985 resultados para RNA polymerases


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We completed the genome sequence of Lettuce necrotic yellows virus (LNYV) by determining the nucleotide sequences of the 4a (putative phosphoprotein), 4b, M (matrix protein), G (glycoprotein) and L (polymerase) genes. The genome consists of 12,807 nucleotides and encodes six genes in the order 3′ leader-N-4a(P)-4b-M-G-L-5′ trailer. Sequences were derived from clones of a cDNA library from LNYV genomic RNA and from fragments amplified using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The 4a protein has a low isoelectric point characteristic for rhabdovirus phosphoproteins. The 4b protein has significant sequence similarities with the movement proteins of capillo- and trichoviruses and may be involved in cell-to-cell movement. The putative G protein sequence contains a predicted 25 amino acids signal peptide and endopeptidase cleavage site, three predicted glycosylation sites and a putative transmembrane domain. The deduced L protein sequence shows similarities with the L proteins of other plant rhabdoviruses and contains polymerase module motifs characteristic for RNA-dependent RNA polymerases of negative-strand RNA viruses. Phylogenetic analysis of this motif among rhabdoviruses placed LNYV in a group with other sequenced cytorhabdoviruses, most closely related to Strawberry crinkle virus.


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Les protéines sont les macromolécules les plus polyvalentes de la cellule. Elles jouent un rôle fondamental dans la majorité des processus biologiques à travers la formation de complexes multi-protéiques. Durant la transcription, une multitude de facteurs sont impliquées dans le contrôle de l’activité des complexes ARN polymérases. Notre laboratoire s’est intéressé au réseau d’interaction de la machinerie de transcription des ARN polymérases nucléaires, dans le but de mieux comprendre leurs mécanismes de régulation. Pour ce faire, une procédure protéomique comprenant la purification de complexes protéiques par affinité couplée à la spectrométrie de masse et à l’analyse bioinformatique a été développée. La méthode de purification TAP (Tandem Affinity Purification) a été adaptée pour permettre la purification de complexes protéiques solubles assemblés in vivo à partir de cellules humaines. L’objectif de mon projet de maîtrise était de purifier le complexe de l’ARN Pol I ainsi que de poursuivre l’expansion du réseau d’interactions protéine-protéine de la machinerie de transcription de l’ARN Pol II humaine. À l’aide des protéines POLR1E, TWISTNB, POLR2E, PFDN4, MBD2, XPA, CAND1 et PDCD5 étiquetées (TAP-tag) exprimées dans des lignées cellulaires ECR-293, plusieurs complexes protéiques solubles ont été purifiés et analysés par spectrométrie de masse. Les interactions protéiques ont été triées et validées bioinformatiquement pour donner en final une liste d’interactions ayant un haut degré de confiance à partir de laquelle des réseaux d’interactions protéine-protéine ont été créés. Le réseau créé au cours de ce projet connecte plusieurs composantes de la machinerie transcriptionnelle tels que les ARN Pol I, II et III, les complexes RPAP3/R2TP/prefoldin-like, TRiC/CCT, Mi-2/NuRD et des facteurs de transcription et de réparation de l’ADN. Ce type d’analyse nous a permis d’identifier et de caractériser de nouveaux régulateurs de la machinerie de transcription de l’ARN Pol I et II et de mieux comprendre son fonctionnement.


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La rapamycine est un immunosuppresseur utilisé pour traiter plusieurs types de maladies dont le cancer du rein. Son fonctionnement par l’inhibition de la voie de Tor mène à des changements dans des processus physiologiques, incluant le cycle cellulaire. Chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae, la rapamycine conduit à une altération rapide et globale de l’expression génique, déclenchant un remodelage de la chromatine. Nous proposons que les modifications des histones peuvent jouer un rôle crucial dans le remodelage de la chromatine en réponse à la rapamycine. Notre objectif principal est d’identifier d’une banque de mutants d’histone les variantes qui vont échouer à répondre à la rapamycine dans une tentative de réaliser une caractérisation des modifications d’histone critiques pour la réponse à cette drogue. Ainsi, nous avons réalisé un criblage d’une banque de mutants d’histone et identifié plusieurs mutants d‘histone dont la résistance à la rapamycine a été altérée. Nous avons caractérisé une de ces variantes d’histone, à savoir H2B, qui porte une substitution de l’alanine en arginine en position 95 (H2B-R95A) et démontré que ce mutant est extrêmement résistant à la rapamycine, et non à d’autres drogues. Des immunoprécipitations ont démontré que H2B-R95A est défectueux pour former un complexe avec Spt16, un facteur essentiel pour la dissociation de H2A et H2B de la chromatine, permetant la réplication et la transcription par les ADN et ARN polymérases, respectivement. Des expériences de ChIP-Chip et de micropuce ont démontré que l’arginine 95 de H2B est requise pour recruter Spt16 afin de permettre l’expression d’une multitude de gènes, dont certains font partie de la voie des phéromones. Des évidences seront présentées pour la première fois démontrant que la rapamycine peut activer la voie des phéromones et qu’une défectuosité dans cette voie cause la résistante à cette drogue.


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RNA mediated gene silencing pathways are highly conserved among eukaryotes and they have been well investigated in animals and in plants. Longer dsRNA molecules trigger the silencing pathways: RNase III proteins and their dsRNA binding protein (dsRBP) partners recognize those molecules as a substrate and process 21 nucleotide long microRNAs (miRNAs) or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Some organisms encode RNA dependent RNA polymerases (RdRPs), which are able to expand the pool of existing siRNAs. Argonaute proteins are able to bind small regulatory RNAs and are subsequently recruited to target mRNAs by base complementary. This leads in turn to transcriptional or posttranscriptional silencing of respective genes. The Dictyostelium discoideum genome encodes two Dicer homologues (DrnA and DrnB), five Argonaute proteins (AgnA to AgnE) and three RdRPs (RrpA to RrpC). In addition, the amoeba is known to express miRNAs and siRNAs, while the latter derive mainly from the DIRS-1 retrotransposon. One part of this work focused on the miRNA biogenesis pathway of D. discoideum. It was shown that the dsRNA binding protein RbdB is a necessary component for miRNA processing in the amoeba. There were no mature miRNAs detectable by Northern blot analysis in rbdB- strains, which is also true for drnB mutants. Moreover, primary miRNA-transcripts (pri-miRNAs) accumulated in rbdB- and drnB- strains. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed a nuclear localization of RbdB. RbdB accumulated in distinct perinucleolar foci. These were reminiscent of plant dicing bodies that contain essential protein components for miRNA processing. It is well known that RNase III enzymes and dsRBPs work together during miRNA processing in higher eukaryotes. This work demonstrated that the same is true for members of the amoebozoa supergroup. In Arabidopsis the nuclear zinc finger protein Serrate (SE) is also necessary for miRNA processing. The D. discoideum homologue SrtA, however, is not relevant which has been shown by the analysis of the respective knockdown strain. MiRNAs are known to be differentially expressed in several RNAi knockout strains. The accumulation of miRNAs in agnA- strains and a strong decrease in rbdB- strains were criteria that could thus be successfully used (among others) to identify and validate new miRNAs candidates by Illumina®-RNA sequencing. In another part of this study, the silencing and amplification of the DIRS-1 retrotransposons was analyzed in more detail. It was already known that DIRS-1 transcripts and extrachromosomal DIRS-1 DNA molecules accumulated in agnA- strains. This phenotype was correlated with the loss of endogenous DIRS-1 siRNAs in the knockout strain. By deep sequencing analysis of small RNAs from the AX2 wild type and the agnA- strain, the strong decrease of endogenous DIRS-1 siRNAs in the mutant strain (accounting for 70 %) could be confirmed. Further analysis of the data revealed an unequal distribution of DIRS-1 derived siRNAs along the retroelement in the wild type strain, since only very few of them matched the inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) and the 5’- half of the first open reading frame (ORF). Besides, sense and antisense siRNAs were asymmetrically distributed, as well. By using different reporter constructs it was shown indirectly that AgnA is necessary for the RrpC mediated production of secondary DIRS-1 siRNAs. These analyses also demonstrated an amplification of siRNAs in 5’- and in 3’-direction. Further analysis of the agnA- strain revealed that not only DIRS-1 sense transcripts but also ORF2 and ORF3 encoded proteins were enriched. In contrast, the ORF1 encoded protein GAG was equally expressed in the mutant and the wild type. This might reflect the unequal distribution of endogenous DIRS-1 siRNAs along the retrotransposon. Southern Blot and PCR-analyses showed that extrachromosomal DIRS-1 DNA molecules are present in the cytoplasm of angA- strains and that they are complementary to sense transcripts of intact DIRS-1 elements. Thus, the extrachromosomal DIRS-1 intermediates are likely incomplete cDNA molecules generated by the DIRS-1 encoded reverse transcriptase. One could hypothesize that virus like particles (VLPs) are the places of DIRS-1 cDNA synthesis. At least, DIRS-1 GAG proteins interact and fluorescence microscopy studies showed that they localize in distinct cytoplasmic foci which accumulate in close proximity to the nuclei.


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To engineer complex synthetic biological systems will require modular design, assembly, and characterization strategies. The RNA polymerase arrival rate (PAR) is defined to be the rate that RNA polymerases arrive at a specified location on the DNA. Designing and characterizing biological modules in terms of RNA polymerase arrival rates provides for many advantages in the construction and modeling of biological systems. PARMESAN is an in vitro method for measuring polymerase arrival rates using pyrrolo-dC, a fluorescent DNA base that can substitute for cytosine. Pyrrolo-dC shows a detectable fluorescence difference when in single-stranded versus double-stranded DNA. During transcription, RNA polymerase separates the two strands of DNA, leading to a change in the fluorescence of pyrrolo-dC. By incorporating pyrrolo-dC at specific locations in the DNA, fluorescence changes can be taken as a direct measurement of the polymerase arrival rate.


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Abstract Background RNAs transcribed from intronic regions of genes are involved in a number of processes related to post-transcriptional control of gene expression. However, the complement of human genes in which introns are transcribed, and the number of intronic transcriptional units and their tissue expression patterns are not known. Results A survey of mRNA and EST public databases revealed more than 55,000 totally intronic noncoding (TIN) RNAs transcribed from the introns of 74% of all unique RefSeq genes. Guided by this information, we designed an oligoarray platform containing sense and antisense probes for each of 7,135 randomly selected TIN transcripts plus the corresponding protein-coding genes. We identified exonic and intronic tissue-specific expression signatures for human liver, prostate and kidney. The most highly expressed antisense TIN RNAs were transcribed from introns of protein-coding genes significantly enriched (p = 0.002 to 0.022) in the 'Regulation of transcription' Gene Ontology category. RNA polymerase II inhibition resulted in increased expression of a fraction of intronic RNAs in cell cultures, suggesting that other RNA polymerases may be involved in their biosynthesis. Members of a subset of intronic and protein-coding signatures transcribed from the same genomic loci have correlated expression patterns, suggesting that intronic RNAs regulate the abundance or the pattern of exon usage in protein-coding messages. Conclusion We have identified diverse intronic RNA expression patterns, pointing to distinct regulatory roles. This gene-oriented approach, using a combined intron-exon oligoarray, should permit further comparative analysis of intronic transcription under various physiological and pathological conditions, thus advancing current knowledge about the biological functions of these noncoding RNAs.


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Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), the leading infectious agent that affects sugar beet, is included within viruses transmitted through the soil from plasmodiophorid as Polymyxa betae. BNYVV is the causal agent of Rhizomania, which induces abnormal rootlet proliferation and is widespread in the sugar beet growing areas in Europe, Asia and America; for review see (Peltier et al., 2008). In this latter continent, Beet soil-borne mosaic virus (BSBMV) has been identified (Lee et al., 2001) and belongs to the benyvirus genus together with BNYVV, both vectored by P. betae. BSBMV is widely distributed only in the United States and it has not been reported yet in others countries. It was first identified in Texas as a sugar beet virus morphologically similar but serologically distinct to BNYVV. Subsequent sequence analysis of BSBMV RNAs evidenced similar genomic organization to that of BNYVV but sufficient molecular differences to distinct BSBMV and BNYVV in two different species (Rush et al., 2003). Benyviruses field isolates usually consist of four RNA species but some BNYVV isolates contain a fifth RNA. RNAs -1 contains a single long ORF encoding polypeptide that shares amino acid homology with known viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRp) and helicases. RNAs -2 contains six ORFs: capsid protein (CP), one readthrough protein, triple gene block proteins (TGB) that are required for cell-to-cell virus movement and the sixth 14 kDa ORF is a post-translation gene silencing suppressor. RNAs -3 is involved on disease symptoms and is essential for virus systemic movement. BSBMV RNA-3 can be trans-replicated, trans-encapsidated by the BNYVV helper strain (RNA-1 and -2) (Ratti et al., 2009). BNYVV RNA-4 encoded one 31 kDa protein and is essential for vector interactions and virus transmission by P. betae (Rahim et al., 2007). BNYVV RNA-5 encoded 26 kDa protein that improve virus infections and accumulation in the hosts. We are interest on BSBMV effect on Rhizomania studies using powerful tools as full-length infectious cDNA clones. B-type full-length infectious cDNA clones are available (Quillet et al., 1989) as well as A/P-type RNA-3, -4 and -5 from BNYVV (unpublished). A-type BNYVV full-length clones are also available, but RNA-1 cDNA clone still need to be modified. During the PhD program, we start production of BSBMV full-length cDNA clones and we investigate molecular interactions between plant and Benyviruses exploiting biological, epidemiological and molecular similarities/divergences between BSBMV and BNYVV. During my PhD researchrs we obtained full length infectious cDNA clones of BSBMV RNA-1 and -2 and we demonstrate that they transcripts are replicated and packaged in planta and able to substitute BNYVV RNA-1 or RNA-2 in a chimeric viral progeny (BSBMV RNA-1 + BNYVV RNA-2 or BNYVV RNA-1 + BSBMV RNA-2). During BSBMV full-length cDNA clones production, unexpected 1,730 nts long form of BSBMV RNA-4 has been detected from sugar beet roots grown on BSBMV infected soil. Sequence analysis of the new BSBMV RNA-4 form revealed high identity (~100%) with published version of BSBMV RNA-4 sequence (NC_003508) between nucleotides 1-608 and 1,138-1,730, however the new form shows 528 additionally nucleotides between positions 608-1,138 (FJ424610). Two putative ORFs has been identified, the first one (nucleotides 383 to 1,234), encode a protein with predicted mass of 32 kDa (p32) and the second one (nucleotides 885 to 1,244) express an expected product of 13 kDa (p13). As for BSBMV RNA-3 (Ratti et al., 2009), full-length BSBMV RNA-4 cDNA clone permitted to obtain infectious transcripts that BNYVV viral machinery (Stras12) is able to replicate and to encapsidate in planta. Moreover, we demonstrated that BSBMV RNA-4 can substitute BNYVV RNA-4 for an efficient transmission through the vector P. betae in Beta vulgaris plants, demonstrating a very high correlation between BNYVV and BSBMV. At the same time, using BNYVV helper strain, we studied BSBMV RNA-4’s protein expression in planta. We associated a local necrotic lesions phenotype to the p32 protein expression onto mechanically inoculated C. quinoa. Flag or GFP-tagged sequences of p32 and p13 have been expressed in viral context, using Rep3 replicons, based on BNYVV RNA-3. Western blot analyses of local lesions contents, using FLAG-specific antibody, revealed a high molecular weight protein, which suggest either a strong interaction of BSBMV RNA4’s protein with host protein(s) or post translational modifications. GFP-fusion sequences permitted the subcellular localization of BSBMV RNA4’s proteins. Moreover we demonstrated the absence of self-activation domains on p32 by yeast two hybrid system approaches. We also confirmed that p32 protein is essential for virus transmission by P. betae using BNYVV helper strain and BNYVV RNA-3 and we investigated its role by the use of different deleted forms of p32 protein. Serial mechanical inoculation of wild-type BSBMV on C. quinoa plants were performed every 7 days. Deleted form of BSBMV RNA-4 (1298 bp) appeared after 14 passages and its sequence analysis shows deletion of 433 nucleotides between positions 611 and 1044 of RNA-4 new form. We demonstrated that this deleted form can’t support transmission by P. betae using BNYVV helper strain and BNYVV RNA-3, moreover we confirmed our hypothesis that BSBMV RNA-4 described by Lee et al. (2001) is a deleted form. Interesting after 21 passages we identifed one chimeric form of BSBMV RNA-4 and BSBMV RNA-3 (1146 bp). Two putative ORFs has been identified on its sequence, the first one (nucleotides 383 to 562), encode a protein with predicted mass of 7 kDa (p7), corresponding to the N-terminal of p32 protein encoded by BSBMV RNA-4; the second one (nucleotides 562 to 789) express an expected product of 9 kDa (p9) corresponding to the C-terminal of p29 encoded by BSBMV RNA-3. Results obtained by our research in this topic opened new research lines that our laboratories will develop in a closely future. In particular BSBMV p32 and its mutated forms will be used to identify factors, as host or vector protein(s), involved in the virus transmission through P. betae. The new results could allow selection or production of sugar beet plants able to prevent virus transmission then able to reduce viral inoculum in the soil.


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Die kumulative Habil.‐Schrift gründet sich auf 6 Originalpublikationen, die beschreiben: [Sass, H. (1982), Cell 28: 269‐278]. RNA polymerase B in polytene chromosomes: Immunofluorescent and autoradiographic analysis during stimulated and repressed RNA synthesis. Elektronenmikroskopie charakterisierte das C. tentans Balbianiring BR2‐Gen von Speicheldrüsenchromosomen als hoch aktives 5‐6 μm langes single‐copy Gen, das 33/μm RNAPolymerasen B (Pol II) transkribieren (Diss., Sass, H., 1978, Univ. Tübingen). Diese Immunfluoreszenzstudie ortet Pol II in allen Interbanden von Region IV‐3B10‐3B5 des nichtinduzierten BR2. Prominente Fluoreszenz im BR2‐Genort 3B9/10 zeigt, das BR2‐Gen ist präaktiv, wie erwartet. 3H‐Autoradiogramme beweisen, in allen fluoreszierenden BR2, BR1, BR3, Puffs, aufgelockerten Banden, Interbanden und Loci ohne Puffing, synthetisiert Pol II RNA. Die genomweite ständige Pol II‐Präsenz zeigt, dass, wie beim nichtinduzierten BR2‐Gen, bereits schon gebundene Pol II wohl auch andere Gene präaktiviert. So erfolgt die Regulation der Transkription mehr über die transkriptionelle Elongation. Auch durch α‐Amanitin, oder Actinomycin D, oder Hitzeschock in vivo kollabierte BR2, BR1, BR3 besitzen Pol II. [Sass, H. (1984), Chromosoma 90: 20‐25]. Gene identification in polytene chromosomes: some Balbiani ring 2 gene sequences are located in an interband‐like region of Chironomus tentans. Immunfluoreszenz und 3H‐Autoradiographie zeigen, dass Injektionen von DRB in Larven die Balbianiringe (BR) sowie andere Puffs und deren Pol II‐Konzentration dramatisch reduzieren. Trotzdem zeigen 3H‐Uridin markierte Speicheldrüsenchromosomen, dass RNA‐Synthese doch in nichtinduzierten BR2, BR1, BR3 erfolgt, aber nur auf reduziertem Level. Das widerspricht der von Egyházi E. (1975, PNAS 73:947‐950) propagierten „Inhibition of Balbiani ring RNA synthesis at the initiation level“ durch DRB. Vielmehr sieht es so aus, DRB wirkt bei der transkriptionellen Elongation inhibierend. Durch in situ‐Hybridisierung von Sequenzen klonierter BR2‐DNA wurde in Speicheldrüsenchromosom IV das BR2‐Gen in Region 3B9/10 direkt identifiziert. [Sass, H. and Pederson, T. (1984), J. Mol. Biol. 180: 911‐926]. Transcription‐dependent localization of U1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins at major sites of gene activity in polytene chromosomes. Immunolokalisation von Sm‐, U1‐ und U2snRNP‐spezifischen Antigenen in Speicheldrüsenchromosomen von C. tentans hat zur Entdeckung der beim Spleißen von prä‐mRNA beteiligten U1/U2snRNPs in Balbianiringen BR2, BR1, BR3 sowie anderen Puffs und aufgelockerten Banden geführt. Die überraschenden BR‐Daten zeigen erstmals: (i) Der Spleiß‐Apparat ist in Genloci mit intensiver RNA‐Synthese schon vorhanden. (ii) Immunfluoreszenz reflektiert den Exon‐Intron‐Bau dieser BR‐Gene. (iii) Transkription und spleißosomales Ausschneiden von Introns sind koordiniert. [Sass, H. (1989), Nucleic Acids Research 17: 10508]. Hsp82‐neo transposition vectors to study insertional mutagenesis in Drosophila melanogaster and tissue culture cells; [Sass, H. (1990), Gene 89: 179‐186]. P‐transposable vectors expressing a constitutive and thermoinducible hsp82‐neo fusion gene for Drosophila germline transformation and tissue‐culture transfection. Beschrieben sind Design, Konstruktion und Expression der Genfusion hsp82‐neo als ein in vivo selektierbares Reporter‐/Markergen, die Transposons P{hsp82‐neo/Adh} sowie P{hsp82‐neo} und Transformations‐Vektoren pHS22, pHS24, pHS85, pHS103 und pHS104. Sie stellen das von der Fliege gebildete Enzym bakteriellen Ursprungs, Neomycin‐Phosphotransferase II, für die G418‐Selektion bereit, um die Position, Struktur, Expression und Funktion von Genen mittels hsp82‐neo‐Mutagenese zu erforschen. [Sass, H. and Meselson, M. (1991), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 6795‐6799]. Dosage compensation of the Drosophila pseudoobscura Hsp82 gene and the D. melanogaster Adh gene at ectopic sites in D. melanogaster. Quantitative Unterschiede in der Dosiskompensation des X‐chromosomalen hsp82‐Gens von D. pseudoobscura und autosomalen Adh‐Gens von D. melanogaster wurden als Erhöhung der RNAMenge in D. melanogaster gemessen. Beide Transgene sind dosiskompensiert, sprang P{hsp82‐ neo/Adh} in euchromatische Regionen des D. melanogaster X‐Chromosoms. Beide Transgene sind nicht dosiskompensiert, insertierte P{hsp82‐neo/Adh} ins β‐Heterochromatin in Region 20 an der Basis des X. Keine der zehn autosomalen Insertionen ist dosiskompensiert. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass X‐chromosomale regulatorische Sequenzen, die für die Verstärkung der Genaktivität um Faktor 2 in Männchen verantwortlich sind, gehäuft im X vorkommen, jedoch im β‐ Heterochromatin und den Autosomen fehlen. Das Kompensationsverhalten der transponierten Gene wird durch das neue chromosomale Milieu des Insertionsortes bestimmt.


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DNA damage causes replication errors, leading to genetic instability or cell death. Besides that, many types of DNA base modifications have been shown to interfere with transcriptional elongation if they are located in the transcribed DNA strand of active genes, acting as roadblocks for RNA polymerases. It is widely assumed that transcription blockage by endogenous DNA damage is responsible for the early cell senescence in organs and accelerated ageing observed in individuals with compromised nucleotide excision repair.rnThe aims of this work were to design new experimental systems for testing transcription blocking potentials of DNA base modifications in an individual gene and to apply these test systems to the investigation of the effects of a frequent endogenously generated base modification, namely 8-oxo-7,8-hydroxyguanine (8-oxoG), on the gene transcription in cells. Several experimental strategies were employed for this purpose. First, I constructed an episomal vector encoding for a short-lived EGFP-ODC fusion protein and measured expression of the reporter gene in permanently transfected clonal cell lines exposed to DNA damaging agents. Second, the expression of plasmid-borne EGFP gene damaged with photosensitisers to obtain one or several oxidative purine modifications per plasmid molecule was determined in transiently transfected human and mouse host cells in an approach known as “host cell reactivation”. As a prerequisite for these experiments, a robust method of precise quantitative measurement of the EGFP gene expression in transiently transfected cells by flow cytometry was developed and validated. Third, I elaborated a very efficient procedure for insertion of synthetic oligonucleotides carrying 8-oxoG into plasmid DNA, avoiding any unwanted base damage and strand breaks. The consequences of 8-oxoG placed in defined positions in opposing DNA strands of the EGFP gene for transcription were measured by host cell reactivation in cells with functional 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) gene and in OGG1 null cells.rnThe results obtained in Ogg1-/- cells demonstrated that unrepaired 8-oxoG, even if situated in the transcribed DNA strand, does not have any negative effect on the reporter gene transcription. On the other hand, as few as one 8-oxoG was sufficient to cause a significant decrease of the gene expression in OGG1-proficient cell lines, i.e. in the presence of base excision repair. For two analysed positions of 8-oxoG in the plasmid DNA, the inhibition of gene transcription by the base modification correlated with the efficiency of its excision by purified OGG1 protein under cell-free conditions. Based on these findings, it has to be concluded that the observed decrease of transcription is mediated by excision of the base modification by OGG1 and probably caused by the repair-induced single-strand breaks. The mechanism of transcription inhibition by 8-oxoG is therefore clearly distinct from stalling of elongating RNA polymerase II complexes at the modified base.


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The presence of damaged nucleobases in DNA can negatively influence transcription of genes. One of the mechanisms by which DNA damage interferes with reading of genetic information is a direct blockage of the elongating RNA polymerase complexes – an effect well described for bulky adducts induced by several chemical substances and UV-irradiation. However, other mechanisms must exist as well because many of the endogenously occurring non-bulky DNA base modifications have transcription-inhibitory properties in cells, whilstrnnot constituting a roadblock for RNA polymerases under cell free conditions. The inhibition of transcription by non-blocking DNA damage was investigated in this work by employing the reporter gene-based assays. Comparison between various types of DNA damage (UV-induced pyrimidine photoproducts, oxidative purine modifications induced by photosensitisation, defined synthetic modified bases such as 8-oxoguanine and uracil, and sequence-specific single-strand breaks) showed that distinct mechanisms of inhibition of transcription can be engaged, and that DNA repair can influence transcription of the affectedrngenes in several different ways.rnQuantitative expression analyses of reporter genes damaged either by the exposure of cells to UV or delivered into cells by transient transfection supported the earlier evidence that transcription arrest at the damage sites is the major mechanism for the inhibition of transcription by this kind of DNA lesions and that recovery of transcription requires a functional nucleotide excision repair gene Csb (ERCC6) in mouse cells. In contrast, oxidisedrnpurines generated by photosensitisation do not cause transcriptional blockage by a direct mechanism, but rather lead to transcriptional repression of the damaged gene which is associated with altered histone acetylation in the promoter region. The whole chain of events leading to transcriptional silencing in response to DNA damage remains to be uncovered. Yet, the data presented here identify repair-induced single-strand breaks – which arise from excision of damaged bases by the DNA repair glycosylases or endonucleases – as arnputative initiatory factor in this process. Such an indirect mechanism was supported by requirement of the 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) for the inhibition of transcription by synthetic 8-oxodG incorporated into a reporter gene and by the delays observed for the inhibition of transcription caused by structurally unrelated base modifications (8-oxoguanine and uracil). It is thereby hypothesized that excision of the modified bases could be a generalrnmechanism for inhibition of transcription by DNA damage which is processed by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Further gene expression analyses of plasmids containing single-strand breaks or abasic sites in the transcribed sequences revealed strong transcription inhibitory potentials of these lesions, in agreement with the presumption that BER intermediates are largely responsible for the observed effects. Experiments with synthetic base modifications positioned within the defined DNA sequences showed thatrninhibition of transcription did not require the localisation of the lesion in the transcribed DNA strand; therefore the damage sensing mechanism has to be different from the direct encounters of transcribing RNA polymerase complexes with DNA damage.rnAltogether, this work provides new evidence that processing of various DNA basernmodifications by BER can perturb transcription of damaged genes by triggering a gene silencing mechanism. As gene expression can be influenced even by a single DNA damage event, this mechanism could have relevance for the endogenous DNA damage induced in cells under normal physiological conditions, with a possible link to gene silencing in general.


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A model of Drosophila circadian rhythm generation was developed to represent feedback loops based on transcriptional regulation of per, Clk (dclock), Pdp-1, and vri (vrille). The model postulates that histone acetylation kinetics make transcriptional activation a nonlinear function of [CLK]. Such a nonlinearity is essential to simulate robust circadian oscillations of transcription in our model and in previous models. Simulations suggest that two positive feedback loops involving Clk are not essential for oscillations, because oscillations of [PER] were preserved when Clk, vri, or Pdp-1 expression was fixed. However, eliminating positive feedback by fixing vri expression altered the oscillation period. Eliminating the negative feedback loop in which PER represses per expression abolished oscillations. Simulations of per or Clk null mutations, of per overexpression, and of vri, Clk, or Pdp-1 heterozygous null mutations altered model behavior in ways similar to experimental data. The model simulated a photic phase-response curve resembling experimental curves, and oscillations entrained to simulated light-dark cycles. Temperature compensation of oscillation period could be simulated if temperature elevation slowed PER nuclear entry or PER phosphorylation. The model makes experimental predictions, some of which could be tested in transgenic Drosophila.


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In eukaryotic cells the TATA-binding protein (TBP) associates with other proteins known as TBP-associated factors (TAFs) to form multisubunit transcription factors important for gene expression by all three nuclear RNA polymerases. Computer searching of the complete Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome revealed five previously unidentified yeast genes with significant sequence similarity to known human and Drosophila RNA polymerase II TAFs. Each of these genes is essential for viability. A sixth essential gene (FUN81) has previously been noted to be similar to human TAFII18. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments show that all six proteins are associated with TBP, demonstrating that they are true TAFs. Furthermore, these proteins are present in complexes containing the TAFII130 subunit, indicating that they are components of TFIID. Based on their predicted molecular weights, these genes have been designated TAF67, TAF61(68), TAF40, TAF23(25), TAF19(FUN81), and TAF17. Yeast TAF61 is significantly larger than its higher eukaryotic homologues, and deletion analysis demonstrates that the evolutionarily conserved, histone-like domain is sufficient and necessary to support viability.


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Cells of several major algal groups are evolutionary chimeras of two radically different eukaryotic cells. Most of these “cells within cells” lost the nucleus of the former algal endosymbiont. But after hundreds of millions of years cryptomonads still retain the nucleus of their former red algal endosymbiont as a tiny relict organelle, the nucleomorph, which has three minute linear chromosomes, but their function and the nature of their ends have been unclear. We report extensive cryptomonad nucleomorph sequences (68.5 kb), from one end of each of the three chromosomes of Guillardia theta. Telomeres of the nucleomorph chromosomes differ dramatically from those of other eukaryotes, being repeats of the 23-mer sequence (AG)7AAG6A, not a typical hexamer (commonly TTAGGG). The subterminal regions comprising the rRNA cistrons and one protein-coding gene are exactly repeated at all three chromosome ends. Gene density (one per 0.8 kb) is the highest for any cellular genome. None of the 38 protein-coding genes has spliceosomal introns, in marked contrast to the chlorarachniophyte nucleomorph. Most identified nucleomorph genes are for gene expression or protein degradation; histone, tubulin, and putatively centrosomal ranbpm genes are probably important for chromosome segregation. No genes for primary or secondary metabolism have been found. Two of the three tRNA genes have introns, one in a hitherto undescribed location. Intergenic regions are exceptionally short; three genes transcribed by two different RNA polymerases overlap their neighbors. The reported sequences encode two essential chloroplast proteins, FtsZ and rubredoxin, thus explaining why cryptomonad nucleomorphs persist.


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Many bacterial plasmids replicate by a rolling-circle mechanism that involves the generation of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) intermediates. Replication of the lagging strand of such plasmids initiates from their single strand origin (sso). Many different types of ssos have been identified. One group of ssos, termed ssoA, which have conserved sequence and structural features, function efficiently only in their natural hosts in vivo. To study the host specificity of sso sequences, we have analyzed the functions of two closely related ssoAs belonging to the staphylococcal plasmid pE194 and the streptococcal plasmid pLS1 in Staphylococcus aureus. The pLS1 ssoA functioned poorly in vivo in S. aureus as evidenced by accumulation of high levels of ssDNA but supported efficient replication in vitro in staphylococcal extracts. These results suggest that one or more host factors that are present in sufficient quantities in S. aureus cell-free extracts may be limiting in vivo. Mapping of the initiation points of lagging strand synthesis in vivo and in vitro showed that DNA synthesis initiates from specific sites within the pLS1 ssoA. These results demonstrate that specific initiation of replication can occur from the pLS1 ssoA in S. aureus although it plays a minimal role in lagging strand synthesis in vivo. Therefore, the poor functionality of the pLS1 in vivo in a nonnative host is caused by the low efficiency rather than a lack of specificity of the initiation process. We also have identified ssDNA promoters and mapped the primer RNAs synthesized by the S. aureus and Bacillus subtilis RNA polymerases from the pE194 and pLS1 ssoAs. The S. aureus RNA polymerase bound more efficiently to the native pE194 ssoA as compared with the pLS1 ssoA, suggesting that the strength of RNA polymerase–ssoA interaction may play a major role in the functionality of the ssoA sequences in Gram-positive bacteria.


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The C-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II plays a role in transcription and RNA processing. Yeast ESS1, a peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase, is involved in RNA processing and can associate with the CTD. Using several types of assays we could not find any evidence of an effect of Pin1, the human homolog of ESS1, on transcription by RNA polymerase II in vitro or on the expression of a reporter gene in vivo. However, an inhibitor of Pin1, 5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (juglone), blocked transcription by RNA polymerase II. Unlike N-ethylmaleimide, which inhibited all phases of transcription by RNA polymerase II, juglone disrupted the formation of functional preinitiation complexes by modifying sulfhydryl groups but did not have any significant effect on either initiation or elongation. Both RNA polymerases I and III, but not T7 RNA polymerase, were inhibited by juglone. The primary target of juglone has not been unambiguously identified, although a site on the polymerase itself is suggested by inhibition of RNA polymerase II during factor-independent transcription of single-stranded DNA. Because of its unique inhibitory properties juglone should prove useful in studying transcription in vitro.