993 resultados para RESIDUAL FUNCTION


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Background: Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is characterised by progressive airway obstruction and hypoxaemia in young women. Although sleep may trigger hypoxaemia in patients with airway obstruction, it has not been previously investigated in patients with LAM. Methods: Consecutive women with lung biopsy proven LAM and absence of hypoxaemia while awake were evaluated with pulmonary function test, echocardiography, 6-min walk test, overnight full polysomnography, and Short Form 36 health-related quality-of-life questionnaire. Results: Twenty-five patients with (mean +/- SD) age 45 +/- 10 years, SpO(2) awake 95% +/- 2, forced expiratory volume in the first second (median-interquartile) FEV1 (% predicted) 77 (47-90) and carbonic monoxide diffusion capacity, DLCO (%) 55 (34-74) were evaluated. Six-minute walk test distance and minimum SpO(2) (median-interquartile) were, respectively, 447 m (411 -503) and 90% (82-94). Median interquartile apnoea-hypopnoea index was in the normal range 2 (1-5). Fourteen patients (56%) had nocturnal hypoxaemia (10% total sleep time with SpO(2) <90%), and the median sleep time spent with SpO(2) <90% was 136 (13-201) min. Sleep time spent with SpO(2) <90% correlated with the residual volume/total lung capacity ratio (r(s) = 0.5, p: 0.02), DLCO (r(s) = -0.7, p: 0.001), FEV1 (r(s) = -0.6, p: 0.002). Multivariate linear regression model showed that RV/TLC ratio was the most important functional variable related to sleep hypoxaemia. Conclusion: Significant hypoxaemia during sleep is common in LAM patients with normal SpO(2) while awake, especially among those with some degree of hyperinflation in lung function tests. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Background: Walking with high-heeled shoes is a common cause of venous complaints such as pain, fatigue, and heavy-feeling legs. The aim of the study was to clarify the influence of high-heeled shoes on the venous return and test the hypothesis that women wearing different styles of high-heeled shoes present an impaired venous return when compared with their values when they are barefoot. Methods: Thirty asymptomatic women (mean age, 26.4 years) wearing appropriately sized shoes were evaluated by air plethysmography (APG), a test that measures changes in air volume on a cuff placed on the calf, while they performed orthostatic flexion and extension foot movements and altered standing up and lying down. The test was repeated in four situations: barefoot (0 cm), medium heels (3.5 cm), stiletto high heels (7 cm), and platform high heels (7 cm). The APG values of venous filling index (VFI), ejection fraction (EF), and residual volume fraction (RVF) were divided into four groups according to heel height and compared by repeated-measures analysis of variance. Results: RVF was increased in the groups wearing high heels (stiletto and platform) compared with the barefoot group (P < .05). RVF was increased in the medium-heel group (3.5 cm) compared with the barefoot group (P < .05), and despite the lack of statistical significance, the medium-heel group showed lower values of RVF compared with the two high-heel groups. The EF parameter followed the opposite tendency, showing higher values for the barefoot group compared with the other three groups (P < .05). Values for VFI were similar in the three situations evaluated. Conclusions: High heels reduce muscle pump function, as demonstrated by reduced EF and increased RVF values. The continuous use of high heels tends to provoke venous hypertension in the lower limbs and may represent a causal factor of venous disease symptoms. (J Vasc Surg 2012;56:1039-44.)


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Objective. To test the hypothesis that the difference in the coefficient of thermal contraction of the veneering porcelain above (˛liquid) and below (˛solid) its Tg plays an important role in stress development during a fast cooling protocol of Y-TZP crowns. Methods. Three-dimensional finite element models of veneered Y-TZP crowns were developed. Heat transfer analyses were conducted with two cooling protocols: slow (group A) and fast (groups B–F). Calculated temperatures as a function of time were used to determine the thermal stresses. Porcelain ˛solid was kept constant while its ˛liquid was varied, creating different ˛/˛solid conditions: 0, 1, 1.5, 2 and 3 (groups B–F, respectively). Maximum ( 1) and minimum ( 3) residual principal stress distributions in the porcelain layer were compared. Results. For the slowly cooled crown, positive 1 were observed in the porcelain, orientated perpendicular to the core–veneer interface (“radial” orientation). Simultaneously, negative 3 were observed within the porcelain, mostly in a hoop orientation (“hoop–arch”). For rapidly cooled crowns, stress patterns varied depending on ˛/˛solid ratios. For groups B and C, the patterns were similar to those found in group A for 1 (“radial”) and 3 (“hoop–arch”). For groups D–F, stress distribution changed significantly, with 1 forming a “hoop-arch” pattern while 3 developed a “radial” pattern. Significance. Hoop tensile stresses generated in the veneering layer during fast cooling protocols due to porcelain high ˛/˛solid ratio will facilitate flaw propagation from the surface toward the core, which negatively affects the potential clinical longevity of a crown.


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Introduction The “eversion” technique for carotid endarterectomy (e-CEA), that involves the transection of the internal carotid artery at the carotid bulb and its eversion over the atherosclerotic plaque, has been associated with an increased risk of postoperative hypertension possibly due to a direct iatrogenic damage to the carotid sinus fibers. The aim of this study is to assess the long-term effect of the e-CEA on arterial baroreflex and peripheral chemoreflex function in humans. Methods A retrospective review was conducted on a prospectively compiled computerized database of 3128 CEAs performed on 2617 patients at our Center between January 2001 and March 2006. During this period, a total of 292 patients who had bilateral carotid stenosis ≥70% at the time of the first admission underwent staged bilateral CEAs. Of these, 93 patients had staged bilateral e-CEAs, 126 staged bilateral s- CEAs and 73 had different procedures on each carotid. CEAs were performed with either the eversion or the standard technique with routine Dacron patching in all cases. The study inclusion criteria were bilateral CEA with the same technique on both sides and an uneventful postoperative course after both procedures. We decided to enroll patients submitted to bilateral e-CEA to eliminate the background noise from contralateral carotid sinus fibers. Exclusion criteria were: age >70 years, diabetes mellitus, chronic pulmonary disease, symptomatic ischemic cardiac disease or medical therapy with b-blockers, cardiac arrhythmia, permanent neurologic deficits or an abnormal preoperative cerebral CT scan, carotid restenosis and previous neck or chest surgery or irradiation. Young and aged-matched healthy subjects were also recruited as controls. Patients were assessed by the 4 standard cardiovascular reflex tests, including Lying-to-standing, Orthostatic hypotension, Deep breathing, and Valsalva Maneuver. Indirect autonomic parameters were assessed with a non-invasive approach based on spectral analysis of EKG RR interval, systolic arterial pressure, and respiration variability, performed with an ad hoc software. From the analysis of these parameters the software provides the estimates of spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). The ventilatory response to hypoxia was assessed in patients and controls by means of classic rebreathing tests. Results A total of 29 patients (16 males, age 62.4±8.0 years) were enrolled. Overall, 13 patients had undergone bilateral e-CEA (44.8%) and 16 bilateral s-CEA (55.2%) with a mean interval between the procedures of 62±56 days. No patient showed signs or symptoms of autonomic dysfunction, including labile hypertension, tachycardia, palpitations, headache, inappropriate diaphoresis, pallor or flushing. The results of standard cardiovascular autonomic tests showed no evidence of autonomic dysfunction in any of the enrolled patients. At spectral analysis, a residual baroreflex performance was shown in both patient groups, though reduced, as expected, compared to young controls. Notably, baroreflex function was better maintained in e-CEA, compared to standard CEA. (BRS at rest: young controls 19.93 ± 2.45 msec/mmHg; age-matched controls 7.75 ± 1.24; e-CEA 13.85 ± 5.14; s-CEA 4.93 ± 1.15; ANOVA P=0.001; BRS at stand: young controls 7.83 ± 0.66; age-matched controls 3.71 ± 0.35; e-CEA 7.04 ± 1.99; s-CEA 3.57 ± 1.20; ANOVA P=0.001). In all subjects ventilation (VÝ E) and oximetry data fitted a linear regression model with r values > 0.8. Oneway analysis of variance showed a significantly higher slope both for ΔVE/ΔSaO2 in controls compared with both patient groups which were not different from each other (-1.37 ± 0.33 compared with -0.33±0.08 and -0.29 ±0.13 l/min/%SaO2, p<0.05, Fig.). Similar results were observed for and ΔVE/ΔPetO2 (-0.20 ± 0.1 versus -0.01 ± 0.0 and -0.07 ± 0.02 l/min/mmHg, p<0.05). A regression model using treatment, age, baseline FiCO2 and minimum SaO2 achieved showed only treatment as a significant factor in explaining the variance in minute ventilation (R2= 25%). Conclusions Overall, we demonstrated that bilateral e-CEA does not imply a carotid sinus denervation. As a result of some expected degree of iatrogenic damage, such performance was lower than that of controls. Interestingly though, baroreflex performance appeared better maintained in e-CEA than in s-CEA. This may be related to the changes in the elastic properties of the carotid sinus vascular wall, as the patch is more rigid than the endarterectomized carotid wall that remains in the e-CEA. These data confirmed the safety of CEA irrespective of the surgical technique and have relevant clinical implication in the assessment of the frequent hemodynamic disturbances associated with carotid angioplasty stenting.


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ZusammenfassungDie Bildung von mittelozeanischen Rückenbasalten (MORB) ist einer der wichtigsten Stoffflüsse der Erde. Jährlich wird entlang der 75.000 km langen mittelozeanischen Rücken mehr als 20 km3 neue magmatische Kruste gebildet, das sind etwa 90 Prozent der globalen Magmenproduktion. Obwohl ozeanische Rücken und MORB zu den am meisten untersuchten geologischen Themenbereichen gehören, existieren weiterhin einige Streit-fragen. Zu den wichtigsten zählt die Rolle von geodynamischen Rahmenbedingungen, wie etwa Divergenzrate oder die Nähe zu Hotspots oder Transformstörungen, sowie der absolute Aufschmelzgrad, oder die Tiefe, in der die Aufschmelzung unter den Rücken beginnt. Diese Dissertation widmet sich diesen Themen auf der Basis von Haupt- und Spurenelementzusammensetzungen in Mineralen ozeanischer Mantelgesteine.Geochemische Charakteristika von MORB deuten darauf hin, dass der ozeanische Mantel im Stabilitätsfeld von Granatperidotit zu schmelzen beginnt. Neuere Experimente zeigen jedoch, dass die schweren Seltenerdelemente (SEE) kompatibel im Klinopyroxen (Cpx) sind. Aufgrund dieser granatähnlichen Eigenschaft von Cpx wird Granat nicht mehr zur Erklärung der MORB Daten benötigt, wodurch sich der Beginn der Aufschmelzung zu geringeren Drucken verschiebt. Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig zu überprüfen, ob diese Hypothese mit Daten von abyssalen Peridotiten in Einklang zu bringen ist. Diese am Ozeanboden aufgeschlossenen Mantelfragmente stellen die Residuen des Aufschmelz-prozesses dar, und ihr Mineralchemismus enthält Information über die Bildungs-bedingungen der Magmen. Haupt- und Spurenelementzusammensetzungen von Peridotit-proben des Zentralindischen Rückens (CIR) wurden mit Mikrosonde und Ionensonde bestimmt, und mit veröffentlichten Daten verglichen. Cpx der CIR Peridotite weisen niedrige Verhältnisse von mittleren zu schweren SEE und hohe absolute Konzentrationen der schweren SEE auf. Aufschmelzmodelle eines Spinellperidotits unter Anwendung von üblichen, inkompatiblen Verteilungskoeffizienten (Kd's) können die gemessenen Fraktionierungen von mittleren zu schweren SEE nicht reproduzieren. Die Anwendung der neuen Kd's, die kompatibles Verhalten der schweren SEE im Cpx vorhersagen, ergibt zwar bessere Resultate, kann jedoch nicht die am stärksten fraktionierten Proben erklären. Darüber hinaus werden sehr hohe Aufschmelzgrade benötigt, was nicht mit Hauptelementdaten in Einklang zu bringen ist. Niedrige (~3-5%) Aufschmelzgrade im Stabilitätsfeld von Granatperidotit, gefolgt von weiterer Aufschmelzung von Spinellperidotit kann jedoch die Beobachtungen weitgehend erklären. Aus diesem Grund muss Granat weiterhin als wichtige Phase bei der Genese von MORB betrachtet werden (Kapitel 1).Eine weitere Hürde zum quantitativen Verständnis von Aufschmelzprozessen unter mittelozeanischen Rücken ist die fehlende Korrelation zwischen Haupt- und Spuren-elementen in residuellen abyssalen Peridotiten. Das Cr/(Cr+Al) Verhältnis (Cr#) in Spinell wird im Allgemeinen als guter qualitativer Indikator für den Aufschmelzgrad betrachtet. Die Mineralchemie der CIR Peridotite und publizierte Daten von anderen abyssalen Peridotiten zeigen, dass die schweren SEE sehr gut (r2 ~ 0.9) mit Cr# der koexistierenden Spinelle korreliert. Die Auswertung dieser Korrelation ergibt einen quantitativen Aufschmelz-indikator für Residuen, welcher auf dem Spinellchemismus basiert. Damit kann der Schmelzgrad als Funktion von Cr# in Spinell ausgedrückt werden: F = 0.10×ln(Cr#) + 0.24 (Hellebrand et al., Nature, in review; Kapitel 2). Die Anwendung dieses Indikators auf Mantelproben, für die keine Ionensondendaten verfügbar sind, ermöglicht es, geochemische und geophysikalischen Daten zu verbinden. Aus geodynamischer Perspektive ist der Gakkel Rücken im Arktischen Ozean von großer Bedeutung für das Verständnis von Aufschmelzprozessen, da er weltweit die niedrigste Divergenzrate aufweist und große Transformstörungen fehlen. Publizierte Basaltdaten deuten auf einen extrem niedrigen Aufschmelzgrad hin, was mit globalen Korrelationen im Einklang steht. Stark alterierte Mantelperidotite einer Lokalität entlang des kaum beprobten Gakkel Rückens wurden deshalb auf Primärminerale untersucht. Nur in einer Probe sind oxidierte Spinellpseudomorphosen mit Spuren primärer Spinelle erhalten geblieben. Ihre Cr# ist signifikant höher als die einiger Peridotite von schneller divergierenden Rücken und ihr Schmelzgrad ist damit höher als aufgrund der Basaltzusammensetzungen vermutet. Der unter Anwendung des oben erwähnten Indikators ermittelte Schmelzgrad ermöglicht die Berechnung der Krustenmächtigkeit am Gakkel Rücken. Diese ist wesentlich größer als die aus Schweredaten ermittelte Mächtigkeit, oder die aus der globalen Korrelation zwischen Divergenzrate und mittels Seismik erhaltene Krustendicke. Dieses unerwartete Ergebnis kann möglicherweise auf kompositionelle Heterogenitäten bei niedrigen Schmelzgraden, oder auf eine insgesamt größere Verarmung des Mantels unter dem Gakkel Rücken zurückgeführt werden (Hellebrand et al., Chem.Geol., in review; Kapitel 3).Zusätzliche Informationen zur Modellierung und Analytik sind im Anhang A-C aufgeführt


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Despite association with lung growth and long-term respiratory morbidity, there is a lack of normative lung function data for unsedated infants conforming to latest European Respiratory Society/American Thoracic Society standards. Lung function was measured using an ultrasonic flow meter in 342 unsedated, healthy, term-born infants at a mean ± sd age of 5.1 ± 0.8 weeks during natural sleep according to the latest standards. Tidal breathing flow-volume loops (TBFVL) and exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) measurements were obtained from 100 regular breaths. We aimed for three acceptable measurements for multiple-breath washout and 5-10 acceptable interruption resistance (R(int)) measurements. Acceptable measurements were obtained in ≤ 285 infants with high variability. Mean values were 7.48 mL·kg⁻¹ (95% limits of agreement 4.95-10.0 mL·kg⁻¹) for tidal volume, 14.3 ppb (2.6-26.1 ppb) for eNO, 23.9 mL·kg⁻¹ (16.0-31.8 mL·kg⁻¹) for functional residual capacity, 6.75 (5.63-7.87) for lung clearance index and 3.78 kPa·s·L⁻¹ (1.14-6.42 kPa·s·L⁻¹) for R(int). In males, TBFVL outcomes were associated with anthropometric parameters and in females, with maternal smoking during pregnancy, maternal asthma and Caesarean section. This large normative data set in unsedated infants offers reference values for future research and particularly for studies where sedation may put infants at risk. Furthermore, it highlights the impact of maternal and environmental risk factors on neonatal lung function.


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Anaesthesia causes a respiratory impairment, whether the patient is breathing spontaneously or is ventilated mechanically. This impairment impedes the matching of alveolar ventilation and perfusion and thus the oxygenation of arterial blood. A triggering factor is loss of muscle tone that causes a fall in the resting lung volume, functional residual capacity. This fall promotes airway closure and gas adsorption, leading eventually to alveolar collapse, that is, atelectasis. The higher the oxygen concentration, the faster will the gas be adsorbed and the aleveoli collapse. Preoxygenation is a major cause of atelectasis and continuing use of high oxygen concentration maintains or increases the lung collapse, that typically is 10% or more of the lung tissue. It can exceed 25% to 40%. Perfusion of the atelectasis causes shunt and cyclic airway closure causes regions with low ventilation/perfusion ratios, that add to impaired oxygenation. Ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure reduces the atelectasis but oxygenation need not improve, because of shift of blood flow down the lung to any remaining atelectatic tissue. Inflation of the lung to an airway pressure of 40 cmH2O recruits almost all collapsed lung and the lung remains open if ventilation is with moderate oxygen concentration (< 40%) but recollapses within a few minutes if ventilation is with 100% oxygen. Severe obesity increases the lung collapse and obstructive lung disease and one-lung anesthesia increase the mismatch of ventilation and perfusion. CO2 pneumoperitoneum increases atelectasis formation but not shunt, likely explained by enhanced hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction by CO2. Atelectasis may persist in the postoperative period and contribute to pneumonia.


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PURPOSE: We determined the functional consequences of urinary tract infection in patients with an ileal bladder substitute in terms of urinary continence, post-void residual and urinary retention. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 48 patients with culture documented urinary tract infection (single organism, 10(5) or greater cfu) were retrospectively evaluated before, during and after the infection for changes in continence, post-void residual and urinary retention as well as for resolution of symptomatology after appropriate antibiotic therapy. RESULTS: Of the 48 patients 40 had a single infection while the remaining 8 had multiple urinary tract infection episodes. During daytime 27 of the 44 patients with previously good daytime continence experienced deterioration in their baseline voiding status while infected. Of the 40 patients who were previously continent at night 20 had incontinence while infected. There were 15 patients with documented post-void residual and urinary retention developed in 4 during the urinary tract infection. All patients returned to baseline continence status and reservoir function after appropriate antibiotic treatment based on objective and subjective assessments. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary tract infection may cause urinary incontinence in patients with ileal bladder substitutes. Therefore, when there are complaints of de novo urinary incontinence, a finding of post-void residual or an acute presentation of urinary retention, a urinary tract infection should be excluded. When the urinary tract infection is appropriately treated urinary continence and reservoir function return to their baseline status.


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OBJECTIVES Thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) has been shown to inhibit detrusor activity in patients undergoing open renal surgery, resulting in clinically relevant post-void residuals. However, the impact of different epidural drug mixtures on urethral sphincter function is not completely elucidated. DESIGN Pooled analysis of an open observational study and a double-blind randomized trial. SETTING Single tertiary centre. SUBJECTS Twenty-eight women without lower urinary tract symptoms and post-void residual <100 mL, who underwent open renal surgery with TEA. METHODS Pooling results in three groups with different epidural regimens (7 with bupivacaine 0.125%, 8 with bupivacaine 0.125% and fentanyl 2 μg/mL, and 13 with bupivacaine 0.1% plus fentanyl 2 μg/mL and epinephrine 2 μg/mL). All women underwent urethral pressure measurements before TEA and during TEA 2-3 days postoperatively. All patients received a TEA placed at the insertion site interspace T 8-9. RESULTS Maximum urethral closure pressure at rest decreased significantly during TEA with bupivacaine alone (median 70 cm H2 O [interquartile range 66-76] to 43 [43-65], P = 0.031) and with bupivacaine/fentanyl/epinephrine (75 cm H2 O [68-78] to 56 [52-75], P = 0.028), whereas with bupivacaine/fentanyl, no significant change could be detected (74 [51-88] vs 67 [46-70], P = 0.156). In all groups, functional profile length at rest was not influenced during TEA. CONCLUSION TEA with bupivacaine and the addition of fentanyl and epinephrine appears to decrease maximum urethral closure pressure at rest in women. The addition of fentanyl alone to bupivacaine may reduce this effect. Thus, the TEA effect on urethral sphincter function seems to depend on the drug mixture administered.


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Prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS) is a key enzyme in biosynthesis of prostaglandins, thromboxane, and prostacyclin. It has two activities, cyclooxygenase and peroxidase. "PGHS" means PGHS-1. A current hypothesis considers the cyclooxygenase reaction to be a free radical chain reaction, initiated by interaction of the synthase peroxidase with hydroperoxides leading to the production of a tyrosyl free radical. According to this hypothesis, tyrosyl residue(s) may play a key role in the cyclooxygenase reaction. Tetranitromethane (TNM) can relatively selectively nitrate tyrosines at pH 8.0. The effect of TNM on both cyclooxygenase activity and peroxidase activity has been examined: reaction of the synthase holoenzyme with TNM at pH 8.0 led to inactivation of both activities, with the cyclooxygenase activity being lost rapidly and completely, while the peroxidase activity was lost more slowly. Indomethacin, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, can protect the synthase from the inactivation of TNM. Amino acid analyses indicated that a loss of tyrosine and formation of nitrotyrosine residues occurred during reaction with TNM, and that TNM-reacted holoenzyme with $<$10% residual cyclooxygenase activity had about 2.0 nitrotyrosine/subunit.^ PGH synthase is known to be an endoplasmic reticulum membrane-associated protein. Antibodies directed at particular PGHS peptide segments and indirect immunofluorescence have been used to characterize the membrane topology of crucial portions of PGHS. PGHS was expressed in COS-1 cells transfected with the appropriate cDNA. Stably-transfected human endothelial cells were also used for the topology study. The cells were treated with streptolysin-O, which selectively permeabilizes the plasma membrane, or with saponin to achieve general membrane disruption, before incubation with the antipeptide antibodies. Bound antipeptide antibody was stained by FITC-labelled secondary antibody and visualized by fluorescence microscopy. With the antipeptide antibodies against residues 51-66, 156-170 or 377-390, there was a significant reticular and perinuclear pattern of staining in cells permeabilized with saponin but not in cells permeabilized with SLO alone. Antibodies directed against the endogenous C-terminal peptide or against residues 271-284 produced staining in cells permeabilized with saponin, and also in a lower, but significant fraction of cells permeabilized with SLO. Similar results were obtained when COS-1 cells expressing recombinant PGHS with a viral reporter peptide inserted at the C-terminus were stained with antibody against the reporter epitope.^ The PGHS C-terminal sequence is similar to that of the consensus KDEL ER retention signal. The potential function of the PGHS C-terminus segment in ER retention was examined by mutating this segment and analyzing the subcellular distribution of the mutants expressed in COS-1 cells. None of the mutants had an altered subcellular distribution, although some had greatly diminished the enzyme activities. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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INTRODUCTION Neurogenic bladder dysfunction is well described in Parkinson's disease and has a major impact on quality of live. In contrast, little is known about the extent of urinary symptoms in other movement disorders such as dystonia and about the role of the basal ganglia in bladder control.. PATIENTS AND METHODS A consecutive series of 11 patients with severe dystonia undergoing deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the globus pallidus internus was prospectively enrolled. Bladder function was assessed by the International Prostate Symptom Score and urodynamic investigation (UDI) before DBS surgery and afterwards in the conditions with and without DBS. RESULTS In UDI before DBS surgery, detrusor overactivity was found in 36% (4/11) of dystonia patients. With pallidal DBS ON, maximum flow rate significantly decreased, post-void residual significantly increased and detrusor overactivity disappeared.. CONCLUSIONS Pathological urodynamic changes can be found in a relevant percentage of dystonia patients. Pallidal DBS has a relaxing effect on detrusor function indicating a role of the basal ganglia in lower urinary tract control. Thus, a better understanding on how subcortical networks influence lower urinary tract function might open new therapeutic perspectives..


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This investigation reports on a comparative study of the mechanical behavior at different temperatures of three different alkali-activated fly ash pastes chemically activated using sodium silicate. A control Portland cement (OPC) was used as a reference. In an attempt to simulate the conditions prevailing in the event of accidental fire, post-thermal mechanical tests were performed to determine the residual strength. It has therefore been established that FA based cements can be fabricated for construction purposes and these materials have great potential for fire resistance applications.


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Antigen-induced stimulation of the immune system can generate heterogeneity in CD4+ T cell division rates capable of explaining the temporal patterns seen in the decay of HIV-1 plasma RNA levels during highly active antiretroviral therapy. Posttreatment increases in peripheral CD4+ T cell counts are consistent with a mathematical model in which host cell redistribution between lymph nodes and peripheral blood is a function of viral burden. Model fits to patient data suggest that, although therapy reduces HIV replication below replacement levels, substantial residual replication continues. This residual replication has important consequences for long-term therapy and the evolution of drug resistance and represents a challenge for future treatment strategies.


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The common cytokine receptor γ chain (γc), a shared component of the receptors for IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15, is critical for the development and function of lymphocytes. The cytoplasmic domain of γc consists of 85 aa, in which the carboxyl-terminal 48 aa are essential for its interaction with and activation of the Janus kinase, Jak3. Evidence has been provided that Jak3-independent signals might be transmitted via the residual membrane-proximal region; however, its role in vivo remains totally unknown. In the present study, we expressed mutant forms of γc, which lack either most of the cytoplasmic domain or only the membrane-distal Jak3-binding region, on a γc null background. We demonstrate that, unlike γc or Jak3 null mice, expression of the latter, but not the former mutant, restores T lymphopoiesis in vivo, accompanied by strong expression of Bcl-2. On the other hand, the in vitro functions of the restored T cells still remained impaired. These results not only reveal the hitherto unknown role of the γc membrane-proximal region, but also suggest the differential requirement of the cytoplasmic subregions of γc in T cell development and function.