57 resultados para RVA
On Pārśvanātha, 8th century B.C., 23rd Jaina Tīrthaṅkara.
Improvement of end-use quality in bread wheat depends on a thorough understanding of current wheat quality and the influences of genotype (G), environment (E), and genotype by environment interaction (G x E) on quality traits. Thirty-nine spring-sown spring wheat (SSSW) cultivars and advanced lines from China were grown in four agro-ecological zones comprising seven locations during the 1998 and 1999 cropping seasons. Data on 12 major bread-making quality traits were used to investigate the effect of G, E, and G x E on these traits. Wide range variability for protein quantity and quality, starch quality parameters and milling quality in Chinese SSSW was observed. Genotype and environment were found to significantly influence all quality parameters as major effects. Kernel hardness, flour yield, Zeleny sedimentation value and mixograph properties were mainly influenced by the genetic variance components, while thousand kernel weight, test weight, and falling number were mostly influenced by the environmental variance components. Genotype, environment, and their interaction had important effects on test weight, mixing development time and RVA parameters. Cultivars originating from Zone VI (northeast) generally expressed high kernel hardness, good starch quality, but poor milling and medium to weak mixograph performance; those from Zone VII (north) medium to good gluten and starch quality, but low milling quality; those from Zone VIII (central northwest) medium milling and starch quality, and medium to strong mixograph performance; those from Zone IX (western/southwestern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau) medium milling quality, but poor gluten strength and starch parameters; and those from Zone X (northwest) high milling quality, strong mixograph properties, but low protein content. Samples from Harbin are characterized by good gluten and starch quality, but medium to poor milling quality; those from Hongxinglong by strong mixograph properties, medium to high milling quality, but medium to poor starch quality and medium to low protein content; those from Hohhot by good gluten but poor milling quality; those from Linhe by weak gluten quality, medium to poor milling quality; those from Lanzhou by poor bread-making and starch quality; those from Yongning by acceptable bread-making and starch quality and good milling quality; and those from Urumqi by good milling quality, medium gluten quality and good starch pasting parameters. Our findings suggest that Chinese SSSW quality could be greatly enhanced through genetic improvement for targeted well-characterized production environments.
Gelatinisation and retrogradation of starch-whey mixtures were studied in water (pH 7) using the Rapid Visco-Analyser (RVA). The starch:whey ratios ranged from 0:100 - 100:0. Wheat starch, and whey protein concentrate (about 80% solids basis) and isolate (about 96% solids basis) were used. Mixtures with whey isolates were generally more viscous than those with whey concentrates, and this was attributed to fewer non-protein milk components in the former. Whey protein concentrates and isolates reduced the peak, trough and final viscosities of the mixtures, but the breakdown and setback ratios of the mixtures were increased. The gelatinisation temperature increased with whey substitutions indicating that whey protein delayed starch gelatinisation. The temperature of fastest viscosity development decreased as the amount of whey was increased. Whey protein isolate generally exercised a lesser effect than the concentrate. At between 40 - 50% whey substitutions, the dominant phase changed from starch to protein irrespective of the source of the whey protein. An additive law poorly defined selected RVA parameters. Both macromolecules interacted to define the viscosity of the mixture, and an exponential model predicted the viscosity better than the additive law. The results obtained in this study are discussed to assist the understanding of extrusion processing of starch-whey systems as models for whey-fortified snack and ready-to-eat foods. Copyright ©2006 The Berkeley Electronic Press. All rights reserved.
PURPOSE. To establish an alternative method, sequential and diameter response analysis (SDRA), to determine dynamic retinal vessel responses and their time course in serial stimulation compared with the established method of averaged diameter responses and standard static assessment. METHODS. SDRA focuses on individual time and diameter responses, taking into account the fluctuation in baseline diameter, providing improved insight into reaction patterns when compared with established methods as delivered by retinal vessel analyzer (RVA) software. SDRA patterns were developed with measurements from 78 healthy nonsmokers and subsequently validated in a group of 21 otherwise healthy smokers. Fundus photography and retinal vessel responses were assessed by RVA, intraocular pressure by contact tonometry, and blood pressure by sphygmomanometry. RESULTS. Compared with the RVA software method, SDRA demonstrated a marked difference in retinal vessel responses to flickering light (P 0.05). As a validation of that finding, SDRA showed a strong relation between baseline retinal vessel diameter and subsequent dilatory response in both healthy subjects and smokers (P 0.001). The RVA software was unable to detect this difference or to find a difference in retinal vessel arteriovenous ratio between smokers and nonsmokers (P 0.243). However, SDRA revealed that smokers’ vessels showed both an increased level of arterial baseline diameter fluctuation before flicker stimulation (P 0.005) and an increased stiffness of retinal arterioles (P 0.035) compared with those in nonsmokers. These differences were unrelated to intraocular pressure or systemic blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS. SDRA shows promise as a tool for the assessment of vessel physiology. Further studies are needed to explore its application in patients with vascular diseases.
Purpose To investigate ocular and systemic correlates of endothelial function in the normoglycaemic offspring of Type 2 Diabetics (T2DM). Methods Healthy participants aged between 25-65 with (n=30) and without (n=39) a family history were recruited. Retinal vessel reactivity was assessed by using the Retinal Vessel Analyser (RVA, Imedos GmBH). In addition, systemic endothelial function was assessed by using the flow mediated dilation (FMD) technique. Results Parametric testing showed no significant differences in anthropometric, blood assay or ocular and systemic function between both groups (p>0.05). The average maximum dilation in the measured retinal artery correlated significantly with the maximum dilation of the measured brachial artery (p=0.002 R=0.55) in healthy controls; however, this was not true for subjects with family history of T2DM. Conclusion Subjects with family history of T2DM show possibly early signs of endothelial dysfunction that, in certain conditions, could contribute to the higher risk of this group of developing similar pathology to their parents.
The Retinal Vessel Analyser (RVA) is a commercially available ophthalmoscopic instrument capable of acquiring vessel diameter fluctuations in real time and in high temporal resolution. Visual stimulation by means of flickering light is a unique exploration tool of neurovascular coupling in the human retina. Vessel reactivity as mediated by local vascular endothelial vasodilators and vasoconstrictors can be assessed non-invasively, in vivo. In brief, the work in this thesis • deals with interobserver and intraobserver reproducibility of the flicker responses in healthy volunteers • explains the superiority of individually analysed reactivity parameters over vendorgenerated output • links in static retinal measures with dynamic ones • highlights practical limitations in the use of the RVA that may undermine its clinical usefulness • provides recommendations for standardising measurements in terms of vessel location and vessel segment length and • presents three case reports of essential hypertensives in a -year follow-up. Strict standardisation of measurement procedures is a necessity when utilising the RVA system. Agreement between research groups on implemented protocols needs to be met, before it could be considered a clinically useful tool in detecting or predicting microvascular dysfunction.
Jelen tanulmány a posztmodern kor fogyasztási tendenciáit és a posztmodern marketing sajátos fejlődését elemzi, elsősorban a turizmus példáján. A szerzők a hazai és a nemzetközi szakirodalom, illetve saját kutatásaik és megfigyeléseik alapján ütköztetik az ismert és elfogadott elveket, elméleteket a gyakorlattal, és felhívják a figyelmet a marketingtevékenység alkalmazkodásának hazai problémáira. A Vezetéstudomány című folyóirat 2008/9. számában rendkívül érdekes tanulmány jelent meg Mitev Ariel Zoltán és Horváth Dóra tollából „A posztmodern marketing rózsaszirmai” címmel. A tanulmány előremutató, érdekfeszítő és minden tekintetben konstruktív, újszerű. Jelen tanulmány szerzőire is nagy hatást gyakorolt a cikk, nagyrészt felsorolt erényei miatt, de egyes esetekben kiegészítést kívánva. Mindenképpen inspirálta a továbblépést, az újabb adalékok megfogalmazását, amire ezúton e tanulmány szerzői kísérletet tettek. A cikk egyben szerves gondolati folytatása a szerzőpáros korábbi közös publikációinak, elsősorban a Marketing & Menedzsment folyóiratban megjelent cikknek. _______ In this article the author will analyze consumption tendencies of post-modern age, mainly using tourism marketing examples. Their analysis has been based on results of their own researches and researches published in Hungarian and international marketing literature. In this article they try to confront different theories of post-modern marketing and they will analyze problems of applicability of these theories in Hungarian marketing problem solving. An extremely interesting article was published in Vezetéstudomány (2008/9), written by Zoltán Mitev Ariel and Dóra Horváth, and this article, by its interesting, innovative and constructive aspect has largely influenced authors of present article to continue the path proposed in the abovementioned article. The article, in the same time, is an organic continuation of the earlier common publications of the authors, e.g. the recent article in Marketing & Menedzsment journal.
Rapport présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade de M.Sc.A génie biomédical option génie clinique
Rapport présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade de M.Sc.A génie biomédical option génie clinique
A gastroenteritis outbreak that occurred in 2013 in a low-income community in Rio de Janeiro was investigated for the presence of enteric viruses, including species A rotavirus (RVA), norovirus (NoV), astrovirus (HAstV), bocavirus (HBoV), aichivirus (AiV), and adenovirus (HAdV). Five of nine stool samples (83%) from patients were positive for HAdV, and no other enteric viruses were detected. Polymerase chain reaction products were sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis, which revealed four strains and one strain of non-enteric HAdV-A12 and HAdV-F41, respectively. The HAdV-A12 nucleotide sequences shared 100% nucleotide similarity. Viral load was assessed using a TaqMan real-time PCR assay. Stool samples that were positive for HAdV-A12 had high viral loads (mean 1.9 X 107 DNA copies/g stool). All four patients with HAdV-A12 were < 25 months of age and had symptoms of fever and diarrhoea. Evaluation of enteric virus outbreaks allows the characterisation of novel or unique diarrhoea-associated viruses in regions where RVA vaccination is routinely performed.
Le rétrécissement valvulaire aortique (RVA) est causé par une calcification et une fibrose progressive de la valve aortique. Le risque de développer la maladie augmente avec l’âge. À cause de l’augmentation de l’espérance de vie, le RVA est devenu un problème de santé publique. Le RVA est fatal en absence de traitement médical. Actuellement, la chirurgie est le seul traitement pour le stade sévère de la maladie, mais près de 50% des individus avec RVA n’y sont pas éligibles, principalement due à la présence de comorbidités. Plusieurs processus biologiques ont été associés à la maladie, mais les voies moléculaires spécifiques et les gènes impliqués dans le développement et la progression du RVA ne sont pas connus. Il est donc urgent de découvrir les gènes de susceptibilité pour le RVA afin d’identifier les personnes à risque ainsi que les biomarqueurs et les cibles thérapeutiques pouvant mener au développement de médicaments pour inverser ou limiter la progression de la maladie. L’objectif de cette thèse de doctorat était d’identifier la base moléculaire du RVA. Des approches modernes en génomique, incluant l’étude de gènes candidats et le criblage génomique par association (GWAS), ont été réalisées à l’aide de collections d’ADN provenant d’un grand nombre de patients bien caractérisés pour le RVA. Des études complémentaires en transciptomique ont comparé le profil d’expression global des gènes entre des valves calcifiées et non-calcifiées à l’aide de biopuces à ADN et de séquençage de l’ARN. Une première étude a identifié des variations dans le gène NOTCH1 et suggère pour la première fois la présence d’un polymorphisme commun dans ce gène conférant une susceptibilité au RVA. La deuxième étude a combiné par méta-analyse deux GWAS de patients provenant de la ville de Québec et Paris (France) aux données transcriptomiques. Cette étude de génomique intégrative a confirmé le rôle de RUNX2 dans le RVA et a permis l’identification d’un nouveau gène de susceptibilité, CACNA1C. Les troisième et quatrième études sur l’expression des gènes ont permis de mieux comprendre les bases moléculaires de la calcification des valves aortiques bicuspides et ainsi d’identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques pour le RVA. Les données générées par ce projet sont la base de futures découvertes importantes qui permettront d’améliorer les options de traitement et la qualité de vie des patients atteints du RVA.
O amido é o polissacarídeo mais abundante presente em plantas, composto por amilose e amilopectina. O amido de milho ceroso apresenta somente amilopectina. A modificação do amido é recomendada para melhorar suas aplicações. A hidrólise ácida é utilizada para alterar as propriedades físico-químicas sem modificar o grânulo e o meio alcoólico ajuda na recuperação da molécula após o tratamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi o tratamento químico com HCl 0,5 mol L-1 durante 1 hora em 100 ml de água, etanol ou metanol. Os equipamentos SETSYS Evolução TGADTA / DSC e Rápido Visco-Analisador (RVA-4) foram usados para avaliar as alterações dos amidos. As curvas TG mostraram três eventos (desidratação, estabilidade e decomposição), com resultados similares para todas as amostras. Este resultado pode estar relacionado a resistência da amilopectina para a hidrólise ácida. Na análise reológica (RVA) o tratamento das amostras mostrou valores mais baixos de perfis de viscosidade. A solução ácida forneceu mudanças nas propriedades de pasta do amido e a solução etanólica (solvente mais apolar) foi maior que as demais soluções. Conclui-se portanto que o tratamento dos amidos forneceu produtos com características térmicas similares e com diferentes respostas mecânicas