933 resultados para Profissional de relações publicas


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In the globalized world of capitalism, the organizations need to reinvent themselves in order to conquer the attention of the consumers. The offer of similar products is huge and it is necessary to innovate so the consumer will pick yours. The storytelling comes as an auxiliary tool for this difficult task. The transmedia is a tool that will put the products in many different media platforms. The convergence culture exists to make the experience with the brand become closer. Sometimes the consumer dictates the rules; in other moments the producers take this function for themselves; nowadays, this relation occurs in terms of the intense interactivity with the consumer. Concerning the Public Relations professional, among the questions that remain, we can city: where does the professional of Public Relations fit itself inside this complex context? Which would be its functions amid this whirlpool of information in the convergence culture era? These are the questions that are going to guide this paper


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In the current dynamic environment in which the public relations professional is inserted and, considering their ability to perform various activities, the field of events, an area that comprehends many different aspects, ends up being very active and executed by professionals from other fields. The following research demonstrates the importance of the Public Relations professional in the management of an organizational event, aiming to present Public Relations as the area with the most expertize to put plan and organize events, due to the knowledge and theory that can be put into practice. Through a participatory research, the researcher recounts her experience with organizing Carnatlética, event in which she was a part of in 2013. Thus, it is concluded that the participation of a public-relations in the organization is critical to the success of an event, especially in issues related to advertising, media and planning


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This work points out innovative alternatives for increasing the visibility of nonprofits using the creative profile of the public relations professional through guerrilla marketing. By means of methodological literature and document the suggested proposal is that the public relations through a Strategic Planning, articulate actions of guerrilla marketing on behalf of third sector concerns increasing its visibility to the state's eyes, the private sector and company making the fundraising and the visibility of these entities increase with low cost, creativity and technique. How guerrilla marketing can encourage smaller competitor it is evident to face their opponents with great creative weapons, innovative and cost effective, providing improvement in the area of activity and easier to raise funds; especially in the third sector entities, which is moved without any profit, only for individual or collective will to solve social issues


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The present work this is an exploratory study on the retail, considering its importance in the Brazilian economic scenario, in order to analyze their challenges in their different formats. This study emphasizes the importance of Competitive Intelligence area to complex sectors such as retail, and verify the professional skills of PR to act in this context, considering their academic training and skills developed in this process, focusing on his multidisciplinary approach to manage actions in strategic areas


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This paper aims to discuss the influence of the Public Relations professional in the current market environment, where the client's relationship with the organization is visibly marked by greater freedom of the latter in the decision of buying. The importance of the work and vision of this professional can be observed trough the paths marketing area had been taking, like the appearance of Marketing 3.0. In this paper the intention is to study the paths who lead to the convergence of both areas and in what way both professionals can allied their knowledge aiming to succeed in the market, without ignoring the fact that the results will be better and better the more genuine is the philosophy of respect for the client practiced by the organization and its employees


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The professional skills desirable to graduates in public relations are defined by many authors of scientific specialized literature, and are continually developed throughout the academic life of the PR student. There are many opportunities of learning aspects such as professional behavior, responsibilities and challenges in the activity's various branches. The field of public communication has particularities that must be respected in order to have an effective communication process with quality and focused vision for citizenship building. This paper examines the specificities of public communication in Brazil, characterized by innovations of the right to information on public social policies, and offers a contribution to the characterization of the necessary skills and abilities of the communicator of this field in the contemporary scenario


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The ever more interconnected and competitive markets have contributed to the increase in the number of companies seeking mergers and acquisitions, as they undergo significant cultural dimensions that can influence the success of an organization. This study analyses how the process of change can happen, considering the importance of culture, the complexities of the internal public and the interaction between professionals, with the aid of Public Relations. The analysis is grounded on theoretical principles concerning intercultural communication and the role of the professional as a manager of communicational barriers. It also recommends the application of storytelling as an organizational strategy in order to mediate potentially conflicting changes that could be facilitated with the work of Public Relations


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This study aims to discuss the role of the professional of public relations and the marketing tools in organizing events. Taking as parameter the concepts of events, marketing and public relations and highlighting the contributions on strategic planning, the communication process and the relationship with stakeholders as key elements on this management, it is intended to form arguments to demonstrate that the work of a skilled professional is essential for the empowerment of the events not only as a communication tool, but as well as a relationship tool. The methodology utilized is based on literary data and on the exemplification of this process, with the analysis of three mega events. As a result, we leave a reflection about the importance of professionally events management, in addition to excellent communication and expansion of economic resources, since it defends the idea that management needs to generate lasting relationships across all the stakeholders' chain


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This work aims to study the luxury and discuss their applications in business, through the vision of a public relations professional. The author believes that luxury is based on high product quality at all stages that involve the co nsumption of this, and public relations professional is able to show how to use because it is trained to recognize and communicate with the most different audiences. Therefore, understanding the concept of luxury not only as a market, but guiding values in contemporary society, and from this concept of questioning, seeking to apply it, becomes, as proposed in this paper, a goal for any company want to keep the market through customer acquisition


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The objective of this study is a explanation about the action possibilities of the Public Relations professional as a manager of communication between the musical celebrity and his publics. For this purpose, a bibliographical research was made about Internet question like his history, the evolution of Web 2.0 and even about different kinds of virtualization, introducing with interactivity. Other researches was been made like social culture topics and even the studies of Public Relations actions in the artistic scene, acting like a manager of different publics relationships in the virtual contacts. A study case with the virtual communication tools employed in the career of Hugo e Tiago, one of the country artists in Brazil, is also in this studies. Otherwise, the study explains about the different ways of Public Relations actions, his upgrades along with the new communication tools and his new types of making relations with more and more different publics. Working with new strategies and keeping his objectives in the organization and public relationship, Public Relations brands a new vision to this type of communication professional, who becomes even more important in the actual organizations scenario


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This paper, result of a bibliographic review, documentary research and interview with a professional of public relations area (PR), presents a scenario analysis tool and the way how the public relations professional can use it. Are pointed some abilities and strategic skills of this professional that can actually enable him to the prospection, building and analyze of scenarios, from the perspective of relationship with the organization publics. The scenario analysis tool is a strategic way to make some decisions, being used to the analysis of junctures, that can back up organizations' actions and activities, considering possible future results, in other words, the consequences and the developments caused by certain organization attitude or stance. On the end of this paper, we present a propose of strategic plan to Public Relations, using a suggested use for the tool


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No presente trabalho final de Mestrado, o conceito de discurso é assumido como fundamental para as Relações Públicas, na medida em que permite o estabelecimento e gestão das relações entre a organização e os públicos. Neste contexto surge um desafio aos profissionais de Relações Públicas: torna-se vital que consigam captar a atenção daqueles a quem se dirigem. Para isso é necessário que se adeque o discurso aos objectivos que se quer efectivemente cumprir. E foi neste campo que se identificou uma lacuna ao nível de uma das funções da prática profissional das Relações Públicas, uma vez que, apesar de serem vários os estudos que se debruçam sobre os discursos, são poucos os que analisam de forma aprofundada o discurso de celebração. Existe portanto a necessidade de definir conceptualmente este tipo de discurso, bem como de apresentar de uma forma clara o seu verdadeiro contributo para a disciplina. Desta forma, o principal objectivo deste trabalho é contribuir para o aumento da compreensão e conhecimento desta questão, e para a melhoria da prática profissional nesta área, através da clarificação dos objectivos e efeitos do discurso de celebração e, consequentemente, da percepção deste tipo de discurso enquanto elemento fundamental para a prática das Relações Públicas. Para cumprir este objectivo, analisar-se-á o discurso de celebração, sob a rubrica do género epidictico, de acordo com a proposta teórica de Chaïm Perelman e Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca, na sua obra Tratado de Argumentação (2006).


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Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever o método de história de vida, bem como a história de vida através da oralidade como importantes métodos a serem utilizados nas investigações em Relações Públicas. O método de história de vida é parte da abordagem biográfica, apresentando os conceitos-chave que fazem parte dos métodos e pontos de partida para uma investigação com o profissional de Relações Públicas decorrentes da aplicação dos métodos. O estudo incide sobre a análise das narrativas contadas pelos profissionais de Relações Públicas tendo por base a sua própria “História de Vida”. Centra-se inicialmente no “como”, no “porquê” e no “quando” de uma profissão vistos através da “História Oral de Vida” dos seus profissionais. Está assente em “Como os profissionais chegaram ao exercício da atividade de Relações Públicas?”, “O porquê de seguirem esta escolha?” e “Quando seguiram esta escolha?”. A História Oral de Vida tem sido aplicada noutras áreas, agora sendo relevante para trazer à tona as narrativas dos profissionais de Relações Públicas. A valorização da narrativa pessoal/profissional dos praticantes de Relações Públicas na constituição do profissional, para que se possa estudá-lo para além das organizações. Um dos objetivos relevantes é a possível caracterização da escolha profissional e até que ponto pode contribuir-se para a formação de outros profissionais da área. O papel central do profissional de Relações Públicas que habitualmente fala em nome de uma organização, passa a ser posto à parte para que o profissional seja o sujeito-narrador da sua própria história. O estudo salienta a importância dos profissionais de Relações Públicas através da relevância dada às narrativas. Ao fazer-se a “História Oral de Vida” estamos a trazer à área um novo contributo para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a atividade.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)