994 resultados para Petrographic analysis


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Calbuco Volcano, in Southern Chile, has eruptive products of predominantly andesitic hornblende-bearing lava. A purpose of this work is to understand magmatic processes and how Calbuco magma chemistry is related to the explosive volcanic character. Calbuco lava has a mineral assemblage of plagioclase, hornblende, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, olivine, and magnetite and entrained gabbroic xenoliths with the same mineral assemblage. The presence of hornblende is evidence for dissolved water in the magma. Detailed petrographic/textural analysis has been done using petrographic microscopy and back-scattered electron imaging (BSE); geochemical analysis by electron microprobe (EPMA). Major findings include 1) that hornblende and hornblende-bearing gabbroic cumulates crystallize from Calbuco magma, 2) that plagioclase grains are compositionally zoned, recording evidence of temperature, chemical, and water content fluctuations in the magma, and 3) that hornblende is unstable under upper magma chamber conditions at Calbuco, and is breaking down into plagioclase, olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and magnetite in the magma.


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MEGAGEO - Moving megaliths in the Neolithic is a project that intends to find the provenience of lithic materials in the construction of tombs. A multidisciplinary approach is carried out, with researchers from several of the knowledge fields involved. This work presents a spatial data warehouse specially developed for this project that comprises information from national archaeological databases, geographic and geological information and new geochemical and petrographic data obtained during the project. The use of the spatial data warehouse proved to be essential in the data analysis phase of the project. The Redondo Area is presented as a case study for the application of the spatial data warehouse to analyze the relations between geochemistry, geology and the tombs in this area.


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The aim of the present study is to examine a group of clay tablets by thin-section petrography and thermogravimetric analysis in order to assess specific problems related to their provenance and manufacture technology. Two sets of documents dating to the fourteenth-thirteenth centuries BC will be considered separately throughout the thesis, with different research questions in mind for each case study. The petrographic data will be compared when possible with the chemical composition of the tablets, determined by pXRF and/or INAA in previous studies. On the whole, this dissertation is an attempt to combine textual, archaeological, petrographic, chemical and thermogravimetric information in order to get a better understanding of the materiality and the historical implications of the objects under examination; Resumo: O objetivo do presente estudo é examinar um grupo de tabuletas de argila por petrografia e análise termogravimétrica, a fim de avaliar problemas específicos relacionados com a sua proveniência e tecnologia de fabricação. Dois conjuntos de documentos que datam dos séculos XIV-XIII a.C. serão considerados separadamente ao longo da tese, com diferentes questões de pesquisa em mente para cada estudo de caso. Os dados petrográficos serão comparados quando possível com a composição química das tabuletas, determinada por pXRF e/ou INAA em estudos anteriores. No seu conjunto, esta dissertação é uma tentativa de combinar informação textual, arqueológica, petrográfica, química e termogravimétrica a fim de obter uma melhor compreensão da composição material e das implicações históricas dos objetos em análise.


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Raman spectroscopy of formamide-intercalated kaolinites treated using controlled-rate thermal analysis technology (CRTA), allowing the separation of adsorbed formamide from intercalated formamide in formamide-intercalated kaolinites, is reported. The Raman spectra of the CRTA-treated formamide-intercalated kaolinites are significantly different from those of the intercalated kaolinites, which display a combination of both intercalated and adsorbed formamide. An intense band is observed at 3629 cm-1, attributed to the inner surface hydroxyls hydrogen bonded to the formamide. Broad bands are observed at 3600 and 3639 cm-1, assigned to the inner surface hydroxyls, which are hydrogen bonded to the adsorbed water molecules. The hydroxyl-stretching band of the inner hydroxyl is observed at 3621 cm-1 in the Raman spectra of the CRTA-treated formamide-intercalated kaolinites. The results of thermal analysis show that the amount of intercalated formamide between the kaolinite layers is independent of the presence of water. Significant differences are observed in the CO stretching region between the adsorbed and intercalated formamide.


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Diffusion equations that use time fractional derivatives are attractive because they describe a wealth of problems involving non-Markovian Random walks. The time fractional diffusion equation (TFDE) is obtained from the standard diffusion equation by replacing the first-order time derivative with a fractional derivative of order α ∈ (0, 1). Developing numerical methods for solving fractional partial differential equations is a new research field and the theoretical analysis of the numerical methods associated with them is not fully developed. In this paper an explicit conservative difference approximation (ECDA) for TFDE is proposed. We give a detailed analysis for this ECDA and generate discrete models of random walk suitable for simulating random variables whose spatial probability density evolves in time according to this fractional diffusion equation. The stability and convergence of the ECDA for TFDE in a bounded domain are discussed. Finally, some numerical examples are presented to show the application of the present technique.


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The time for conducting Preventive Maintenance (PM) on an asset is often determined using a predefined alarm limit based on trends of a hazard function. In this paper, the authors propose using both hazard and reliability functions to improve the accuracy of the prediction particularly when the failure characteristic of the asset whole life is modelled using different failure distributions for the different stages of the life of the asset. The proposed method is validated using simulations and case studies.


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The thermal behaviour of halloysite fully expanded with hydrazine-hydrate has been investigated in nitrogen atmosphere under dynamic heating and at a constant, pre-set decomposition rate of 0.15 mg min-1. Under controlled-rate thermal analysis (CRTA) conditions it was possible to resolve the closely overlapping decomposition stages and to distinguish between adsorbed and bonded reagent. Three types of bonded reagent could be identified. The loosely bonded reagent amounting to 0.20 mol hydrazine-hydrate per mol inner surface hydroxyl is connected to the internal and external surfaces of the expanded mineral and is present as a space filler between the sheets of the delaminated mineral. The strongly bonded (intercalated) hydrazine-hydrate is connected to the kaolinite inner surface OH groups by the formation of hydrogen bonds. Based on the thermoanalytical results two different types of bonded reagent could be distinguished in the complex. Type 1 reagent (approx. 0.06 mol hydrazine-hydrate/mol inner surface OH) is liberated between 77 and 103°C. Type 2 reagent is lost between 103 and 227°C, corresponding to a quantity of 0.36 mol hydrazine/mol inner surface OH. When heating the complex to 77°C under CRTA conditions a new reflection appears in the XRD pattern with a d-value of 9.6 Å, in addition to the 10.2 Ĺ reflection. This new reflection disappears in contact with moist air and the complex re-expands to the original d-value of 10.2 Å in a few h. The appearance of the 9.6 Å reflection is interpreted as the expansion of kaolinite with hydrazine alone, while the 10.2 Å one is due to expansion with hydrazine-hydrate. FTIR (DRIFT) spectroscopic results showed that the treated mineral after intercalation/deintercalation and heat treatment to 300°C is slightly more ordered than the original (untreated) clay.


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