949 resultados para Political practices
Argentina, desde mediados de la década de los noventa se fue convirtiendo en escenario para movilizaciones y acciones colectivas de protesta, entre las cuales se ubicaron los movimientos de trabajadores desocupados. La relevancia de estos sucesos despertó atracción en el campo científico el cual viene desarrollando investigaciones vinculadas a la historia, las condiciones de emergencia del nuevo actor colectivo (los piqueteros) y las (re)definiciones en el juego de fuerzas que supuso su ingreso en la política nacional. No obstante, en el transcurso de los últimos años están aconteciendo ciertos procesos de cambio en el escenario político nacional que generan transformaciones dentro de las organizaciones de desocupados así como, también, abren nuevas articulaciones y (re)definiciones de sus proyectos políticos con consecuencias sustanciales en la dimensión identitaria y en el accionar militante. Por tanto, el proyecto busca analizar representaciones y prácticas políticas de los militantes de organizaciones de desocupados con el propósito de indagar en la constitución de "identidades militantes". Para ello se propone reconstruir, desde la perspectiva de los militantes, los sentidos colectivos, lógicas de acción e interacciones presentes en la constitución de los proyectos políticos de las agrupaciones políticas: MTD- Evita y MTD- Aníbal Verón de Gran La Plata.
Con la intención de colaborar en la comprensión de los discursos y las prácticas políticas de los grupos que simpatizaron con el fascismo en la Argentina, este trabajo presenta un estudio de caso provinciano durante la Revolución de Junio: el del periódico mendocino Crónica. Un acercamiento de este tipo invita a reflexionar sobre dos asuntos principales. Por un lado, sobre la particular adaptación de las ideas europeas en los contextos provinciales ante una coyuntura especialmente conflictiva como fue el fin de la década conservadora y el ascenso de Perón al poder. Por otro lado, el interés reside en mejorar la comprensión del clima de ideas en el cual emergió el peronismo. Se analizan principalmente tres temas que el periódico abordó: el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la Revolución de Junio y la cuestión social
Esta tese apresenta uma análise das práticas políticas de parlamentares pentecostais e neopentecostais da Assembléia de Deus e Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus no Congresso da República do Brasil, de 1999 a 2006. Compara essas práticas pentecostais e neopentecostais com padrões de comportamento da cultura política brasileira e as ações correspondentes do Estado nacional como preservador dessa mesma cultura. São estudados os agentes religiosos citados desde a investida que suas igrejas fizeram na política nacional, a partir da Constituinte de 1987-1988, mas o corte temporal são as duas legislaturas, de 1999 até 2006. O foco principal da análise é a Frente Parlamentar Evangélica constituída em 2003. O envolvimento de pentecostais e neopentecostais em casos de corrupção e apropriação de recursos públicos, conhecidos como mensalão e máfia dos sanguessugas , é amplamente abordado no último capítulo deste trabalho.(AU)
Esta tese apresenta uma análise das práticas políticas de parlamentares pentecostais e neopentecostais da Assembléia de Deus e Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus no Congresso da República do Brasil, de 1999 a 2006. Compara essas práticas pentecostais e neopentecostais com padrões de comportamento da cultura política brasileira e as ações correspondentes do Estado nacional como preservador dessa mesma cultura. São estudados os agentes religiosos citados desde a investida que suas igrejas fizeram na política nacional, a partir da Constituinte de 1987-1988, mas o corte temporal são as duas legislaturas, de 1999 até 2006. O foco principal da análise é a Frente Parlamentar Evangélica constituída em 2003. O envolvimento de pentecostais e neopentecostais em casos de corrupção e apropriação de recursos públicos, conhecidos como mensalão e máfia dos sanguessugas , é amplamente abordado no último capítulo deste trabalho.(AU)
A partir de un análisis secundario de los microdatos procedentes del estudio 2.889 del Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas de España, pretendemos observar la posible relación entre el uso de Internet por parte de los jóvenes y sus prácticas políticas. En concreto, las variables disponibles permiten estudiar tres aspectos fundamentales: si existe relación entre la frecuencia de uso de Internet y la participación política; si el grado de participación política en el espacio virtual se correlaciona con la participación fuera de este espacio; y si se observan diferencias en términos de participación política online según variables sociodemográficas. Entre los resultados obtenidos podemos destacar la existencia de una relación estadísticamente significativa entre una mayor frecuencia de uso de Internet y una mayor implicación política tanto en el espacio virtual como offline.
This paper seeks to explain why the European Union (EU) has had limited influence in Armenia and Azerbaijan in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Combining approaches from external governance, norm diffusion and structural foreign policy, it offers an explanation based on domestic factors in the two countries: the political regime, state capacity, political structures, domestic incentives and the perceived legitimacy of EU rules. Although willingness to reform appears to exist in Armenia, such willingness remains constrained by the country’s vulnerable geopolitical location and high dependence on Russia. By contrast, none of the domestic preconditions for EU influence identified by the analytical framework were found in Azerbaijan. The author argues that the Eastern Partnership has not properly addressed the extent to which the clan structures feed into informal political practices and enforce the sustainability of an existing regime in both countries, and that, in addition, the EU has underestimated the multipolar environment which the two countries have to operate in, making it unlikely that the current policy can reach its objectives in Armenia and Azerbaijan.
A presente dissertação procura apresentar uma análise sobre a relação entre política e religião numa perspectiva de gênero, com o objetivo de evidenciar de que maneira a relação entre Igreja e Estado legitima as desigualdades sexuais presentes na sociedade brasileira. Essa análise procura demonstrar/ressaltar como as práticas políticas do país tem prejudicado a possibilidade de ampliação dos direitos reprodutivos devido à influência histórica da cosmovisão católica no que se refere à moral sexual. Essa influência religiosa, no que diz respeito à ampliação das políticas públicas para a reprodução, afeta negativamente a vida das mulheres, principalmente as mulheres pobres e fere o caráter laico do Estado brasileiro. Neste sentido, a dissertação, além de evidenciar esta situação, procura apresentar no trabalho da organização Católicas pelo Direito de Decidir, uma possibilidade de atuação política e teórica, que se posiciona contra o discurso radical sobre o aborto advindo da hierarquia da Igreja Católica e que é compartilhado por setores fundamentalistas de outras denominações cristãs. Católicas pelo Direito de Decidir têm como objetivo a construção de um discurso ético-teológico feminista de apoio a descriminalização do aborto e pelo direito das mulheres decidirem sobre a sua vida reprodutiva sem sofrerem nenhum tipo de impedimento ou discriminação por suas decisões.
Esta tese apresenta uma análise das práticas políticas de parlamentares pentecostais e neopentecostais da Assembléia de Deus e Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus no Congresso da República do Brasil, de 1999 a 2006. Compara essas práticas pentecostais e neopentecostais com padrões de comportamento da cultura política brasileira e as ações correspondentes do Estado nacional como preservador dessa mesma cultura. São estudados os agentes religiosos citados desde a investida que suas igrejas fizeram na política nacional, a partir da Constituinte de 1987-1988, mas o corte temporal são as duas legislaturas, de 1999 até 2006. O foco principal da análise é a Frente Parlamentar Evangélica constituída em 2003. O envolvimento de pentecostais e neopentecostais em casos de corrupção e apropriação de recursos públicos, conhecidos como mensalão e máfia dos sanguessugas , é amplamente abordado no último capítulo deste trabalho.(AU)
This book addresses the issue of emerging transnationalism in the conditions of post-socialism through focussing on migrants’ identity as a social construction resulting from their experience of the ‘transnational circuit of culture’ as well as from post-Soviet shifts in political and economic conditions in their home regions. Popov draws upon ethnographic research conducted among Greek transnational migrants living on the Black Sea coast and in the North Caucasus regions of Russia who have become involved in extensive cross-border migration between the former Soviet Union (the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Georgia) and Greece (as well as Cyprus). It is estimated that more than 150,000 former Soviet citizens of Greek origin have resettled in Greece since the late 1980s. Yet, many of those who emigrate do not cut their connections with the home communities in Russia but instead establish their own transnational circuit of travel between Greece and Russia. This study demonstrates how migrants employ their ethnicity as symbolic capital available for investment in profitable transnational migration. Simultaneously they rework their practices of family networking, property relations and political participation in a way which strengthens their attachment to the local territory. The findings presented in the book imply that the social identities, economic strategies, political practices and cultural representation of the Russian Greeks are all deeply embedded in the shifting social and cultural landscape of post-Soviet Russia and extensively influenced by the global movement of ideas, goods and people.
This dissertation follows the political and literary ideas of the late Venezuelan writer Arturo Úslar Pietri. Analysis of his essayistic production focuses on his reflections on three major topics: universality, Latin Americanism, and Venezuelan national identity. By "universality" I refer to Úslar's reflections on general human culture and the way in which the crises of many ethical, philosophical, and scientific postulates of modernity are felt and expressed by this author through his critical appraisal of 20th-century history and culture. His most extensive and controversial reflections are those on Latin American identity, historical, socio-cultural and political processes, and philosophical thought, configuring what might be called a Latin American "rationality." National reflections follow the author's ideas on three topics: oil and its (mostly negative) impact on all aspects of Venezuelan life, the rescue of national history as a means to construct a Venezuelan identity, and the quest to identify/configure a national "subject" akin to the new rationality. My conclusion examines the essay-novel relationship as a compendium of Úslar's ideas and public political practices, as illustrated in his novels, where changing global realities are reflected in the most concrete aspects of Venezuelan daily life.^
This dissertation analyzes processes of globalization, through a critical examination of the dynamics of neoliberalism in the Americas. It employs and also develops a Foucauldian governmentality analytical framework, demonstrating how such a framework contributes to our understanding of world politics. This dissertation also develops the concept of a liberal political imaginary—consisting of the market, society, and the state—and utilizes this as an analytical framework for understanding the globalization of neoliberal forms of governance. The research suggests that discourses and practices of globalization, global civil society, and global governance represent a fundamental transformation in the way that contemporary social and political reality is understood, and that this has significant consequences for the kinds of political practices and relations that are possible. Moreover, the research suggests the globalization of a neoliberal form of competitive subjectivity that can be applied to a broad range of actors—from individuals to nation-states and international organizations—is reshaping contemporary world politics. The dissertation concludes by suggesting how Foucauldian IR can move forward by incorporating studies of contemporary transformations in capitalism into their analyses.
The present study on “organization education on Amapá’s Federal Territory (1943-1958)”, looked forward to answering the following questions: Was there an educational policy, in a systemic way, on the former Amapá’s federal territory? On the other hand, what were the main initiatives of the first intervenors for the education dissemination? After facing these questions, we established, as hypothesis, that the developed actions in the education’s scope on that territory back in the 40’s and 50’s were not able to implant an educational project in Amapá, since there was no preoccupation to understanding the sociocultural reality of Amapá’s population. Given this hypothesis, we analyzed the relation between the political practices developed by the first intervenor on the territory and the brazilian political scenario, from the legal-administrative nature of the federal entities and political conjuncture of the “New State” (1937-1945). To achieve that, we sought some similarities between Janary Gentil Nunes’s ways of governing and Getúlio Vargas’s political actions. To make this happen, it was necessary to check official documents out, as well as unofficial ones, especially the old articles published by “Amapá”, the local newspaper, official press tool back then, which disseminated the beliefs and values of the constituted authorities, with the purpose of “strengthen” the “modernization” ideal on the people. Such practice was based on the attempt of breaking off sociocultural economic backwardness of the territory, hiding out the reality of the Amapá’s population, marked by poverty, a high illiteracy rate and the typical tropical diseases from Amazon (Malaria). During the rupture’s process between the old and the modern, the education takes on a major role in the official speech, being used as political advertisement and as essential element to the modernization and to the development of a “new man”: now “civilized”. However, the investigation on the expansion of the elementary education in Amapá, showed us the presence of a significant number of rural schools, in contradiction to the disseminated urban modernization promise around there. In this sense, we can affirm that educational policy on Amapá’s territory failed by reasons of being based on the “transplantation” of the Federal District’s educational project, and it is important to recall that, back then, the brazilian Federal District was Rio de Janeiro. Despite the public agents had established uncountable schools on rural areas, these were not carried out from a more systemic process, this is, considering the reality of the Amazon’s "cabloco". So, we observed the existence of the separation between the modern speech and the maintenance of old oligarchic practices by that time.
This article examines the institutional integration of activist art in the aftermath of the 2001 economic crisis in Argentina. Following this aim, we begin with a description of the most significant new groups of activist art in the City of Buenos Aires. Then, we elaborate the position these new groups take up in the field with respect to their dispute with the “light art” from the 90s, and in relation to the mutual accusations over the “trend” of political art. Finally, we analyse the reception of these groups of activist art in art exhibitions in the City of Buenos Aires and abroad, and we reflect upon the institutionalization of these specific and situated aesthetic and political practices.
Many of the principles and indeed the rhetoric of New Public Management proved attractive to both politicians and senior bureaucrats across the developed world as a remedy for problems in policy processes. Ireland shares many features of its constitutional structures and political practices with Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, all of them early and enthusiastic adopters of NPM. Some of the organizational and procedural changes in Irish public administration do indeed bear similarities to those we would expect to see as a result of adopting principles of NPM. However, we contend that surface impressions are misleading. Drawing on a time-series database of Irish state institutions, we show that organizational changes were not necessarily driven by NPM. The absence of strong political drivers meant that reform initiatives did not fundamentally alter the configuration of the Irish public administration. Many of the problems that NPM was intended to address are only now coming under scrutiny.
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los espacios comunes entre los conceptos de memoria y reputación en la novela Las Reputaciones de Juan Gabriel Vásquez. En esta medida, se planteará que la formación del recuerdo individual y colectivo está mediada por prácticas políticas que pretenden una determinada reputación y que no solo influyen sobre la manera misma en que se hace memoria sino que además son determinantes en la imagen de unas figuras como los personajes Javier Mallarino, Samanta Leal y Adolfo Cuellar. Para llevar a cabo este planteamiento se tendrán en cuenta los conceptos de política desde Jaques Rancière, y memoria de Paul Ricoeur y Pilar Riaño, que serán analizados desde el enfoque filosófico de la ciencia política.