988 resultados para Primordial follicles


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The objective was to study dynamic changes of ovaries in rhesus macaques stimulated by gonadotropins to identify an indicator for predicting ovarian response to stimulation. Twenty-one cycling monkeys were given 36 IU/d recombinant human follicle-stimulat


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Vasa is essential for germline development. However, the precise processes in which vasa involves vary considerably in diverse animal phyla. Here we show that vasa is required for primordial germ cell (PGC) migration in the medakafish. vasa knockdown by two morpholinos led to the PGC migration defect that was rescued by coinjection of Vasa RNA. Interestingly, Vasa knockdown did not alter the PGC number, identity, proliferation and motility even at ectopic locations. We established a cell culture system for tracing PGCs at the single cell level in vitro. In this culture system, control and morpholino-injected gastrulae produced the same PGC number and the same time course of PGC survival. importantly, vasa-depleted PGCs in culture had similar motility and locomotion to normal PGCs. Expression patterns of wt1a, sdf1b and cxcT4b in migratory tissues remained unchanged by Vasa knockdown. By chimera formation we show that PGCs from vasa-depleted blastulae failed to migrate properly in the normal environment, whereas control PGCs migrated normally in vasa-disrupted embryos. Furthermore, ectopic PGCs in vasa-depleted embryos also retained all the PGC properties examined. Taken together, medaka vasa is cell-autonomously required for PGC migration, but dispensable to PGC proliferation, motility, identity and survival. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In vertebrates, folliculogeneis establishes an intricate system for somatic cell-oocyte interaction, and ultimately leads to the acquisition of their respective competences. Although the formation process and corresponding interactions are strikingly similar in diverse organisms, knowledge of genes and signaling pathways involved in follicle formation is very incomplete and the underlying molecular mechanisms remain enigmatic. CNBP has been identified for more than ten years, and the highest level of CNBP transcripts has been observed in adult zebrafish ovary, but little is known about its functional significance during folliculogeneis and oogenesis. In this study, we clone CNBP cDNA from gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio), and demonstrate its predominant expression in gibel carp ovary and testis not only by RTPCR but also by Western blot. Its full-length cDNA is 1402 bp, and has an ORF of 489 nt for encoding a peptide of 163 aa. And its complete amino acid sequence shared 68.5%-96.8% identity with CNBPs from other vertebrates. Based on the expression characterization, we further analyze its expression pattern and developmental behaviour during folliculogeneis and oogenesis. Following these studies, we reveal an unexpected discovery that the CagCNBP is associated with follicular cells and oocytes, and significant distribution changes have occurred in degenerating and regenerating follicles. More interestingly, the CagCNBP is more highly expressed in some clusters of interconnected cells within ovarian cysts, no matter whether the cell clusters are formed from the original primordial germ cells or from the newly formed cells from follicular cells that invaded into the atretic oocytes. It is the first time to reveal CNBP relevance to folliculogeneis and oogenesis. Moreover, a similar stage-specific and cell-specific expression pattern has also been observed in the gibel carp testis. Therefore, further studies on CNBP expression pattern and developmental behaviour will be of significance for understanding functional roles of CNBP during gametogenests. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To evaluate the histomorphometry and expression of Ki-67 and c-kit in ovarian follicles of pinealectomized or melatonin-treated pinealectomized rats.Study design: Forty adult rats were randomly divided into four groups of 10 animals: Group I - control; Group II - sham-pinealectomized; Group III - pinealectomized (Px), and Group IV - Px treated with melatonin (10 mu g/night, per animal). After two months' treatment, on the night of proestrous, the animals were placed in metabolic cages for night urine collection and subsequent measurement of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (6-SMT). the rats were anesthetized, blood samples were taken for estrogen and progesterone determinations, and they were then euthanized. the ovaries were dissected out for further histological and immunohistochemical analyses. Data were first submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) complemented with the Tukey-Kramer test for multiple comparisons (P < 0.05).Results: the urinary levels of 6-SMT and serum progesterone were lower in the Px group (GIII). Exogenous melatonin treatment restored both blood melatonin and 6-SMT urinary levels. the histomorphometric data in Group III revealed a significant increase of degenerating antral and nonantral follicles with regard to the other groups. in addition no corpora lutea were observed in this group. No significant differences were noticed regarding the number of corpora lutea among the other groups (I, II and IV), but the number of cells and the thickness of the theca interna of Px animals (Group III) were higher than in the other groups. Conversely, the density of progesterone receptors (fmol/g) in the ovaries of Group III was significantly lower than in the other groups.Conclusion: Our data indicate that melatonin exerts a role on the maintenance of a proper follicular function, and is thus important for ovulation and progesterone production. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nonspecific changes (nonspecific chronic inflammation) in patients with chronic diarrhea represent the commonest diagnosis in colorectal biopsy interpretation, but these changes are of little clinical significance.


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BACKGROUND: Intra-specific variation in melanocyte pigmentation, common in the animal kingdom, has caught the eye of naturalists and biologists for centuries. In vertebrates, dark, eumelanin pigmentation is often genetically determined and associated with various behavioral and physiological traits, suggesting that the genes involved in melanism have far reaching pleiotropic effects. The mechanisms linking these traits remain poorly understood, and the potential involvement of developmental processes occurring in the brain early in life has not been investigated. We examined the ontogeny of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a state involved in brain development, in a wild population of barn owls (Tyto alba) exhibiting inter-individual variation in melanism and covarying traits. In addition to sleep, we measured melanistic feather spots and the expression of a gene in the feather follicles implicated in melanism (PCSK2). RESULTS: As in mammals, REM sleep declined with age across a period of brain development in owlets. In addition, inter-individual variation in REM sleep around this developmental trajectory was predicted by variation in PCSK2 expression in the feather follicles, with individuals expressing higher levels exhibiting a more precocial pattern characterized by less REM sleep. Finally, PCSK2 expression was positively correlated with feather spotting. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that the pace of brain development, as reflected in age-related changes in REM sleep, covaries with the peripheral activation of the melanocortin system. Given its role in brain development, variation in nestling REM sleep may lead to variation in adult brain organization, and thereby contribute to the behavioral and physiological differences observed between adults expressing different degrees of melanism.


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Buscar una forma de expresión sencilla y discreta que ayude a descubrir el sentido que pretende una educación eficaz en tiempos de grandes contradicciones.. Este estudio filosófico y pedagógico de la libertad, se dividen los capítulos la libertad del hombre, la ubicación del hombre en un mundo cambiante, y la educación como medio liberador del hombre. Estudia primero el problema de la libertad partiendo de las ideas tradicionales y modernas que existen sobre el concepto de libertad, y exaltando la influencia del ambiente en la formación de la personalidad del niño. El del conocimiento para poder comprender cómo puede llegar el hombre a conocer y a entender las cosas, para lograr ubicarse convenientemente en un mundo tan conflictivo. Para ello se establecen semejanzas y diferencias entre las distintas clases de conocimiento el revelado o religioso; el autorizado, procedente de expertos; y el empírico, basado en la experiencia. Y por último, la importancia de la educación en la libertad del hombre.. Estudio historiográfico.. A lo largo de la historia la libertad ha sido tratada por muchos autores; unos la afirman y otros, los que defiende el determinismo, la niegan. El problema de la libertad humana es un tema ineludible en el campo de la cultura, de la educación y de la acción social. Hay que distinguir entre espontaneidad, como automatismo, y voluntad, acción intencional de la personalidad. El hombre es libre de escoger su propio camino pero la cultura, política, educación, geografía y el mismo hogar, son agentes poderosos en su formación. El hombre es sociable por naturaleza, no puede vivir aislado, y esto supone influencia de las instituciones y estructuras sociales. La escuela debe permitir comparar, analizar y razonar. La educación es una necesidad biológica y social que debe conciliar la libertad-autoridad. Su objetivo es capacitar al hombre para que satisfaga sus necesidades físicas y mentales, y para que sea miembro activo de la sociedad. La educación libera al hombre al desarrollar todas sus dimensiones, le orienta hacia su autonomía, le ayuda a que se descubra intimamente, le da una posibilidad crítica al permitirle conocer y le ayuda a aumentar nuevas experiencias y su receptividad.. El problema de la libertad debe ser planteado en los primeros años, nunca es prematuro la preparación del hombre para ser libre. Es conveniente un equilibrio libertad-autoridad en las escuelas para conseguir así, la libertad, el desarrollo, la creación y las innovaciones auténticas. Si en la escuela solo impera la voz del maestro y la letra del texto, se consigue la pasividad del estudiante.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Following parturition, all cows display a wave of ovarian follicular growth, but a large proportion fail to generate a preovulatory rise in estradiol, and hence fail to ovulate. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) exists as multiple isoforms in the circulation depending on the type and extent of glycosylation, and this has pronounced effects on its biological properties. This study examined differences in plasma FSH, estradiol, and inhibin A concentrations, and the distribution of FSH isoforms in cows with ovulatory or atretic dominant follicles during the first postpartum follicle wave. Plasma FSH isoform distribution was examined in both groups during the period of final development of the dominant follicle by liquid phase isoelectric focusing. Cows with an ovulatory follicle had higher circulating estradiol and inhibin A concentrations, and lower plasma FSH concentrations. The distribution of FSH isoforms displayed a marked shift toward the less acidic isoforms in cows with ovulatory follicles. A higher proportion of the FSH isoforms had a pl>5.0 in cows with ovulatory follicles compared to those with atretic follicles. In addition, cows with ovulatory follicles had greater dry matter intake, superior energy balance, elevated circulating concentrations of insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I, and lower plasma nonesterified fatty acids. The shift in FSH isoforms toward a greater abundance of the less acidic isoforms appears to be a key component in determining the capability for producing a preovulatory rise in estradiol, and this shift in FSH isoforms was associated with more favorable bioenergetic and metabolic status. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: The intracellular signalling mechanisms that regulate ovarian follicle development are unclear; however, we have recently shown differences in the Akt and Erk signalling pathways in dominant compared to subordinate follicles. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of inhibiting Akt and Erk phosphorylation on IGF- and gonadotropin- stimulated granulosa and theca cell function in vitro, and on follicle development in vivo. METHODS: Bovine granulosa and theca cells were cultured for six days and stimulated with FSH and/or IGF, or LH in combination with PD98059 (Erk inhibitor) and/or LY294002 (Akt inhibitor) and their effect on cell number and hormone secretion (estradiol, activin-A, inhibin-A, follistatin, progesterone and androstenedione) determined. In addition, ovarian follicles were treated in vivo with PD98059 and/or LY294002 in ewes on Day 3 of the cycle and follicles were recovered 48 hours later. RESULTS: We have shown that gonadotropin- and IGF-stimulated hormone production by granulosa and theca cells is reduced by treatment with PD98059 and LY294002 in vitro. Furthermore, treatment with PD98059 and LY294002 reduced follicle growth and oestradiol production in vivo. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate an important functional role for the Akt and Erk signalling pathways in follicle function, growth and development.


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Ovarian follicle development is regulated through endocrine and local mechanisms. Increasing evidence indicates roles for transforming growth factor beta superfamily members, including inhibins and activins. We recently identified divergent expression of mRNAs encoding activin receptors (ActR) and inhibin co-receptor betaglycan in chicken follicles at different stages of maturation. Here, we compare the actions of LH and FSH (0, 1, 10, 100 ng/ml) on levels of mRNA for ActRI, ActRIIA, ActRIIB and betaglycan in chicken granulosa and theca cells (GC and TC) from preovulatory (F1) and prehierarchical (6-8 mm) follicles. The expression of mRNAs for LH-R and FSH-R and production of inhibin A, oestradiol and progesterone were also quantified. FSH decreased ActRIIB and ActRI mRNA levels in 6-8 mm GC, whereas LH increased the mRNA levels. Both LH and FSH enhanced ActRIIA (5- and 8.5-fold) and betaglycan mRNA expression (2- and 3.5-fold) in 6-8 mm GC. In 6-8 mm TC, LH and FSH both increased the betaglycan mRNA level (7- and 3.5-fold respectively) but did not affect ActRI, ActRIIA and ActRIIB transcript levels. In F1 GC, both LH and FSH stimulated ActRI (2- and 2.4-fold), ActRIIB (3.2- and 2.7-fold) and betaglycan (7- and 4-fold) mRNA levels, while ActRIIA mRNA was unaffected. In F1 TC, LH and FSH reduced ActRIIA (35-50%) and increased (4.5- and 7.6-fold) betaglycan mRNA, but had no effect on ActRI and ActRIIB transcript levels. Results support the hypothesis that expression of ActR and betaglycan are differentially regulated by gonadotrophins during follicle maturation in the hen. This may represent an important mechanism for fine-tuning follicle responsiveness to local and systemic activins and inhibins.


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In recent years, exciting progress has been made towards unravelling the complex intraovarian control mechanisms that, in concert with systemic signals, coordinate the recruitment, selection and growth of follicles from the primordial stage through to ovulation and corpus luteum formation. A plethora of growth factors, many belonging to the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily, are expressed by ovarian somatic cells and oocytes in a developmental, stage-related manner and function as intraovarian regulators of folliculogenesis. Two such factors, bone morphogenetic proteins, RMP-4 and BMP-7, are expressed by ovarian stromal cells and/or theca cells and have recently been implicated as positive regulators of the primordial-to-primary follicle transition. In contrast, evidence indicates a negative role for anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH, also known as Mullerian-inhibiting substance) of pre-granulosa/granulosa cell origin in this key event and subsequent progression to the antral stage. Two other TGF-beta superfamily members, growth and differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9) and BMP-15 (also known as GDF-9B) are expressed in an oocyte-specific manner from a very early stage and play key roles in promoting follicle growth beyond the primary stage; mice with null mutations in the gdf-9 gene or ewes with inactivating mutations in gdf-9 or bmp-15 genes are infertile with follicle development arrested at the primary stage. Studies on later stages of follicle development indicate positive roles for granulosa cell-derived activin, BMP-2, -5 and -6, theca cell-derived BMP-2, -4 and -7 and oocyte-derived BMP-6 in promoting granulosa cell proliferation, follicle survival and prevention of premature luteinization and/or atresia. Concomitantly, activin, TGF-beta and several BMPs may exert paracrine actions on theca cells to attenuate LH-dependent androgen production in small to medium-size antral follicles. Dominant follicle selection in monovular species may depend on differential FSH sensitivity amongst a growing cohort of small antral follicles. Changes in intrafollicular activins, GDF-9, AMH and several BMPs may contribute to this selection process by modulating both FSH- and IGF-dependent signalling pathways in granulosa cells. Activin may also play a positive role in oocyte maturation and acquisition of developmental competence. in addition to its endocrine role to suppress FSH secretion, increased output of inhibin by the selected dominant follicle(s) may upregulate LH-induced androgen secretion that is required to sustain a high level of oestradiol secretion during the pre-ovulatory phase. Advances in our understanding of intraovarian regulatory mechanisms should facilitate the development of new approaches for monitoring and manipulating ovarian function and improving fertility in domesticated livestock, endangered species and man.