995 resultados para Personnel survey
The Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture (NHSPSC) was specifically developed for nursing homes to assess a facility’s safety climate and it consists of 12 dimensions. After its pilot testing, however, no fur- ther psychometric analyses were performed on the instrument. For this study of safety climate in Swiss nursing home units, the NHSPSC was linguistically adapted to the Swiss context and to address the unit as well as facility level, with the aim of testing aspects of the validity and reliability of the Swiss version before its use in Swiss nursing home units. Psychometric analyses were performed on data from 367 nurs- ing personnel from nine nursing homes in the German-speaking part of Switzerland (response rate = 66%), and content validity (CVI) examined. The statistical influence of unit membership on respondents’ answers, and on their agreement concerning their units’ safety climate, was tested using intraclass corre- lation coefficients (ICCs) and the rWG(J) interrater agreement index. A multilevel exploratory factor analysis (MEFA) with oblimin rotation was applied to examine the questionnaire’s dimensionality. Cronbach’s alpha and Raykov’s rho were calculated to assess factor reliability. The relationship of safety climate dimensions with clinical outcomes was explored. Expert feedback confirmed the relevance of the instru- ment’s items (CVI = 0.93). Personnel showed strong agreement in their perceptions in three dimensions of the questionnaire. ICCs supported a multilevel analysis. MEFA produced nine factors at the within-level (in comparison to 12 in the original version) and two factors at the between-level with satisfactory fit statis- tics. Raykov’s Rho for the single level factors ranged between 0.67 and 0.86. Some safety climate dimen- sions show moderate, but non-significant correlations with the use of bedrails, physical restraint use, and fall-related injuries. The Swiss version of the NHSPSC needs further refinement and testing before its use can be recommended in Swiss nursing homes: its dimensionality needs further clarification, particularly to distinguish items addressing the unit-level safety climate from those at the facility level.
BACKGROUND The WHO-surgical checklist is strongly recommended as a highly effective yet economically simple intervention to improve patient safety. Its use and potentially influential factors were investigated as little data exist on the current situation in Switzerland. METHODS A cross-sectional online survey with members (N = 1378) of three Swiss professional associations of invasive health care professionals was conducted in German, French, and Italian. The survey assessed use of, knowledge of and satisfaction with the WHO-surgical checklist. T-Tests and ANOVA were conducted to test for differences between professional groups. Bivariate correlations were computed to test for associations between measures of knowledge and satisfaction. RESULTS 1090 (79.1%) reported the use of a surgical checklist. 346 (25.1%) use the WHO-checklist, 532 (38.6%) use the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation recommendations to avoid Wrong Site Surgery, and 212 (15.7%) reported the use of other checklists. Satisfaction with checklist use was generally high (doctors: 71.9% satisfied, nurses: 60.8% satisfied) and knowledge was moderate depending on the use of the WHO-checklist. No association between measures of subjective and objective knowledge was found. CONCLUSIONS Implementation of a surgical checklist remains an important task for health care institutions in Switzerland. Although checklist use is present in Switzerland on a regular basis, a substantial group of health care personnel still do not use a checklist as a routine. Influential factors and the associations among themselves need to be addressed in future studies in more detail.
BACKGROUND: Physician advice is an important motivator for attempting to stop smoking. However, physicians' lack of intervention with smokers has only modestly improved in the last decade. Although the literature includes extensive research in the area of the smoking intervention practices of clinicians, few studies have focused on Hispanic physicians. The purpose of this study was to explore the correlates of tobacco cessation counseling practices among Hispanic physicians in the US. METHODS: Data were collected through a validated survey instrument among a cross-sectional sample of self-reported Hispanic physicians practicing in New Mexico, and who were members of the New Mexico Hispanic Medical Society in the year 2001. Domains of interest included counseling practices, self-efficacy, attitudes/responsibility, and knowledge/skills. Returned surveys were analyzed to obtain frequencies and descriptive statistics for each survey item. Other analyses included: bivariate Pearson's correlation, factorial ANOVAs, and multiple linear regressions. RESULTS: Respondents (n = 45) reported a low level of compliance with tobacco control guidelines and recommendations. Results indicate that physicians' familiarity with standard cessation protocols has a significant effect on their tobacco-related practices (r = .35, variance shared = 12%). Self-efficacy and gender were both significantly correlated to tobacco related practices (r = .42, variance shared = 17%). A significant correlation was also found between self-efficacy and knowledge/skills (r = .60, variance shared = 36%). Attitudes/responsibility was not significantly correlated with any of the other measures. CONCLUSION: More resources should be dedicated to training Hispanic physicians in tobacco intervention. Training may facilitate practice by increasing knowledge, developing skills and, ultimately, enhancing feelings of self-efficacy.
Hintergrund: Wegen sich verändernder Strukturen im Spitalbereich sowie im Bereich der Hausarztabdeckung als auch infolge zunehmenden Drucks auf das Gesundheitssystem kommen mehr Patienten auf die Notfallstationen, die aufgrund ihrer Grunderkrankung und des fortgeschrittenen Krankheitsstadiums von einem palliativen Behandlungskonzept profitieren. Eine wesentliche Herausforderung ist hierbei bereits die Definition von «Palliative Care» (PC), sowie die Klärung, was genau die palliative Versorgung beinhaltet. Häufig vermischt wird der Terminus «Palliative Care» mit «End of life care». Die vorliegende Studie ist eine Standortbestimmung im Universitären Notfallzentrum des Inselspitals Bern (UNZ), das jährlich rund 32 400 Patienten versorgt. Ziel ist es, mehr über den Wissensstand und die persönliche Einstellung der Mitarbeiter zu palliativen Fragestellungen und speziell zum Begriff «Palliative Care» zu erhalten. Methodik: Die Mitarbeiter des Universitären Notfallzentrums des Inselspitals Bern (UNZ) wurden mittels einer Online-Umfrage durch eine spitalexterne Fachinstitution interviewt. Diese Befragung basiert auf einem Instrument [1], das in einer vergleichbaren Studie auf einer Notfallstation in den USA entwickelt und validiert wurde. Resultate: Von 154 Mitarbeitenden (Pflege und Ärzte) füllten 60 Mitarbeitende die Befragung vollständig aus, entsprechend einer Antwortrate von 39%. Die Definition von Palliative Care (von n=60) war sehr heterogen und konnte in sechs Themenbereiche eingeteilt werden. Bei den Fragen nach spezifischen Leistungsangeboten äusserten die Mitarbeitenden den Wunsch nach einem erleichterten Zugang zu bestehenden Patientendaten, nach einem 24-Stunden-Palliative-Care-Konsiliardienst und nach mehr Besprechungszeit für Fragestellungen der PC im klinischen Alltag. Schlussfolgerungen: Die heterogene Begriffsdefinition von «Palliative Care» bestätigt sich. Es besteht kein klares Vorgehen, und zudem lässt sich ein Zeitmangel für ausführliche Patientengespräche in palliativen Situationen im UNZ feststellen. Der Patientenwunsch oder Patientenverfügungen mit DNR/DNI-Prozedere stehen nicht im Widerspruch zu den persönlichen Wertvorstellungen der meisten Mitarbeitenden. Die 24-Stunden-Verfügbarkeit eines spezialisierten PC-Teams, das Erarbeiten von Guidelines und vermehrtes Training für PC würde von den UNZ-Mitarbeitenden begrüsst.
Background Workflow interruptions during surgery may cause a threat to patient's safety. Workflow interruptions were tested to predict failure in action regulation that in turn predicts near-accidents in surgery and related health care. Methods One-hundred-and-thirty-three theater nurses and physicians from eight Swiss hospitals participated in a cross-sectional questionnaire survey. The study participation rate was 43%. Results Structural equation modeling confirmed an indirect path from workflow interruptions through cognitive failure in action regulation on near-accidents (p < 0.05). The indirect path was stronger for workflow interruptions by malfunctions and task organizational blockages compared with workflow interruptions that were caused by persons. The indirect path remained meaningful when individual differences in conscientiousness and compliance with safety regulations were controlled. Conclusion Task interruptions caused by malfunction and organizational constraints are likely to trigger errors in surgery. Work redesign is recommended to reduce workflow interruptions by malfunction and regulatory constraints.
BACKGROUND After the introduction of instruments for benchmarking, certification and a national guideline for acute pain management, the aim of this study was to describe the current structure, processes and quality of German acute pain services (APS). METHODS All directors of German departments of anaesthesiology were invited to complete a postal questionnaire on structures und processes of acute pain management. The survey asked for staff, techniques and quality criteria, which enabled a comparison to previous data from 1999 and surveys from other countries. RESULTS Four hundred and eight (46%) questionnaires were returned. APS have increased considerably and are now available in 81% of the hospitals, mainly anaesthesia based. However, only 45% fulfilled the minimum quality criteria, such as the assignment of personnel, the organization of patient care during nights and weekends, written protocols for postoperative pain management, regular assessments and documenting pain scores. Staff resources varied considerably, but increased compared to 1999. Two daily rounds were performed in 71%, either by physicians and nurses (42%), by physicians only (25%) or by supervised nurses (31%). Most personnel assigned to the APS shared this work along with other duties. Only 53% of the hospitals had an integrated rotation for training their specialty trainees. CONCLUSIONS The availability of APS in Germany and other countries has increased over the last decade; however, the quality of nearly half of the APS is questionable. Against the disillusioning background of recently reported unfavourable pain-related patient outcomes, the structures, organization and quality of APS should be revisited.
Major objectives within Healthy People 2010 include improving hypertension and mental health management of the American population. Both mental health issues and hypertension exist in the military which may decrease the health status of military personnel and diminish the ability to complete assigned missions. Some cases may be incompatible with military service even with optimum treatment. In the interest of maintaining a fit fighting force, the Department of Defense regularly conducts a survey of health related behaviors among active duty military personnel. The 2005 DoD Survey was conducted to obtain information regarding health and behavioral readiness among active duty military personnel to assess progress toward selected Healthy People 2010 objectives. ^ This study is a cross-sectional prevalence design looking at the association of hypertension treatment with mental health issues (either treatment or perceived need for treatment) within the military population sampled in the 2005 DoD Survey. There were 16,946 military personnel in the final cross-sectional sample representing 1.3 million active duty service members. The question is whether there is a significant association between the self-reported occurrence of hypertension and the self-reported occurrence of mental health issues in the 2005 DoD Survey. In addition to these variables, this survey examined the contribution of various sociodemographic, occupational, and behavioral covariates. An analysis of the demographic composition of the study variables was followed by logistic analysis, comparing outcome variables with each of the independent variables. Following univariate regression analysis, multivariate regression was performed with adjustment (for those variables with an unadjusted alpha level less than or equal to 0.25). ^ All the mental health related indicators were associated with hypertension treatment. The same relationship was maintained after multivariate adjustment. The covariates remaining as significant (p < 0.05) in the final model included gender, age, race/ethnicity and obesity. There is a need to recognize and treat co-morbid medical diagnoses among mental health patients and to improve quality of life outcomes, whether in the military population or the general population. Optimum health of the individual can be facilitated through discovery of treatable cases, to minimize disruptions of military missions, and even allow for continued military service. ^
Objective. The purpose of this study was to examine the association of perceived stress and passing the fitness test in a cohort of Department of Defense active duty members. Reports of this association have been suggested in numerous articles. Methods. The 2005 DoD Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Active Duty Military Personnel was used to examine the association between the participants’ perceived levels of stress from family and/or work related sources and the respondents’ last required fitness test taking into account potential confounder of the association. Measures of association were obtained from logistic regression models. Results. Participants who experienced “some” or “a lot” of stress either from work sources (OR 0.69, 95% CI: 0.58-0.87) or from personal/family sources (OR 0.70, 95% CI: 0.57-0.86) were less likely to pass the fitness test when compared to their counterparts who experienced “none” or “a little” stress. Additionally, those who reported “some” or “a lot” of stress either from work sources (OR 0.54, 95% CI: 0.41-0.70) or from personal/family sources (OR 0.54, 95% CI: 0.44-0.67) that interfered with their military duties were also less likely to pass the fitness test. The multivariate adjustment only slightly reduced the unadjusted association. Conclusions . An association exists between perceived stress levels and outcome of fitness testing. The higher the level of stress perceived, the less likely the person will be to pass the fitness test. Stress-related intervention might be useful to help the military members to achieve the level of fitness needed to perform their duties.^
Fundamentos: El Physician Readiness to Manage Intimate Partner Violence Survey (PREMIS) es uno de los cuestionarios más completos en el contexto internacional para la valoración de la capacidad de respuesta frente a la violencia del compañero íntimo por los profesionales de Atención Primaria de Salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la fiabilidad, consistencia interna y validez de constructo de la versión española de este cuestionario. Métodos: Tras la traducción, retrotraducción y valoración de la validez de contenido del cuestionario, se distribuyeron en una muestra de 200 profesionales de medicina y enfermería de 15 centros de atención primaria de 4 Comunidades Autónomas en 2013 (Comunidad Valenciana, Castilla León, Murcia y Cantabria). Se calcularon los coeficientes alfa de Cronbach, los de correlación intraclase y rho de Spearman (test-retest). Resultados: la versión española del PREMIS incluyó 64 ítems. El coeficiente α de Cronbach fue superior a 0,7 o muy cercano a ese valor en la mayoría de los índices. Se obtuvo un coeficiente de correlación intraclase de 0,87 y un coeficiente de Spearman de 0,67 que muestran una fiabilidad alta. Todas las correlaciones observadas para la escala de opiniones, la única tratada como estructura factorial en el cuestionario PREMIS, fueron superiores a 0,30. Conclusiones: el PREMIS en español obtuvo una buena validez interna, alta fiabilidad y capacidad predictiva de las prácticas auto-referidas por médicos(as) y enfermeros(as) frente a casos de violencia del compañero íntimo en centros de atención primaria.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
"September 1990, revised December 1990."-- P. [1]
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Each issue also has distinctive title.
v.1. The administration of the schools by the director of the survey; The business management of the schools, by F. Engelhardt; Financing the schools, by J. K. Norton; The educational personnel of the schools, by L. Dix; The social services of the public schools, by N. H. Hegel.--v.2. Fitting the school to the pupil, by P. R. Mort, W. W. Wright, and W. B. Featherstone; Secondary education in Chicago, by M. H. Stewart and D. H. Eikenberry; Higher education in the public school system, by E. S. Evenden and F. B. O'Rear.--v.3. The curricula of the schools, by J. H. Newton, H. B. Bruner, L. T. Hopkins, P. R. Hanna, and L. Dix; Teaching and supervision in the elementary schools, by J. R. McGaughy, E. H. Reeder, and J. Betzner; Health and physical education, by J. F. Williams, and F. W. Maroney; Vocational education, by L. A. Wilson.--v.4. Housing of the schools, by F. W. Hart, and N. L. Engelhardt; The operation of the school plant, by G. F. Womrath.--v.5. Summary of findings and recommendations, by G. D. Strayer.
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