992 resultados para Psychomotor development delay


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Currently, we can observe a significant increase in the disappointment of the world population about education, which raised doubts about the current school system and resulted in a forced increase of interest in an education reconstruction. The investigation process of this research based itself in the qualitative exploratory approach, since it allows the interpretation of the reality of the investigated environment, and it is concern about the process and not the quantification of data. Five professionals who work for the prefecture in the city of Bauru participated in this study and they graduated in the third module of the continuing education of the department of physical education from UNESP/Bauru, which occur in the second semester of 2010. The purpose of the present study was to identify the reasons why teachers who work for the prefecture in the city of Bauru look for the continuing education in physical education and explore their expectations and perception about the course. Considering the analysis presented in this study, we can observe that the search for continuing education based itself in issues such as: the confusion that exists between theory and practice, where the teachers exemplifies that, after their initial education, theory was not consistent with the real needs of their pedagogical practice; the entry of students younger and younger in the infant and fundamental education; the search for contents that answer the needs of psychomotor development of children between 2 and 5 years old and, at the same time, contents for the inclusion of children with special needs; as well as political pedagogical issues. Even though the reasons presented in this research for the teachers to justify the search for the continuing education in physical education were of distinct natures, at the end we observed that the teachers had their expectations fulfilled, demonstrating that the course of continuing education can be a space of dialog...


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We describe a novel chromosome microdeletion at 15q26.1 detected by oligo-array-CGH in a 6-year-old girl presenting with global development delay, epilepsy, autistic behavior and facial dysmorphisms. Although these features are often present in Angelman syndrome, no alterations were present in the methylation pattern of the Prader-Willi-Angelman critical region. The deletion encompasses only 2 genes: CHD2, which is part of a gene family already involved in CHARGE syndrome, and RGMA which exerts a negative control on axon growth. Deletion of either or both genes could cause the phenotype of this patient. These results provide a further chromosome region requiring evaluation in patients presenting Angelman features. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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We report on a family with a 12-year-old boy who suffered from a maternally inherited syndrome characterized by a combination of sensorineural hearing loss, myoclonus epilepsy, ataxia, severe psychomotor retardation, short stature, and diabetes mellitus. First, he showed a muscular hypotonia with hearing loss; later, he developed a myoclonus epilepsy, growth failure, and severe psychomotor retardation. At the age of 10 years, he developed diabetes mellitus. After initiation of combined ubiquinone and vitamin C treatment, we observed a progression in psychomotor development. Lactate and pyruvate levels in blood and cerebrospinal fluid were normal. No ragged red fibers or ultrastructural abnormalities were seen in a skeletal muscle biopsy. Biochemical assays of respiratory chain complex activities revealed decreased activity of complexes I and IV. By sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA encoding transfer ribonucleic acids (RNAs), a homoplasmic T to C substitution at nucleotide position 7512 was found affecting a highly conserved base pair in the tRNA(ser(UCN)) acceptor stem. Asymptomatic family members of the maternal line were heteroplasmic for the mutation in blood samples. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA in patients with hearing loss and myoclonus epilepsy is recommended, even in the absence of laboratory findings. Therapeutically, ubiquinone and antioxidants can be beneficial.


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OBJECTIVE: To relate volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings to hypothermia therapy and neurosensory impairments. STUDY DESIGN: Newborns > or =36 weeks' gestation with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy who participated in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development hypothermia randomized trial at our center were eligible. We determined the relationship between hypothermia treatment and usual care (control) to absolute and relative cerebral tissue volumes. Furthermore, we correlated brain volumes with death or neurosensory impairments at 18 to 22 months. RESULT: Both treatment groups were comparable before randomization. Total brain tissue volumes did not differ in relation to treatment assignment. However, relative volumes of subcortical white matter were significantly larger in hypothermia-treated than control infants. Furthermore, relative total brain volumes correlated significantly with death or neurosensory impairments. Relative volumes of the cortical gray and subcortical white matter also correlated significantly with Bayley Scales psychomotor development index. CONCLUSION: Selected volumetric MRI findings correlated with hypothermia therapy and neurosensory impairments. Larger studies using MRI brain volumes as a secondary outcome measure are needed.


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Food insecurity (FI) affects millions of people in the United States and is associated with medical problems, as well as poorer physical and emotional-behavioral adjustment. Failure to thrive is a condition where children fail to gain an appropriate amount of weight, and it can cause long-term effects on cognitive and psychomotor development. While the extent to which FI may contribute to FTT is unclear, FI may contribute both directly through inadequate caloric or nutrient intake and indirectly through increased family stress, parental depression and a chaotic family environment. We present an overview of how FI and FTT may interact, followed by a case study from our multidisciplinary clinic for children with FTT. The importance of screening for FI as well as FTT is discussed. We describe ways for individuals, organizations, and agencies to help reduce the effects of FI in both individuals and their communities.


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OBJECTIVE In Europe, growth hormone (GH) treatment for children born small for gestational age (SGA) can only be initiated after 4 years of age. However, younger age at treatment initiation is a predictor of favourable response. To assess the effect of GH treatment on early growth and cognitive functioning in very young (<30 months), short-stature children born SGA. DESIGN A 2-year, randomized controlled, multicentre study (NCT00627523; EGN study), in which patients received either GH treatment or no treatment for 24 months. PATIENTS Children aged 19-29 months diagnosed as SGA at birth, and for whom sufficient early growth data were available, were eligible. Patients were randomized (1:1) to GH treatment (Genotropin(®) , Pfizer Inc.) at a dose of 0·035 mg/kg/day by subcutaneous injection, or no treatment. MEASUREMENTS The primary objective was to assess the change from baseline in height standard deviation score (SDS) after 24 months of GH treatment. RESULTS Change from baseline in height SDS was significantly greater in the GH treatment vs control group at both month 12 (1·03 vs 0·14) and month 24 (1·63 vs 0·43; both P < 0·001). Growth velocity SDS was significantly higher in the GH treatment vs control group at 12 months (P < 0·001), but not at 24 months. There was no significant difference in mental or psychomotor development indices between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS GH treatment for 24 months in very young short-stature children born SGA resulted in a significant increase in height SDS compared with no treatment.


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Introdução: A Educação Inclusiva surge como um modelo de escola que fomenta o ingresso e permanência de todos os alunos em um único sistema de ensino. Particularmente, no que compete à educação física inclusiva, esta é a Educação Física Adaptada, aplicada em condições especiais, visando uma população especial que necessita de estímulos particulares de desenvolvimento motor e funcional. Objetivo geral: Compreender as práticas de ensino de Educação Física Inclusiva em escolas públicas de Maceió. Como objetivos específicos pretende-se saber o que pensam os professores e gestores pedagógicos sobre a educação inclusiva e Educação Física Inclusiva; Conhecer as estratégias e estruturas escolares para a sua implementação; Identificar a preparação dos professores para desenvolver educação física inclusiva; Saber se reconhecem benefícios na sua implementação; Descrever o apoio fornecido pela escola e município. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo de abordagem fenomenológica, realizado com uma amostra constituída por quatro professores de educação física e quatro gestores pedagógicos com idades entre 33 e 50 anos, que integravam o quadro ativo das escolas públicas do município de Maceió, Brasil, no ano de 2014. O instrumento de colheita de dados utilizado foi a entrevista semiestruturada, recorrendo-se ao método de análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Em linhas gerais os professores concordam com a escola inclusiva e apontam benefícios psicossociais e a nível do convívio social, contudo referem não possuir preparação adequada para trabalhar com alunos que têm necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE), assumindo alguns investimentos na formação contínua e na adaptação nos conteúdos e nas metodologias de ensino. A falta de material apropriado para lecionar e a situação estrutural precária que as escolas oferecem aos alunos são outros aspectos negativos que enfrentam, além deles não participarem da elaboração dos documentos legais da escola. Os gestores apontaram como principais dificuldades, a falta de apoio da secretaria municipal de educação (SEMED) para com os profissionais que trabalham diretamente com esses alunos, a falta de capacitação na área da inclusão e consequentemente o ensino fornecido por eles. Os profissionais acreditam que essa disciplina tem um papel importante no processo de inclusão dos alunos com NEE, pois contribui para a socialização, reforça a autoestima e a qualidade de vida, além de ajudar no desenvolvimento cognitivo, afetivo e psicomotor. Conclusões: O processo de inclusão ainda está caminhando a passos lentos, e particularmente nas aulas de educação física. São poucos os alunos com NEE que frequentam as escolas regulares e, menos ainda, os que participam das aulas de educação física. Entendemos que são necessárias mudanças para que a inclusão nas aulas de educação física possa realmente favorecer os alunos com NEE. Enfatizamos contudo, que a educação física não é a base para a inclusão escolar, porém, um bom acolhimento e uma boa qualidade de ensino podem ter efeitos significantes na vida desses estudantes. Palavras-chave: Inclusão Escolar. Educação Física. Necessidades Educacionais Especiais.


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Purpose: To describe the electroclinical features of subjects who presented with a photosensitive benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (PBMEI). Methods: The patients were selected from a group of epileptic subjects with seizure onset in infancy or early childhood. Inclusion criteria were the presence of photic-induced myoclonic seizures and a favorable outcome. Cases with less than 24 month follow up were excluded from the analysis. Results: Eight patients were identified (4 males, 4 females). Personal history was uneventful. All of them had familial antecedents of epilepsy. Psychomotor development was normal in 6 cases, both before and after seizure onset. One patient showed a mild mental retardation and a further patient showed some behavioral disturbances. Neuroradiological investigations, when performed (5 cases), gave normal results. The clinical manifestations were typical and could vary from upward movements of the eyes to myoclonic jerks of the head and shoulders, isolated or briefly repetitive, never causing a fall. Age of onset was between 11 months and 3 years and 2 months. Characteristically, the seizures were always triggered by photic stimulation. Non photo-induced spontaneous myoclonic attacks were reported in 2 cases during the follow-up. Other types of seizures were present at follow-up in 2 cases. The outcome was favorable, even if, usually, seizure control required high AED plasma levels. Since the clinical symptoms were not recognized early, some patients were treated only many years after the onset of symptoms. Conclusion: Among BMEI patients, our cases constitute a subgroup in which myoclonic jerks were always triggered by photostimulation, in particular at onset of their epilepsy. © 2006 International League Against Epilepsy.


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Chromosome microarray analysis is a powerful diagnostic tool and is being used as a first-line approach to detect chromosome imbalances associated with intellectual disability, dysmorphic features and congenital abnormalities. This test enables the identification of new copy number variants (CNVs) and their association with new microdeletion/microduplication syndromes in patients previously without diagnosis. We report the case of a 7 year-old female with moderate intellectual disability, severe speech delay and auto and hetero aggressivity with a previous 45,XX,der(13;14)mat karyotype performed at a younger age. Affymetrix CytoScan 750K chromosome microarray analysis was performed detecting a 1.77 Mb deletion at 3p26.3, encompassing 2 OMIM genes, CNTN6 and CNTN4. These genes play an important role in the formation, maintenance, and plasticity of functional neuronal networks. Deletions or mutations in CNTN4 gene have been implicated in intellectual disability and learning disabilities. Disruptions or deletions in the CNTN6 gene have been associated with development delay and other neurodevelopmental disorders. The haploinsufficiency of these genes has been suggested to participate to the typical clinical features of 3p deletion syndrome. Nevertheless inheritance from a healthy parent has been reported, suggesting incomplete penetrance and variable phenotype for this CNV. We compare our patient with other similar reported cases, adding additional value to the phenotype-genotype correlation of deletions in this region.


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In the brain, mutations in SLC25A12 gene encoding AGC1 cause an ultra-rare genetic disease reported as a developmental and epileptic encephalopathy associated with global cerebral hypomyelination. Symptoms of the disease include diffused hypomyelination, arrested psychomotor development, severe hypotonia, seizures and are common to other neurological and developmental disorders. Amongst the biological components believed to be most affected by AGC1 deficiency are oligodendrocytes, glial cells responsible for myelination. Recent studies (Poeta et al, 2022) have also shown how altered levels of transcription factors and epigenetic modifications greatly affect proliferation and differentiation in oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs). In this study we explore the transcriptomic landscape of Agc1 in two different system models: OPCs silenced for Agc1 and iPSCs from human patients differentiated to neural progenitors. Analyses range from differential expression analysis, alternative splicing, master regulator analysis. ATAC-seq results on OPCs were integrated with results from RNA-Seq to assess the activity of a TF based on the accessibility data from its putative targets, which allows to integrate RNA-Seq data to infer their role as either activators or repressors. All the findings for this model were also integrated with early data from iPSCs RNA-seq results, looking for possible commonalities between the two different system models, among which we find a downregulation in genes encoding for SREBP, a transcription factor regulating fatty acids biosynthesis, a key process for myelination which could explain the hypomyelinated state of patients. We also find that in both systems cells tend to form more neurites, likely losing their ability to differentiate, considering their progenitor state. We also report several alterations in the chromatin state of cells lacking Agc1, which confirms the hypothesis for which Agc1 is not a disease restricted only to metabolic alterations in the cells, but there is a profound shift of the regulatory state of these cells.


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Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and developmental delays (DD) may experience more child problem behaviours, report lower parenting selfefficacy (PSE), and be more reactive than proactive in their parenting strategies than those who have children with typical development (TD). Differences in PSE and parenting strategies may also influence the extent to which child problem behaviours are experienced by parents who have children with ASD and DD, compared to those who have children with TD. Using a convenience sample of parents of children with ASD (n = 48), DD (n = 51), and TD (n = 72), this study examined group differences on three key variables: PSE, parenting strategies, and child problem behaviour. Results indicated that those in the DD group scored lower on PSE in preventing child problem behaviour than the ASD group. The TD group used fewer reactive strategies than the DD group, and fewer proactive strategies than both the ASD and DD groups. For the overall sample, higher reactive strategies use was found to predict higher ratings of child problem behaviour, while a greater proportion of proactive to reactive strategies use predicted lower ratings of child problem behaviour. PSE was found to moderate DD diagnosis and child problem behaviour. Implications for a behavioural (i.e., parenting strategies) or cognitive (i.e., PSE) approach to parenting are discussed.


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The British system of development control is time-consuming and uncertain in outcome. Moreover, it is becoming increasingly overloaded as it has gradually switched away from being centred on a traditional ‘is it an appropriate land-use?’ type approach to one based on multi-faceted inspections of projects and negotiations over the distribution of the potential financial gains arising from them. Recent policy developments have centred on improving the operation of development control. This paper argues that more fundamental issues may be a stake as well. Important market changes have increased workloads. Furthermore, the UK planning system's institutional framework encourages change to move in specific directions, which is not always helpful. If expectations of increased long-term housing supply are to be met more substantial changes to development control may be essential but hard to achieve.


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Aim To develop a brief, parent-completed instrument (‘ERIC’) for detection of cognitive delay in 10-24 month-olds born preterm, or with low birth weight, or with perinatal complications, and to establish its diagnostic properties. Method Scores were collected from parents of 317 children meeting ≥1 inclusion criteria (birth weight <1500g; gestational age <34 completed weeks; 5-minute Apgar <7; presence of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy) and meeting no exclusion criteria. Children were assessed for cognitive delay using a criterion score on the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Cognitive Scale III1 <80. Items were retained according to their individual associations with delay. Sensitivity, specificity, Positive and Negative Predictive Values were estimated and a truncated ERIC was developed for use <14 months. Results ERIC detected 17 out of 18 delayed children in the sample, with 94.4% sensitivity (95% CI [confidence interval] 83.9-100%), 76.9% specificity (72.1-81.7%), 19.8% positive predictive value (11.4-28.2%); 99.6% negative predictive value (98.7-100%); 4.09 likelihood ratio positive; and 0.07 likelihood ratio negative; the associated Area under the Curve was .909 (.829-.960). Interpretation ERIC has potential value as a quickly-administered diagnostic instrument for the absence of early cognitive delay in preterm or premature infants of 10-24 months, and as a screen for cognitive delay. Further research may be needed before ERIC can be recommended for wide-scale use.


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A heterozygous missense mutation in the GH-1 gene converting codon 77 from arginine (R) to cysteine (C), which was previously reported to have some GH antagonistic effect, was identified in a Syrian family. The index patient, a boy, was referred for assessment of his short stature (-2.5 SDS) at the age of 6 years. His mother and grandfather were also carrying the same mutation, but did not differ in adult height from the other unaffected family members. Hormonal examination in all affected subjects revealed increased basal GH, low IGF-I concentrations, and subnormal IGF-I response in generation test leading to the diagnosis of partial GH insensitivity. However, GH receptor gene (GHR) sequencing demonstrated no abnormalities. As other family members carrying the GH-R77C form showed similar alterations at the hormonal level, but presented with normal final height, no GH therapy was given to the boy, but he was followed through his pubertal development which was delayed. At the age of 20 years he reached his final height, which was normal within his parental target height. Functional characterization of the GH-R77C, assessed through activation of Jak2/Stat5 pathway, revealed no differences in the bioactivity between wild-type-GH (wt-GH) and GH-R77C. Detailed structural analysis indicated that the structure of GH-R77C, in terms of disulfide bond formation, is almost identical to that of the wt-GH despite the introduced mutation (Cys77). Previous studies from our group demonstrated a reduced capability of GH-R77C to induce GHR/GH-binding protein (GHBP) gene transcription rate when compared with wt-GH. Therefore, reduced GHR/GHBP expression might well be the possible cause for the partial GH insensitivity found in our patients. In addition, this group of patients deserve further attention because they could represent a distinct clinical entity underlining that an altered GH peptide may also have a direct impact on GHR/GHBP gene expression causing partial GH insensitivity. This might be responsible for the delay of growth and pubertal development. Finally, we clearly demonstrate that GH-R77C is not invariably associated with short stature, but that great care needs to be taken in ascribing growth failure to various heterozygous mutations affecting the GH-IGF axis and that careful functional studies are mandatory.