989 resultados para Philip the Chancellor


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Os cem anos do fim da gestão do Barão do Rio Branco no Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Brasil coincidem com um momento politicamente propício para se revisitar o legado do patrono da diplomacia brasileira, em especial o referente aos Estados Unidos e ao Prata, os dois principais eixos das relações externas do País. Examinam-se o teor das relações com a potência hegemônica do hemisfério e o caráter oscilante daquelas com a Argentina. A partir de fontes primárias e bibliográficas, o autor procura demonstrar que Rio Branco, além do fechamento dos limites do território nacional, firmou tendências e procedimentos que se incorporaram à tradição da diplomacia brasileira, analisando, para isso, a função do alinhamento Rio de Janeiro-Washington no conjunto da política externa do chanceler e o padrão das relações com o governo argentino, fatores que influenciaram seus movimentos no entorno geográfico. A política de prestígio desenvolvida por Rio Branco decorreu da aspiração em diferenciar seu país do conjunto de nações do segmento sul do hemisfério, identificadas com convulsões políticas e insolvência financeira.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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In recent years evaluation has become a very important element in the public administration. The Swedish state administration to a significant extent both evaluates and is evaluated. This means that the evaluating state is at the same time the evaluated state. In this dissertation the institutionalization of evaluation is studied in a field within which this development has been particularly lively and interesting, namely the field of higher education. The dissertation focuses on evaluation activity that has been carried out in conjunction with central public authorities within higher education: the Office of the Chancellor of the Universities and Colleges in Sweden, the National Swedish Board of Universities and Colleges, and the Office of the University Chancellor, and encompasses the period 1964-1995. A newly revived research tradition within political science – historical institutionalism – is used as a perspective and a methodology. Since the application of this tradition has not yet been fully tested, another purpose is to examine the practical utility of this analytical tool and the kind of knowledge that it produces. The dissertation thereby combines the fields of education policy, evaluation research and institutional theory. The beginning of the institution has been dated to the end of the 1960s and beginning of the 1970s. In the dissertation the forces behind the initiation of the institution are taken up. Events and developments in the field that have influenced the further development of the institution have been identified and analyzed. Developments reveal that the institution has been stable during the entire period of time under study, despite some changes. The use of historical institutionalism as a perspective and methodology has proven satisfactory on a general level. However, special solutions have been required as problems and ambiguities have arisen. The dissertation concludes with reflections on the practical utility of historical institutionalism in political science research.


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In der feministischen Linguistik wird angenommen, daß maskuline Bezeichnungen, die generisch benutzt werden (Bezeichnungen von Personen beiderlei Geschlechts durch die maskuline Form, wie z.B. die Wissenschaftler, die Studenten), weibliche Personen weniger vorstellbar oder sichtbar machen als männliche Personen. Verschiedene experimentelle Untersuchungen konnten diese Annahme für den englischen Sprachraum bestätigen. Für die deutsche Sprache existieren dagegen bislang sehr wenige Studien zu dieser Frage. Es werden vier Experimente vorgestellt, die untersuchen, ob unterschiedliche Sprachversionen - ,Beidnennung‘ (Studentinnen und Studenten), ,Neutral‘ (Studierende), ,Generisches Maskulinum‘ (Studenten) und “Großes I“ (StudentInnen) - den gedanklichen Einbezug von Frauen beeinflussen. Über alle Experimente hinweg zeigte sich, daß bei Personenreferenzen im generischen Maskulinum ein geringerer gedanklicher Einbezug von Frauen zu beobachten war als bei alternativen Sprachformen wie der Beidnennung oder dem “Großen I“ (z.B. seltenere Nennungen von beliebten weiblichen Persönlichkeiten oder von politischen Kandidatinnen für das Amt des Bundeskanzlers/der Bundeskanzlerin der BRD).


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Estanislao Zeballos creó un denso corpus teórico sobre las relaciones de la Argentina con sus vecinos, especialmente con Brasil y Chile. A lo largo del siglo XX, la élite intelectual rioplatense ha mantenido en vigencia el pensamiento de Zeballos, al cual se lo ha considerado una suerte de paradigma del patriota. El presente artículo examina críticamente el pensamiento de Zeballos. Detecta que, fuertemente marcadas por el positivismo y el darwinismo social, sus ideas se deslizaron hacia posiciones xenófobas y racistas, sobre todo hacia los dos países citados. Por tal motivo, el canciller generó conflictos de límites que antes no existían, y promovió conceptos históricamente inexactos sobre la naturaleza de las relaciones internacionales en el Cono Sur.


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The German media have been correctly describing the atmosphere between the Chancellor's Office and the Kremlin as the chilliest in years. Various factors have laid bare the fact that the strategic partnership between Germany and Russia is at best currently undergoing a 'technical pause’: the underwhelming outcomes of the German-Russian intergovernmental consultations in the autumn of 2012 and of Chancellor Merkel's meeting with President Putin during the Hanover fair in the spring of 2013, as well as the way in which the EU dealt with the Cyprus debt issue and, finally, the support that Germany has extended to the anti-presidential protests in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the priorities of Germany's foreign and economic policy have changed considerably, not only as a result of the eurozone crisis, but also, even more importantly, because the attention of German business and politics has been shifting to the so-called neue Gestaltungsmächte, or new regional powers. German politicians increasingly believe that Russia should not be offered new methods or mechanisms of co-operation. Firstly, because the existing ones have not been fully utilised, and secondly, because Germany at this stage seems to have no idea of what the long-term strategy of co-operation with Putin's Russia should be.


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Each number has separate t.p.; some have added engraved title-pages, some also have frontispieces.


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v. 9. Off on a comet. The underground city.--v. 10. Dick Sands: A captain at fifteen. The dark continent. Measuring a meridian.--v. 11. The five hundred millions of the begum. The tribulations of a Chinaman in China. The giant raft: Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon.--v. 12. The giant raft: The cryptogram. The steam house: The demon of Cawnpore. Tigers and traitors.--v. 13. The Robinson Crusoe school. The star of the south. Purchase of the North pole.--v. 14. Robur the conqueror. The master of the world. The sphinx of ice.--v. 15. The exploration of the world: The world outlined. Seekers and traders. Scientific exploration.


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Includes bibliographical references and indexes.


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El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la forma en la que la prensa italiana de izquierdas construyó la imagen de palestinos e israelíes entre 1947 y 1957. La investigación se ha centrado en el estudio de los artículos publicados por algunos destacados periódicos de la época, con la finalidad de comprender cómo ha ido cambiando el lenguaje empleado por dichos órganos de prensa a la hora de referirse a los moradores de la tierra de Palestina. La tesis de este artículo es que dichos periódicos construyeron múltiples y contradictorias representaciones de judíos y palestinos, representaciones que no tenían nada que ver con la realidad de Oriente Medio, sino que obedecían a cuestiones ideológicas de carácter nacional e internacional (relaciones entre los partidos italianos y evolución de las dinámicas de la guerra fría).


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The general election of 29 October 1924 saw Winston Churchill return to Parliament as Constitutionalist MP for Epping after two years in the political wilderness. It also saw Stanley Baldwin swept back to Number 10 on a Conservative landslide. Speculation about whether Baldwin would cement Churchill’s drift from the Liberal fold by offering him office surfaced during the election campaign. Churchill nevertheless thought ‘it very unlikely that I shall be invited to join the Government, as owing to the size of the majority it will probably be composed only of impeccable Conservatives’. [ 1 ] Because of his anti-socialist credentials, his ability to reassure wavering Liberals through his opposition to protectionism – dropped by Baldwin after its rejection in the 1923 general election – and concern he could prove a rallying point for backbench malcontents, there was however much to commend giving Churchill a post. To his surprise, Baldwin offered Churchill the long-coveted office of Chancellor of the Exchequer, briefly held by his father before his ill-conceived resignation in 1887. Having arranged a meeting with his Labour predecessor, Philip Snowden, about outstanding business the new Chancellor set to work. Marking his political transition, a few days later Churchill resigned from the National Liberal Club.


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Determining the temporal scale of biological evolution has traditionally been the preserve of paleontology, with the timing of species originations and major diversifications all being read from the fossil record. However, the ages of the earliest (correctly identified) records will underestimate actual origins due to the incomplete nature of the fossil record and the necessity for lineages to have evolved sufficiently divergent morphologies in order to be distinguished. The possibility of inferring divergence times more accurately has been promoted by the idea that the accumulation of genetic change between modern lineages can be used as a molecular clock (Zuckerkandl and Pauling, 1965). In practice, though, molecular dates have often been so old as to be incongruent even with liberal readings of the fossil record. Prominent examples include inferred diversifications of metazoan phyla hundreds of millions of years before their Cambrian fossil record appearances (e.g., Nei et al., 2001) and a basal split between modern birds (Neoaves) that is almost double the age of their earliest recognizable fossils (e.g., Cooper and Penny, 1997).