804 resultados para RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS
The objective of these studies was to evaluate possible airway inflammation and remodeling at the bronchial level in cross-country skiers without a prior diagnosis of asthma, and relate the findings to patients with mild chronic asthma and patients with newly diagnosed asthma. We also studied the association of airway inflammatory changes and bronchial hyperresponsivess (BHR), and treatment effects in cross-country skiers and in patients with newly diagnosed asthma. Bronchial biopsies were obtained from the subjects by flexible bronchoscopy, and the inflammatory cells (eosinophils, mast cells, T-lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils) were identified by immunohistochemistry. Tenascin (Tn) immunoreactivity in the bronchial basement membrane (BM) was identified by immunofluorescence staining. Lung function was measured with spirometry, and BHR was assessed by methacholine (skiers) or histamine (asthmatics) challenges. Skiers with BHR and asthma-like symptoms were recruited to a drug-intervention study. Skiers were given treatment (22 weeks) with placebo or budesonide (400 µg bid). Patients with newly diagnosed asthma were given treatment for 16 weeks with placebo, salmeterol (SLM) (50 µg bid), fluticasone propionate (FP) (250 µg bid), or disodium cromoglicate (DSCG) (5 mg qid). Bronchial biopsies were obtained at baseline and at the end of the treatment period. In the skiers a distinct airway inflammation was evident. In their bronchial biopsy specimens, T-lymphocyte, macrophage, and eosinophil counts were, respectively greater by 43-fold (P<0.001), 26-fold (P<0.001, and 2-fold (P<0.001) in skiers, and by 70-fold (p>0.001), 63-fold (P<0.001), and 8-fold (P<0.001) in asthmatic subjects than in controls. In skiers, neutrophil counts were more than 2-fold greater than in asthmatic subjects (P<0.05). Tn expression was higher in skiers than in controls and lower in skiers than in mild asthmatics. No significant changes were seen between skiers with or without BHR in the inflammatory cell counts or Tn expression. Treatment with inhaled budesonide did not attenuate asthma-like symptoms, the inflammatory cell infiltration, or BM Tn expression in the skiers. In newly diagnosed asthmatic patients, SLM, FP, and DSCG reduced asthma symptoms, and need for rescue medication (P<0.04). BHR was reduced by doubling doses 2.78, 5.22, and 1.35 respectively (all P<0.05). SLM and placebo had no effect on cell counts or Tn expression. FP and DSCG reduced eosinophil counts in the bronchial biopsy specimens (P<0.02 and <0.048, respectively). No significant change in tenascin expression appeared in any treatment group. Regarding to atopy, no significant differences existed in the inflammatory cell counts in the bronchial mucosa of subjects with newly diagnosed asthma or in elite cross country skiers. Tn expression in the BM was significantly higher in atopic asthma than in those with nonatopic asthma. Airway inflammation occurred in elite cross-country skiers with and without respiratory symptoms or BHR. Their inflammatory cell pattern differed from that in asthma. Infiltration with eosinophils, macrophages, and mast cells was milder, but lymphocyte counts did not differ from counts in asthmatic airways. Neutrophilic infiltration was more extensive in skiers than in asthmatics. Remodeling took place in the skiers’ airways, as reflected by increased expression of BM tenascin These inflammatory changes and Tn expression may be caused by prolonged exposure of the lower airways to inadequately humidified cold air. In skiers inflammatory changes and remodeling were not reversed with anti-inflammatory treatment. In contrast, in patients with newly diagnosed asthma, anti-inflammatory treatment did attenuate eosinophilic inflammation in the bronchial mucosa. In skiers, anti-inflammatory treatment did not attenuate BHR as it did in asthmatic patients. The BHR in skiers was attenuated spontaneously during placebo treatment, with no difference from budesonide treatment. Lower training intensity during the treatment period may explain this spontaneous decrease in BHR. The origin of BHR probably differs in skiers and in asthmatics. No significant association between BHR and inflammatory cell counts or between BHR and Tn expression was evident in cross-country skiers or asthmatic subjects. Airway remodeling differed between atopic and nonatopic asthma. As opposed to nonatopic asthma, Tn expression was higher in atopic asthma and is related to inflammatory cell densities.
Atopic dermatitis (AD) or atopic eczema is characterised by a superficial skin inflammation with an overall Th2 cell dominance and impaired function of the epidermal barrier. Patients also are at an increased risk for asthma and allergic rhinitis. Treatment with tacrolimus ointment inhibits T cell activation and blocks the production of several inflammatory cytokines in the skin, without suppressing collagen synthesis. The aims of this thesis were to determine: (1) long-term efficacy, safety, and effects on cell-mediated immunity and serum IgE levels in patients with moderate-to-severe AD treated for 1 year with tacrolimus ointment or a corticosteroid regimen, (2) the 10-year outcome of eczema, respiratory symptoms, and serum IgE levels in AD patients initially treated long-term with tacrolimus ointment, and (3) pharmacokinetics and long-term safety and efficacy of 0.03% tacrolimus ointment in infants under age 2 with AD. Cell-mediated immunity, reflecting Th1 cell reactivity, was measured by recall antigens and was at baseline lower in patients with AD compared to healthy controls. Treatment with either 0.1% tacrolimus ointment or a corticosteroid regimen for one year enhanced recall antigen reactivity. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL), an indicator of skin barrier function, decreased at months 6 and 12 in both tacrolimus- and corticosteroid-treated patients; TEWL for the head and neck was significantly lower in tacrolimus-treated patients. Patients in the 10-year open follow-up study showed a decrease in affected body surface area from a baseline 19.0% to a 10-year 1.6% and those with bronchial hyper-responsiveness at baseline showed an increase in the provocative dose of inhaled histamine producing a 15% decrease in FEV1, indicating less hyper-responsiveness. Respiratory symptoms (asthma and rhinitis) reported by the patient decreased in those with active symptoms at baseline. A good treatment response after one year of tacrolimus treatment predicted a good treatment response throughout the 10-year follow-up and a decrease in total serum IgE levels at the 10-year follow-up visit. The 2-week pharmacokinetic and the long-term study with 0.03% tacrolimus ointment showed good and continuous improvement of AD in the infants. Tacrolimus blood levels were throughout the study low and treatment well tolerated. This thesis underlines the importance of effective long-term topical treatment of AD. When the active skin inflammation decreases, cell-mediated immunity of the skin improves and a secondary marker for Th2 cell reactivity, total serum IgE, decreases. Respiratory symptoms seem to improve when the eczema area decreases. All these effects can be attributed to improvement of skin barrier function. One potential method to prevent a progression from AD to asthma and allergic rhinitis may be avoidance of early sensitisation through the skin, so early treatment of AD in infants is crucial. Long-term treatment with 0.03% tacrolimus ointment was effective and safe in infants over age 3 months.
Airway inflammation is a key feature of bronchial asthma. In asthma management, according to international guidelines, the gold standard is anti-inflammatory treatment. Currently, only conventional procedures (i.e., symptoms, use of rescue medication, PEF-variability, and lung function tests) were used to both diagnose and evaluate the results of treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs. New methods for evaluation of degree of airway inflammation are required. Nitric oxide (NO) is a gas which is produced in the airways of healthy subjects and especially produced in asthmatic airways. Measurement of NO from the airways is possible, and NO can be measured from exhaled air. Fractional exhaled NO (FENO) is increased in asthma, and the highest concentrations are measured in asthmatic patients not treated with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). Steroid-treated patients with asthma had levels of FENO similar to those of healthy controls. Atopic asthmatics had higher levels of FENO than did nonatopic asthmatics, indicating that level of atopy affected FENO level. Associations between FENO and bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) occur in asthma. The present study demonstrated that measurement of FENO had good reproducibility, and the FENO variability was reasonable both short- and long-term in both healthy subjects and patients with respiratory symptoms or asthma. We demonstrated the upper normal limit for healthy subjects, which was 12 ppb calculated from two different healthy study populations. We showed that patients with respiratory symptoms who did not fulfil the diagnostic criteria of asthma had FENO values significantly higher than in healthy subjects, but significantly lower than in asthma patients. These findings suggest that BHR to histamine is a sensitive indicator of the effect of ICS and a valuable tool for adjustment of corticosteroid treatment in mild asthma. The findings further suggest that intermittent treatment periods of a few weeks’ duration are insufficient to provide long-term control of BHR in patients with mild persistent asthma. Moreover, during the treatment with ICS changes in BHR and changes in FENO were associated. FENO level was associated with BHR measured by a direct (histamine challenge) or indirect method (exercise challenge) in steroid-naïve symptomatic, non-smoking asthmatics. Although these associations could be found only in atopics, FENO level in nonatopic asthma was also increased. It can thus be concluded that assessment of airway inflammation by measuring FENO can be useful for clinical purposes. The methodology of FENO measurements is now validated. Especially in those patients with respiratory symptoms who did not fulfil the diagnostic criteria of asthma, FENO measurement can aid in treatment decisions. Serial measurement of FENO during treatment with ICS can be a complementary or an alternative method for evaluation in patients with asthma.
A influenza é uma das doenças respiratórias agudas mais prevalentes e importante causa de absenteísmo e presenteísmo. Entretanto, a eficácia vacinal para influenza pode alcançar 80% quando há elevada correspondência entre cepas vacinais e circulantes. Por este motivo, a empresa há anos promove campanha de vacinação, contudo, sem estimar sua efetividade (eficácia na redução da carga da doença) e o impacto econômico (produtividade) para o aprimoramento de sua política de saúde ocupacional. Considerou-se que a efetividade da campanha seria determinada pela eficácia vacinal previamente demonstrada em estudos randomizados, pelo grau de acurácia diagnóstica ou de triagem dos casos, pelo nível de adesão do profissional de saúde ao registro no prontuário e do paciente ao informar a ocorrência dos sintomas e pela cobertura vacinal alcançada. Com os objetivos de avaliar a efetividade e impacto econômico da campanha de vacinação para influenza, optou-se por um desenho estudo observacional de coorte histórico com características de estudo de intervenção baseado em dados históricos da campanha de 2008 e informações individuais sobre a frequência de sintomas respiratórios e absenteísmo, idade, gênero, função (administrativa e operacional) e renda, comorbidades relevantes e tabagismo, obtidas mediante revisão de prontuário dos 12 meses subsequentes, comparadas entre os grupos de vacinados e não-vacinados (qui-quadrado e test t) e analisadas por regressão logística, e estimada a fração prevenível (proporção de episódios potenciais de influenza evitados pela vacinação). Foram analisados os prontuários de 2.425 trabalhadores (1.651 não-vacinados e 754 vacinados) correspondendo à cobertura de 31,1%. A prevalência de influenza observada foi de 10,4% e a vacinação foi efetiva entre os trabalhadores (RR=0,51; IC95% 39-67), quando considerados os sintomas de alta probabilidade de influenza. A fração prevenível foi 0,09 (9 casos evitados a cada 100 trabalhadores vacinados). A campanha de vacinação foi mais efetiva e provocou maior impacto econômico entre os trabalhadores em regime operacional.
Apesar da cidade do Rio de Janeiro ser uma das mais importantes metrópoles brasileiras são muito pouco conhecidos os efeitos da exposição aos poluentes atmosféricos na saúde da população carioca. Este trabalho foi idealizado para suprir uma parte desta carência. Os poluentes investigados foram PM10, SO2, NO2, CO e O3 e os desfechos envolveram os atendimentos pediátricos de emergência por sintomas respiratórios em três unidades públicas de saúde de Jacarepaguá, entre abril de 2002 e março de 2003. As variáveis de confusão foram a tendência temporal, sazonalidade, temperatura, umidade relativa do ar, precipitação de chuva e infecções respiratórias. Também foram ajustados os efeitos do calendário, isto é, determinados dias do ano que apresentaram comportamentos anormais como feriados e finais de semana. Houve inúmeras falhas no monitoramento de todos os poluentes e devido ao reduzido volume de dados, optou-se por não incluir o SO2 nas análises. Uma vez que os determinantes e as conseqüências clínicas das exposições aos poluentes atmosféricos são bastante distintos nas vias aérias superiores e nas vias aéreas inferiores, um dos estudos verificou a associação dos poluentes do ar com transtornos nestes dois segmentos. Embora de pequena magnitude, somente o O3 apresentou resultado positivo e estatisticamente significativo, tanto com todos os atendimentos de emergência por queixas respiratórias como com os atendimentos motivados por sintomas nas vias aéreas inferiores. O efeito foi no mesmo dia da exposição (lag 0). No outro estudo, investigou-se a associação dos poluentes do ar com os atendimentos de emergência por sintomas de obstrução brônquica. Neste caso, as crianças foram categorizadads em três faixas etárias. Somente as crianças com idades menores que 2 anos tiveram um resultado positivo e estatisticamente significativo, de expressiva magnitude com PM10. Semelhante efeito foi visto com o O3, embora com significado estatístico limítrofe (p<0,06). Também neste estudo o efeito ocorreu no mesmo dia da exposição. Apesar das falhas no monitoramento, nos dois estudos, os parâmetros da poluição ambiental estiveram associados ao aumento do número de atendimentos pediátricos de emergência por motivos respiratórios em Jacarepaguá. Durante o período de estudos, os níveis de todos os poluentes monitorados permaneceram abaixo dos limites recomendados.
Increasing the activity of defective cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein is a potential treatment for cystic fibrosis.
We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate ivacaftor (VX-770), a CFTR potentiator, in subjects 12 years of age or older with cystic fibrosis and at least one G551D-CFTR mutation. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive 150 mg of ivacaftor every 12 hours (84 subjects, of whom 83 received at least one dose) or placebo (83, of whom 78 received at least one dose) for 48 weeks. The primary end point was the estimated mean change from baseline through week 24 in the percent of predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1).
The change from baseline through week 24 in the percent of predicted FEV1 was greater by 10.6 percentage points in the ivacaftor group than in the placebo group (P < 0.001). Effects on pulmonary function were noted by 2 weeks, and a significant treatment effect was maintained through week 48. Subjects receiving ivacaftor were 55% less likely to have a pulmonary exacerbation than were patients receiving placebo, through week 48 (P < 0.001). In addition, through week 48, subjects in the ivacaftor group scored 8.6 points higher than did subjects in the placebo group on the respiratory-symptoms domain of the Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire-revised instrument (a 100-point scale, with higher numbers indicating a lower effect of symptoms on the patient's quality of life) (P < 0.001). By 48 weeks, patients treated with ivacaftor had gained, on average, 2.7 kg more weight than had patients receiving placebo (P < 0.001). The change from baseline through week 48 in the concentration of sweat chloride, a measure of CFTR activity, with ivacaftor as compared with placebo was -48.1 mmol per liter (P < 0.001). The incidence of adverse events was similar with ivacaftor and placebo, with a lower proportion of serious adverse events with ivacaftor than with placebo (24% vs. 42%).
Ivacaftor was associated with improvements in lung function at 2 weeks that were sustained through 48 weeks. Substantial improvements were also observed in the risk of pulmonary exacerbations, patient-reported respiratory symptoms, weight, and concentration of sweat chloride.
More infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) now survive to adulthood but little is known regarding persisting respiratory impairment. We report respiratory symptoms, lung function and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in adult BPD survivors compared with preterm (non-BPD) and full term (FT) controls.
Respiratory symptoms (European Community Respiratory Health Survey) and HRQoL [EuroQol 5D (EQ-5D)] were measured in 72 adult BPD survivors [mean(SD) study age 24.1(4.0)y; mean(SD) gestational age (GA)=27.1(2.1)wk; mean(SD) birth weight (BW)=955(256)g] cared for in the Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Belfast (between 1978 and 1993) were compared with 57 non-BPD controls [mean(SD) study age 25.3(4.0)y; mean(SD) GA 31.0(2.5)wk; mean(SD) BW 1238(222)g] and 78 FT controls [mean(SD) study age 25.7(3.8)y; mean(SD) GA=39.7(1.4)wk; mean(SD) BW=3514(456)g] cared for at the same hospital. Spirometry was performed on 56 BPD, 40 non-BPD and 55 FT participants.
BPD subjects were twice as likely to report wheeze and three times more likely to use asthma medication than controls. BPD adults had significantly lower FEV1 and FEF25–75 than both the preterm non-BPD and FT controls (all p<0.01). Mean EQ-5D was 6 points lower in BPD adults compared to FT controls (p<0.05).
BPD survivors have significant respiratory and quality of life impairment persisting into adulthood.
The optimal duration over which lung SBRT should be delivered is unknown. We conducted a randomized pilot study in patients treated with four fractions of lung SBRT delivered over 4 or over 11days.
Patients with a peripheral solitary lung tumor (NSCLC or pulmonary metastasis) ?5cm were eligible. For NSCLC lung tumors ?3cm, a dose of 48Gy in 4 fractions was used, otherwise 52Gy in 4 fractions was delivered. Patients were randomized to receive treatment over 4 consecutive days or over 11days. The primary end-point was acute grade ?2 toxicity. Secondary end-points included quality of life (QOL) assessed using the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-LC13 questionnaires.
Fifty four patients were enrolled. More patients in the 11day group had respiratory symptoms at baseline. 55.6% patients treated over 4days and 33.3% of patients treated over 11days experienced acute grade ?2 toxicity (p=0.085). Dyspnea, fatigue and coughing domains were worse in the 11day group at baseline. At 1 and 4months, more patients in the 4day group experienced a clinically meaningful worsening in the dyspnea QOL domain compared to the 11day group (44.5% vs 15.4%, p=0.02; 38.5% vs 12.0%, p=0.03, respectively). However, raw QOL scores were not different at these time-points between treatment groups.
Grade 2 or higher acute toxicity was more common in the 4day group, approaching statistical significance. More patients treated on 4 consecutive days reported a clinically meaningful increase in dyspnea, although interpretation of these results is challenging due to baseline imbalance between treatment groups. Larger studies are required to validate these results.
Although survival has improved significantly in recent years, prematurity remains a major cause of infant and childhood mortality and morbidity. Preterm births (<37 weeks of gestation) account for 8% of live births representing >50 000 live births each year in the UK. Preterm birth, irrespective of whether babies require neonatal intensive care, is associated with increased respiratory symptoms, partially reversible airflow obstruction and abnormal thoracic imaging in childhood and in young adulthood compared with those born at term. Having failed to reach their optimal peak lung function in early adulthood, there are as yet unsubstantiated concerns of accelerated lung function decline especially if exposed to noxious substances leading to chronic respiratory illness; even if the rate of decline in lung function is normal, the threshold for respiratory symptoms will be crossed early. Few adult respiratory physicians enquire about the neonatal period in their clinical practice. The management of these subjects in adulthood is largely evidence free. They are often labelled as asthmatic although the underlying mechanisms are likely to be very different. Smoking cessation, maintaining physical fitness, annual influenza immunisation and a general healthy lifestyle should be endorsed irrespective of any symptoms. There are a number of clinical and research priorities to maximise the quality of life and lung health in the longer term not least understanding the underlying mechanisms and optimising treatment, rather than extrapolating from other airway diseases.
Background: We aimed to determine adherence to inhaled antibiotics, other respiratory medicines and airway clearance and to determine the association between adherence to these treatments and health outcomes (pulmonary exacerbations, lung function and Quality of Life Questionnaire-Bronchiectasis [QOL-B]) in bronchiectasis after 12 months.
Methods: Patients with bronchiectasis prescribed inhaled antibiotics for Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection were recruited into a one-year study. Participants were categorised as " adherent" to medication (medication possession ratio ≥80% using prescription data) or airway clearance (score ≥80% in the Modified Self-Reported Medication-Taking Scale). Pulmonary exacerbations were defined as treatment with a new course of oral or intravenous antibiotics over the one-year study. Spirometry and QOL-B were completed at baseline and 12 months. Associations between adherence to treatment and pulmonary exacerbations, lung function and QOL-B were determined by regression analyses.
Results: Seventy-five participants were recruited. Thirty-five (53%), 39 (53%) and 31 (41%) participants were adherent to inhaled antibiotics, other respiratory medicines, and airway clearance, respectively. Twelve (16%) participants were adherent to all treatments. Participants who were adherent to inhaled antibiotics had significantly fewer exacerbations compared to non-adherent participants (2.6 vs 4, p = 0.00) and adherence to inhaled antibiotics was independently associated with having fewer pulmonary exacerbations (regression co-efficient = -0.51, 95% CI [-0.81,-0.21], p < 0.001). Adherence to airway clearance was associated with lower QOL-B Treatment Burden (regression co-efficient = -15.46, 95% CI [-26.54, -4.37], p < 0.01) and Respiratory Symptoms domain scores (regression co-efficient = -10.77, 95% CI [-21.45; -0.09], p < 0.05). There were no associations between adherence to other respiratory medicines and any of the outcomes tested. Adherence to treatment was not associated with FEV1 % predicted.
Conclusions: Treatment adherence is low in bronchiectasis and affects important health outcomes including pulmonary exacerbations. Adherence should be measured as part of bronchiectasis management and future research should evaluate bronchiectasis-specific adherence strategies.
BACKGROUND: The impact of bronchiectasis on sedentary behaviour and physical activity is unknown. It is important to explore this to identify the need for physical activity interventions and how to tailor interventions to this patient population. We aimed to explore the patterns and correlates of sedentary behaviour and physical activity in bronchiectasis.
METHODS: Physical activity was assessed in 63 patients with bronchiectasis using an ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometer over seven days. Patients completed: questionnaires on health-related quality-of-life and attitudes to physical activity (questions based on an adaption of the transtheoretical model (TTM) of behaviour change); spirometry; and the modified shuttle test (MST). Multiple linear regression analysis using forward selection based on likelihood ratio statistics explored the correlates of sedentary behaviour and physical activity dimensions. Between-group analysis using independent sample t-tests were used to explore differences for selected variables.
RESULTS: Fifty-five patients had complete datasets. Average daily time, mean(standard deviation) spent in sedentary behaviour was 634(77)mins, light-lifestyle physical activity was 207(63)mins and moderate-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was 25(20)mins. Only 11% of patients met recommended guidelines. Forced expiratory volume in one-second percentage predicted (FEV1% predicted) and disease severity were not correlates of sedentary behaviour or physical activity. For sedentary behaviour, decisional balance 'pros' score was the only correlate. Performance on the MST was the strongest correlate of physical activity. In addition to the MST, there were other important correlate variables for MVPA accumulated in ≥10-minute bouts (QOL-B Social Functioning) and for activity energy expenditure (Body Mass Index and QOL-B Respiratory Symptoms).
CONCLUSIONS: Patients with bronchiectasis demonstrated a largely inactive lifestyle and few met the recommended physical activity guidelines. Exercise capacity was the strongest correlate of physical activity, and dimensions of the QOL-B were also important. FEV1% predicted and disease severity were not correlates of sedentary behaviour or physical activity. The inclusion of a range of physical activity dimensions could facilitate in-depth exploration of patterns of physical activity. This study demonstrates the need for interventions targeted at reducing sedentary behaviour and increasing physical activity, and provides information to tailor interventions to the bronchiectasis population.
Tem havido uma preocupação crescente com a qualidade do ar interior (QAI) nas escolas em muitos países. Muitos estudos epidemiológicos têm encontrado diferenças regionais entre ambientes interiores. Apesar da elevada incidência de asma e rinite na população infantil, praticamente nada se sabia sobre a QAI em escolas portuguesas. A percepção dos problemas de QAI é crucial para avaliar os riscos para a saúde e rendimento dos estudantes, e para sugerir meios de reduzir a exposição a poluentes indesejáveis. Neste estudo procurou-se obter as concentrações de poluentes de interesse em estabelecimentos de ensino do 1º ciclo de Lisboa e Aveiro, estimar o estado atual de casos de asma e rinite em escolas primárias da capital, avaliar a influência de diferentes materiais das salas de aula/construção e hábitos escolares na QAI, identificar potenciais fontes de poluentes nos interiores e exteriores das salas de aula e propor medidas mitigadoras. Catorze escolas de Lisboa foram visitadas para obter a caracterização física das construções em termos de estrutura, ventilação, materiais de acabamento, produtos de limpeza, densidade de ocupação e potenciais fontes interiores de poluição. Os estudantes foram questionados sobre os seus hábitos e sintomas respiratórios através de inquéritos do modelo ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood). Durante a primavera, outono e inverno (2008-2010), nas salas de aula e pátios, foram monitorizados, por amostragem passiva, compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs), carbonilos e dióxido de azoto (NO2). Foram também medidos parâmetros de conforto e níveis de microrganismos. Duas escolas localizadas, uma no centro da cidade e outra na região suburbana, em Aveiro foram estudadas em 2010. Parâmetros de conforto, microrganismos, COVs, NO2, material particulado (PM10) foram medidos no interior e no exterior de ambas escolas. Os iões solúveis, carbono orgânico e elementar (OC e EC), e compostos orgânicos presentes no material particulado foram subsequentemente analisados em laboratório. Uma medida mitigadora - fitoremediação - foi avaliada na escola do centro da cidade de Aveiro em 2011. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que a QAI é pior do que a do ar exterior. Em geral, os níveis de CO2 e dos bioaerosóis excederam os níveis máximos aceitáveis para o conforto dos ocupantes estipulado pelas regulamentações portuguesas. Quase todos os COVs e carbonilos identificados mostraram razões interior/exterior (I/E) maiores que uma unidade, o que demonstra a importante contribuição de fontes interiores em todas as escolas. As razões I/E das concentrações de NO2 nunca excederam a unidade. Os níveis interiores diários de PM10 foram sempre maiores que os exteriores, exceto nos fins de semana. Após a colocação de plantas numa das salas de aula, observou-se uma redução estatisticamente significativa nos níveis de CO2, COVs, carbonilos, PM10, OC, e dos iões nitrato, sulfato, amónia, cálcio e carbonato. A possível redução dos níveis de poluentes no interior após a colocação de plantas pode representar uma solução de baixo custo para reduzir a exposição a muitos compostos, melhorar o rendimento e aumentar o bem estar dos alunos e professores em sala de aula.
Agricultural workers especially poultry farmers are at increased risk of occupational respiratory diseases. Epidemiological studies showed increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms and adverse changes in pulmonary function parameters in poultry workers. In poultry production volatile organic compounds (VOCs) presence can be due to some compounds produced by molds that are volatile and are released directly into the air. These are known as microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs). Because these compounds often have strong and/or unpleasant odors, they can be the source of odors associated with molds. MVOC's are products of the microorganisms primary and secondary metabolism and are composed of low molecular weight alcohols, aldehydes, amines, ketones, terpenes, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, and sulfur-based compounds, all of which are variations of carbon-based molecules.
Fungal infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with acute leukemia (AL). Candidemia, once rare, is now a common nosocomial infection because of the intensity of chemotherapy, prolonged neutropenia, administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics and use of central venous catheters (CVC). We retrospectively identified patients treated for AL from 6/86 to 6/95 who also had candidemia. We describe 28 patients (incidence 6.3%) with a median age of 39 years, 24 of whom were on remission induction and 4 on postremission chemotherapy. All patients had CVC and empiric antimicrobial therapy, 4 had been given prophylactic antifungal drugs, and 2 had parenteral nutrition. Neutropenia was profound (median leukocyte nadir 200/microliters, median duration 19 days). Candida was isolated in blood cultures 10 days (median) after the start of neutropenia. The clinical presentation included fever (100%), respiratory symptoms (71.4%), skin lesions (39.2%) and septic shock (17.8%). Amphotericin B was given to 17 patients and liposomal amphotericin to 5 patients. Infection resolved in 18 patients (64.2%). 10 of whom were in complete remission. Mortality from candidemia was 17.8% (5/28). In conclusion, fungal infections are responsible for death in a significant number of patients. In our series treatment success was related to its rapid onset and to the recovery of neutropenia.
Introduction: L’asthme relié au travail (ART) est induit ou aggravé par le milieu du travail. L’asthme professionnel (AP) et l’asthme exacerbé au travail (AET) sont difficiles à distinguer en pratique clinique puisque dans les deux conditions les travailleurs se plaignent d’une détérioration de leur asthme au travail. De plus, les médecins sont souvent confrontés à des patients ayant des symptômes respiratoires reliés au travail (SRT) sans être asthmatiques. Ces patients sont souvent exclus des études qui visent à mieux caractériser l’ART. Objectifs : 1. Comparer la variabilité quotidienne des débits expiratoires de pointe (DEP) durant les périodes au et hors travail chez des sujets atteints d’AP et d’AET. 2. Évaluer la prévalence des patients ayant des SRT parmi les sujets référés pour possibilité d’ART, et comparer leurs caractéristiques et leur environnement professionnel avec ceux ayant l’ART. Résultats : L’exposition professionnelle induit une variabilité accrue des DEP chez les sujets avec AP et AET mais celle-ci est plus prononcée dans l’AP. Les sujets ayant des SRT sans être asthmatiques représentent une grande proportion des sujets référés pour possibilité d’ART. Conclusions : L’ART devrait être considéré chez tous les individus qui présentent un asthme de novo, ou une aggravation de leur asthme. La similitude des symptômes entre les sujets ayant des SRT et l’ART rend nécessaire d’effectuer une évaluation extensive. Cette évaluation devrait se faire selon une approche par étapes dans laquelle des tests objectifs améliorent la certitude du diagnostic et aident à différencier entre l’AP et l’AET.