940 resultados para Positive organizational behaviour


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Many companies both in Sweden and other parts of the world are since the beginning of the 21st century faceing a lack of work force (1,2,3). The ability to recruit and retain skilled employees is seen as one of the most important questions for the survival and development of the companies (4,5). Labour shortage is seen as the biggest obstacle for expansion for small enterprises in Sweden (5). There is a need for workplaces to be attractive, but how can the attractiveness be increased? Researchers at Högskolan Dalarna have during almost a decennium conducted research concerning attractive work. Based on a modell of qualities that contributes to make a work attractive (6) has a method aiming for raised attractiveness been developed for SME:s. All employees participate by answering a questionnaire about the importance of different qualities and to what degree they are fulfilled. Further discussions at the workplace on what to preserve and what to develop make the base for an action plan.Important experiences:• Discuss and establish the aim of the method with management and employees. • The company must be prepared to follow up and realize the action plan.• Agree about expectations – they must be realistic and practicable.• Reserve time to start the process and to end up in an action plan. • Avoid negative thinking and put problems away. • Take all the time small steps in the right direction.• Keep employees engaged and avoid the manager or process leader to take the command.• Use the strategy with small work groups; it gives better possibilities for participation and outspokenness.• Follow up studies are necessary to keep up the motivation.The most positive aspects of the method is its promoting perspective and that it engages all the employees.1.Rauhut, D. (2002). Arbetskraftsbrist och arbetskraftsinvandring: hot eller möjlighet för ekonomisk tillväxt? Östersund, ITPS, Institutet för tillväxtpolitiska studier.2.Funch, M. and C. Ehrnooth. (2008, 08-10-2008). Labour shortage despite financial crisis? Retrieved 2008-12-16, 2008, from www.norden.org/webb/news/news.asp?id=8113&lang=6. 3.Manpower (2008). Talent Shortage Survey 2008 Global Results: 10. 4.Bakker, A. B. and W. B. Schaufeli (2008). Positive organizational behavior: Engaged employees in flourishing organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior 29: 147-154.5.Kennemar, J. and L. Jagrén (2008). Småföretagsbarometern. Stockholm, Swedbank Företagarna: 23.6.Åteg, M., A. Hedlund, et al. (2004). Attraktivt arbete. Från anställdas uttalanden till skapandet av en modell. Stockholm, Arbetslivsinstitutet.


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This study examined the moderating effect of social and coping motives on distress among young cannabis-using adults. A random sample of 2031 young Swiss adults was interviewed by means of a computer-assisted telephone interview. Cannabis users showed more distress, less positive health behaviour and higher hedonism compared to non-users. Taking motive for use as a moderator variable into consideration, it became evident that only cannabis users with coping motives showed lower mental health, more symptoms of psychopathology, more psychosocial distress and more life events than non-users. Young adults with social motives for use on the other hand did not differ from non-users in terms of distress. These differences between cannabis users with social and those with coping motives remained stable over two years. In both subgroups, participants with regular cannabis use at baseline did not increase distress nor did participants with higher distress at baseline increase the frequency of their cannabis use. Our results suggest that secondary prevention for cannabis users should target especially young adults with coping motives for use.


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Background: Few studies have examined the 20% of individuals who never experience an episode of low back pain (LBP). To date, no investigation has been undertaken that examines a group who claim to have never experienced LBP in their lifetime in comparison to two population-based case–control groups with and without momentary LBP. This study investigates whether LBP-resilient workers between 50 and 65 years had better general health, demonstrated more positive health behaviour and were better able to achieve routine activities compared with both case–control groups. Methods: Forty-two LBP-resilient participants completed the same pain assessment questionnaire as a population-based LBP sample from a nationwide, large-scale cross-sectional survey in Switzerland. The LBP-resilient participants were pairwise compared to the propensity score-matched case controls by exploring differences in demographic and work characteristics, and by calculating odds ratios (ORs) and effect sizes. A discriminant analysis explored group differences, while the multiple logistic regression analysis specified single indicators which accounted for group differences. Results: LBP-resilient participants were healthier than the case controls with momentary LBP and achieved routine activities more easily. Compared to controls without momentary LBP, LBP-resilient participants had a higher vitality, a lower workload, a healthier attitude towards health and behaved more healthily by drinking less alcohol. Conclusions: By demonstrating a difference between LBP-resilient participants and controls without momentary LBP, the question that arises is what additional knowledge can be attained. Three underlying traits seem to be relevant about LBP-resilient participants: personality, favourable work conditions and subjective attitudes/attributions towards health. These rationales have to be considered with respect to LBP prevention.


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In der Selbstbestimmungstheorie werden neben der intrinsischen Motivation verschiedene Formen extrinsischer Motivation unterschieden. Dabei wird die Freude am Lernen als positive, aktivierende Emotion, die mit positiven Lernhandlungen und hoher Leistung verknüpft ist, für die intrinsische Motivation als konstitutiv betrachtet. Der Zusammenhang zu den anderen Motivationsformen hingegen ist bisher empirisch weitgehend ungeklärt. An diesem Punkt setzt die vorliegende Studie an. Es wurden 356 Schüler und Schülerinnen aus österreichischen Hauptschulen zu zwei Messzeitpunkten (6. und 7. Schulstufe) mittels Fragebögen zu ihrer Motivation, ihrer Lernfreude, der Mitarbeit und der Leistung in der Schule befragt. Die Ergebnisse aus Pfadanalysen bestätigen die positive Beziehung zwischen der identifizierten Motivation und die negative Beziehung zwischen der externalen Motivation und der Lernfreude. Die introjizierte Regulation korreliert in der 7. Schulstufe schwach positiv, in der 6. Schulstufe nicht mit der Lernfreude. Die Mitarbeit weist sowohl positive Bezüge zur Lernfreude als auch zur identifizierten und introjizierten Motivation, jedoch negative Bezüge zur externalen Motivation auf. Eine hohe Mitarbeit ist förderlich für die Leistung.


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This analysis provides an emergent framework that emphasizes a neglected component of both direct practice with families and organizational development. Human emotions, both beneficial (positive emotional labor) and harmful (negative emotional labor), have received short shrift in leadership development, supervision, direct practice preparation and supports, and workforce stabilization, and professionalization. Significantly, a key indicator of negative emotional labor—secondary traumatic stress (STS)—often has been ignored and neglected, despite the fact that it may be endemic in the workforce. STS typically results from traumatic events in practice, but it also stems from workplace violence. Often undetected and untreated, STS is at least a hidden correlate and perhaps a probable cause of myriad problems such as questionable practice with families, life-work conflicts, undesirable workforce turnover, and a sub-optimal organizational climate. Special interventions are needed. At the same time, new organizational designs are needed to promote and reinforce positive emotional labor. Arguably, positive emotional labor and the positive organizational climates it facilitates are requisites for harmonious relations between jobs and personal lives, desirable workforce retention, and better outcomes for children and families. What’s more, specialized interventions for positive emotional labor constitute a key component in the prevention system for STS. A dual design for positive emotional labor and STS (and other negative emotional labor) prevention/intervention is provided herewith. Early detection and rapid response systems for STS, with social work leadership, receive special attention. Guidelines for new organizational designs for emotional labor in child welfare are offered in conclusion.


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de una metodología que favorezca la innovación en las empresas a través de la actividad directiva, analizando a su vez, su influencia a nivel macro, en los sistemas de innovación, en las políticas de innovación y en el capital intelectual y a nivel micro, en la innovación, en el desempeño y en el clima organizacional. Se estima importante realizar un estudio sobre este tema debido a que la innovación se considera un pilar crítico para el desarrollo social a través de la competitividad de las empresas, así como, una fuente importante de ventaja competitiva. Existe abundante literatura sobre la influencia de la innovación en la gestión empresarial y el papel que el liderazgo desempeña en términos generales. Sin embargo, la literatura presenta diversos estilos de liderazgo sin mostrar una línea consistente de interrelación entre ellos, por lo que finalmente no existe una relación sólida entre el liderazgo, la gestión empresarial y la innovación. Este hecho se debe, como se muestra en la tesis, a que la literatura analiza las organizaciones y el liderazgo desde una perspectiva sociológica u organizacional, y otra desde la perspectiva psicológica sin aportar una línea de articulación entre ambas. Es decir, la literatura analiza el comportamiento organizacional pero no su causa. A lo largo de la tesis se van desarrollando diferentes líneas de trabajo que se convierten en aportaciones empíricas y académicas. Así, una de las aportaciones de la tesis es la sustitución de la figura del líder como persona, por la de un directivo con una doble función; por un lado, la función de liderazgo cuyo objetivo es generar cambio y por el otro, la función de gestionar el día a día o desempeño. Sustituir la figura del líder por una doble funcionalidad directiva facilita la comprensión del concepto liderazgo, lo que permite a su vez, establecer estrategias para su desarrollo, haciendo una realidad el que el liderazgo puede ser aprendido. Este resultado constituye la primera aportación de la tesis. Así mismo, a través de un exhaustivo análisis de la literatura, se desarrolla una propuesta de liderazgo integrado de acuerdo con el modelo Stuart-Kotze, el cual se describe también ampliamente. Encontrar un modelo único de liderazgo supone la piedra angular para el desarrollo de la metodología. Esta propuesta de liderazgo integrado da lugar a la segunda aportación de la tesis. Del mismo modo, se realiza un estudio en profundidad de la perspectiva psicológica de las organizaciones desarrollando el constructo Miedo al Error (ME) que resulta ser un rasgo de la personalidad existente en todos los seres humanos y que presenta una influencia negativa tanto en el desempeño, como en la innovación empresarial. Este resultado permite identificar cuales son las verdaderas barreras para el ejercicio del liderazgo, señalando que la disminución del ME debe ser considerada como una competencia de la Inteligencia Emocional a ser desarrollada por los directivos. Este resultado constituye la tercera aportación de la tesis. Una vez desarrollado el modelo de gestión empresarial expuesto, se procede a su validación, analizando la relación entre los constructos que definen el modelo de gestión: el desempeño, la innovación y el ME. Para identificar las influencias o relaciones de causalidad que subyacen entre los constructos, se utilizó la técnica del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). La población objeto de estudio estuvo constituida por 350 profesionales con responsabilidad directiva, procedentes de empresas del sector servicios repartidas por toda la geografía española. Como fuente primaria de recolección de información se utilizó el cuestionario desarrollado por Stuart-Kotze M-CPI (Momentum Continuous Performance Improvement). En primer lugar se procedió a evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del modelo de medida, llevándose a cabo un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) de segundo orden. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que el constructo desempeño (D) viene determinado por dos dimensiones, (DOP), desempeño orientado hacia la planificación y (DORT), desempeño orientado hacia la realización de la tarea. Es decir, la muestra de directivos no percibe que la planificación en el día a día y la realización de la tarea estén articuladas. Posteriormente se procede a realizar el contraste del modelo a través del método de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados muestran que la relación de influencia de la dimensión DOP no es significativa, por lo que el constructo D queda representado únicamente por la dimensión DORT. Los resultados de la investigación proporcionan conclusiones e hipótesis para futuras investigaciones. Si bien la muestra de directivos realiza un plan estratégico, éste no se tiene en cuenta en el día a día. Este hecho podría explicar el alto grado de administración por crisis tan frecuente en la empresa española. A su vez, el ME presenta una influencia negativa en la innovación, lo que concuerda con la literatura. Al respecto, considerar el ME como un rasgo de la personalidad, presente tanto en directivos como en colaboradores, facilita la comprensión de las barreras de la organización hacia la comunicación abierta a la vez, que una dirección de trabajo para la mejora de la capacidad innovadora de la organización. Por último, los resultados establecen la existencia de una relación causal entre el desempeño diario y la innovación. Con respecto a este segundo resultado y analizando los comportamientos que identifican el constructo D surgen también varias conclusiones e hipótesis para futuras investigaciones. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que la muestra de directivos genera iniciativas de cambio con la finalidad de que el trabajo diario salga adelante según los estándares de calidad definidos. Sin embargo, estas iniciativas sólo proceden de los directivos, sin participación alguna de los colaboradores, los cuales son sólo responsables de la implementación produciéndose la consiguiente desmotivación y pérdida de oportunidades. Esta conclusión pone de manifiesto que la innovación de las empresas de la muestra sucede para garantizar la eficiencia de los procesos existentes, pero en ningún caso surge de la iniciativa de buscar una mejor eficacia empresarial. Este hecho plantea un origen doble de la innovación en los procesos. La innovación proactiva que buscaría la mejora de la eficacia de la organización y una innovación de carácter reactiva que buscaría la salvaguarda de la eficiencia. Quizás sea esta la causa del gap existente entre la innovación en España y la innovación de los países que ocupan los primeros puestos en el ranking de producción de innovación lo que constituye un importante punto de partida para una investigación futura. ABSTRACT This research aims to develop a methodology that supports innovation in companies through the managers’ activity, analysing in turn its influence at the macro level: innovation systems, innovation policies and Intellectual capital and at the micro level: innovation itself, performance and organizational climate. It is considered important to conduct a study on this subject due to the fact that innovation is considered a critical pillar for the development and future of the enterprise and an important source of competitive advantage. There is abundant literature about the influence of innovation in business management and the role that leadership plays in general terms. However, the literature presents various styles of leadership without showing a consistent relationship among them, so finally there is not a strong relationship among leadership, business management and innovation. As shown in the thesis, this is due to the fact that the literature analyses organizations and leadership from a sociological or organizational perspective and from a psychological perspective, without providing a hinge line between the two. That is, the existing literature discusses organizational behaviour but not its cause. Throughout the thesis, different lines of work that become empirical and academic contributions have been developed. Thus, one of the contributions of the thesis is replacing the figure of the leader as a person, by a manager with a dual function. Firstly, we have the leadership role which aims to generate change and, on the other hand, the function to manage the day-to-day task or performance. Replacing the figure of the leader by a dual managerial functionality facilitates the understanding of the leadership concept, allowing in turn, to establish development strategies and making true that leadership can be learned. This outcome is the first contribution of the thesis. Likewise, through a comprehensive literature review, an integrated leadership proposal is developed, according to the Kotze model, which is also described widely. Finding a specific leadership model represents the cornerstone for the development of the methodology. This integrated leadership proposal leads to the second contribution of the thesis. Similarly, an in-depth study was conducted about the psychological perspective of the organizations disclosing the construct Fear of Failure. This construct is a personality trait that exists in all human beings and has a negative influence on both performance and business innovation. This outcome allows identifying which are the real barriers to the exercise of leadership, noting that the decrease in fear of failure must be considered as an Emotional Intelligence competence to be developed by managers. This outcome represents the third contribution of the thesis. Once a business management model has been developed, we proceed to its validation by analysing the relationship among the model constructs: management, innovation and fear of failure. To identify the influence or causal relationships underlying the constructs, a structural equation model (SEM) technique was used. The study population consisted of 350 professionals with managerial responsibility, from companies in the services sector scattered throughout the Spanish geography. As a primary source for gathering information a questionnaire developed by Kotze M-CPI (Continuous Performance Improvement Momentum) was used. First we proceeded to evaluate the psychometric properties of the measurement model, carrying out an exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) of second order. The results show that the performance construct D is determined by two-dimensions (DOP: performance oriented to planning) and (DORT: aiming at the realization of the task). That is, the sample of managers does not perceive that planning and the daily task are articulated. Then, we proceeded to make the contrast of the model through a structural equation model SEM. The results show that the influence of the DOP dimension is not significant, so that only the DORT dimension finally represents the construct D. The research outcomes provide conclusions and hypotheses for future research. Although the managers in the sample develop a strategic plan, it seems that managers do not take it into account in their daily tasks. This could explain the high degree of crisis management so prevalent in the Spanish companies. In turn, the fear of failure has a negative influence on innovation, consistent with the literature. In this regard, the fear of failure is considered as a personality trait, present in both managers and employees, which enables the understanding of organizational barriers to open communication and provides a direction to improve the organization’s innovative capacity as well. Finally, the results establish a causal relationship between daily performance and innovation. Regarding this second outcome and analysing the behaviours that identify the construct D, several conclusions and hypotheses for future research arise as well. The results show that the managers in the sample show initiatives of change in order to make everyday work go ahead, according to defined quality standards. However, these initiatives only come from managers without any participation of coworkers, which are only responsible for the implementation, and this produces discouragement and loss of opportunities. This finding shows that the innovation by the companies in the sample happens to guarantee the efficiency of existing processes, but do not arise from an initiative that seeks better business efficacy. This raises two sources of innovation in processes. The first source would be a proactive innovation that would seek improved organizational efficacy. The second one is a reactive innovation that would seek to safeguard efficiency. Perhaps this is the cause of the existing gap between the innovation activity in Spain and the innovation activity in those countries that occupy the top positions in the ranking of innovation outcomes. The Spanish companies seek process efficiency and the top innovators business efficacy. This is an important starting point for future research.


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Notre recherche a pour objectif général de proposer l’adaptation du concept de la relation d’échange superviseur-subordonné (leader-member exchange ou LMX) à la nouvelle réalité du travail à distance. Il s’agit d’étudier la relation d’échange qui se développe entre le superviseur et le subordonné travaillant à distance. Plus précisément, nous visons à définir et à développer une échelle de mesure valide et fiable du concept du LMX à distance. Jusqu’à présent, aucune définition de cette relation d’échange superviseur-subordonné n'a été proposée et aucune échelle de mesure n'a été développée. Dans l’étude que nous proposons, la notion de la distance n’est pas considérée comme un élément contextuel, mais plutôt un élément indissociable du concept lui-même, contrairement à certaines études qui ont examiné la distance comme modérateur de la relation entre le LMX et ses résultantes (Bligh et Riggio, 2012; Brunelle, 2013). À cet effet, cette étude constitue la première sur le sujet. Étant donné l'importance du LMX à distance pour les travailleurs à distance et dont le nombre atteindrait plus de 50 % d’ici 2020 (ITIF, CAS et CoreNet Global), il est primordial de comprendre et d'analyser la relation d’échange superviseur-subordonné à distance afin de mieux comprendre sa nature et son processus de développement, ce qui permettra aux parties de la dyade superviseur-subordonné de mieux s’adapter à cette nouvelle réalité de travail et de développer des relations d’échanges de qualité. Cette recherche aidera les superviseurs travaillant à distance à mieux gérer leur potentiel humain. Pour cerner ce sujet de recherche, nous avons fait une revue approfondie de la littérature traitant du LMX traditionnel et de la notion de distance, et ce, afin de pouvoir proposer une définition du concept du LMX à distance. En outre, nous avons fait appel aux recommandations de la littérature portant sur la psychométrie et nous avons réalisé une étude exploratoire de nature qualitative pour développer son échelle de mesure. Nous avons donc effectué des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées auprès de trente professeurs d’une université canadienne. Ces entrevues ont été analysées avec le logiciel qualitatif spécialisé Nvivo et ont permis de présenter une première échelle de mesure du LMX à distance composée de sept dimensions et de 27 indicateurs. En somme, nous avons tenu à acquérir une meilleure compréhension de ce phénomène qui est très répandu dans les organisations modernes et à offrir une plateforme théorique et pratique que les chercheurs pourront utiliser pour enrichir leurs connaissances sur le concept du LMX à distance. Enfin, notre étude permettra aux superviseurs et aux subordonnés de comprendre l'importance de développer et de maintenir des relations de qualité conduisant à des résultats organisationnels et personnels positifs.


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Notre recherche a pour objectif général de proposer l’adaptation du concept de la relation d’échange superviseur-subordonné (leader-member exchange ou LMX) à la nouvelle réalité du travail à distance. Il s’agit d’étudier la relation d’échange qui se développe entre le superviseur et le subordonné travaillant à distance. Plus précisément, nous visons à définir et à développer une échelle de mesure valide et fiable du concept du LMX à distance. Jusqu’à présent, aucune définition de cette relation d’échange superviseur-subordonné n'a été proposée et aucune échelle de mesure n'a été développée. Dans l’étude que nous proposons, la notion de la distance n’est pas considérée comme un élément contextuel, mais plutôt un élément indissociable du concept lui-même, contrairement à certaines études qui ont examiné la distance comme modérateur de la relation entre le LMX et ses résultantes (Bligh et Riggio, 2012; Brunelle, 2013). À cet effet, cette étude constitue la première sur le sujet. Étant donné l'importance du LMX à distance pour les travailleurs à distance et dont le nombre atteindrait plus de 50 % d’ici 2020 (ITIF, CAS et CoreNet Global), il est primordial de comprendre et d'analyser la relation d’échange superviseur-subordonné à distance afin de mieux comprendre sa nature et son processus de développement, ce qui permettra aux parties de la dyade superviseur-subordonné de mieux s’adapter à cette nouvelle réalité de travail et de développer des relations d’échanges de qualité. Cette recherche aidera les superviseurs travaillant à distance à mieux gérer leur potentiel humain. Pour cerner ce sujet de recherche, nous avons fait une revue approfondie de la littérature traitant du LMX traditionnel et de la notion de distance, et ce, afin de pouvoir proposer une définition du concept du LMX à distance. En outre, nous avons fait appel aux recommandations de la littérature portant sur la psychométrie et nous avons réalisé une étude exploratoire de nature qualitative pour développer son échelle de mesure. Nous avons donc effectué des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées auprès de trente professeurs d’une université canadienne. Ces entrevues ont été analysées avec le logiciel qualitatif spécialisé Nvivo et ont permis de présenter une première échelle de mesure du LMX à distance composée de sept dimensions et de 27 indicateurs. En somme, nous avons tenu à acquérir une meilleure compréhension de ce phénomène qui est très répandu dans les organisations modernes et à offrir une plateforme théorique et pratique que les chercheurs pourront utiliser pour enrichir leurs connaissances sur le concept du LMX à distance. Enfin, notre étude permettra aux superviseurs et aux subordonnés de comprendre l'importance de développer et de maintenir des relations de qualité conduisant à des résultats organisationnels et personnels positifs.


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The objectives of this study were to ascertain consumer knowledge and behaviour about hypertension and treatment and to compare these with health care providers' perceptions (of 'most' consumers). The design for the study was a problem detection study (PDS): focus groups and then survey. Focus groups and survey participants were convenience samples of consumers, doctors, nurses and pharmacists. The main outcome measures were agreement on a 5-point Likert scale with statements about consumers' knowledge and behaviour about high blood pressure and medication. The survey identified areas of consensus and disagreement between consumers and health providers. While general knowledge and concordance with antihypertensive therapy among consumers was good, consequences such as eye and kidney disease, interactions with herbal medicines, and how to deal with missing a dose were less well known. Side effects were a problem for over one-quarter of participants, and cost was a problem in continuing therapy. Half the consumers had not received sufficient written information. Providers overall disagreed that most consumers have an adequate understanding of the condition. They agreed that most consumers adhere to therapy and can manage medicines; and about their own profession's role in information provision and condition management. Consumers confirmed positive provider behaviour, suggesting opportunities for greater communication between providers about actions taken with their consumers. In conclusion, the PDS methodology was useful in identifying consumer opinions. Differences between consumer and provider responses were marked, with consumers generally rating their knowledge and behaviour above providers' ratings of 'most' consumers. There are clear gaps to be targeted to improve the outcomes of hypertension therapy.


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Atualmente, características organizacionais vêm sendo estudadas sob um prisma diferenciado. Hoje, são pesquisados com maior ênfase os aspectos positivos que possam prover a possibilidade dos trabalhadores nutrirem sentimentos positivos para com suas organizações empregadoras e ao seu trabalho propriamente dito. Os desafios impostos atualmente giram em torno de se buscar identificar características organizacionais positivas que permitam o florescimento do trabalhador. Tais características são postuladas como benéficas tanto às organizações, por resultar em maior produtividade e lucratividade, assim como para promover o bem-estar dos trabalhadores. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os impactos que as dimensões da organização positiva exercem sobre o bem-estar dos trabalhadores. O bem-estar dos trabalhadores foi dividido em duas áreas, bem-estar subjetivo (composto por satisfação geral com a vida, afetos positivos e afetos negativos) e bem-estar no trabalho, composto por três dimensões: satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. Organização positiva foi concebida como um construto composto por três dimensões: percepção de suporte organizacional, percepções de justiça organizacional (distributiva e de procedimentos) e confiança do empregado na organização. A amostra foi composta por 200 trabalhadores de diversas empresas do Estado de São Paulo, sendo 55 do sexo masculino e 145 do sexo feminino, solteiros e casados com escolaridade distribuída desde o ensino fundamental completo até pósgraduação completa. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário auto-aplicável composto por nove escalas que mediram as variáveis do estudo. Os resultados deste trabalho revelaram que bem-estar subjetivo e bem-estar no trabalho guardam relações entre si. Análises de regressão múltipla informaram que as dimensões da organização positiva tiveram impactos maiores sobre bem-estar no trabalho do que bem-estar subjetivo, destacando-se a capacidade de confiança do empregado na organização de prover explicações para o bem-estar de trabalhadores, seja nos domínios da vida pessoal ou no contexto de trabalho. Conforme tais resultados, confiança do empregado na organização, percepções de justiça e de suporte organizacional poderiam ser apontadas como importantes dimensões da organização positiva para promover e proteger o bem-estar dos trabalhadores. Futuros estudos deveriam incluir outras características organizacionais positivas para aumentar a explicação da variância do bem-estar dos trabalhadores


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A resiliência é um construto que remete à habilidade do ser humano de ter êxito frente às adversidades da vida, superá-las e inclusive, ser fortalecido ou transformado por elas. Campos de investigações da psicologia, como Psicologia da Saúde, Psicologia Positiva e Comportamento Organizacional Positivo, têm considerado a resiliência como uma importante via para a compreensão dos aspectos positivos e saudáveis dos indivíduos. Este trabalho pretendeu ampliar o conhecimento acerca da resiliência e suas relações com outros construtos no contexto organizacional. Para isto, definiu-se como objetivo geral deste estudo verificar a capacidade preditiva do conflito intragrupal (tarefa e relacionamento), do suporte social no trabalho (emocional, informacional e instrumental) e do autoconceito profissional (saúde, realização, autoconfiança e competência) sobre a resiliência (adaptação ou aceitação positiva de mudanças, espiritualidade, resignação diante da vida, competência pessoal e persistência diante das dificuldades) de policiais militares. Participaram do estudo 133 policiais militares de um batalhão do interior do estado de São Paulo, prevalecendo indivíduos do sexo masculino (97,7%), com idade média de 30 anos (DP= 5,7). Para a medida das variáveis foram utilizadas as seguintes escalas validadas: Escala de Avaliação de Resiliência reduzida, Escala de Conflitos Intragrupais, Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social no Trabalho e a Escala de Autoconceito Profissional. Os dados foram submetidos a cálculos descritivos e a análises de regressão linear múltipla padrão. Os resultados indicaram que o modelo que reunia as variáveis antecedentes (conflito intragrupal, suporte social no trabalho e autoconceito profissional) explicou significativamente a variância das dimensões da resiliência: 30% da persistência diante das dificuldades, 29% da adaptação ou aceitação positiva de mudanças, 28% da competência pessoal e 11% da espiritualidade. As variáveis que tiveram impacto estatisticamente importante sobre a persistência diante das dificuldades foram o suporte emocional no trabalho, cuja direção da predição foi inversa, e autoconfiança, cuja direção da predição foi direta. A adaptação ou aceitação positiva de mudanças teve como preditor inverso a variável saúde e como preditor direto a autoconfiança. A competência pessoal teve impacto significativo da variável autoconfiança, que se mostrou um preditor direto. A espiritualidade, por sua vez, teve um único preditor significante, a variável realização, cuja direção da predição foi direta. Os resultados sugerem que dentre as variáveis antecedentes, o autoconceito profissional evidenciou maior poder de explicação da variância da resiliência. À luz da literatura da área foram discutidos estes achados. Por fim, foram apresentadas as limitações e a proposta de uma agenda de pesquisa que contribua para confirmação e ampliação dos resultados desta investigação.


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This article extends the debate regarding the relationship between strategic planning and performance. It addresses criticism of previous empirical studies that have largely investigated direct and bi-variate relationships, producing equivocal results. The current study investigates the mediating effects of four types of flexibility on the strategic planning and performance relationship. Flexibility is defined as the extent to which new and alternative decisions are generated and considered in strategic planning, allowing for positive organizational change and adaptation to environmental turbulence. Through investigating simultaneous equations in a structural equation model, we find that two types of flexibility mediate the relationship between strategic planning and financial performance, while the other two types mediate the relationship between strategic planning and non-financial performance. The results are new empirical insights that have not been previously reported.


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A participant observation method was employed :in the study of a 20-week stoppage at Ansells Brewery Limited, a constituent company of Allied Breweries (U.K.). The strike, :involving 1,000 workers, began :in opposition to the implementation of a four-day working week and culminated in the permanent closure of the brewery. The three main phases of the strike's development (i.e., its :initiation, maintenance and termination) were analysed according to a social-cognitive approach, based on the psychological imagery, beliefs, values and perceptions underlying the employees' behaviour. Previous psychological treatments of strikes have tended to ignore many of the aspects of social definition, planning and coordination that are an integral part of industrial action. The present study is, therefore, unique in concentrating on the thought processes by which striking workers .make sense of their current situation and collectively formulate an appropriate response. The Ansells strike provides an especially vivid illustration of the ways in which the seminal insights of a small number of individuals are developed, via processes of communication and:influence, into a consensual interpretation of reality. By adopting a historical perspective, it has been possible to demonstrate how contemporary definitions are shaped by the prior history of union-management relations, particularly with regard to: (a) the way that previous events were subjectively interpreted, and (b) the lessons that were learned on the basis of that experience. The present approach is psychological insofar as it deals with the cognitive elements of strike action. However, to the extent that it draws from relevant sections of the industrial relations, organizational behaviour, sociology, anthropology and linguistics literatures, it can claim to be truly interdisciplinary.


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Purpose – In the UK, while fashion apparel purchasing is available to the majority of consumers, the main supermarkets seem – rather against the odds and market conventions – to have created a new, socially-acceptable and legitimate, apparel market offer for young children. This study aims to explore parental purchasing decisions on apparel for young children (below ten years old) focusing on supermarket diversification into apparel and consumer resistance against other traditional brands. Design/methodology/approach – Data collection adopted a qualitative research mode: using semi-structured interviews in two locations (Cornwall Please correct and check againand Glasgow), each with a Tesco and ASDA located outside towns. A total of 59 parents participated in the study. Interviews took place in the stores, with parents seen buying children fashion apparel. Findings – The findings suggest that decisions are based not only on functionality (e.g. convenience, value for money, refund policy), but also on intuitive factors (e.g. style, image, quality) as well as broader processes of consumption from parental boundary setting (e.g. curbing premature adultness). Positive consumer resistance is leading to a re-drawing of the cultural boundaries of fashion. In some cases, concerns are expressed regarding items that seem too adult-like or otherwise not as children's apparel should be. Practical implications – The paper highlights the increasing importance of browsing as a modern choice practice (e.g. planned impulse buying, sanctuary of social activity). Particular attention is given to explaining why consumers positively resist buying from traditional label providers and voluntarily choose supermarket clothing ranges without any concerns over their children wearing such garments. Originality/value – The paper shows that supermarket shopping for children's apparel is now firmly part of UK consumption habits and choice. The findings provide theoretical insights into the significance of challenging market conventions, parental cultural boundary setting and positive resistance behaviour.


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