957 resultados para Public agenda issues


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Pedestrian and cyclist injuries are significant public health issues together accounting for 11-30% of road deaths in highly motorised countries. Children are particularly at risk. In Australia in 2009 children 0-16 years comprised 11.4% of pedestrian deaths and 6.4% of cyclist deaths. Parental attitudes and level of supervision are important to children’s road safety. Results from a telephone survey with parents of children 5-9 years (N=147) are reported. Questions addressed beliefs about preventability of injury, appropriate ages for children to cross the road or cycle independently, and the frequency of holding 5-9 year old children’s hands while crossing the road. Results suggest that parents believe most injuries are preventable and that they personally can act to improve their own safety in the home, on the road, at work, as well as in or on the water. Most parents (68%) indicated children should be 10 years or older before crossing the road or cycling independently. Parents were more likely to report holding younger children’s hands (5-6 years) when crossing the road and less likely to do so for 7-9 year olds. There was a small effect of child gender, with parents more likely to hold boy’s hand than a girl’s.


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Contamination of packaged foods due to micro-organisms entering through air leaks can cause serious public health issues and cost companies large amounts of money due to product recalls, consumer impact and subsequent loss of market share. The main source of contamination is leaks in packaging which allow air, moisture and microorganisms to enter the package. In the food processing and packaging industry worldwide, there is an increasing demand for cost effective state of the art inspection technologies that are capable of reliably detecting leaky seals and delivering products at six-sigma. The new technology will develop non-destructive testing technology using digital imaging and sensing combined with a differential vacuum technique to assess seal integrity of food packages on a high-speed production line. The cost of leaky packages in Australian food industries is estimated close to AUD $35 Million per year. Contamination of packaged foods due to micro-organisms entering through air leaks can cause serious public health issues and cost companies large sums of money due to product recalls, compensation claims and loss of market share. The main source of contamination is leaks in packaging which allow air, moisture and micro-organisms to enter the package. Flexible plastic packages are widely used, and are the least expensive form of retaining the quality of the product. These packets can be used to seal, and therefore maximise, the shelf life of both dry and moist products. The seals of food packages need to be airtight so that the food content is not contaminated due to contact with microorganisms that enter as a result of air leakage. Airtight seals also extend the shelf life of packaged foods, and manufacturers attempt to prevent food products with leaky seals being sold to consumers. There are many current NDT (non-destructive testing) methods of testing the seal of flexible packages best suited to random sampling, and for laboratory purposes. The three most commonly used methods are vacuum/pressure decay, bubble test, and helium leak detection. Although these methods can detect very fine leaks, they are limited by their high processing time and are not viable in a production line. Two nondestructive in-line packaging inspection machines are currently available and are discussed in the literature review. The detailed design and development of the High-Speed Sensing and Detection System (HSDS) is the fundamental requirement of this project and the future prototype and production unit. Successful laboratory testing was completed and a methodical design procedure was needed for a successful concept. The Mechanical tests confirmed the vacuum hypothesis and seal integrity with good consistent results. Electrically, the testing also provided solid results to enable the researcher to move the project forward with a certain amount of confidence. The laboratory design testing allowed the researcher to confirm theoretical assumptions before moving into the detailed design phase. Discussion on the development of the alternative concepts in both mechanical and electrical disciplines enables the researcher to make an informed decision. Each major mechanical and electrical component is detailed through the research and design process. The design procedure methodically works through the various major functions both from a mechanical and electrical perspective. It opens up alternative ideas for the major components that although are sometimes not practical in this application, show that the researcher has exhausted all engineering and functionality thoughts. Further concepts were then designed and developed for the entire HSDS unit based on previous practice and theory. In the future, it would be envisaged that both the Prototype and Production version of the HSDS would utilise standard industry available components, manufactured and distributed locally. Future research and testing of the prototype unit could result in a successful trial unit being incorporated in a working food processing production environment. Recommendations and future works are discussed, along with options in other food processing and packaging disciplines, and other areas in the non-food processing industry.


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Background: Antibiotics misuse is currently one of the major public health issues worldwide. This misuse can lead to the development of bacterial resistance, increasing the burden of chronic diseases, rising costs of health services, and the development of side effects. Several factors may influence this pattern of overuse. Objectives:This article will review the pertinent factors contributing to the overuse of antibiotics worldwide, and to assess the intervention strategies to limit this overuse. Methods: studies about antibiotics use in children were reviewed from several electronic databases, such as MEDLINE and Pubmed. Results: Factors contributing to the overuse of antibiotics could include psychosocial factors, such as behaviors and attitudes (e.g. self-medication, over-the-counter medication, or patients/parents pressure), and demographic factors, such as socio-economic status and education level. Several intervention strategies were reported to be effective in reducing the overuse of antibiotics, such as health education, doctor-patient communication, and policies change. Multifaceted interventions were found to be the most effective in reducing the antibiotics overuse.


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"Interventions for Addiction examines a wide range of responses to addictive behaviors, including psychosocial treatments, pharmacological treatments, provision of health care to addicted individuals, prevention, and public policy issues. Its focus is on the practical application of information covered in the two previous volumes of the series, Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders. Readers will find information on treatments beyond commonly used methods, including Internet-based and faith-based therapies, and criminal justice interventions. The volume features extensive coverage of pharmacotherapies for each of the major drugs of abuse-including disulfiram, buprenorphine, naltrexone, and others-as well as for behavioral addictions. In considering public policy, the book examines legislative efforts, price controls, and limits on advertising, as well as World Health Organization (WHO) efforts. Interventions for Addiction is one of three volumes comprising the 2,500-page series, Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders. This series provides the most complete collection of current knowledge on addictive behaviors and disorders to date. In short, it is the definitive reference work on addictions."--publisher website


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Abbe Brown from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, is one of the leading international researchers on intellectual property and climate change. She is an intellectual dynamo. Her work brings together a mastery of intellectual property, with a strong interest in innovation theory and practice, and an engagement with public policy issues surrounding human rights, competition policy, and access to knowledge. Abbe Brown has shown a particular aptitude for tackling big ideas and wicked global problems, with intelligence, gusto, insight, and formidable wisdom.


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This article evaluates the implementation of the WTO General Council Decision in 2003, which resolved that developed nations could export patented pharmaceutical drugs to member states in order to address public health issues - such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other epidemics. The Jean Chretien Pledge to Africa Act 2004 (Canada) provides authorisation for the export of pharmaceutical drugs from Canada to developing countries to address public health epidemics. The European Union has issued draft regulations governing the export of pharmaceutical drugs. A number of European countries - including Norway, the Netherlands, France, and Switzerland - are seeking to pass domestic legislation to give force to the WTO General Council Decision. Australia has shown little initiative in seeking to implement such international agreements dealing with access to essential medicines. It is argued that Australia should implement humanitarian legislation to embody the WTO General Council Decision, emulating models in Canada, Norway, and the European Union. Ideally, there should be no right of first refusal; the list of pharmaceutical drugs should be open-ended; and the eligible importing countries should not be limited to members of the WTO.


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Objective Allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma are important chronic diseases posing serious public health issues in Australia with associated medical, economic, and societal burdens. Pollen are significant sources of clinically relevant outdoor aeroallergens, recognised as both a major trigger for, and cause of, allergic respiratory diseases. This study aimed to provide a national, and indeed international, perspective on the state of Australian pollen data using a large representative sample. Methods Atmospheric grass pollen concentration is examined over a number of years within the period 1995 to 2013 for Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, and Sydney, including determination of the clinical' grass pollen season and grass pollen peak. Results The results of this study describe, for the first time, a striking spatial and temporal variability in grass pollen seasons in Australia, with important implications for clinicians and public health professionals, and the Australian grass pollen-allergic community. Conclusions These results demonstrate that static pollen calendars are of limited utility and in some cases misleading. This study also highlights significant deficiencies and limitations in the existing Australian pollen monitoring and data. Implications: Establishment of an Australian national pollen monitoring network would help facilitate advances in the clinical and public health management of the millions of Australians with asthma and allergic rhinitis.


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Resumen: Este artículo estudia las teorías sobre el origen, contagio y control del cólera en el siglo XIX, los intentos de las autoridades de la Argentina por contrarrestar estas epidemias y por último, la campaña anticolérica de 1910. Hasta ese momento, las medidas preventivas habían priorizado la vigilancia, desinfección y aislamiento de viviendas, objetos y personas infectadas. Pero el reciente descubrimiento de la transmisión el cólera por individuos asintomáticos hizo que en 1910 el Departamento Nacional de Higiene (DNH) impusiese un sistema de análisis bacteriológico obligatorio. En particular, el artículo examina las ideas y actividades de José Penna, quien en 1910 se desempeñaba como director del DGN y de Salvador Mazza. Un médico recién recibido, este último estuvo a cargo del laboratorio bacteriológico del lazareto de Martín García donde se sometía a estudio a todos los pasajeros de tercera clase provenientes de zonas infectadas de cólera. El DNH presentó la campaña anticolérica de 1910 como resultado de la experiencia acumulada durante el siglo XIX, del progreso científico y administrativo de la Argentina y de los esfuerzos de las autoridades por proteger a la nación. En un momento en que la elite argentina luchaba para mantener su dominio, tanto reprimiendo como buscando co-optar a la oposición, las cuestiones de salud pública constituyeron un elemento importante de la retórica política.


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Resumen: El propósito del artículo es analizar el acercamiento diplomático de Buenos Aires con Simón Bolívar para sumar fuerzas en el conflicto con Brasil por la soberanía en la Banda Oriental. Intentaremos mostrar por qué intereses políticos Buenos Aires; fuera dominada por la facción “unitaria” o “federal”, y Bolívar; empeñado en liderar la organización nacional de Colombia, Perú y Bolivia, no formalizaron un acuerdo diplomático/militar en el contexto de la creación de los Estados de Bolivia y Uruguay durante el período de 1824-1828. Procuramos la inteligibilidad, interpretación y explicación de la cuestión mediante el análisis de fuentes de información histórica que reflejan la agenda pública de Buenos Aires, y las prioridades políticas de Bolívar en el espacio temporal que nos ocupa.


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Resumen: Muy pocas ciencias avanzaron con la celeridad que muestran las ciencias biológicas. Hoy se abren líneas de investigación que, en poco tiempo, se aplican a los pacientes, mejorando notablemente -en la mayoría de los casos- la calidad de vida. Las terapias con células estaminales son un claro ejemplo de ello. Hoy el tema se ha instalado en la sociedad como parte de la agenda pública. Esta exposición ha llevado a la sociedad a una recepción con un lamentable doble riesgo: perder rigor científico y generar falsas expectativas en muchos pacientes. Dicha polémica también afecta las relaciones entre diversos grupos de investigadores y genera desconfianza en la comunidad científica. Desde la última mitad del siglo XX se ha instalado en las ciencias la necesidad de no escindir el campo de la investigación de las consecuencias éticas que siguen de esa praxis. La causa es evidente: la celeridad de los descubrimientos y su rápida aplicación hacen que, así como los efectos positivos alcanzan a una gran cantidad de personas, en caso de surgir efectos negativos imprevistos, el daño pueda ser igualmente multiplicado. La bioética surge así como un reclamo de los mismos investigadores que decidieron dar un cauce ético a su acción.


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Avalia se as informações orçamentárias disponibilizadas à sociedade brasileira na Internet pelo Poder Legislativo Federal atendem à transparência nos processos de discussão e de aprovação do orçamento público. Tal objetivo é alcançado após o cotejamento das informações disponíveis nos endereços eletrônicos da Câmara dos Deputados, do Senado Federal e da Comissão Mista de Planos, Orçamentos Públicos e Fiscalização – CMO com aquelas disponíveis em outros países, previamente selecionados, que disponibilizam informações orçamentárias em sítios da Internet. A partir daí, são identificadas eventuais necessidades e oportunidades de melhoria para o Brasil. Sedimentam as bases do trabalho referências bibliográficas que buscam relacionar transparência fiscal com transparência orçamentária, e sua importância para a cidadania. São estabelecidas variáveis a serem pesquisadas nos diversos países e, mediante análise quali-quantitativa, é possível analisar a situação dos países selecionados e compará-la à situação do Brasil. Os resultados mostram que o Brasil se encontra à frente dos países pesquisados, em termos de divulgação de informações orçamentárias pelo Poder Legislativo. No entanto, são propostas melhorias quanto à qualidade das informações divulgadas, no sentido de disponibilizá-las de maneira mais sucinta e simples, bem como quanto à disponibilização das informações em um portal de orçamento público único do Poder Legislativo. Assim, pretende-se alcançar o cidadão comum, que não possui conhecimento técnico a respeito das questões orçamentárias. Sugere-se, ainda, que estudos futuros examinem a relação entre cidadania e divulgação de informações orçamentárias.


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Despite its wide acceptance in other fisheries, limited access remains a controversial topic among Pacific coast groundfish fishermen and fishery managers. It is controversial because it immediately opens a wide array of public policy issues. How should the public conserve fish stocks, and who should benefit from harvesting those fish? What are the costs and benefits to the public, the taxpayer, the fishing industry, and the coastal communities supporting the groundfish industry? Should the government push the industry to be economically efficient in harvesting; or should it discourage technical efficiency to conserve fish stocks? Should management preserve the economic status quo by protecting existing harvest shares? These are the broad issues occupying the discussions of policy makers and academic writers concerned with resource management. The goal of this introductory section is to define limited access, to dispel some basic misunderstandings about limited access, to clarify the optional forms oflimited access, and to review the various resource management objectives addressed. This should set the stage for the following more lengthy discussions. By reducing the scope of needless misunderstandings, it should also help to make future discussions of limited access more productive. (PDF file contains 52 pages.)


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O trabalho a ser desenvolvido tem como objetivo compreender a relação complexa da política pública para a educação superior, entre 1995 e 2010, utilizando arcabouço teórico do neo-institucionalismo. Por meio da análise tridimensional da política (polity, politics e policy), a pesquisa procurará construir o ambiente multifacetado do processo de gestão da política pública, que teve início na constituição da agenda pública e perpassa a formulação e a implementação da política educacional nos governos dos presidentes Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995 a 2002) e Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (2003 a 2010). O fio condutor é a dinâmica da Arena Decisória de Educação Superior, na qual a política pública gestada pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC) influenciou e foi influenciada pelo conjunto de atores governamentais e sociais. A política pública foi entendida como um conjunto sistêmico interdependente de Sete Pilares, a saber: autonomia, centralização do poder decisório, avaliação, formação de professores, flexibilização curricular, expansão e financiamento, que contribuíram para intervenção do Poder Público em prol da expansão da educação superior. Levando-se em conta as especificidades de cada momento histórico, o trabalho pretende construir um ambiente socioeconômico e as limitações fiscais, a fim de estabelecer uma análise comparativa entre as duas presidências.


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This paper reviews the scientific data on the ecosystem services provided by shoreline habitats, the evidence for adverse impacts from bulkheading on those habitats and services, and describes alternative approaches to shoreline stabilization, which minimize adverse impacts to the shoreline ecosystem. Alternative shoreline stabilization structures that incorporate natural habitats, also known as living shorelines, have been popularized by environmental groups and state regulatory agencies in the mid-Atlantic. Recent data on living shoreline projects in North Carolina that include a stone sill demonstrate that the sills increase sedimentation rates, that after 3 years marshes behind the sills have slightly reduced biomass, and that the living shoreline projects exhibit similar rates of fishery utilization as nearby natural fringing marshes. Although the current emphasis on shoreline armoring in Puget Sound is on steeper, higher-energy shorelines, armoring of lower-energy shorelines may become an issue in the future with expansion of residential development and projected rates of sea level rise. The implementation of regulatory policy on estuarine shoreline stabilization in North Carolina and elsewhere is presented. The regulatory and public education issues experienced in North Carolina, which have made changes in estuarine shoreline stabilization policy difficult, may inform efforts to adopt a sustainable shoreline armoring strategy in Puget Sound. A necessary foundation for regulatory change in shoreline armoring policy, and public support for that change, is rigorous scientific assessment of the variety of services that natural shoreline habitats provide both to the ecosystem and to coastal communities, and evidence demonstrating that shoreline armoring can adversely impact the provision of those services.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas