862 resultados para Physician-Assisted Suicide


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Switzerland has the second-most-expensive healthcare system worldwide, with 11.5% of gross domestic product spent on health care in 2003. Switzerland has a healthcare system with universal insurance coverage and a social insurance system, ensuring an adequate financial situation for 96% of the 1.1 million older inhabitants. Key concerns related to the care of older persons are topics such as increasing healthcare costs, growing public awareness of patient autonomy, and challenges related to assisted suicide. In 2004, the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences issued guidelines for the care of disabled older persons. Since 2000, geriatrics has been a board-certified discipline with a 3-year training program in addition to 5 years of training in internal or family medicine. There are approximately 125 certified geriatricians in Switzerland, working primarily in geriatric centers in urban areas. Switzerland has an excellent research environment, ranking second of all countries worldwide in life sciences research-but only 13th in aging research. This is in part due to a lack of specific training programs promoting research on aging and inadequate funding. In addition, there is a shortage of academic geriatricians in Switzerland, in part due to the fact that two of five Swiss universities had no academic geriatric departments in 2005. With more-adequate financial resources for academic geriatrics, Switzerland would have the opportunity to contribute more to aging research internationally and to improved care for older patients.


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Photograph of the internal mechanism of Medicide device


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Photograph of the internal mechanism of Medicide device (verso)


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Jack Kevorkian's business card. No contact information on the card.


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Jack Kevorkian's business card. Card has a printed message "Kevorkian M.E.R.C.Y. Amendment. Moment Ensuring the Right to Choose for Yourself." Contact information is indicated on the card.


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In the context of an European collaborative research project (EURELD), a study on attitudes towards medical end-of-life decisions was conducted among physicians in Belgium, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. Australia also joined the consortium. A written questionnaire with structured questions was sent to practising physicians from specialties frequently involved in the care of dying patients. 10,139 questionnaires were studied. Response rate was equal to or larger than 50% in all countries except Italy (39%). Apart from general agreement with respect to the alleviation of pain and symptoms with possible life-shortening effect, there was large variation in support-between and within countries-for medical decision that may result in the hastening of death. A principal component factor analysis found that 58% of the variance of the responses is explained by four factors. 'Country' explained the largest part of the variation of the standardized factor scores. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper studies the Spanish fictional novel by Andrés Barba, Ahora tocad música de baile (2004), one of the first cultural texts dealing entirely with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) to appear in Spain. It argues that the significance of Barba’s fictional novel rests on two important issues: the ethics of representation of violence against vulnerable subjects and the ethics of care. The paper analyses how these two issues allow Barba to create a story in which the verbal and physical abuse to which the person living with Alzheimer’s disease is subjected places the reader, on the one hand, as voyeur/witness of the abuse; and, on the other, as interpreter, and ultimately judge, of the fine line that separates euthanasia, assisted suicide, and murder. The open ending of the novel defers all ethical and moral judgment to the reader. It examines how the novel offers a monolithic perspective about AD, in which care is presented as a burden. In fact, this study shows that the novel’s multi-layered structure and polyphonic nature places the emphasis on stigmas, stereotypes and negative metaphors around AD, as found in contemporary social discourses.


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The thesis describes three studies concerning the role of the Economic Preference set investigated in the Global Preference Survey (GPS) in the following cases: 1) the needs of women with breast cancer; 2) pain undertreament in oncology; 3) legal status of euthanasia and assisted suicide. The analyses, based on regression techniques, were always conducted on the basis of aggregate data and revealed in all cases a possible role of the Economic Preferences studied, also resisting the concomitant effect of the other covariates that were considered from time to time. Regarding individual studies, the related conclusion are: 1) Economic Preferences appear to play a role in influencing the needs of women with breast cancer, albeit of non-trivial interpretation, statistically "resisting" the concomitant effect of the other independent variables considered. However, these results should be considered preliminary and need further confirmation, possibly with prospective studies conducted at the level of the individual; 2) the results show a good degree of internal consistency with regard to pro-social GPS scores, since they are all found to be non-statistically significant and united, albeit only weakly in trend, by a negative correlation with the % of pain undertreated patients. Sharper, at least statistically, is the role of Patience and Willingness to Take Risk, although of more complex empirical interpretation. 3) the results seem to indicate an obvious role of Economic Preferences, however difficult to interpret empirically. Less evidence, at least on the inferential level, emerged, however, regarding variables that, based on common sense, should play an even more obvious role than Economic Preferences in orienting attitudes toward euthanasia and assisted suicide, namely Healthcare System, Legal Origin, and Kinship Tightness; striking, in particular, is the inability to prove a role for the dominant religious orientation even with a simple bivariate analysis.


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OBJECTIVE: Describe suicide attempts assisted in an emergency room (ER) and acute substance consumption or dependence on these individuals. METHODS: Descriptive epidemiologic study was carried out during one year, evaluating suicide attempts assisted at Embu das Artes ER, São Paulo, Brazil. Patients were scheduled to a non structured psychiatric interview. Main outcomes measures were: socio demographic data, suicide attempt method, drugs or alcohol acute use in the six hours prior to attempt, patients with ICD-10 substance dependence diagnosis. The descriptive analyses and chi-square test (p < 0.05) were used to verify associations between the variables studied. RESULTS: sample was formed of 80 patients, mean age of 26.9 years (SD = 8.91), predominantly female (72.5%) and 21.2% adolescents. Most suicide attempts were made through medicine ingestion (62.5%). Approximately 21.2% and 7.5% related to have used alcohol and an illicit drug respectively within 6 hours prior to attempt and 10% were found to be substance dependent. All substance dependents had attempted suicide previously (p-value = 0.4). There was a significant association between suicide attempt through medicine ingestion and psychiatric treatment history (p = 0.02). CONCLUSION: More national studies are necessary to consider the role of alcohol and drug in suicide attempts assisted in ER, especially in chemical dependents whose suicidal behavior is relevant.


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To evaluate the socio-demographic as well as the health and psychiatric profiles of adolescents hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicide ideation and to assess repetition of suicide attempt over a period of 18 months. Between April 2000 and September 2001, all patients aged 16 to 21 years admitted to the University Hospitals of Geneva and Lausanne for suicide attempt or ideation were included in the study. At this time (T0) semi-structured face to face interviews were conducted to identify socio-demographic data, mental health and antecedents regarding suicidal conducts. Current psychiatric status was assessed with the MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Instrument). At T1 and T2, reassessments included psychiatric status (MINI) as well as lifestyles, socio-professional situation and suicidal behaviours. At T0, 269 subjects met the study criteria, among whom 83 subjects (56 girls and 27 boys) left the hospital too quickly to be involved or refused to participate in the study (final sample at T0: 149 girls; 37 boys). The participation rate at T1 and T2 was respectively 66% and 62% of the original sample. The percentage of adolescents meeting the criteria for psychiatric diagnoses (91%) was high: affective disorder (78%); anxiety disorder (64%); substance use disorder (39%); eating disorder (9%); psychotic disorder (11%); antisocial personality (7%) with most subjects (85%) having more than one disorder. Around 90% of the subjects interviewed at T1, and/or T2, had received follow-up care after their hospitalisation, either by a primary care physician or a psychotherapist or both. Two subjects died of violent death and 18% made a further suicide attempt. Most adolescents hospitalised for suicidal episodes suffer from psychiatric problems which should be addressed by a careful psychiatric assessment, followed up if needed by a structured after care plan.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the socio-demographic as well as the health and psychiatric profiles of adolescents hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicide ideation and to assess repetition of suicide attempt over a period of 18 months. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between April 2000 and September 2001, all patients aged 16 to 21 years admitted to the University Hospitals of Geneva and Lausanne for suicide attempt or ideation were included in the study. At this time (T0) semi-structured face to face interviews were conducted to identify socio-demographic data, mental health and antecedents regarding suicidal conducts. Current psychiatric status was assessed with the MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Instrument). At T1 and T2, reassessments included psychiatric status (MINI) as well as lifestyles, socio-professional situation and suicidal behaviours. RESULTS: At T0, 269 subjects met the study criteria, among whom 83 subjects (56 girls and 27 boys) left the hospital too quickly to be involved or refused to participate in the study (final sample at T0: 149 girls; 37 boys). The participation rate at T1 and T2 was respectively 66% and 62% of the original sample. The percentage of adolescents meeting the criteria for psychiatric diagnoses (91%) was high: affective disorder (78%); anxiety disorder (64%); substance use disorder (39%); eating disorder (9%); psychotic disorder (11%); antisocial personality (7%) with most subjects (85%) having more than one disorder. Around 90% of the subjects interviewed at T1, and/or T2, had received follow-up care after their hospitalisation, either by a primary care physician or a psychotherapist or both. Two subjects died of violent death and 18% made a further suicide attempt. CONCLUSION: Most adolescents hospitalised for suicidal episodes suffer from psychiatric problems which should be addressed by a careful psychiatric assessment, followed up if needed by a structured after care plan.


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Tandemly repeated insertion sequence IS21, located on a suicide plasmid, promoted replicon fusion with bacteriophage lambda in vitro in the presence of ATP. This reaction was catalyzed in a cell extract containing the 45-kDa IstA protein (cointegrase) and the 30-kDa IstB helper protein of IS21 after both proteins had been overproduced in Escherichia coli. Without IstB, replicon fusion was inefficient and did not produce the 4-bp target duplications typical of IS21.


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In cases of ligature strangulation, the importance of distinguishing self-inflicted death from homicide is crucial. This entails objective scene investigation, autopsy and anamnesis in order to elucidate the manner of death correctly. The authors report a case of unplanned complex suicide by means of self-strangulation and multiple sharp force injury. The use of more than one suicide method, consecutively--termed unplanned complex suicide--gives this case particular significance. A brief discussion on this uncommon method of suicide is presented, particularly relevant to the attending forensic physician. In addition, a short overview of the entity of complex suicide is given.


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It is not uncommon for patients with an advanced disease to express a desire to their physician to hasten their death. Recent studies show that the motivation of such a desire is multifactorial and multidimensional, including depression, physical, psycho-social and spiritual suffering, fears about the process of dying and/or misunderstandings about the options for end-of-life care. The objective of this paper is to propose to the physician how to explore the dimensions of this request and some elements to answer it.