1000 resultados para Programa Liberdade Assistida


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Construir un programa educativo adaptado a las necesidades educativas de los alumnos/as, incrementar la capacidad de atención a través de programas de refuerzo de intervalo variable, mejorar el conocimiento estratégico mediante el modelado dinámico, reducir la impulsividad cognitiva y aumentar el rendimiento académico. Participaron en el estudio todos los alumnos/as de tercero de primaria de una escuela de Palma. De 120 niños/as se seleccionaron 60 con menor rendimiento académico siendo evaluados con pruebas desarrolladas expresamente para este propósito y con la ayuda del profesorado de la escuela. Los 60 sujetos fueron asignados aleatoriamente a cada una de las 4 condiciones experimentales. Las variables son atención sostenida, impulsividad cognitiva, rendimiento académico en lengua y matemáticas, capacidad intelectual, comportamiento y rendimiento dentro del aula, estrategias de aprendizaje. Test de ejecución contínua, prueba de evaluación asistida por ordenador, programa de evaluación de la lengua y las matemáticas, Test de factor G de Cattell, cuestionario para profesores ACRA, análisis de los productos escritos generados durante las sesiones de intervención para evaluar las estrategias de aprendizaje. Programa de intervención adaptado a las necesidades de los sujetos y al currículum, programa flexible que incluye programa de refuerzo de intervalo variable, sistemas de ayuda dinámicos, feedback inmediato sobre la ejecución del sujeto y monitorización del progreso de su aprendizaje. Los tres grupos experimentales aumentaron el rendimiento al mismo nivel que el grupo control. No hubo cambios significativos desde el punto de vista estadístico en atención e impulsividad. El grupo con ayuda dinámica del programa e instrucción estratégica del terapeuta presentó un conocimiento estratégico significativamente superior. La conclusión general es que se pueden sustituir horas lectivas tradicionales por instrucción asistida por ordenador (IAO). Una variable crucial es el soporte activo del terapeuta. La propuesta de futuro es integrar la IAO dentro del aula como una herramienta educativa más.


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Programa sobre MS-DOS orientado a Ciencias Experimentales en Secundaria. Se trata de un software que permite medir, almacenar y tratar diferentes tipos de datos captados por sensores en el laboratorio. Estos sensores envían diferentes tensiones eléctricas las cuales, a su vez, son captadas y convertidas a caracteres binarios por una placa especial. El programa se descompone en dos módulos: Exao-1, que cubre los sensores ópticos, acústicos, magnéticos, paramagnéticos y térmicos y es muy útil para estudios de mecánica y cinemática, por ejemplo. El segundo módulo, Exao-3, trabaja sobre los circuitos eléctricos. Incorpora un manual, de creación posterior, 1992, en que se detalla exhaustivamente el funcionamiento del software y se anexan dos amplios grupos de experiencias a realizar con el programa y en el laboratorio.


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Esta dissertação tenta explorar a complexa dinâmica entre a existência de droga e os seus consumos em meio prisional. A nossa hipótese prende-se com a possibilidade de contextualizar os consumos e policonsumos de substâncias psicotrópicas nos estabelecimentos prisionais de Portugal, tendo por base uma análise da realidade do fenómeno em meio prisional, com reclusos do sexo masculino do EP de Caxias, através dos dados obtidos na aplicação de um inquérito desenvolvido especificamente para este objectivo. Ao analisar as tendências e evoluções dos consumos em Portugal, procuramos alertar para as dinâmicas a desenvolver, com a finalidade de minimizar as consequências abrangentes que permitam diminuir os danos causados aos indivíduos e à população reclusa pelo consumo. O uso e consumo de substâncias psicotrópicas são actualmente uma das maiores preocupações a nível mundial, sendo nomeadamente nos estabelecimentos prisionais que essas preocupações se evidenciam, acarretando com todas as implicações ao nível psicológico e de saúde. As fragilidades emocionais e motivacionais estão muito marcantes neste meio. Os sujeitos aí inseridos envolvem-se num misto de privações de liberdade, de privações de contactos sociais e de regras internas que são de cumprimento obrigatório. Por fim, chama a atenção para o facto de os consumos estarem muito relacionados com diversos factores, nomeadamente, familiares, sociais, sócio-demográficos, situações jurídico-legais, entre outras como descoberta de novas/diferentes experiências.


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A dissertação “Reintegração Social de Adolescentes Privados de Liberdade em Teresina” tem como objetivo analisar como se materializam os itinerários de reintegração social de adolescentes privados de liberdade e inseridos no Centro Educacional Masculino (CEM), em Teresina, Estado do Piauí, tendo sido considerada para a análise dos dados a articulação entre as possibilidades e oportunidades oferecidas aos adolescentes e as suas reais necessidades, desejos e sonhos para uma reintegração segura ao meio social. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na cidade de Teresina, junto aos adolescentes envolvidos com a prática de atos infracionais, sentenciados judicialmente e submetidos à Medida Socioeducativa de Internação, que segundo a Lei Brasileira n. 8.069 de 13 de Julho de 1990 – Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), as pessoas que compõem esse segmento da sociedade brasileira são consideradas sujeitos de Direitos e se encontram em situação peculiar de desenvolvimento pessoal e social. Os resultados apresentados revelam que o programa oficial de reintegração social de adolescentes do Piauí apresenta uma proposta de trabalho elaborada dentro do modelo determinado pelo ECA. Porém o desenvolvimento do trabalho de modo geral não ocorre de forma a garantir o que teoricamente apresenta, isto é, ações concretas que garantam o desenvolvimento psicossocial dos jovens, pois verificamos uma visível desarticulação entre necessidades e ofertas de oportunidades, bem como, a ausência de um grupo formado concretamente de educadores preparados para propor e executar ações que ofereçam meios para o adolescente moderar-se e viabilizar-se como pessoa e cidadão produtivo e assim poder construir seu projeto de vida e garantir seu retorno seguro ao meio social, familiar e comunitário.


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O Programa Comunidade Ativa foi criado pela Comunidade Solidária como uma estratégia para induzir o Desenvolvimento Local Integrado e Sustentável em pequenos municípios brasileiros por meio da formação de fóruns comunitários e da capacitação desses fóruns. O Programa pretende favorecer que as pessoas se tornem mais ativas, participantes e responsáveis pela resolução de seus problemas comuns e incentivar a valorização das culturas locais. O presente estudo investiga as possibilidades e as limitações de o Programa Comunidade Ativa favorecer que os membros das comunidades em que atua apropriem-se de sua liberdade, assumindo a responsabilidade pela construção de sua realidade social. A fim de responder a esta questão recorreu-se neste estudo ao pensamento de Martin Heidegger e de Hanna Arendt. O referencial teórico desta dissertação está dividido em duas partes. Na primeira parte são abordados os seguintes temas: reforma do Estado e políticas sociais; cidadania; desenvolvimento local; espaços públicos de participação; formação humana; e capital social. A segunda parte do referencial teórico apresenta a Fenomenologia Existencial e suas concepções sobre conhecimento, homem, mundo, liberdade, política e educação. A metodologia de investigação inclui coleta e tratamento dos dados provenientes de estudo de documentos e de palestra e de trinta e sete entrevistas realizadas com atores situados desde o âmbito nacional até a esfera local. No último capítulo os dados coletados são interpretados segundo o referencial teórico adotado - o que permite apontar diversas limitações e algumas possibilidades do Programa Comunidade Ativa favorecer que os membros da comunidade em que atua apropriem-se de sua liberdade - e são realizadas reflexões sobre o papel, os desafios e as possibilidades do Estado indutor.


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Neste trabalho apresenta-se a implementação da matriz de amortecimento viscoelástica para um programa computacional de análise de cascas laminadas de materiais compósitos. A formulação apresentada permite realizar análises dinâmicas de estruturas laminadas com a consideração do efeito do amortecimento para dois modelos diferentes: Kelvin e Zener. A matriz de amortecimento foi implementada de duas formas: proporcional à massa ou proporcional à rigidez. A equação do movimento do sistema dinâmico foi resolvida utilizando-se o método de Newmark para integração direta. Para o modelo Zener foi desenvolvida uma análise para um elemento com 1 grau de liberdade. Apresentam-se exemplos de aplicações da formulação para modelos viscosos, implementadas no programa de elementos finitos, submetidos a diferentes tipos de carregamentos, como carga distribuída e cargas de impacto com diferentes tipos de excitações. Comparações entre o comportamento dos modelos Kelvin e Zener foram realizadas para validar os resultados obtidos.


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O presente trabalho propõe uma avaliação do bem-estar social dos beneficiários em idade economicamente ativa do Programa Bolsa Família (BIEAs PBF) no município de Porto Alegre. Tal avaliação é norteada pela identificação de situações de restrições ou armadilhas (SACHS, 2005) da capacidade dos indivíduos escolherem diferentes estilos de vida, através dos papéis instrumentais da liberdade (SEN, 2010). Assim, são testadas hipóteses que envolvem as relações dos indivíduos com a escolarização, o mercado de trabalho e a renda. Os resultados da avaliação sugerem a existência de um nível de renda com restrições; incentivos para a interrupção do processo de escolarização, antes de um nível desejável; uma relação entre escolaridade e renda, pouco convergente; e um baixo acesso ao mercado de trabalho formal, prevalecendo relações de trabalho mais precárias. Finalmente, o presente trabalho propõe o posicionamento das questões relevantes atinentes aos BIEAs PBF em uma perspectiva mais ampla do desenvolvimento humano.


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The main objective of the study about the citizenship development in elderly attended by the Conviver Program of the City Hall of Campina Grande in Paraiba, Brazil was to evaluate how the actions of the Program contribute for the citizenship practice according to the users. The Citizenship analyzed is the existence of political, civil and social rights according to Marshall. For that it was utilized a descriptive research and a study of case based on technical procedure. The research was settled by the people who are benefited by the Conviver Program of the Snow Hair Group and the sample was formed by the active participants that it is in the Group for over ten years, corresponding to a total of ten elderly. For the data collection was utilized basic questionnaire in function of the low schooling of the interviewed, according to Marshall (2002) theory about the citizenship construction from each person. It was utilized the methodological procedure proposed by Bardin (2006), categorical analysis, in the qualitative data analysis, that was divided in four parts. In relation to Political Rights, noted that the program has stimulated your Watched on the exercise of voting and being voted. On the Civil Rights was observed that the Program has given incentive to actions which provide the users the justice rights in and in occupational activities as a job. In relation to Social Rights it was observed that the Conviver Program has contributed in order that its users can lead their lives according to the standards imposed by the society, which have being failed in the education area. As for the type of citizenship it was verified that the Program has given incentive to the served users, becoming more evidence on the speech basis


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In recent decades have seen a sharp growth in the study area of nanoscience and nanotechnology and is included in this area, the study of nanocomposites with self-cleaning properties. Since titanium dioxide (TiO2) has high photocatalytic activity and also antimicrobial, self-cleaning surfaces in your application has been explored. In this study a comparison was made between two synthesis routes to obtain TiO2 nanoparticles by hydrothermal method assisted by microwave. And after analysis of XRD and SEM was considered the best material for use in nanocomposites. It was deposited nanocomposite film of poly (dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) with 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2% by weight of nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) by the spraying method. The nanocomposite was diluted with hexane and the suspension was deposited onto glass substrate, followed by curing in an oven with forced air circulation. The photocatalytic activity of the nanocomposite impregnated with methylene blue was evaluated by UV- vis spectroscopy from the intensity variation of absorption main peak at 660nm with time of exposure to the UV chamber. Changes in the contact angle and microhardness were analyzed before and after UV aging test. The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the chemical structure of the PDMS matrix was evaluated by spectrophotometry Fourier transform infrared (FTIR).The results indicated that the addition of TiO2 nanoparticles in the coating PDMS gave high photocatalytic activity in the decomposition of methylene blue, an important characteristic for the development of self-cleaning coatings


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In Brazil and around the world, oil companies are looking for, and expected development of new technologies and processes that can increase the oil recovery factor in mature reservoirs, in a simple and inexpensive way. So, the latest research has developed a new process called Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) which was classified as a gas injection IOR. The process, which is undergoing pilot testing in the field, is being extensively studied through physical scale models and core-floods laboratory, due to high oil recoveries in relation to other gas injection IOR. This process consists of injecting gas at the top of a reservoir through horizontal or vertical injector wells and displacing the oil, taking advantage of natural gravity segregation of fluids, to a horizontal producer well placed at the bottom of the reservoir. To study this process it was modeled a homogeneous reservoir and a model of multi-component fluid with characteristics similar to light oil Brazilian fields through a compositional simulator, to optimize the operational parameters. The model of the process was simulated in GEM (CMG, 2009.10). The operational parameters studied were the gas injection rate, the type of gas injection, the location of the injector and production well. We also studied the presence of water drive in the process. The results showed that the maximum vertical spacing between the two wells, caused the maximum recovery of oil in GAGD. Also, it was found that the largest flow injection, it obtained the largest recovery factors. This parameter controls the speed of the front of the gas injected and determined if the gravitational force dominates or not the process in the recovery of oil. Natural gas had better performance than CO2 and that the presence of aquifer in the reservoir was less influential in the process. In economic analysis found that by injecting natural gas is obtained more economically beneficial than CO2


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The oil companies in the area in general are looking for new technologies that can increase the recovery factor of oil contained in reservoirs. These investments are mainly aimed at reducing the costs of projects which are high. Steam injection is one of these special methods of recovery in which steam is injected into the reservoir in order to reduce the viscosity of the oil and make it more mobile. The process assisted gravity drainage steam (SAGD) using steam injection in its mechanism, as well as two parallel horizontal wells. In this process steam is injected through the horizontal injection well, then a vapor chamber is formed by heating the oil in the reservoir and, by the action of gravitational forces, this oil is drained down to where the production well. This study aims to analyze the influence of pressure drop and heat along the injection well in the SAGD process. Numerical simulations were performed using the thermal simulator STARS of CMG (Computer Modeling Group). The parameters studied were the thermal conductivity of the formation, the flow of steam injection, the inner diameter of the column, the steam quality and temperature. A factorial design was used to verify the influence of the parameters studied in the recovery factor. We also analyzed different injection flow rates for the model with pressure drop and no pressure drop, as well as different maximum flow rates of oil production. Finally, we performed an economic analysis of the two models in order to check the profitability of the projects studied. The results showed that the pressure drop in injection well have a significant influence on the SAGD process.


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This dissertation focus, as main objective, to address the issue of fundamental rights and political freedoms of the individuals, guaranteed by the Constitution of 1988, with emphasis of study in the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech, as well as in national related constitutional law institutions and its derivatives, and the connection with the historical and political affirmation of fundamental human rights and its importance for the construction, maintenance and consolidation of constitutional democracy in the Federative Republic of Brazil. This paper mainly deals with aspects of juspostive nature, focused mainly within its doctrinal aspect, making, for such, references both to the patrian doctrine and the foreign one, without forgetting the necessary jurisprudencial focus and analysis of the positive patrian planning with references to comparative law, in order to describe and analyze the emergence, evolution and dissemination of the institute, both in the major countries of the Western World and along the Brazilian constitutional history.


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The current research come from need to analyze possibilities to materialize human dignity principle during freedom curtail penalties fullfilment, abreast finding that internal and international regulations dictate this is the way to be tread by Brazilian penitentiary system, however, verily, indignity, assistance missing, overcrownding, crime, in the end, barbarie reigns. The work will analyze two strands in order to effective the mentioned principle: the state responsability optics, such in internal scope, as internationally, abreast historical omission in satisfy Constitution, international treaties and laws; and also indicating penal execution alternative methods adoption as a way, bringing to fore a case study - called "apaqueano" method. With such desideratum will bring, first of all, considerations about consolidation process of human dignity principle, its concept and essential content. Furthermore, will address historical and philosophical evolution of freedom curtail penalties. As it follows, will be done an approach about constitutional and underconstitutional legislation that disciplines penalties fullfiling in Brazil, analyzing their main aspects, emphasizing the possibility to charge Brazilian state for disregarding mentioned standards. Next, will also be started a critical analyzis about international regulations, which forbids diminishing or cruel penalties or treatments, approaching human rights international treaties and conventions ratified by Braziland their incorporation and effectiveness in local Law, emphasizing monitoring forms and country international charging possibility for disregarding international regulations. Lastly, will advance to the real possibility to materialize human dignity principle in penalties fullfiling, based in a case study verification - the APAC (Associação de Proteção e Assistência aos Condenados) called method, analyzing the various theories about penalties grounding, with emphasis in their ressocializing function, as well as traditional penitentiary systems, and the theory adopted by vernacular order, in desideratum to contribute to improve national penitentiary system chaotic situation


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The judicial intervention in limited liability company goes through several issues of legislative and hermeneutics origin, based considerably on the small importance given to freedom of economic initiative by the participants in the process of formation and application of the law. In addition, Brazilian law, due to incompleteness, inconsistency or lack of valid grounds, put the judge in a procedural delicate situation. Being forced to judge, the judiciary faces severe uncomfortable interpretive situations, of which derive solutions of dubious constitutionality and affecting, significantly, the dynamics of business activity. In this context, and considering the limited liability company as an expression of free enterprise, corresponding to a lawful association of people in order to undertake economically, in exercise of his freedom of contracting and professional action, intended to be offered safe parameters of constitutionality for judicial intervention in limited liability company in the hypothesis of (i) transfer of corporate shares, (ii) attachment of corporate shares, (iii) dismissal of directors, (iv) appointment of judicial stakeholders, (v) exclusion of shareholders and (vi ) trespass. The hypothetical-deductive approach was adopted, building hypotheses to overcome the gaps and unconstitutionality of the law and subjecting them to tests, reviews, and comparisons with hypothetical facts and case law in order to determine the constitutional validity of the proposed solutions. The procedure aimed to reconcile the historical, comparative, dialectical and scientific methods. The roots of temporal institutes were researched as well as current solutions provided by national and compared law. From problematizations point, addressed by the constitutional interpretation of the law and jurisprudence, responses that bring out the unconstitutionality of certain conceptions were headed


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The right to artistic expression, freedom granted in the western democratic constitutionalism, is a fundamental right that cyclically, compared to other cohesive rights of expression, has been forgotten and put in an irrelevant juridical-dogmatic position. The first reason for this behaviour that disesteems artistic freedom is the valorisation of rationalism and scientificism in the modern society, subordinating academic researches to utilitarianism, relegating the purpose of feelings and spirituality on men s elocution, therefore, we investigate, guided by philosophy, the attribution of art on human formation, due to its capacity in harmonising reason and emotion. After that, we affirm the fundamental right to artistic expression s autonomy in the 1988 valid constitutional order, after a comparative explanation of freedom in the Fundamental Laws of United States, Portugal, Spain and Germany; and the construction historic-constitutional of the same right in the Brazilian Constitutions. In this desiderate, the theoric mark chosen is the Liberal Theory of the fundamental rights, guiding the exam through jusfundamental dimensions: juridical-subjective and juridical-objective. Whilst the first, classical function of resistance, delimitates the protection area of the artistic expression right from its specific content, titularity and its constitutional and subconstitutional limits, the other one establishes it as cultural good of the Social Order, defining to the State its rendering duties of protection, formation and cultural promotion. We do not admit artistic communication, granted without legal reserve, to be transposed of restrictions that belong to other fundamental rights and, when its exercise collides with another fundamental right or juridical-constitutional good, the justification to a possible state intervention that tangentiates its protection area goes, necessarily, through the perquisition of the artist s animus, the used method, the many viable interpretations and, at last, the correct application of the proportionality criteria. The cultural public politics analysis, nevertheless, observes the pluralism principle of democratic substratum, developer of the cultural dialogue and opposed to patterns determined by the mass cultural industry. All powers are attached, on the scope of its typical attributions, to materialise public politics that have the cultural artistic good as its aim, due to the constant rule contained in §1, art. 5º of the Federal Constitution. However, the access and the incentive laws to culture must be constantly supervised by the constitutional parameter of fundamental right to equality