967 resultados para Physics education course


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Teaching robotics to students at the beginning of their studies has become a huge challenge. Simulation environments can be an effective solution to that challenge where students can interact with simulated robots and have the first contact with robotic constraints. From our previous experience with simulation environments it was possible to observe that students with lower background knowledge in robotics where able to deal with a limited number of constraints, implement a simulated robotic platform and study several sensors. The question is: after this first phase what should be the best approach? Should the student start developing their own hardware? Hardware development is a very important part of an engineer's education but it can also be a difficult phase that could lead to discouragement and loss of motivation in some students. Considering the previous constraints and first year engineering students’ high abandonment rate it is important to develop teaching strategies to deal with this problem in a feasible way. The solution that we propose is the integration of a low-cost standard robotic platform WowWee Rovio as an intermediate solution between the simulation phase and the stage where the students can develop their own robots. This approach will allow the students to keep working in robotic areas such as: cooperative behaviour, perception, navigation and data fusion. The propose approach proved to be a motivation step not only for the students but also for the teachers. Students and teachers were able to reach an agreement between the level of demand imposed by the teachers and satisfaction/motivation of the students.


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Die empirische Studie untersucht das Wechselspiel zwischen der fachbezogenen Sprachentwicklung und dem Fachlernen von Schülerinnen und Schülern bei der Einführung in den Kraftbegriff. Sie betrachtet also sowohl sprachliche wie auch kognitive Aspekte des Lernens in der Mechanik. Dafür wurde ein Unterrichtskonzept entwickelt, das den Gebrauch des Fachwortes Kraft in der Wissenschaft und in der alltäglichen Sprache besonders thematisiert. Dieses Unterrichtskonzept basiert auf Empfehlungen und Ergebnissen der Kognitionspsychologie, Linguistik, Philosophie, Sprachlehrforschung und der Didaktiken der Physik und der Fremdsprachen. Im Rahmen des Unterrichts wurden die Schülerinnen und Schüler mit zwei Aufgabentypen konfrontiert: Beim ersten Aufgabentyp waren die Lerner aufgefordert, den Kraftbegriff so zu verwenden, wie es einer fachsprachlich angemessenen Form entspräche, etwa um die Bewegung eines Zuges zu beschreiben. Aufgaben des zweiten Typs sahen vor, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler kurze Texte danach klassifizierten, ob sie der Alltagssprache oder der Fachsprache angehörten. Diese als Metadiskurs bezeichnete Form der Auseinandersetzung mit sprachlichen Aspekten verhalf den Schülerinnen und Schülern zu einer Gelegenheit, ihr eigenes Verständnis des Kraftbegriffs zu thematisieren. Weiter lieferte der Metadiskurs wichtige Hinweise darauf, ob die Schülerinnen und Schüler sich bei ihren Beurteilungen eher auf formal-sprachliche oder inhaltliche Aspekte der Sprache bezogen. Für die Datenerhebung wurden alle Unterrichtsstunden videografiert und transkribiert. Zusammen mit schriftlichen Arbeitsergebnissen und Tests stand ein umfangreicher Datensatz zur Verfügung, für dessen Auswertung ein inhaltsanalytisches Verfahren Anwendung fand. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Lernen im Fach Physik bestimmte Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Lernen einer Fremdsprache zeigt: Wenn die Schülerinnen und Schüler den Kraftbegriff fachsprachlich verwenden sollen, sehen sie sich oft einer Alternativentscheidung gegenüber. Entweder sie versuchen, einer fachsprachlichen Form zu gehorchen und verlieren dabei den Inhalt aus den Augen, oder sie konzentrieren sich auf den Inhalt, drücken sich dabei aber in ihrer Alltagssprache aus und folgen Alltagskonzepten, die weit entfernt von den fachlich intendierten liegen. Ähnliche Beobachtungen kann man im Sprachunterricht machen, wenn Schüler eine neue grammatische Regel einüben: Sie konzentrieren sich entweder auf die neu zu erlernende Regel, oder aber auf den Inhalt des Gesagten, wobei sie die grammatische Regel, die an sich Gegenstand der Übung ist, verletzen. Meistens fällt diese Entscheidung derart, dass die Konzentration auf den Inhalt des Gesagten gerichtet ist, nicht oder wenig auf seine Form. Im Unterschied zum Sprachunterricht ist der Physikunterricht allerdings nicht nur darauf gerichtet, fachsprachlich angemessene Formen einzuüben, sondern insbesondere darauf, den Blick für neue und ungewohnte Konzepte zu öffnen. Damit müssen die Schülerinnen und Schüler hier häufig sprachliche und kognitive Hürden zur selben Zeit bewältigen. Die detaillierte Analyse des Metadiskurses zeigt, dass das Problem des Nebeneinanders zweier unterschiedlicher Anforderung entschäft werden kann: Während die Schüler im Metadiskurs unterschiedliche Aspekte der Sprache diskutieren, sind sie eher in der Lage, sowohl formale wie inhaltsbezogene Merkmale der Sprache wahrzunehmen. Der Text referiert weitere Parallelen zwischen dem Physikunterricht und dem Fremdsprachenlernen, sodass die Auffassung gerechtfertigt ist, dass die Fremdsprachendidaktik als Ideenlieferantin dafür dienen kann, neue Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten für den Physikunterricht aufzufinden.


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This small exploratory case study describes an attempt to integrate the academic and practical aspects of a teacher education course in order to promote deep understanding of children's ways of understanding mathematics. The assessment regime of the course was used as a strategic tool for engaging students, and the assessment tasks themselves were used as the means of generating genuine integration, or case knowledge, of the content of the course. The results indicate that the approach was effective in achieving the aims of the course, and student reaction to the approach was extremely positive.


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The introduction of African indigenous music to a generalist primary teacher education course transcended both cultural differences and personal inadequacies of students. It provided a cohesive bond for promoting the learning of music that is aptly represented by the African concept of masakhane (building together). This research demonstrated the effectiveness of Africa music for promoting cross-cultural music education, thereby providing a worthy model for implementation in other teacher education programs. According to findings from a questionnaire survey and interviews, students reported they were able to more effectively engage with, know, create, perform, teach and experience music through African rather than just the Western music. This experience provided students with new musical knowledge, understandings and skills as well as giving them insights into another musical tradition and culture. Students also perceived Indigenous African music as a source of motivation, interest and enjoyment, thereby promoting their creativity and musical learning. As global citizens, we need to embrace diversity and change not only in our immediate teaching contexts but also in broader educational policy. This curriculum clearly enhanced the effectiveness of music within a teacher education course and by extension has the potential to contribute to a greater professional and public good in education.


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In recent years, much attention has been given to the preparation of teachers for rural and regional schools (for example, Marks et al, 2000, Marks et al, 2001, Jones, 2002). Rural and regional teacher education brings with it exciting opportunities for individuals and communities. However, it is also coupled with specific demands on governments, teaching staff and tertiary institutions. However, as yet little attention has been given to how to reform teacher education to address the identified issues (Green & Reid, 2004). At present, the teacher education course offered on the Warrnambool campus of Deakin University is identical to that offered on the metropolitan (Burwood) and regional (Geelong) campuses. The course is a traditional four-year course.

At the Warrnambool campus we are embarking on a project which aims to reconceptualise teacher education for rural and regional contexts. It seeks to: better understand the issues and challenges rural and regional stake holders face within the profession, including both pre-service and service dimensions; identify the context specific knowledge, skills and strategies rural and regional schools are looking for in graduate teachers; and develop and implement a revised Bachelor of Education program that reflects the needs of rural and regional education.

In this paper, we outline how we intend determining the demand for a community-based teacher education program in western Victoria and determining/negotiating community support for such an initiative.


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This paper presents a reflection on the infusion of Web2 technologies into a teacher education program. It explores issues surrounding the use of a range of Web2 technologies including wikis, blogs and podcasts. Web2 technologies are currently being taken up at amazing speed. This paper draws on the experience of using these new technologies in two units of a pre-service education course. As part of their assignment requirements pre-service education students were immersed in these new technologies as they grappled with issues to do with learning how to use these technologies as well as reflecting on how and why, or why not, they might they might use them in primary schools including the potential for democratic collaborative communities of learners. The opportunities the Web2 technologies afford educators as well as the consequences of such educational use of social technologies will be considered.


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Course websites have become a basic requirement for course promotion and delivery in many universities. This study explores the relationship between perceived usefulness of course websites and student performance in an accounting course within a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) programme. Data from 48 students were found to support several hypotheses. Specifically, the findings of the study indicate that there is a significant correlation between the perceived usefulness of course website features such as lecture notes, tutorial questions and solutions and the frequency of use or access by students of such course website features. Further, we found that the perceived usefulness of course websites was positively related to students’ computer proficiency, but not with the frequency with which students missed classes. The findings also indicate that students with high need for achievement achieved better performance scores, but there was no significant relationship between perceived usefulness of course website and performance. These findings have several implications for the design and development of course websites at post-graduate level, and for future research examining the link between information technology and accounting education.


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This study was conducted to improve the pedagogy of a particular teacher education course and its teaching and learning activities. It was based on the principles of action research. Results indicate that through group process workshops and the action research projects the research and participants acquired skills in problem-solving and collaborative work.


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In an episode of South Park titled ‘Hey, People, You’ve Gotta Drive Hybrids Already’, Stan convinces townsfolk to buy hybrid cars. This reduces the rate of smog but creates a toxic cloud of ‘smug’. In this paper, I use this parody of eco-correctness to interrogate some of Outdoor Education’s environmental aims. Michel Foucault’s later work on the self, morality and governmentality is used to analyse the production of the [neo- iberal] ‘environmentally responsible citizen’. The possibilities and problems of contemporary citizenship discourse are explored in relation to findings from a longitudinal study of students undertaking a tertiary outdoor and environmental education course.


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This session is based on the concept of people as part of a broad ecological community. It focuses on relationships between people and between people and their environment. We look at outdoor education curriculum and teaching ideas aimed at developing the concepts of community, interdependence and responsibility for people and other living and non-living things. The concepts will be discussed in relation to developing outdoor education programs for students in years Prep-10.
Examples of teaching and assessment ideas will be provided from the Outdoor Education Course Advice Materials which have been developed for the Victorian Curriculum and Standards Framework (CSF). Resources will also be discussed and displayed. The session will be part presentation and part interactive group work. It is relevant to teachers, curriculum developers and other outdoor educators working with children in the years Prep-10 age range.


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In 2003, the International Conflict Resolution Centre at the University of Melbourne, Australia, produced a primary school teaching manual for UNESCO Vietnam. The finished manual included lesson plans and materials for a five year, 50 lesson peace education course. The manual is one of the first examples of a systematic core national curriculum in peace education worldwide. Development of the Teaching Manual posed a number of challenges including differences in language, culture, government and education system. To meet these challenges, a participatory action research approach was central in the project’s development and curriculum design. This case study is offered as a model for effective crosscultural curriculum development of peace education materials. In particular, the use of games and reflective materials and the use of UNESCO’s peace keys are outlined as innovative outcomes of the project.


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In this article, the author interrogates students’ stories about the spaces and places in a tertiary Outdoor and Environmental Education course that support and shape their environmental ethics. Drawing on a longitudinal qualitative study, she explore the ways in which particular sites of learning (outdoor, practical learning) are privileged and how particular stories of outdoor spaces get reproduced. The author employs the work of poststructuralist geography scholar Doreen Massey in her analysis to highlight the intersections between space, relations of power and identity. This analysis also underscores the simultaneity of multiple and conflicting stories around Outdoor Education’s outdoor (practical) and indoor (theoretical) learning spaces. The article concludes by drawing on Elizabeth Ellsworth’s work on anomalous places of learning to explore some of the spaces in-between the indoor/outdoor binary as a way of interrupting and re-imagining places and spaces of learning in Outdoor Education.


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The narrative of one ethnic minority early childhood student teacher tells of her journey as she (re)constructs her identities as a Cook Island woman and as a pre-service teacher, during a teacher education course in New Zealand. This story conveys her experiences of learning across different pedagogical paradigms. Findings show that teacher education lecturers can significantly enhance the learning experience for ethnic minority pre-service teachers by incorporating existing knowledges and understandings in course content and delivery.