Regelmechanismen und Determinanten der Transkription in Polytänchromosomen von Chironomus und Drosophila
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Die kumulative Habil.‐Schrift gründet sich auf 6 Originalpublikationen, die beschreiben: [Sass, H. (1982), Cell 28: 269‐278]. RNA polymerase B in polytene chromosomes: Immunofluorescent and autoradiographic analysis during stimulated and repressed RNA synthesis. Elektronenmikroskopie charakterisierte das C. tentans Balbianiring BR2‐Gen von Speicheldrüsenchromosomen als hoch aktives 5‐6 μm langes single‐copy Gen, das 33/μm RNAPolymerasen B (Pol II) transkribieren (Diss., Sass, H., 1978, Univ. Tübingen). Diese Immunfluoreszenzstudie ortet Pol II in allen Interbanden von Region IV‐3B10‐3B5 des nichtinduzierten BR2. Prominente Fluoreszenz im BR2‐Genort 3B9/10 zeigt, das BR2‐Gen ist präaktiv, wie erwartet. 3H‐Autoradiogramme beweisen, in allen fluoreszierenden BR2, BR1, BR3, Puffs, aufgelockerten Banden, Interbanden und Loci ohne Puffing, synthetisiert Pol II RNA. Die genomweite ständige Pol II‐Präsenz zeigt, dass, wie beim nichtinduzierten BR2‐Gen, bereits schon gebundene Pol II wohl auch andere Gene präaktiviert. So erfolgt die Regulation der Transkription mehr über die transkriptionelle Elongation. Auch durch α‐Amanitin, oder Actinomycin D, oder Hitzeschock in vivo kollabierte BR2, BR1, BR3 besitzen Pol II. [Sass, H. (1984), Chromosoma 90: 20‐25]. Gene identification in polytene chromosomes: some Balbiani ring 2 gene sequences are located in an interband‐like region of Chironomus tentans. Immunfluoreszenz und 3H‐Autoradiographie zeigen, dass Injektionen von DRB in Larven die Balbianiringe (BR) sowie andere Puffs und deren Pol II‐Konzentration dramatisch reduzieren. Trotzdem zeigen 3H‐Uridin markierte Speicheldrüsenchromosomen, dass RNA‐Synthese doch in nichtinduzierten BR2, BR1, BR3 erfolgt, aber nur auf reduziertem Level. Das widerspricht der von Egyházi E. (1975, PNAS 73:947‐950) propagierten „Inhibition of Balbiani ring RNA synthesis at the initiation level“ durch DRB. Vielmehr sieht es so aus, DRB wirkt bei der transkriptionellen Elongation inhibierend. Durch in situ‐Hybridisierung von Sequenzen klonierter BR2‐DNA wurde in Speicheldrüsenchromosom IV das BR2‐Gen in Region 3B9/10 direkt identifiziert. [Sass, H. and Pederson, T. (1984), J. Mol. Biol. 180: 911‐926]. Transcription‐dependent localization of U1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins at major sites of gene activity in polytene chromosomes. Immunolokalisation von Sm‐, U1‐ und U2snRNP‐spezifischen Antigenen in Speicheldrüsenchromosomen von C. tentans hat zur Entdeckung der beim Spleißen von prä‐mRNA beteiligten U1/U2snRNPs in Balbianiringen BR2, BR1, BR3 sowie anderen Puffs und aufgelockerten Banden geführt. Die überraschenden BR‐Daten zeigen erstmals: (i) Der Spleiß‐Apparat ist in Genloci mit intensiver RNA‐Synthese schon vorhanden. (ii) Immunfluoreszenz reflektiert den Exon‐Intron‐Bau dieser BR‐Gene. (iii) Transkription und spleißosomales Ausschneiden von Introns sind koordiniert. [Sass, H. (1989), Nucleic Acids Research 17: 10508]. Hsp82‐neo transposition vectors to study insertional mutagenesis in Drosophila melanogaster and tissue culture cells; [Sass, H. (1990), Gene 89: 179‐186]. P‐transposable vectors expressing a constitutive and thermoinducible hsp82‐neo fusion gene for Drosophila germline transformation and tissue‐culture transfection. Beschrieben sind Design, Konstruktion und Expression der Genfusion hsp82‐neo als ein in vivo selektierbares Reporter‐/Markergen, die Transposons P{hsp82‐neo/Adh} sowie P{hsp82‐neo} und Transformations‐Vektoren pHS22, pHS24, pHS85, pHS103 und pHS104. Sie stellen das von der Fliege gebildete Enzym bakteriellen Ursprungs, Neomycin‐Phosphotransferase II, für die G418‐Selektion bereit, um die Position, Struktur, Expression und Funktion von Genen mittels hsp82‐neo‐Mutagenese zu erforschen. [Sass, H. and Meselson, M. (1991), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 6795‐6799]. Dosage compensation of the Drosophila pseudoobscura Hsp82 gene and the D. melanogaster Adh gene at ectopic sites in D. melanogaster. Quantitative Unterschiede in der Dosiskompensation des X‐chromosomalen hsp82‐Gens von D. pseudoobscura und autosomalen Adh‐Gens von D. melanogaster wurden als Erhöhung der RNAMenge in D. melanogaster gemessen. Beide Transgene sind dosiskompensiert, sprang P{hsp82‐ neo/Adh} in euchromatische Regionen des D. melanogaster X‐Chromosoms. Beide Transgene sind nicht dosiskompensiert, insertierte P{hsp82‐neo/Adh} ins β‐Heterochromatin in Region 20 an der Basis des X. Keine der zehn autosomalen Insertionen ist dosiskompensiert. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass X‐chromosomale regulatorische Sequenzen, die für die Verstärkung der Genaktivität um Faktor 2 in Männchen verantwortlich sind, gehäuft im X vorkommen, jedoch im β‐ Heterochromatin und den Autosomen fehlen. Das Kompensationsverhalten der transponierten Gene wird durch das neue chromosomale Milieu des Insertionsortes bestimmt. This Habilitation thesis is based on 6 original publications that describe: [Sass, H. (1982), Cell 28: 269‐278]. RNA polymerase B in polytene chromosomes: Immunofluorescent and autoradiographic analysis during stimulated and repressed RNA synthesis. Electron microscopy characterized the C. tentans Balbiani ring BR2 gene of salivary gland chromosomes as a highly active 5‐6 μm long single‐copy gene transcribed by 33/μm RNA polymerases B (Pol II), (Diss., Sass, H., 1978, Univ. Tuebingen). With immunofluorescence I found Pol II at BR2, BR1, BR3, puffs, interbands, loosened bands and loci without puffing. This study is the first to show that Pol II occupies all interbands of the noninduced BR2 region IV‐3B10‐3B5. Prominent fluorescence was detected in BR2 gene locus IV‐3B9/10. The BR2 gene is preactive, as expected. Whenever immunofluorescence is detected on the polytenes, the presence of active Pol II can be autoradiographically demonstrated. Only in cases of an in vivo α‐amanitin or actinomycin D treatment is Pol II present but transcriptionally inactive. Active Pol II remains associated with BRs and puffs that have collapsed induced by an in vivo heat shock. Consistent with prior work (Diss., Sass, H., 1978, Univ. Tuebingen; Sass, H., 1980, Chromosoma 78:33‐78) I found the chromosomes permanently loaded with active Pol II. The results suggest that recruitment of Pol II during transcriptional initiation is not the rate‐limiting step in transcription, but that transcriptional regulation occurs on the post‐recruitment level via transcriptional elongation. [Sass, H. (1984), Chromosoma 90: 20‐25]. Gene identification in polytene chromosomes: some Balbiani ring 2 gene sequences are located in an interband‐like region of Chironomus tentans. Injection of larvae with DRB led to a recondensation of BR2 and other puffs accompanied by a dramatic loss of Pol II. 3H‐uridine incorporation and Pol II immunofluorescence show that RNA synthesis did occur in the presence of DRB, but at a very reduced level. These data contradict Egyházi E. (1975, PNAS 73:947‐950) that DRB causes ‘Inhibition of Balbiani ring RNA synthesis at the initiation level’. The inhibitory effect of DRB appears to be on the level of transcription elongation. Hybridization in situ of cloned BR2‐DNA located the BR2‐gene in an interband‐like region between bands IV‐3B9 and IV‐3B10. [Sass, H. and Pederson, T. (1984), J. Mol. Biol. 180: 911‐926]. Transcription‐dependent localization of U1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins at major sites of gene activity in polytene chromosomes. We report here the first evidence that U1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs), respectively are deposited cotranscriptionally on Balbiani rings BR2, BR1, BR3, other puffs and loosened bands of C. tentans. We show the strictly transcription‐dependent spectacularly decoration at major sites of gene activity with antibodies against the snRNP Sm antigens by immunofluorescence. Surprisingly, these intriguing results indicate: (i) that the splicing apparatus is present at major sites of RNA synthesis, and suggest (ii) the possibility that BR2, BR1 and BR3‐RNAs are expressed from genomic exon and intron sequences forming a split structure of BR1, BR2, BR3 genes, and (iii) transcription and intron removal of the BR2, BR1, BR3‐pre‐mRNAs are coordinated. [Sass, H. (1989), Nucleic Acids Research 17: 10508]. Hsp82‐neo transposition vectors to study insertional mutagenesis in Drosophila melanogaster and tissue culture cells; [Sass, H. (1990), Gene 89: 179‐186]. P‐transposable vectors expressing a constitutive and thermoinducible hsp82‐neo fusion gene for Drosophila germline transformation and tissue‐culture transfection. Here I describe design, construction and expression of P‐element transformation vectors pHS22, pHS24, pHS85, pHS103 and pHS104, respectively to study insertional mutagenesis by transposons in transgenic D. melanogaster. Vector‐backbone is an hsp82‐neo fusion gene that acts as a dominant reporter/marker gene to select G418‐resistent D. melanogaster mutants. [Sass, H. and Meselson, M. (1991), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 6795‐6799]. Dosage compensation of the Drosophila pseudoobscura Hsp82 gene and the Drosophila melanogaster Adh gene at ectopic sites in D. melanogaster. Measurements were made of the amounts of larval RNA transcribed from the autosomal Adh gene of D. melanogaster and the X chromosomal Hsp82 gene of D. pseudoobscura carried on the same Pelement transposon inserted at various sites in the D. melanogaster genome. Both genes were fully compensated at sites in euchromatic regions of the X chromosome but neither was compensated at a site in the centric β‐heterochromatin of the X chromosome. No compensation of the D. pseudoobscura Hsp82 gene was found at any of 10 autosomal insertion sites tested. The compensation behavior of the transposed genes was determined in each case by their new chromosomal environment. |
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Identificador |
urn:nbn:de:hebis:77-29226 |
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10: Biologie. 10: Biologie |
Direitos | |
Palavras-Chave | #Chironomus #Drosophila #Balbiani-Ring #RNS-Polymerase II #Genexpression #BR2 #BR3 #P{hsp82-neo} #U1/U2snRNPs #DRB #Dosiskompensation #RNA Pol II occupancy #transcription elongation #vector #puff #transgene #Natural sciences and mathematics |
Tipo |
Thesis.Habilitation |