887 resultados para Quadratic inequalities


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We developed a theoretical framework to organize obesity prevention interventions by their likely impact on the socioeconomic gradient of weight. The degree to which an intervention involves individual agency versus structural change influences socioeconomic inequalities in weight. Agentic interventions, such as standalone social marketing, increase socioeconomic inequalities. Structural interventions, such as food procurement policies and restrictions on unhealthy foods in schools, show equal or greater benefit for lower socioeconomic groups. Many obesity prevention interventions belong to the agento–structural types of interventions, and account for the environment in which health behaviors occur, but they require a level of individual agency for behavioral change, including workplace design to encourage exercise and fiscal regulation of unhealthy foods or beverages. Obesity prevention interventions differ in their effectiveness across socioeconomic groups. Limiting further increases in socioeconomic inequalities in obesity requires implementation of structural interventions. Further empirical evaluation, especially of agento–structural type interventions, remains crucial.


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Identifying inequalities in air pollution levels across population groups can help address environmental justice concerns. We were interested in assessing these inequalities across major urban areas in Australia. We used a land-use regression model to predict ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels and sought the best socio-economic and population predictor variables. We used a generalised least squares model that accounted for spatial correlation in NO2 levels to examine the associations between the variables. We found that the best model included the index of economic resources (IER) score as a non-linear variable and the percentage of non-Indigenous persons as a linear variable. NO2 levels decreased with increasing IER scores (higher scores indicate less disadvantage) in almost all major urban areas, and NO2 also decreased slightly as the percentage of non-Indigenous persons increased. However, the magnitude of differences in NO2 levels was small and may not translate into substantive differences in health.


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Topology-based methods have been successfully used for the analysis and visualization of piecewise-linear functions defined on triangle meshes. This paper describes a mechanism for extending these methods to piecewise-quadratic functions defined on triangulations of surfaces. Each triangular patch is tessellated into monotone regions, so that existing algorithms for computing topological representations of piecewise-linear functions may be applied directly to the piecewise-quadratic function. In particular, the tessellation is used for computing the Reeb graph, a topological data structure that provides a succinct representation of level sets of the function.


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Using the promeasure technique, we give an alternative evaluation of a path integral corresponding to a quadratic action with a generalized memory.


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Using the promeasure technique, we give an alternative evaluation of a path integral corresponding to a quadratic action with a generalized memory.


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Tutkimuksen aiheita olivat yhteiskuntaluokkien väliset erot sairastavuudessa ja alentuneessa toimintakyvyssä, sekä fyysisen työkuormituksen ja joidenkin muiden työolojen vaikutus sairastavuuteen. Empiirisestä työstä on raportoitu myös neljässä kansainvälisissä tieteellisissä aikakauskirjoissa julkaistussa artikkelissa. Tässä julkaistu yhteenveto sisältää tulosten yhteenvedon lisäksi myös tutkimusta koskevien käsitteellisten ja teoreettisten kysymysten sekä tutkimustradition kriittisen katsauksen. Työn päätavoitteita olivat 1) tutkia fyysisesti kuormittavan työn, ja jossain määrin muiden työolojen osuutta yhteiskuntaluokkien välisiin eroihin sairaudessa ja toimintakyvyn alentuneisuudessa; 2) tutkia työn fyysisen kuormittavuuden, työhön liittyvien vaikutusmahdollisuuksien ja hallinnan (decision latitude), luokka-aseman, iän ja sukupuolen yhteisvaikutuksia heikentyneeseen terveydentilaan; sekä 3) tutkia missä määrin mekaanisten työaltisteiden ja tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairastavuuden välinen yhteys voi selittää yhteiskuntaluokkien välisiä eroja heikentyneessä yleisessä terveydentilassa. Tutkittavat olivat keski-ikäisiä Helsingin kaupungin työntekijöitä. Analyysit perustuivat poikittaisasetelmaan, ja käytetty aineisto oli Helsinki Health Studyn vuosien 2000 ja 2002 välillä kerättyä aineistoa. Analyyseihin käytetyssä aineistossa oli 3740:stä 8002:een tutkittavaa. Tulosten perusteella fyysisillä (sekä fysikaalisilla) työoloilla on merkittävä vaikutus yhteiskuntaluokkien välisiin eroihin yleisessä sairastavuudessa, toimintakyvyn heikentymisessä, tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairastavuudessa sekä itsearvioidussa terveydentilassa. Naisilla lähes puolet heikentyneen toimintakyvyn ja koetun terveydentilan luokkaeroista vaikutti olevan selitettävissä fyysisellä työkuormituksella. Hallintamahdollisuuksien ei havaittu merkittävästi muuttavan fyysisen kuormituksen vaikutusta toimintakykyyn. Fyysisen kuormittavuuden terveysvaikutus voimistui kasvavan iän mukaan enemmän naisilla kuin miehillä. Osa, mutta ei koko fyysisen kuormituksen vaikutus yhteiskuntaluokkien eroihin heikentyneessä terveydessä vaikutti välittyvän tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairastavuuden kautta. Terveys ja sairaus eivät ole yhtenäisiä tiloja, ja siksi monet eri sosiaalisesti ja rakenteellisesti määräytyvät olosuhteet todennäköisesti vaikuttavat yhteiskunnallisten terveyserojen syntymiseen. Fyysis-materiaalisten olojen vaikutusta terveyserojen syntyyn nyky-yhteiskunnassa on mahdollisesti aliarvioitu. Yhteiskuntaluokkien väliset erot fyysis-materiaalisissa olosuhteissa eivät ole kadonneet, ja nämä erot todennäköisesti vaikuttavat terveyserojen syntyyn.


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The role of added sugar in a healthy diet and implications for health inequalities Sugars provide a readily available, inexpensive source of energy, can increase palatability and help preserve some foods. However added sugars also dilute the nutrient density of the diet. Further, consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with increased risk of weight gain and reduced bone strength, and high or frequent consumption of added sugars is associated with increased risk of dental caries, particularly in infants and young children. The products of the 2013 NHMRC Dietary Guidelines work program at www.eatforhealth.gov.au include the comprehensive evidence base about food, diet and health relationships and the dietary modeling used to inform recommendations. This presentation will detail the scientific evidence underpinning the revised dietary recommendations on consumption of foods and drinks containing added sugar and compare recommendations with the most recently available relevant Australian dietary intake and trend data. Differences in intakes of relevant food and drinks across quintiles of social disadvantage and in particular between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups and non-Indigenous Australians will also be explored.


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The possible equivalence of second-order non-linear systems having quadratic and cubic damping with third-order linear systems is studied in this paper. It is shown that this equivalence can be established through transformation techniques under certain constraints on the form of the non-linearity of the given system.


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This paper describes an algorithm for ``direct numerical integration'' of the initial value Differential-Algebraic Inequalities (DAI) in a time stepping fashion using a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method solver for detecting and satisfying active path constraints at each time step. The activation of a path constraint generally increases the condition number of the active discretized differential algebraic equation's (DAE) Jacobian and this difficulty is addressed by a regularization property of the alpha method. The algorithm is locally stable when index 1 and index 2 active path constraints and bounds are active. Subject to available regularization it is seen to be stable for active index 3 active path constraints in the numerical examples. For the high index active path constraints, the algorithm uses a user-selectable parameter to perturb the smaller singular values of the Jacobian with a view to reducing the condition number so that the simulation can proceed. The algorithm can be used as a relatively cheaper estimation tool for trajectory and control planning and in the context of model predictive control solutions. It can also be used to generate initial guess values of optimization variables used as input to inequality path constrained dynamic optimization problems. The method is illustrated with examples from space vehicle trajectory and robot path planning.


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We report the quadratic nonlinearity of one- and two-electron oxidation products of the first series of transition metal complexes of meso-tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP). Among many MTPP complexes, only CuTPP and ZnTPP show reversible oxidation/reduction cycles as seen from cyclic voltammetry experiments. While centrosymmetric neutral metalloporphyrins have zero first hyperpolarizability, β, as expected, the cation radicals and dications of CuTPP and ZnTPP have very high β values. The one- and two-electron oxidation of the MTPPs leads to symmetry-breaking of the metal−porphyrin core, resulting in a large β value that is perhaps aided in part by contributions from the two-photon resonance enhancement. The calculated static first hyperpolarizabilities, β0, which are evaluated in the framework of density functional theory by a coupled perturbed Hartree−Fock method, support the experimental trend. The switching of optical nonlinearity has been achieved between the neutral and the one-electron oxidation products but not between the one- and the two-electron oxidation products since dications that are electrochemically reversible are unstable due to the formation of stable isoporphyrins in the presence of nucleophiles such as halides.


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Half sandwich complexes of the type [CpM(CO)(n)X] {X=Cl, Br, I; If, M=Fe, Ru; n=2 and if M=Mo; n=3} and [CpNiPPh3X] {X=Cl, Br, I} have been synthesized and their second order molecular nonlinearity (beta) measured at 1064 nm in CHCl3 by the hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique. Iron complexes consistently display larger beta values than ruthenium complexes while nickel complexes have marginally larger beta values than iron complexes. In the presence of an acceptor ligand such as CO or PPh3, the role of the halogen atom is that of a pi donor. The better overlap of Cl orbitals with Fe and Ni metal centres make Cl a better pi donor than Br or I in the respective complexes. Consequently, M-pi interaction is stronger in Fe/Ni-Cl complexes. The value of beta decreases as one goes down the halogen group. For the complexes of 4d metal ions where the metal-ligand distance is larger, the influence of pi orbital overlap appears to be less important, resulting in moderate changes in beta as a function of halogen substitution. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There is increasing evidence that the origins of poor adult health and health inequalities can be traced back to circumstances preceding current socioeconomic position and living conditions. The life-course approach to examining the determinants of health has emphasised that exposure to adverse social and economic circumstances in earlier life or concurrent adverse circumstances due to unfavourable living conditions in earlier life may lead to poor health, health-damaging behaviour, disease or even premature death in adulthood. There is, however, still a lack of knowledge about the contribution of social and economic circumstances in childhood and youth to adult health and health inequalities, and even less is known about how environmental and behavioural factors in adulthood mediate the effects of earlier adverse experiences. The main purpose of this study was to deepen our understanding of the development of poor health, health-damaging behaviours and health inequalities during the life-course. Its aim was to find out which factors in earlier and current circumstances determine health, the most detrimental indicators of health behaviour (smoking, heavy drinking and obesity as a proxy for the balance between nutrition and exercise), and educational health differences in young adults in Finland. Following the ideas of the social pathway theory, it was assumed that childhood environment affects adult health and its proximal determinants via different pathways, including educational, work and family careers. Early adulthood was studied as a significant phase of life when many behavioural patterns and living conditions relevant to health are established. In addition, socioeconomic health inequalities seem to emerge rapidly when moving into adulthood; they are very small or non-existent in childhood and adolescence, but very marked by early middle age. The data of this study were collected in 2000 2001 as part of the Health 2000 Survey (N = 9,922), a cross-sectional and nationally representative health interview and examination survey. The main subset of data used in this thesis was the one comprising the age group 18 29 years (N = 1,894), which included information collected by standardised structured computer-aided interviews and self-administered questionnaires. The survey had a very high participation rate at almost 90% for the core questions. According to the results of this study, childhood circumstances predict the health of young adults. Almost all the childhood adversities studied were found to be associated with poor self-rated health and psychological distress in early adulthood, although fewer associations were found with the somatic morbidity typical of young adults. These effects seemed to be more or less independent of the young adult s own education. Childhood circumstances also had a strong effect on smoking and heavy drinking, although current circumstances and education in particular, played a role in mediating this effect. Parental smoking and alcohol abuse had an influence on the corresponding behaviours of offspring. Childhood circumstances had a role in the development of obesity and, to a lesser extent, overweight, particularly in women. The findings support the notion that parental education has a strong effect on early adult obesity, even independently of the young adult s own educational level. There were marked educational differences in self-rated health in early adulthood: those in the lowest educational category were most likely to have average or poorer health. Childhood social circumstances seemed to explain a substantial part of these educational differences. In addition, daily smoking and heavy drinking contributed substantially to educational health differences. However, the contribution of childhood circumstances was largely shared with health behaviours adopted by early adulthood. Employment also shared the effects of childhood circumstances on educational health differences. The results indicate that childhood circumstances are important in determining health, health behaviour and health inequalities in early adulthood. Early recognition of childhood adversities followed by relevant support measures may play an important role in preventing the unfortunate pathways leading to the development of poor health, health-damaging behaviour and health inequalities. It is crucially important to recognise the needs of children living in adverse circumstances as well as children of substance abusing parents. In addition, single-parent families would benefit from support. Differences in health and health behaviours between different sub-groups of the population mean that we can expect to see ever greater health differences when today s generation of young adults grows older. This presents a formidable challenge to national health and social policy as well as health promotion. Young adults with no more than primary level education are at greatest risk of poor health. Preventive policies should emphasise the role of low educational level as a key determinant of health-damaging behaviours and poor health. Keywords: health, health behaviour, health inequalities, life-course, socioeconomic position, education, childhood circumstances, self-rated health, psychological distress, somatic morbidity, smoking, heavy drinking, BMI, early adulthood


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This paper considers the problem of the design of the quadratic weir notch, which finds application in the proportionate method of flow measurement in a by-pass, such that the discharge through it is proportional to the square root of the head measured above a certain datum. The weir notch consists of a bottom in the form of a rectangular weir of width 2W and depth a over which a designed curve is fitted. A theorem concerning the flow through compound weirs called the “slope discharge continuity theorem” is discussed and proved. Using this, the problem is reduced to the determination of an exact solution to Volterra's integral equation in Abel's form. It is shown that in the case of a quadratic weir notch, the discharge is proportional to the square root of the head measured above a datum Image a above the crest of the weir. Further, it is observed that the function defining the shape of the weir is rapidly convergent and its value almost approximates to zero at distances of 3a and above from the crest of the weir. This interesting and significant behaviour of the function incidentally provides a very good approximate solution to a particular Fredholm integral equation of the first kind, transforming the notch into a device called a “proportional-orifice”. A new concept of a “notch-orifice” capable of passing a discharge proportional to the square root of the head (above a particular datum) while acting both as a notch, and as an orifice, is given. A typical experiment with one such notch-orifice, having A = 4 in., and W = 6 in., shows a remarkable agreement with the theory and is found to have a constant coefficient of discharge of 0.61 in the ranges of both notch and orifice.