparando.
Este artículo desarrolla las dos conferencias siguientes: «La destrucción permanente de la ciudad como artefacto». Seminario «Mutacións urbanas», Consorcio de Santiago, Santiago de Compostela, 29-09-2006. «La destrucción permanente de la ciudad como artefacto». Seminario «Foro Crítica», Col×legi Territorial d'Arquitectes, Alacant, 29-01-2009. En él se intenta arrojar alguna luz sobre la mezcla de incomodidad, de alarma, de enojo, de rabia y de pena que nos provoca la destrucción permanente de la ciudad donde vivimos, de cualesquiera de las ciudades en que vivimos o que visitamos o que estudiamos; una destrucción continua que contemplamos día tras día, y que se ha convertido, como un valor universal, en un hecho inmediato al que cualquiera de nosotros se encuentra abocado, de una u otra forma, en un grado mayor o menor, en cualquier ciudad del mundo occidental o desarrollado -y seguramente, aunque de forma diferente, también del otro, del que llaman no desarrollado.
Justificación: Durante la adolescencia y la juventud acontecen cambios psicológicos y fisiológicos que forman parte del desarrollo normal de la persona. La irrupción de la escoliosis en esta edad influye en la vivencia de la autopercepción corporal. Objetivo: Conocer cómo una deformidad corporal influye en la estabilidad emocional de las jóvenes diagnosticadas de escoliosis. Diseño: Metodología cualitativa fenomenológicas situada en la hermenéutica. Método: Se utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada y dirigida a mujeres jóvenes con escoliosis idiopática ingresadas en la unidad de raquis del Hospital Vall d´Hebron en Barcelona. Resultados: Los principales resultados señalan un compromiso emocional que afecta a las actividades de la vida diaria de las jóvenes, manifestándose, en algunas ocasiones, con sentimientos de vergüenza, tristeza, preocupación, miedo, amargura, complejo y rabia. La experiencia se vive como un duelo ante la pérdida de expectativas futuras. Conclusiones: Los sentimientos y las emociones vividas y referidas por estas pacientes comprometen su estabilidad emocional.
Aunque la gente es consciente de los riesgos que conlleva cruzar el mar, no hay nada que pueda prepararles realmente para la experiencia.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.