62 resultados para Podium
Groundbreaking ceremony for Braden Residence Hall [formerly West Hall], Chapman University, Orange, California. It was constructed by Chapman College in 1959 for a men's dormitory and torn down in 2007. Left to right, seated are Dr. Buell F. Enyeart, Director of Evening Division and Summer School; John Davis; standing behind is Randolph Cutlip, Dean of Graduate Studies; Colleen Richardson with shovel; Marshon De Poister [dark suit], Dean of the College; and J. E. Wilkinson at the podium.
Dedication of the Pralle-Sodaro Residence Hall, 323 East Walnut Avenue, Chapman University, Orange, California, October 21, 1991. At the podium, George L. Argyros, Chairman of the Board of Trustees is speaking to Helga Pralle while President James L. Doti stands directly behind, and Bob Pralle applauds at right. Don and Dee Dee Sodaro are in the back at left. Pralle-Sodaro Hall (3 floors, 75,382 sq.ft.) is a three-story building containing one-hundred-fifty-five units. This state-of-the-art residence hall was made possible by the tremendous generosity of Bob and Helga Pralle and Don and DeeDee Sodaro. Bob Pralle served as a trustee for eighteen years beginning in 1984 and Don Sodaro as Chairman of the board of trustees and has served on the board for fourteen years beginning in 1988. Pralle-Sodaro Hall (3 floors, 75,382 sq.ft.) is a three-story building containing one-hundred-fifty-five units.
Ridley College was conceived in 1888 by a group of Anglican clergy and laymen eager to establish a school for boys in Ontario that emphasized strong academic and religious values. The school was originally known as Bishop Ridley College, in tribute to Nicholas Ridley, a 16th century English churchman who was martyred during the Protestant Reformation for refusing to renounce his Anglican faith. The first facility was the stately and spacious Springbank Sanatorium; shortly thereafter, construction was begun across the old Welland Canal on a lower school for boys age 5 to 13 on the present-day campus site. The name “Springbank” stems from the name of the hotel constructed in 1864 by Dr. Theophilus Mack on Yates Street. Fortuitously, the directors of what would become Ridley College were looking to found a new boys’ school. The sale of the building was completed in 1888 and Ridley began operations in September 1889. In October 1903, the Springbank building complex was consumed by fire forcing the school to move across the canal to its modern western campus. The Ridley campus grew dramatically during the 1920's, and new buildings and facilities were added in each of the following decades. The school became co-educational in 1973; just over a dozen girls enrolled in the inaugural year, while today almost half of Ridley's students are girls. Adapted from: http://www.ridleycollege.com/podium/default.aspx?t=125335 (March 22, 2011)
Ces prolégomènes étudient l’évolution conceptuelle et politique de l’intégration scolaire comme introduction à l’analyse de la construction de la légitimité de la politique de l’adaptation scolaire. Ils s’intéressent d’abord au mouvement des courants de scolarisation des élèves handicapés ou en difficulté d’adaptation ou d’apprentissage (EHDAA) et à leurs mutations au regard de leurs fondements. Puis, ils les explorent dans le contexte du Québec, à partir de l’étude de l’évolution de la Politique de l’adaptation scolaire de 1978 à 1999 et des changements intervenus dans l’orientation, l’organisation des services et l’identification des catégories d’élèves concernés par cette politique. Ces changements sont également mis en perspective avec la question de la mise en œuvre de la politique par les acteurs scolaires, considérée comme un espace de redéfinition des problèmes et de légitimation de la politique. Il montre que l’évolution de la Politique de l’adaptation scolaire se situe entre la permanence et le changement dans la conception de scolarisation des élèves HDAA sous-tendus par une difficile mise en œuvre et légitimation de la politique.
Este trabajo explica las razones por las cuales China se estrecha sus vinculos con Afirca. El tema principal es el inicio de la relacion sino-sudanesa y la evolucion de esta hasta el fin de la guerra civil en Sudan.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Flex-fuel vehicles are equipped with Otto Cycle internal combustion engines and have the capability of functioning with more than one type of fuel, mixed at the same tank and burned in the combustion chamber simultaneously. This sort of motorization is a world pattern due to the scarcity of petroleum, the trade of several types of fuels, technology advances and the restriction imposed to gas emissions to the atmosphere. In Brazil, the Flexfuel vehicles are a reality, specially the ones using fuel with 20 to 25% anhydrous alcohol mixed with gasoline and those that use natural gas or original liquid fuel (gasoline or hydrated ethanol). The Brazilian model Fiat Siena, the object of this present scientific investigation, is equipped with a unique electronic central capable of managing the liquid or gaseous fuels. The purpose of this research was to perform a comparative analysis in terms of performance (in terms of both potency and consumption) of a tetra-fuel vehicle - using a chassis dynamometer, operating with different fuels: common gasoline, premium gasoline, Podium gasoline, ethanol or natural gas. It became necessary to develop a bench of tests and trials procedures, as well as to know the functioning of the electronic management of the vehicle under analysis. The experiments were performed at the automotive laboratory in CTGAS-ER (Center of Gas Technologies and Renewable energies) at the light of Brazilian standard ABNT, NBR 7024: Light on-road vehicles - measurement of fuel consumption. The essay results on specific fuel consumption using common gasoline, premium gasoline and Podium gasoline have shown similar results, both for urban and road driving cycles
O escritor Raymundo Moraes (1872 - 1941), autor de dezessete trabalhos em que o universo literário é a Amazônia, obteve por seu livro Na Planície Amazônica , dentre outros, o elogio feito por um Presidente da República - Washington Luís - que o utilizou para conhecer a região, e em seguida a obra obteve repercussão nacional com o autor usufruindo de fama e fortuna crítica que depois o levaram, paradoxalmente, a completo esquecimento: não mais se pronunciou seu nome, também impronunciado da Justiça Comum pelo crime imputado - homicídio. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo principal chamar a atenção da comunidade acadêmica e do leitor em geral para a importância da obra literária deste escritor paraense, hoje, desconhecido, autodidata, comandante de navios pelos rios da região, jornalista, político, partícipe de atividades intelectuais de seu tempo, inclusive membro de entidades ligadas às letras. Foi ao pódio literário na década de 1930 e depois baixou às catacumbas do olvido, merecendo ser reapresentado e reconhecido num preito de gratidão e justiça, em decorrência de sua considerável produção a respeito da Amazônia, pois muitas de suas obras, como O meu dicionário de cousas da Amazônia (1931), continuam sendo fonte de investigação imprescindível para os que se dedica[re]m a estudar a respeito da Região Amazônica e sua(s) cultura(s), assim como alimentaram a voracidade antropófaga de Mário de Andrade.
This paper presents the integrated sports marketing to female rugby management in Brazil and analyzes the strategies used to popularize this sport. The Brazilian Confederation of Rugby in 2011 developed a strategic planning with the objective of restructuring mode and has been using sports marketing concepts to promote rugby, aiming its growth, both in numbers of practitioners, as supporters and fans. To perform the proposed objective was conducted a survey exploratory on the rugby modality that will be present at the Olympic Games in 2016. We analyze also the history of women's Rugby Team and the tools of marketing and sportive management used by the Confederation. At the end is a study of the strategies of sports management female rugby in Brazil, taking into consideration also the gender issue, especially the obstacles women face athletes in a sport that is blended with the virility and strength male.
Im Mittelpunkt der Studie "The Sound of Democracy - the Sound of Freedom". Jazzrezeption in Deutschland (1945 - 1963) steht ein Korpus von 16 Oral-History-Interviews mit Zeitzeugen der deutschen Jazzszene. Interviewt wurden Musiker ebenso wie bildende Künstler, Journalisten, Clubbesitzer und Jazzfans, die die Jazzszene in den 1950ern bildeten. Die Interviews werden in einen Kontext zeitgenössischer Quellen gestellt: Zeitschriftenartikel (hauptsächlich aus dem "Jazz Podium" ebenso wie Radiomanuskripte des Bayerischen Rundfunks.rnDie Ausgangsüberlegung ist die Frage, was der Jazz für sein Publikum bedeutete, mit anderen Worten, warum wählte eine studentische, sich selbst als elitär wahrnehmende Schicht aus dem großen Fundus an kulturellen Ausdrucksformen, die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg aus den USA nach Deutschland strömten, ausgerechnet den Jazz als persönliche Ausdrucksform? Worin bestand seine symbolische Strahlkraft für diese jungen Menschen?rnIn Zusammenhang mit dieser Frage steht die Überlegung: In welchem Maße wurde Jazz als dezidiert amerikanische Ausdrucksform wahrgenommen und welche Amerikabilder wurden durch den Jazz transportiert? Wurde Jazz bewusst als Werkzeug der Besatzer zur demokratischen Umerziehung des deutschen Volkes eingesetzt und wenn ja, in welcher Form, beziehungsweise in welchem Maß? Wie stark war die Symbolleistung und metaphorische Bedeutung des Jazz für das deutsche Publikum und in welchem Zusammenhang steht die Symbolleistung des Jazz mit der Symbolleistung der USA als Besetzungs- bzw. Befreiungsmacht? rn
This dissertation analyses the live simultaneous interpretation from English into Italian of six 2013 Formula 1 World Championship podium interviews and focuses on four main aspects: how the interpreter handled the décalage at the end of the interview and during the turn-taking; if he used any marker to indicate that he was starting to translate a new turn of the source text; what he did when overlapped speech in the source texts occurred; what happened when the Italian commentators talked during the interpreter’s translation. In the first chapter a description mainly of what a Formula 1 podium interview is and what an interpreter translates during the Formula 1 weekends is present. In the second chapter a literature review on media interpreting, with particular attention put on Straniero Sergio’s paper on translating Formula 1 press-conferences (2003), and turn-taking is provided. In the third chapter the methodology used to obtain and process the video and audio files of source and target texts and to transcribe them is described. We concentrated primarily on Thibault’s multimodal text transcription techniques (2000) and on how they were used and adapted to fit the purposes of this dissertation. In the fourth chapter the results obtained through the analysis of the source and target texts are shown and described, focusing only on the objectives of the dissertation, without aiming to provide a qualitative evaluation of the interpretations. In the fifth and last chapter the conclusions and some final remarks are made, based on the results obtained during the analysis and the hope for a more in depth knowledge of Italian Formula 1 interpreter’s working conditions.
Podium Robotik in der Pflege Leitung: Susanne Brauer, PhD, Paulus-Akademie Zürich Gäste Prof. Dr. Heidrun Becker, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Departement Gesundheit Prof. Dr. Susanne Boshammer, Universität Osnabrück, Philosophie Margrit Lüscher, Geschäftsleiterin, Alterszentrum Bruggwiesen Prof. Dr. Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, Universität Bern, Psychologie Martin Rüfenacht, Manager Healthcare bei CISCO
[Team celebrating on podium after winning championship']
First Student: "I know what you mean; I fall asleep every time I try to read this stuff." (Meanwhile, in the faculty lounge) First Professor: "I do not understand what's wrong with my students; they expect me to teach textbook information from the podium." Second Professor: "I've noticed the same thing. They do not want to be responsible for their readings. "