105 resultados para Peniophora-gigantea
The monograph presents results of deep-sea drilling in the Black Sea carried out in 1975. Detailed lithological, biostratigraphic and geochemical studies of Miocene-Holocene sediments have been carried out by specialists from institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University and other organizations. Drilling results are compared with geophysical data. Geological history of the Black Sea basin is considered as well.
Late Campanian through Maastrichtian sea-level changes are examined based on lithology, macrofossils and benthic foraminifera at the Elles and El Kef sections in Tunisia. Six major sea-level regressions are identified during the late Campanian (74.4-74.2 Ma, 74.0-72.5 Ma), the Campanian-Maastrichtian transition (72.2-70.3 Ma), early Maastrichtian (69.6-69.3 Ma, 68.9-68.3 Ma), and late Maastrichtian (~65.5 Ma). Correlation of the Maastrichtian sea-level regressions with the oxygen isotope record of DSDP Site 525 in the middle latitude South Atlantic reveals that they coincide with episodes of high latitude cooling and appear to be of eustatic origin.
This study documents, for the first time, the abundance and species composition of protist assemblages in Arctic sea ice during the dark winter period. Lack of knowledge of sea-ice assemblages during the dark period has left questions about the retention and survival of protist species that initiate the ice algal bloom. Sea-ice and surface water samples were collected between December 27, 2007 and January 31, 2008 within the Cape Bathurst flaw lead, Canadian Beaufort Sea. Samples were analyzed for protist identification and counts, chlorophyll (chl) a, and total particulate carbon and nitrogen concentrations. Sea-ice chl a concentrations (max. 0.27 µg/l) and total protist abundances (max. 4 x 10**3 cells/l) were very low, indicating minimal retention of protists in the ice during winter. The diversity of winter ice protists (134 taxa) was comparable to spring ice assemblages. Pennate diatoms dominated the winter protist assemblage numerically (averaging 77% of total protist abundances), with Nitzschia frigida being the most abundant species. Only 56 taxa were identified in surface waters, where dinoflagellates were the dominant group. Our results indicate that differences in the timing of ice formation may have a greater impact on the abundance than structure of protist assemblages present in winter sea ice and at the onset of the spring ice algal bloom.
Eocene through Quaternary planktonic foraminifers were identified in cores recovered during Leg 126. Turbidites and volcanic ash beds are intercalated with hemipelagic sediments. Preservation of foraminifers is variable, ranging from excellent to poor and appears to have been affected by fluctuations in the carbonate compensation depth (CCD), depth of burial, changes in bottom water temperature, current velocity, sediment accumulation rates and seafloor topography. Preservation of foraminifers in Quaternary sediments is generally good, however, species abundance varies by a factor of I05-106 and reflects dilution by volcanogenic as well as terrigenous constituents and cannot be used for paleoceanographic reconstructions. In pre-Quaternary deposits planktonic foraminiferal tests frequently exhibit dissolution effects; biostratigraphic zonation and placement of zonal boundaries is difficult owing to hiatuses, dissolution facies, extraneously deposited sediments, and discontinuous coring. The Eocene foraminiferal faunas include specimens of the Globorotalia cerroazulensis plexus, markers of Zone P16 as well as Globigerina senni and Globigerinatheka spp., which became extinct before the end of the Eocene. Six hiatuses and/or dissolution periods, probably reflecting global cooling events and/or changes in oceanic circulation patterns were recorded at Site 792. Recrystallized, poorly preserved, possibly reworked Eocene species (Globigerina senni and Globigerapsis sp.) were recorded in sediments at Site 793.
Results of studies in two biogeochemically active zones of the Atlantic Ocean (the Benguela upwelling waters and the region influenced by the Congo River run-off) are reported in the book. A multidisciplinary approach included studies of the major elements of the ocean ecosystem: sea water, plankton, suspended matter, bottom sediments, interstitial waters, aerosols, as well as a wide complex of oceanographic studies carried out under a common program. Such an approach, as well as a use of new methodical solutions led to obtaining principally new information on different aspects of oceanology.