60 resultados para QDC
In Nominal Defendant v Kisse [2001] QDC 290 a person suffered personal injury caused by a motor vehicle in circumstances where there was a cause of action to which the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994 applied. The person died before taking the steps required under Pt 4 of the Act and before commencing litigation to enforce that cause of action. The decision also involved a costs order against solicitors on an indemnity basis, providing a timely reminder to practitioners of the importance of ensuring they have proper authority before commencing any court proceedings.
In Prus-Butwilowicz v Moxey [2002] QDC 166 the court examined the question whether an applicant for an order setting aside a default judgment was required to file an affidavit providing direct evidence of a defence 'on the merits' and whether the position had changed under the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld).
This article considers the decisions in Stephan v NRMA Insurance Limited [2001]QDC 002 and Bertha v Dragut [2001] QDC 003
The decision in Hook v Boreham & QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited [2006] QDC 304 considered whether the court should go further than order that costs be assessed on the indemnity basis, but should also specify the basis by which those indemnity costs should be determined. The decision makes it clear that under r704(3) of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules, questions of that nature are ordinarily preserved to the discretion of the Registrar.
In Sutton v Tang [2015] QDC 191 Reid DCJ considered the circumstances that may be relevant to the exercise of the discretion to order a transfer of a proceeding to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (the tribunal) under s53 of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 (Qld) (the Act).
In Picamore Pty Ltd v Challen [2015] QDC 067 McGill DCJ considered the nature of a review under r742 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) (UCPR) in the context of a review of a costs assessment conducted under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld). His Honour increased the amount that had been allowed by the costs assessor for a number of items. The judgment includes observations about what may appropriately be charged for particular items of legal work.
In Watney v Kencian & Wooley [2014] QDC 290 Morxone QC DCJ considered the implications for defendants who desired a trial by jury, but who had relied on the election for that mode of trial made by the plaintiff in the statement of claim.
In this paper, we describe the structure and readout system of a two-dimension positional sensitive CsI(Tl) detector, and investigates the relation between energy lose and light output of the CsI(Tl) detector with secondary beams in intermediate energy.Bρ+(ΔE-TOF) method was used to distinguish the secondary beam.Linearity of the position signals of the CsI(Tl) was corrected.Energy signals from the CsI(Tl) detector were calibrated using the relationship of the Z, A and the light output response of the incid...中文摘要:描述了一种双维位置灵敏CsI(Tl)探测器的结构及其读出系统,用中能次级束研究其能损与光输出关系。使用Bρ+(ΔE-TOF)方法鉴别次级束,刻度了CsI(Tl)探测器位置信号的线性,并用其光输出与入射粒子的A、Z关系刻度其能量。结果表明,CsI(Tl)探测器输出信号的ADC读出与QDC读出(即其光输出)有很好的线性关系。
介绍了 4 π多探测器阵列上的第一次中能重离子实验的电子学与数据获取系统。4 π多探测器为快慢塑料探测器和快塑料闪烁体 + Cs I的 Phoswich探测器组成 ,通过电荷数字转换 (QDC)分别记录探测器快慢信号 ,实现粒子的鉴别。在逻辑电路中 ,对前后角探测器分别给出 Trigger信号、QDC的清零信号和快慢公共门信号等。结果表明 ,前角探测器从质子、氘、氚、3 He、4He一直到 S、P等均可分辨
复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD是当今应用最广泛的可编程专用集成电路(ASIC)之一,使用一片CPLD可以代替原来用很多器件才能完成的逻辑功能,我们用CPLD来构建数字电路,和常规逻辑器件相比其突出特点是:元件少,成本低,功耗低。ALTERA公司是全球著名的复杂可编程逻辑器件供应商,结合实际工作的需要,我们选用了ALTERA公司的MAXII EPM1270芯片做了一系列实验电路,先后开展的研究工作包括:1.超低频/超大脉宽信号源;2.门延迟产生电路。 这两方面的工作分别在论文的有关专题介绍。超低频/超大脉宽信号源用作为多定标测量数据获取系统的门控信号,主要功能是产生一系列精确度高、稳定性好的低频、超低频/超大脉宽脉冲信号,且可以根据需要选择手动触发单个大脉冲输出。本电路输出脉冲f/T的精确度≤0.02‰,输出脉冲f/T的稳定性≤±0.01‰。基于CPLD设计的超低频/超大脉宽信号源电路只需一片CPLD就可以取代原来用很多逻辑器件才能完成的功能,此外基于CPLD设计的该信号源的最大周期可超过1000s、步进脉宽调节可达T/1000,远远超过用户提出的指标,从而能满足更多的应用需要。 基于CPLD的门延迟产生电路主要功能是对输入信号进行展宽延迟,我们将它做成NIM单宽插件可提供8道信号延迟展宽,支持NIM负信号输入,用于物理实验中的符合测量、多路时间测量系统及能量测量系统中的ADC或QDC门控信号等,替代目前传统同类型的插件GG8000。 目前两个电路都已调试成功,其中超低频/超大脉宽信号源已交付用户使用,获得满意结果
原子核的滴线是指原子核沿同位旋自由度从束缚态核变为非束缚态核的边界,也是原子核存在的极限。质子滴线是在缺中子方向的边界,中子滴线是在丰中子方向的边界。到目前为止,S 同位素的质子滴线核被认为是27S,P 同位素的质子滴线核是26P,虽然有实验发现了25P,但是还没有被重复,需要进一步的确认。而理论模型计算表明束缚态的26S 和25P 是存在的,因此寻找25P、26S 一直是一个很有意义的课题,如果能够确认25P 和26S 的存在与否,不仅可以检验相关理论模型的正确性,确认原子核在同位旋自由度上的存在极限,帮助人们对核力的进一步深入认识,而且对于天体物理,宇宙演化及元素的形成等都有着重要的科学意义。本论文介绍了2008 年6 月在兰州放射性束流线(RIBLL)上进行的专对25P、26S存在与否寻找的实验,并分析了实验数据。实验使用80.387MeV/u32S 初级束轰击9Be 初级靶,经过RIBLL 对次级束产物进行了分离以后,利用Bρ+ΔE+ER+TOF 联合鉴别的方法对次级束产物了鉴别。重离子在CsI 探测器中沉积能量与光输出响应之间满足一定的经验公式,本文利用RIBLL 上的次级束产物刻度了粒子在CsI(Tl)探测器中的能量沉积与光输出响应的光输出曲线,通过一组刻度数据可以确定核素在CsI 探测器中光输出响应道数,发现粒子在CsI(Tl) 探测器中信号的ADC 读出与CsI(Tl)探测器的光输出(QDC 读出)具有很好的线性关系。论文最后比较了实验统计数据与EPAX 经验公式计算结果,并利用计算结果与实验数据分析结果估算了25P、26S 的半衰期上限
重离子核反应机制的研究一直是人们关注的课题。入射能量较低时,集体效应占主要地位,反应为熔合反应及深部非弹性碰撞,实验可用平均场理论进行解释。当入射能量较高时,平均场效应消失,核子-核子碰撞起主要作用,实验可用参加者-旁观者模型来描述。中能区(10-100 MeV/u)的重离子反应既具有低能下一体耗散的特点,又具有高能下核子-核子碰撞的特征,由于作用时间短,非平衡现象变得很重要。在这一能区,多种反应机制共存并相互竞争。对这一能区的重离子核反应制的研究将有助于我们更清楚地了解原子核的结构。为此,我们在兰州重离子加速器HIRFL上进行了46.7 MeV/u ~(12)C引起的重离子反应中前方向出射产物的测量,着重讨论了周边反应中的弹核碎裂和转移反应以及它们的相互竞争。实验中用46.7 MeV/u ~(12)C束流轰击四种靶核:~(58)Ni、~(64)Ni、~(115)In和~(197)Au。通过对前方向出射的类弹碎片的测量,发现它们的平行动量分布宽度满足Goldhaber关系式,提取的约化平行动量分布宽度σ_0 = 80 ± 10 MeV/c,与相对论情形下的值接近,并且σ_0对于各种反应系统均相同。反应中弹核碎裂产物的最可几能量可用Abrasion图象来解释。对于质量接近弹核的类弹碎片,将碎裂部分和转移部分分开后,提取的转移部分的约化平行动量分布宽度为44 ± 10 MeV/c,这比弹核碎裂部分的宽度要窄,说明转移反应比弹核裂受到相空间中更严格的限制。弹核碎裂和转移反应的几率都随靶核质量增加而增加,并且与被转移结团的结构有关。转移反应主要对弹核附近的类弹碎片有贡献,当类弹碎片质量与弹核质量相差较大时,主要是弹核碎裂的贡献。对反应中的同位素产额分布也进行了分析,结果表明,类弹碎片的同位素分布对靶核有依赖关系,当靶核的N/Z增加时,产物的N/Z也增加,并且低能部分的N/Z比高能部分的N/Z要大。当角度变大时,~7Li/~6Li、~9Be/~7Be、~(11)B/~(10)B等同位素产额比随之变化,低能部分变化缓慢,高能部分则变化明显。产物的同位素产额分布或同位素产额比反映了系统由非平衡向平衡演化的过程。实验中对于BaF_2晶体与半导体组成的望远镜探测器的性能进行了测量。圆柱形BaF_2晶体后配以XP2020Q型光电倍增管,输出信号送入不同的QDC,以获得BaF_2中光输出的快慢成分。ΔE-E方法可以得到较好的元素鉴别,即使对低能的p、d、t也能分开,用快慢成分关联方法可对较高能量的轻带电粒子很好地鉴别。入射离子越重,相同能量的离子在BaF_2晶体中引起的光输出越小。BaF_2对入射离子的响应在较大的能区内是线性的,在低能时存在轻微的非线性。对80 cm大面积位置灵敏电离室与一维位置灵敏塑料闪烁体组成的探测系统首次在中能重离子反应中进行了测试。电离室可以测量较重的低能离子,有较好的粒子鉴别能力,能给出能量信息及两维位置信息。闪烁体则使得该系统可用于较高能量轻带电粒子的测量,它能给出能量吸一维位置信息,与电离室配合可以进行元素鉴别。它将在以后的中能重离子实验中得到广泛的应用
The globular C1q-domain-containing (C1qDC) proteins are a family of versatile pattern recognition receptors via their globular C1q (gC1q) domain to bind various ligands including several PAMPs on pathogens. In this study, a new gC1q-domain-containing protein (AiC1qDC-1) gene was cloned from Argopecten irradians by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches and expressed sequence tag (EST) analysis. The full-length cDNA of AiC1qDC-1 was composed of 733 bp, encoding a signal peptide of 19 residues and a typical gC1q domain of 137 residues containing all eight invariant amino acids in human C1qDC proteins and seven aromatic residues essential for effective packing of the hydrophobic core of AiC1qDC-1. The gC1q domain of AiC1qDC-1, which possessed the typical 10-stranded beta-sandwich fold with a jelly-roll topology common to all C1q family members, showed high homology not only to those of Cl qDC proteins in mollusk but also to those of C1qDC proteins in human. The AiC1qDC-1 transcripts were mainly detected in the tissue of hepatopancreas and also marginally detectable in adductor, heart, mantle, gill and hemocytes by fluorescent quantitative real-time PCR. In the microbial challenge experiment, there was a significant up-regulation in the relative expression level of AiC1qDC-1 in hepatopancreas and hemocytes of the scallops challenged by fungi Pichia pastoris GS115, Gram-positive bacteria Micrococcus luteus and Gram-negative bacteria Listonella anguillarum. The recombinant AiC1qDC-1 (rAiC1qDC-1) protein displayed no obvious agglutination against M. luteus and L. anguillarum, but it aggregated P. pastoris remarkably. This agglutination could be inhibited by D-mannose and PGN but not by LPS, glucan or D-galactose. These results indicated that AiC1qDC-1 functioned as a pattern recognition receptor in the immune defense of scallops against pathogens and provided clues for illuminating the evolution of the complement classical pathway. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To compare two methods of respiratory inductive plethysmography (RIP) calibration in three different positions. Methods: We evaluated 28 healthy subjects (18 women and 10 men), with a mean age of 25.4 +/- 3.9 years. For all of the subjects, isovolume maneuver calibration (ISOCAL) and qualitative diagnostic calibration (QDC) were used in the orthostatic, sitting, and supine positions. In order to evaluate the concordance between the two calibration methods, we used ANOVA and Bland-Altman plots. Results: The values of the constant of proportionality (X) were significantly different between ISOCAL and QDC in the three positions evaluated: 1.6 +/- 0.5 vs. 2.0 +/- 1.2, in the supine position, 2.5 +/- 0.8 vs. 0.6 +/- 0.3 in the sitting position, and 2.0 +/- 0.8 vs. 0.6 +/- 0.3 in the orthostatic position (p < 0.05 for all). Conclusions: Our results suggest that QDC is an inaccurate method for the calibration of RIP. The K values obtained with ISOCAL reveal that RIP should be calibrated for each position evaluated.