985 resultados para RDF <Informatik>


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In many applications (like social or sensor networks) the in- formation generated can be represented as a continuous stream of RDF items, where each item describes an application event (social network post, sensor measurement, etc). In this paper we focus on compressing RDF streams. In particular, we propose an approach for lossless RDF stream compression, named RDSZ (RDF Differential Stream compressor based on Zlib). This approach takes advantage of the structural similarities among items in a stream by combining a differential item encoding mechanism with the general purpose stream compressor Zlib. Empirical evaluation using several RDF stream datasets shows that this combi- nation produces gains in compression ratios with respect to using Zlib alone.


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rights and conditions present in licenses for software, data and general works are expressed with the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) 2.0 vocabulary and extensions thereof. The dataset contains licenses identified by a dereferenceable URI, which are served with content negotiation providing a double representation for humans and machines alike. This feature enables a generalized machine-to-machine commerce if generally adopted.


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RDF streams are sequences of timestamped RDF statements or graphs, which can be generated by several types of data sources (sensors, social networks, etc.). They may provide data at high volumes and rates, and be consumed by applications that require real-time responses. Hence it is important to publish and interchange them efficiently. In this paper, we exploit a key feature of RDF data streams, which is the regularity of their structure and data values, proposing a compressed, efficient RDF interchange (ERI) format, which can reduce the amount of data transmitted when processing RDF streams. Our experimental evaluation shows that our format produces state-of-the-art streaming compression, remaining efficient in performance.


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La web semántica aporta un mayor conocimiento a los datos para que estos puedan ser procesados por las máquinas. Esto es posible gracias a estándares como por ejemplo Resource Framework Description (RDF). Éste, aporta un marco para que la información pueda ser representada de una manera más comprensible para las maquinas. Muchas veces la información no se encuentra codificada en RDF pero igualmente es interesante aprovecharse de sus características. Es por ello que surge la necesidad de crear una herramienta que permita consultas entre distintas fuentes de datos apoyándose en el estándar RDF independientemente del formato de origen de los datos. De esta manera se conseguirá realizar consultas entre las diversas fuentes, las cuales, sin la unificación en un estándar semántico, serían mucho más difíciles de conseguir.---ABSTRACT---The Semantic Web provides a new knowledge framework to data, therefore computers would become capable of analyzing the data. Standards, as Resource Framework Description (RDF), help to achieve it. RDF promotes the easier way for computers on how to describe data. Sometimes data are coded in a different way from RDF, nevertheless it would also be interesting to examine it. Accordingly, the need to create new software emerges. The software, based on RDF, would be able to combine information from different sources regardless of its format. Consequently, several sources, whatever their original formats were, could be queried on an easier way since a common semantic standard is available.


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Gracias a las tecnologías semánticas y al paradigma de datos enlazados, cada día son más las iniciativas que se van sumando para formar parte de la gran nube de Datos Enlazados Abiertos. Este es el caso también del contexto bibliotecario, que ha identificado la necesidad de publicar y enlazar sus recursos bibliográficos para mejorar las búsquedas en sus repositorios y enriquecer sus datos con fuentes externas y con otras bibliotecas que se encuentran fomentando la misma iniciativa. No obstante, los diferentes tipos de modelos de representación, formatos, estándares, y herramientas de publicación hacen compleja, imprecisa y poco eficiente la tarea de búsqueda y recuperación de los recursos bibliográficos, debido a que la heterogeneidad de sus fuentes no garantiza una visibilidad desde sus bibliotecas y repositorios digitales hacia lo que actualmente se conoce como Web 3.0, limitando su descubrimiento y uso a un entorno únicamente dentro de la institución. De aquí nace la importancia y la necesidad de dar un giro en la forma de representar, procesar y publicar los recursos bibliográficos para que sean legibles por las máquinas. Una alternativa para alcanzar este objetivo es la aplicación de tencologías semánticas que ayuden a la representación del conocimiento con el uso de metadatos y ontologías, incorporando una formalización semántica de los elementos que permita describir de manera explicita a los recursos bibliográficos. Además, al incorporar el paradigma de datos enlazados se pretende publicar los recursos bibliográficos siguiendo un modelo RDF para formar parde de la Web de Datos en la que estos recursos bibliográficos se puedan mostrar, intercambiar y conectar mediante identificadores únicos con otras fuentes de información semánticamente representadas y enlazadas. En base a lo mencionado, el desarrollo de la presente tesis de fin de master pretende aplicar tecnologías semánticas para la representación de los recursos bibliográficos de la Biblioteca “Benjamín Carrión” de UTPL, y seguir un conjunto de buenas prácticas de Datos Enlazados que permitan enlazar, enriquecer y optimizar la búsqueda de los recursos y la interrelación con otras fuentes de datos externas que a futuro permitan formar parte de la nube de Datos Enlazados Abiertos.


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This paper presents a Java-based hyperbolic-style browser designed to render RDF files as structured ontological maps. The program was motivated by the need to browse the content of a web-accessible ontology server: WEB KB-2. The ontology server contains descriptions of over 74,500 object types derived from the WordNet 1.7 lexical database and can be accessed using RDF syntax. Such a structure creates complications for hyperbolic-style displays. In WEB KB-2 there are 140 stable ontology link types and a hyperbolic display needs to filter and iconify the view so different link relations can be distinguished in multi-link views. Our browsing tool, OntoRama, is therefore motivated by two possibly interfering aims: the first to display up to 10 times the number of nodes in a hyperbolic-style view than using a conventional graphics display; secondly, to render the ontology with multiple links comprehensible in that view.


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Five samples including a composite refuse derived fuel (RDF) and four combustible components of municipal solid wastes (MSW) have been reacted under supercritical water conditions in a batch reactor. The reactions have been carried out at 450 °C for 60 min reaction time, with or without 20 wt% RuO2/gamma-alumina catalyst. The reactivities of the samples depended on their compositions; with the plastic-rich samples, RDF and mixed waste plastics (MWP), giving similar product yields and compositions, while the biogenic samples including mixed waste wood (MWW) and textile waste (TXT) also gave similar reaction products. The use of the heterogeneous ruthenium-based catalyst gave carbon gasification efficiencies (CGE) of up to 99 wt%, which was up by at least 83% compared to the non-catalytic tests. In the presence of RuO2 catalyst, methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide became the dominant gas products for all five samples. The higher heating values (HHV) of the gas products increased at least two-fold in the presence of the catalyst compared to non-catalytic tests. Results show that the ruthenium-based catalyst was active in feedstock steam reforming, methanation and possible direct hydrogenolysis of C-C bonds. This work provides new insights into the catalytic mechanisms of RuO2 during SCWG of carbonaceous materials, along with the possibility of producing high yields of methane from MSW fractions.


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Ausgehend von einem handlungsorientierten Medienbegriff werden in diesem Artikel neue Einsatzformen digitaler Medien in der Lehre thematisiert. Dabei spielen Hardware-Voraussetzungen wie berührungsempfindliche Bildschirme oder Funknetzwerke ebenso eine Rolle wie eine Reihe innovativer Softwarewerkzeuge, die insbesondere interaktiv-kooperative Szenarien unterstützen. Praktische Erfahrungen mit diesen Werkzeugen wurden in der akademischen Lehre an der Universität Duisburg-Essen sowie im schulischen Einsatz im Umfeld eines EU-Projektes gesammelt.(DIPF/Orig.)


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La Analítica Web supone hoy en día una tarea ineludible para las empresas de comercio electrónico, ya que les permite analizar el comportamiento de sus clientes. El proyecto Europeo SME-Ecompass tiene como objetivo desarrollar herramientas avanzadas de analítica web accesibles para las PYMES. Con esta motivación, proponemos un servicio de integración de datos basado en ontologías para recopilar, integrar y almacenar información de traza web procedente de distintas fuentes.Estas se consolidan en un repositorio RDF diseñado para proporcionar semántica común a los datos de análisis y dar servicio homogéneo a algoritmos de Minería de Datos. El servicio propuesto se ha validado mediante traza digital real (Google Analitics y Piwik) de 15 tiendas virtuales de diferentes sectores y países europeos (UK, España, Grecia y Alemania) durante varios meses de actividad.


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In order to fulfil European and Portuguese legal requirements, adequate alternatives to traditional municipal waste landfilling must be found namely concerning organic wastes and others susceptible of valorisation. According to the Portuguese Standard NP 4486:2008, refuse derived fuels (RDF) classification is based on three main parameters: lower heating value (considered as an economic parameter), chlorine content (considered as a technical parameter) and mercury content (considered as an environmental parameter). The purpose of this study was to characterize the rejected streams resulting from the mechanical treatment of unsorted municipal solid waste, from the plastic municipal selective collection and from the composting process, in order to evaluate their potential as RDF. To accomplish this purpose six sampling campaigns were performed. Chemical characterization comprised the proximate analysis – moisture content, volatile matter, ashes and fixed carbon, as well as trace elements. Physical characterization was also done. To evaluate their potential as RDF, the following parameters established in the Portuguese standard were also evaluated: heating value and chlorine content. As expected, results show that the refused stream from mechanical treatment is rather different from the selective collection rejected stream and from the rejected from the compost screening in terms of moisture, energetic matter and ashes, as well as heating value and chlorine. Preliminary data allows us to conclude that studied materials have a very interesting potential to be used as RDF. In fact, the rejected from selective collection and the one from composting have a heating value not very different from coal. Therefore, an important key factor may be the blending of these materials with others of higher heating values, after pre-processing, in order to get fuel pellets with good consistency, storage and handling characteristics and, therefore, combustion behavior.


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The challenges of maintaining a building such as the Sydney Opera House are immense and are dependent upon a vast array of information. The value of information can be enhanced by its currency, accessibility and the ability to correlate data sets (integration of information sources). A building information model correlated to various information sources related to the facility is used as definition for a digital facility model. Such a digital facility model would give transparent and an integrated access to an array of datasets and obviously would support Facility Management processes. In order to construct such a digital facility model, two state-of-the-art Information and Communication technologies are considered: an internationally standardized building information model called the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and a variety of advanced communication and integration technologies often referred to as the Semantic Web such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL). This paper reports on some technical aspects for developing a digital facility model focusing on Sydney Opera House. The proposed digital facility model enables IFC data to participate in an ontology driven, service-oriented software environment. A proof-of-concept prototype has been developed demonstrating the usability of IFC information to collaborate with Sydney Opera House’s specific data sources using semantic web ontologies.