978 resultados para Processo de conversão


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This work aims to analyze risks related to information technology (IT) in procedures related to data migration. This is done considering ALEPH, Integrated Libray System (ILS) that migrated data to the Library Module present in the software called Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas (SIGAA) at the Zila Mamede Central Library at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal/Brazil. The methodological procedure used was of a qualitative exploratory research with the realization of case study at the referred library in order to better understand this phenomenon. Data collection was able once there was use of a semi-structured interview that was applied with (11) subjects that are employed at the library as well as in the Technology Superintendence at UFRN. In order to examine data Content analysis as well as thematic review process was performed. After data migration the results of the interview were then linked to both analysis units and their system register with category correspondence. The main risks detected were: data destruction; data loss; data bank communication failure; user response delay; data inconsistency and duplicity. These elements point out implication and generate disorders that affect external and internal system users and lead to stress, work duplicity and hassles. Thus, some measures were taken related to risk management such as adequate planning, central management support, and pilot test simulations. For the advantages it has reduced of: risk, occurrence of problems and possible unforeseen costs, and allows achieving organizational objectives, among other. It is inferred therefore that the risks present in data bank conversion in libraries exist and some are predictable, however, it is seen that librarians do not know or ignore and are not very worried in the identification risks in data bank conversion, their acknowledge would minimize or even extinguish them. Another important aspect to consider is the existence of few empirical research that deal specifically with this subject and thus presenting the new of new approaches in order to promote better understanding of the matter in the corporate environment of the information units


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Since Demirjian's system of estimating dental maturity was first described, many researchers from different countries have tested its accuracy among diverse populations. Some of these studies have pointed out a need to determine population-specific standards. In Brazil, the Northeast region is the one that most suffers the negative impact of exodus, specially related to the increase of abandoned children in the cities. The aim of this study was to test the accuracy of Demirjian's system for assessing the dental maturity of northeastern Brazilian children, so as to present a scale for maturity score conversion into dental age developed specifically for this population. This could be used for forensic, anthropological and legal matters, and also as a model for other countries attempting to formulate their own conversion scales. Panoramic radiographs of 1,491 children (821 females and 670 males), aged 7 to 13 years, from Ceará state, northeast Brazil, were assessed by a single observer to determine dental age (DA) according to Demirjian's system. The mean percentage of intra-observer agreement was 86.6%, with a mean Cohen's Kappa coefficient of 0.67 (substantial agreement). The DA was compared by paired t-test to subjects' chronological age (CA). The differences between CA and DA in all age groups were statistically significant (p<0.0001), demonstrating a great advancement in DA among Brazilians. Scatter plots were drawn for both genders, and the data were fitted to a growth curve, y = 100/ (1 + e-a(x b)). Graphs corresponding to the 50th percentile curves were produced. A table with new values for the conversion of maturity score into dental age for northeastern Brazilian children is presented. The great advancement in DA, as obtained by Demirjian's system in this population, justified the determination of specific scores for dental maturity assessment


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Supported catalysts of CuCl2 on sílica were used in the methane oxychlorination reaction. The materials were synthesized by the ion exchange technique in a basic solution, using a copper-ammonia complex with 3 and 6 % of nominal copper loading. The materials where characterized by thermogravimetry (TG), X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF), Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR), Scanning Electron Microscopy with X-ray microanalysis (SEM/EDS), BET specific area and pore distribution. The characterization confirms the presence of copper on the support surface, concluding that the ion exchange technique was adequate in the catalyst synthesis. For the reaction test, an oxychlorination bench scale unit was employed. The tests were carried at 673 and 773 K. The results showed the influence of temperature and catalyst copper content on the oxychlorination of methane reaction


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The Health Family Program (HFP) was founded in the 1990s with the objective of changing the health care model through a restructuring of primary care. Oral health was officially incorporated into HFP mainly through the efforts of dental professionals, and was seen as a way to break from oral health care models based on curative, technical biological and inequity methods. Despite the fast expansion of HFP oral health teams, it is essential to ask if changes are really occurring in the oral health model of municipalities. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the incorporation of oral health teams into the Health Family Program by analyzing the factors that may interfere positively or negatively in the implementation of this strategy and consequently in the process of changing oral health care models in the National Health System in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This evaluation involves three dimensions: access, work organization and strategies of planning. For this purpose,19 municipalities, geographically distributed according to Regional Public Health Units (RPHU), were randomly selected. The data collection instruments used were: structured interview of supervisors and dentists, structured observation, documental research and data from national health data banks. It was possible to identify critical points that may be impeding the implementation of oral health into HFP, such as, low incomes, no legal employment contract, difficulty in referring patients for high-complexity procedures, in developing intersectoral actions and program strategies such as epidemiologic diagnosis and evaluation of the new actions. The majority of municipalities showed little or no improvement in oral health care after incorporating the new model into HFP. All of them had failures in most of the aspects mentioned above. Furthermore, these municipalities are similar in other areas, such as low educational levels in children from 7 to 14 years of age, high child mortality rates and wide social inequalities. On the other hand, the five municipalities that had improved oral health, according to the categories analyzed, offered better living conditions to the population, with higher life expectancy, low infant mortality rates, per capita income among the highest in the state as well as high Human Development Index (HDI) means. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that public policies that include aspects beyond the health sector are decisive for a real change in health care models


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It is known that the head office world energetics is leaning in the fossil fuels. However, the world panorama is changing quickly, for linked reasons to three of the humanity's great concerns in that century beginning: environment, global economy and energy. The biodiesel production is based on the transesterificação of vegetable oils or animal fats, using catalysts homogeneous or heterogeneous. The process of heterogeneous transesterificação presents lower conversions in comparison with the homogeneous, however, it doesn't present corrosion problems and it reduces to the occurrence of parallel reactions as saponification. In this sense, this work has for purpose the synthesis of a heterogeneous catalyst, KNO3/Al2O3, that soon afterwards was used in the reaction of transesterificação of the oil of the Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower). The solid materials (it supports and catalyst) they were analyzed by diffraction of ray-X (XRD) and electronic microscope of sweeping (MEV). After the analysis of Al2O3, a structure monophase amorphous tetragonal was verified, with characteristic patterns of that material, what could not be visualized in the difratograma of the catalyst. The biodiesel obtained with 4% wt. of KNO3/Al2O3 it was what obtained a better cinematic viscosity 8,3 mm2/s, comparing with the norms of ANP, and it also presented the best conversion tax in ethyl ésteres, in accordance with the quantitative measure starting from TG, that was of 60%. While the biodiesel with 6% wt. and with 8% wt. of KNO3/Al2O3 it was it that no transesterificou, because it was observed in the analysis termogravimétrica of those two materials, a single thermal event, that it corresponds the decomposition or volatilization of the triglycerides


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e analisar quais as possíveis dificuldades advindas da linguagem que alunos enfrentam na conversão da língua natural para a linguagem matemática. A investigação foi realizada ao longo do ano letivo de 2008 em classes de Ensino Médio de duas escolas públicas da cidade de Belém, onde foram coletadas informações por meio de registros produzidos pelos alunos em testes e avaliações bimestrais. Para subsidiar a investigação foram utilizadas, como aporte teórico, idéias de Raymond Duval acerca da teoria dos registros de representação semiótica; o conceito de significado ligado a filosofia da linguagem segundo Wittgenstein; algumas considerações feitas por Gottlob Frege sobre a distinção entre sentido e referência assim como algumas idéias do filósofo Gilles-Gaston Granger no que concerne ao problema das significações e do aspecto formal da linguagem matemática. As análises das informações que foram coletadas no decorrer do processo investigativo revelaram que, na perspectiva dos alunos, a conversão da língua natural para a linguagem matemática se depara com quatro tipos de dificuldades: a primeira apontou para o fato de existirem em cada registro de representação de um mesmo objeto matemático, diferentes conteúdos a serem mobilizados; a segunda mostrou que os alunos fracassam ao realizar a conversão da língua natural para a linguagem matemática quando não interpretam corretamente as regras matemáticas implícitas no enunciado de uma situação problema; a terceira surgiu do fato de existirem no texto de uma situação problema, palavras que os alunos não compreendiam o seu significado ou que geravam ambigüidade de sentidos; a quarta surgiu a partir do fato dos alunos não conseguirem compreender o significado matemático das letras utilizadas nos enunciados dos problemas.


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Este trabalho consiste na proposta de uma sequencia didática para o ensino de Sistemas de Equações Algébricas Lineares na qual estabelecemos uma conexão entre o Método da Substituição e o buscando a conversão de registros de representação. O objetivo da proposta foi verificar se os alunos conseguem realizar a conexão entre os dois métodos desenvolvendo a conversão do método da substituição no Método do escalonamento caracterizando assim, o aprendizado do objeto matemático estudado, segundo a teoria de registros de representação semiótica de Raimund Duval. A pesquisa foi realizada com alunos do ensino médio em uma escola da rede pública estadual da cidade de Belém e os resultados apontaram para o estabelecimento de uma conexão entre os dois métodos empregados no processo de resolução de sistemas.


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Ainda hoje, a migração em tempo é o processo de imageamento substancialmente empregado na indústria do petróleo. Tal popularidade é devida ao seu alto grau de eficiência e robustez, além de sua habilidade em focalizar refletores nos mais variados ambientes geológicos. Entretanto, em áreas de alta complexidade geológica a migração em tempo falha de tal forma que a migração em profundidade e um campo de velocidade em profundidade são indispensáveis. Esse campo é geralmente obtido através de processos tomográficos partindo de um campo de velocidade inicial. A conversão de campos de velocidade de tempo para profundidade é uma forma rápida de se obter um campo inicial mais consistente geologicamente para tais processos. Alguns algoritmos de conversão tempo-profundidade recentemente desenvolvidos baseados no traçamento de raios-imagem são revistos e um algoritmo alternativo baseado na propagação da frente de onda-imagem é proposto. Os algoritmos são aplicados a dados sintéticos bidimensionais e avaliados de acordo com suas eficiência e acurácia, destacando suas vantagens, desvantagens e limitações na obtenção de campos de velocidade em profundidade.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho analisa o processo de reescrita do romance Quincas Borba, de Machado de Assis. Na conversão do folhetim, publicado na revista A Estação, em livro, o autor executou uma série de modificações que deram origem a uma obra-prima da trilogia machadiana. Com base no exame das variantes do romance, este estudo analisa as implicações estéticas inerentes às condições de produção literária oferecidas em diferentes contextos de publicação (imprensa periódica e livro).


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS