962 resultados para Process monitoring


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This thesis reports investigations into the paper wetting process and its effects on the surface roughness and the out-of-plane (ZD) stiffness of machine-made paper. The aim of this work was to test the feasibility of employing air-borne ultrasound methods to determine surface roughness (by reflection) and ZD stiffness (by through transmission) of paper during penetration of distilled water, isopropanol and their mixtures. Air-borne ultrasound provides a non-contacting way to evaluate sample structure and mechanics during the liquid penetration event. Contrary to liquid immersion techniques, an air-borne measurement allows studying partial wetting of paper. In addition, two optical methods were developed to reveal the liquid location in paper during wetting. The laser light through transmission method was developed to monitor the liquid location in partially wetted paper. The white light reflection method was primarily used to monitor the penetration of the liquid front in the thickness direction. In the latter experiment the paper was fully wetted. The main results of the thesis were: 1) Liquid penetration induced surface roughening was quantified by monitoring the ultrasound reflection from the paper surface. 2) Liquid penetration induced stiffness alteration in the ZD of paper could be followed by measuring the change in the ultrasound ZD resonance in paper. 3) Through transmitted light revealed the liquid location in the partially wetted paper. 4) Liquid movement in the ZD of the paper could be observed by light reflection. The results imply that the presented ultrasonic means can without contact measure the alteration of paper roughness and stiffness during liquid transport. These methods can help avoiding over engineering the paper which reduces raw material and energy consumption in paper manufacturing. The presented optical means can estimate paper specific wetting properties, such as liquid penetration speed, transport mechanisms and liquid location within the paper structure. In process monitoring, these methods allow process tuning and manufacturing of paper with engineered liquid transport characteristics. With such knowledge the paper behaviour during printing can be predicted. These findings provide new methods for paper printing, surface sizing, and paper coating research.


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In this paper we report a novel hydrogel functionalized optical Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor based on chemo-mechanical-optical sensing, and demonstrate its specific application in pH activated process monitoring. The sensing mechanism is based on the stress due to ion diffusion and polymer phase transition which produce strain in the FBG. This results in shift in the Bragg wavelength which is detected by an interrogator system. A simple dip coating method to coat a thin layer of hydrogel on the FBG has been established. The gel consists of sodium alginate and calcium chloride. Gel formation is observed in real-time by continuously monitoring the Bragg wavelength shift. We have demonstrated pH sensing in the range of pH of 2 to 10. Another interesting phenomenon is observed by swelling and deswelling of FBG functionalized with hydrogel by a sequence of alternate dipping between acidic and base solutions. It is observed that the Bragg wavelength undergoes reversible and repeatable pH dependent switching.


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Several concepts have been developed in the recent years for nanomaterial based integrated MEMS platform in order to accelerate the process of biological sample preparation followed by selective screening and identification of target molecules. In this context, there exist several challenges which need to be addressed in the process of electrical lysis of biological cells. These are due to (i) low resource settings while achieving maximal lysis (ii) high throughput of target molecules to be detected (iii) automated extraction and purification of relevant molecules such as DNA and protein from extremely small volume of sample (iv) requirement of fast, accurate and yet scalable methods (v) multifunctionality toward process monitoring and (vi) downward compatibility with already existing diagnostic protocols. This paper reports on the optimization of electrical lysis process based on various different nanocomposite coated electrodes placed in a microfluidic channel. The nanocomposites are synthesized using different nanomaterials like Zinc nanorod dispersion in polymer. The efficiency of electrical lysis with various different electrode coatings has been experimentally verified in terms of DNA concentration, amplification and protein yield. The influence of the coating thickness on the injection current densities has been analyzed. We further correlate experimentally the current density vs. voltage relationship with the extent of bacterial cell lysis. A coupled multiphysics based simulation model is used to predict the cell trajectories and lysis efficiencies under various electrode boundary conditions as estimated from experimental results. Detailed in-situ fluorescence imaging and spectroscopy studies are performed to validate various hypotheses.


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Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo a análise do processo de acompanhamento dos clientes portadores de feridas na atenção primária do município de Angra dos Reis. Os objetivos são: verificar a existência de processo de acompanhamento de clientes portadores de feridas nas unidades de atenção primária do município de Angra dos Reis; analisar as dificuldades inerentes ao processo de acompanhamento de clientes portadores de feridas nas unidades de atenção primária do município de Angra dos Reis. O método foi descritivo, o tipo é de levantamento e de natureza quantitativa. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi o formulário, tendo como sujeitos do estudo a população de enfermeiros atuantes na atenção primária do município de Angra dos Reis e que assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, conforme disposto na Resolução 196/96 do Conselho Nacional de saúde. O cenário utilizado foi o município de Angra dos Reis. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Instituto de Medicina Social da UERJ, através da Plataforma Brasil em 28/06/2013. A análise demonstrou que mais de 93% dos enfermeiros realizam curativos durante sua atuação profissional na atenção primária, destes, 80% realizam algum tipo de acompanhamento de clientes portadores de feridas. Este acompanhamento nem sempre é contínuo, por contada dificuldade técnica do próprio profissional, da interrupção do fornecimento de materiais por parte do almoxarifado, da baixa adesão do cliente e da inexistência de uma rotina institucionalizada. A insuficiência de produtos disponíveis no município para a realização de curativos também foi um fator descrito pelos sujeitos como prejudicador no processo de acompanhamento destes pacientes. Foi verificado que a utilização de produtos de segunda geração para realização de curativos, quando indicados de forma correta e respeitando o prazo de troca, proporciona uma economia nos fastos do município no que se refere ao tratamento tópico de feridas, economia esta que pode chegar à metade dos gastos. Este estudo foi relevante para a otimização do processo de acompanhamento de clientes portadores de feridas no município, bem como reorganização defluxos, rotinas e do cuidado prestado.


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Este texto verificou o tema de monitoramento de processos de produção de petróleo em plataformas no mar de forma a propor indicadores globais para monitoramento da funcionalidade dos equipamentos que envolvem estes processos, permitindo a antecipação da tomada de decisão sobre suas eminentes quedas de disponibilidade. Para tal, buscando conhecer as áreas envolvidas na gestão de uma plataforma de petróleo no mar, foram identificados os principais sistemas relacionados ao processo de produção de petróleo e optou-se pelo Sistema de Separação e Tratamento de Óleo para desenvolvimento e validação dos indicadores propostos. O Indicador Global de Funcionalidade Operacional (IGFO) foi desenvolvido a partir dos dados disponíveis para monitoramento dos processos de produção de petróleo, focado nas visões das principais áreas envolvidas na gestão da plataforma. Este indicador foi elaborado com objetivo de simplificar a análise dos processos, permitindo assim aferir o desempenho das ações de monitoramento de processos em plataformas de petróleo, de modo a atuar de forma antecipativa, contribuindo com a identificação e a disseminação das melhores práticas de manutenção preditiva. Neste aspecto, os indicadores na forma de normalização utilizada permitem comparações em diversos níveis, tanto em relação as plataformas dentro de uma empresa, como plataformas de empresas diferentes. Os indicadores globais propostos obtiveram resultados que permitiram avaliar a queda de funcionalidade dos equipamentos do Sistema de Separação e Tratamento de Óleo durante o período avaliado, servindo de base para identificação das causas das falhas destes equipamentos. Assim sendo, pôde-se perceber que a utilização dos indicadores globais identificados pode responder com sucesso às necessidades propostas


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微电子、无线通信、自动控制和人工智能等领域的技术进步,推动了无线传感器网络的发展。无线传感器网络改变了人与自然的交互方式,是二十一世纪最具影响的IT技术之一,在军事、环境、医疗、家庭、工业和其它领域有广阔的应用前景。 路由协议是目前传感器网络研究的重要内容,协议设计与网络应用密切相关。在工业无线监测应用中,路由协议设计的主要目标是提高可靠性和降低节点能耗;而传统网络路由协议设计的首要任务是提供高质量的数据服务。这些不同导致传统网络的路由协议不能直接应用于工业过程监测网络。论文针对工业无线监测应用的需求和特点展开研究工作,主要包括以下几方面内容。 论述了工业无线传感器网络路由协议设计所面临的挑战性问题,系统地总结了已有研究成果与不足,具体分析了在工业过程监测环境下无线传感器网络的特点和路由需要重点解决的问题。 分析了工业过程监测应用对传感器网络的路由需求,并实地测试了工厂车间环境下的信道质量。 针对这些工业应用的实际需求,提出了在减少协议开销、降低协议能耗的同时提高数据传输可靠性的路由机制,以满足不同现场设备对数据路由的需求。 针对工业过程监测网络中的上行数据量大且具有周期性的特点,提出了一种基于链路质量估计的逐跳多径路由协议。该协议使数据在每一跳的转发过程中都有多条路径可以使用,在提高转发成功率的同时避免了端到端多路径机制带来的大量开销。 针对工业过程监测应用中下行数据量少且具有非周期性的特点,提出了基于分布式编址算法的主动路由协议。该协议中,传感器节点分配到下行地址之后就可以计算出下一跳转发地址,从而避免了采用基于广播转发的方式,大大减少了路由开销。同时,单播转发的下行数据不会引发“广播风暴”,减轻了对网络中周期性上行数据转发的影响。 针对手持设备所具有的移动性、数据量少和通信不频繁的特点,设计了面向移动设备的低开销按需路由协议。该协议只在手持设备有远程连接需求的时候才建立主路由,然后按需延长,避免手持设备每移动一次就要重新进行路由发现。此外,在路由发现环节利用了已经建立好的主动路由,通过单播方式转发路由发现报文,不但大幅减少了协议开销,同时也保证了所选路由的高质量。 为了测试本文提供的路由协议在工厂车间内的实际效果,构建了一个工作在2.4GHz上的验证系统。该验证系统以网络层的可靠性机制为基础,通过在链路层采用TDMA机制、FDMA机制和在传输层重传等机制的配合,达到了较高的报文传输可靠性,证明本文提出的路由协议能够满足工业过程监测应用的需要。


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MIR spectroscopy is an established technique which has process monitoring applications in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Previous attempts to utilise the technology for monitoring of AD plants were of limited success, with operation hindered by severe clogging of the probe.

Novel fittings, which allow a probe to be withdrawn from the process fluid, cleaned and recalibrated in situ have now been developed to combat this clogging problem. This has allowed a spectroscopic probe to be used successfully in lab scale digesters for real time measurement of VFA concentration, a key parameter to the stability of AD plants.

This project will demonstrate the technology at a farm scale AD plant for the first time. Both real-time measurements of VFA concentrations and parameters currently measured by plant operators will be available, leading to state-of-the-art monitoring and control of the AD plant. With the improved monitoring that this probe will deliver, it is hoped to realise a 10% increase in biogas production without compromising the stability of the process. This will deliver both economic and environmental benefits.


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This paper emerged from work supported by EPSRC grant GR/S84354/01 and proposes a method of determining principal curves, using spline functions, in principal component analysis (PCA) for the representation of non-linear behaviour in process monitoring. Although principal curves are well established, they are difficult to implement in practice if a large number of variables are analysed. The significant contribution of this paper is that the proposed method has minimal complexity, assuming simple spline geometry, thus enabling efficient computation. The paper provides a foundation for further work where multiple curves may be required to represent underlying non-linear information in complex data.


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Semiconductor fabrication involves several sequential processing steps with the result that critical production variables are often affected by a superposition of affects over multiple steps. In this paper a Virtual Metrology (VM) system for early stage measurement of such variables is presented; the VM system seeks to express the contribution to the output variability that is due to a defined observable part of the production line. The outputs of the processed system may be used for process monitoring and control purposes. A second contribution of this work is the introduction of Elastic Nets, a regularization and variable selection technique for the modelling of highly-correlated datasets, as a technique for the development of VM models. Elastic Nets and the proposed VM system are illustrated using real data from a multi-stage etch process used in the fabrication of disk drive read/write heads. © 2013 IEEE.


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Reducing wafer metrology continues to be a major target in semiconductor manufacturing efficiency initiatives due to it being a high cost, non-value added operation that impacts on cycle-time and throughput. However, metrology cannot be eliminated completely given the important role it plays in process monitoring and advanced process control. To achieve the required manufacturing precision, measurements are typically taken at multiple sites across a wafer. The selection of these sites is usually based on a priori knowledge of wafer failure patterns and spatial variability with additional sites added over time in response to process issues. As a result, it is often the case that in mature processes significant redundancy can exist in wafer measurement plans. This paper proposes a novel methodology based on Forward Selection Component Analysis (FSCA) for analyzing historical metrology data in order to determine the minimum set of wafer sites needed for process monitoring. The paper also introduces a virtual metrology (VM) based approach for reconstructing the complete wafer profile from the optimal sites identified by FSCA. The proposed methodology is tested and validated on a wafer manufacturing metrology dataset. © 2012 IEEE.


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Increasingly semiconductor manufacturers are exploring opportunities for virtual metrology (VM) enabled process monitoring and control as a means of reducing non-value added metrology and achieving ever more demanding wafer fabrication tolerances. However, developing robust, reliable and interpretable VM models can be very challenging due to the highly correlated input space often associated with the underpinning data sets. A particularly pertinent example is etch rate prediction of plasma etch processes from multichannel optical emission spectroscopy data. This paper proposes a novel input-clustering based forward stepwise regression methodology for VM model building in such highly correlated input spaces. Max Separation Clustering (MSC) is employed as a pre-processing step to identify a reduced srt of well-conditioned, representative variables that can then be used as inputs to state-of-the-art model building techniques such as Forward Selection Regression (FSR), Ridge regression, LASSO and Forward Selection Ridge Regression (FCRR). The methodology is validated on a benchmark semiconductor plasma etch dataset and the results obtained are compared with those achieved when the state-of-art approaches are applied directly to the data without the MSC pre-processing step. Significant performance improvements are observed when MSC is combined with FSR (13%) and FSRR (8.5%), but not with Ridge Regression (-1%) or LASSO (-32%). The optimal VM results are obtained using the MSC-FSR and MSC-FSRR generated models. © 2012 IEEE.


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Process monitoring and Predictive Maintenance (PdM) are gaining increasing attention in most manufacturing environments as a means of reducing maintenance related costs and downtime. This is especially true in industries that are data intensive such as semiconductor manufacturing. In this paper an adaptive PdM based flexible maintenance scheduling decision support system, which pays particular attention to associated opportunity and risk costs, is presented. The proposed system, which employs Machine Learning and regularized regression methods, exploits new information as it becomes available from newly processed components to refine remaining useful life estimates and associated costs and risks. The system has been validated on a real industrial dataset related to an Ion Beam Etching process for semiconductor manufacturing.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation betrachtet institutionsinterne lokale (Critical-)Incident-Reporting-Systeme ((C)IRS) als eine Möglichkeit zum Lernen aus Fehlern und unerwünschten kritischen Ereignissen (sogenannte Incidents) im Krankenhaus. Die Notwendigkeit aus Incidents zu lernen, wird im Gesundheitswesen bereits seit den 1990er Jahren verstärkt diskutiert. Insbesondere risikoreichen Organisationen, in denen Incidents fatale Konsequenzen haben können, sollten umfassende Strategien erarbeiten, die sie vor Fehlern und unerwünschten Ereignissen schützen und diese als Lernpotenzial nutzen können. Dabei können lokale IRS als ein zentraler Bestandteil des Risikomanagements und freiwillige Dokumentationssysteme im Krankenhaus ein Teil dieser Strategie sein. Sie können eine Ausgangslage für die systematische Erfassung und Auswertung von individuellen Lerngelegenheiten und den Transfer zurück in die Organisation schaffen. Hierfür sind eine lernförderliche Gestaltung, Implementierung und Einbettung lokaler IRS eine wichtige Voraussetzung. Untersuchungen über geeignete lerntheoretisch fundierte und wirkungsvolle IRS-Modelle und empirische Daten fehlen bisher im deutschsprachigen Raum. Einen entsprechenden Beitrag leistet die vorliegende Fallstudie in einem Schweizer Universitätsspital (800 Betten, 6.100 Mitarbeitende). Zu diesem Zweck wurde zuerst ein Anforderungsprofil an lernförderliche IRS aus der Literatur abgeleitet. Dieses berücksichtigt zum einen literaturbasierte Kriterien für die Gestaltung und Nutzung aus der IRS-Literatur, zum anderen die aus der Erziehungswissenschaft und Arbeitspsychologie entlehnten Gestaltungsbedingungen und Erfolgskriterien an organisationales Lernen. Das Anforderungsprofil wurde in drei empirischen Teilstudien validiert und entsprechend adaptiert. In der ersten empirischen Teilstudie erfolgte eine Standortbestimmung der lokalen IRS. Die Erhebung erfolgte in vier Kliniken mittels Dokumentenanalyse, leitfadengestützter Interviews (N=18), sieben strukturierter Gruppendiskussionen und teilnehmender Beobachtungen über einen Zeitraum von 22 Monaten. Erfolgskritische IRS-Merkmale wurden identifiziert mit dem Ziel einer praxisgerechten lernförderlichen Systemgestaltung und Umsetzung von Incident Reporting unter Betrachtung von organisationalen Rahmenbedingungen, Lernpotenzialen und Barrieren. Die zweite Teilstudie untersuchte zwei Fallbeispiele organisationalen Lernens mittels Prozessbegleitung, welche zu einem verwechslungssicheren Design bei einem Medizinalprodukt und einer verbesserten Patientenidentifikation in Zusammenhang mit Blutentnahmen führten. Für das organisationale Lernen im Spital wurden dabei Chancen, Barrieren und Gestaltungsansätze abgeleitet, wie erwünschte Veränderungen und Lernen unter Nutzung von IRS initiiert werden können und dabei ein besseres Gesundheitsresultat erreicht werden kann. Die dritte Teilstudie überprüfte, inwiefern die Nutzung und Implementierung lokaler IRS mittels einer Mitarbeitervollbefragung zur Sicherheitskultur gefördert werden kann. Hierfür wurde eine positive Interaktion, zwischen einer starken Sicherheitskultur und der Bereitschaft ein IRS zu implementieren und Incidents zu berichten, angenommen. Zum Einsatz kam eine deutschsprachige Version des Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (Patientensicherheitsklimainventar) mit einem Rücklauf von 46.8% (2.897 gültige Fragebogen). In 23 von 37 Kliniken führte laut einer Nachbefragung die Sicherheitskulturbefragung zum Implementierungsentscheid. Dies konnte durch Monitoring der IRS-Nutzung bestätigt werden. Erstmals liegen mit diesen Studien empirische Daten für eine wirkungsvolle und lernförderliche Gestaltung und Umsetzung von lokalen IRS am Beispiel einer Schweizer Gesundheitsorganisation vor. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zeigen Chancen und Barrieren für IRS als Berichts- und Lernsysteme im Krankenhaus auf. Als Resultat unsachgemäss gestalteter und implementierter IRS konnte dabei vor allem Lernverhinderung infolge IRS aufgezeigt werden. Blinder Aktionismus und eine fehlende Priorisierung von Patientensicherheit, unzureichende Kompetenzen, Qualifikationen und Ressourcen führten dabei zur Schaffung neuer Fehlerquellen mit einer Verstärkung des Lernens erster Ordnung. Eine lernförderliche Gestaltung und Unterhaltung der lokalen IRS, eingebettet in eine klinikumsweite Qualitäts- und Patientensicherheitsstrategie, erwiesen sich hingegen als wirkungsvoll im Sinne eines organisationalen Lernens und eines kontinuierlichen Verbesserungsprozesses. Patientensicherheitskulturbefragungen erwiesen sich zudem bei entsprechender Einbettung als effektives Instrument, um die Implementierung von IRS zu fördern. Zwölf Thesen zeigen in verdichteter Form auf, welche Gestaltungsprinzipien für IRS als Instrument des organisationalen Lernens im Rahmen des klinischen Risikomanagements und zur Förderung einer starken Patientensicherheitskultur zu berücksichtigen sind. Die Erkenntnisse aus den empirischen Studien münden in ein dialogorientiertes Rahmenmodell organisationalen Lernens unter Nutzung lokaler IRS. Die Arbeit zeigt damit zum einen Möglichkeiten für ein Lernen auf den verschiedenen Ebenen der Organisation auf und weist auf die Notwendigkeit einer (Re-)Strukturierung der aktuellen IRS-Diskussion hin.


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Expert supervision systems are software applications specially designed to automate process monitoring. The goal is to reduce the dependency on human operators to assure the correct operation of a process including faulty situations. Construction of this kind of application involves an important task of design and development in order to represent and to manipulate process data and behaviour at different degrees of abstraction for interfacing with data acquisition systems connected to the process. This is an open problem that becomes more complex with the number of variables, parameters and relations to account for the complexity of the process. Multiple specialised modules tuned to solve simpler tasks that operate under a co-ordination provide a solution. A modular architecture based on concepts of software agents, taking advantage of the integration of diverse knowledge-based techniques, is proposed for this purpose. The components (software agents, communication mechanisms and perception/action mechanisms) are based on ICa (Intelligent Control architecture), software middleware supporting the build-up of applications with software agent features