1000 resultados para Paraíba State
This paper presents the first records of the Collembola fauna in four localities of State of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil. These records represent the first list of species of Collembola for the State of Paraíba. The research adds new records for Brazil of six genera and one species. Furthermore, thirteen undescribed species are presented.
The soil P sorption capacity has been studied for many years, but little attention has been paid to the rate of this process, which is relevant in the planning of phosphate fertilization. The purpose of this experiment was to assess kinetics of P sorption in 12 representative soil profiles of the State of Paraíba (Brazil), select the best data fitting among four equations and relate these coefficients to the soil properties. Samples of 12 soils with wide diversity of physical, chemical and mineralogical properties were agitated in a horizontal shaker, with 10 mmo L-1 CaCl2 solution containing 6 and 60 mg L-1 P, for periods of 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 420, 720, 1,020, and 1,440 min. After each shaking period, the P concentration in the equilibrium solution was measured and three equations were fitted based on the Freundlich equation and one based on the Elovich equation, to determine which soil had the highest sorption rate (kinetics) and which soil properties correlated to this rate. The kinetics of P sorption in soils with high maximum P adsorption capacity (MPAC) was fast for 30 min at the lower initial P concentration (6 mg L-1). No difference was observed between soils at the higher initial P concentration (60 mg L-1). The P adsorption kinetics were positively correlated with clay content, MPAC and the amount of Al extracted with dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate. The data fitted well to Freundlich-based equations equation, whose coefficients can be used to predict P adsorption rates in soils.
The infection by Neospora caninum of different cattle breeds in dairy properties in two municipalities of the South Fluminense Paraíba Valley, state of Rio de Janeiro, was evaluated. Considering a sampling universe of 2,491 cows, blood samples were collected from 563 dairy cows in 57 farms, which were randomically selected in proportion to the number of animals, using a random stratified sampling system. For each property the number of selected cows was proportional to the herd size. Abortion or other reproductive disorders were not considered as criteria for selecting the animals, and seropositivity was determined by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A high association (p=0.006) between seropositivity and racial patterns was found. The analysis revealed that in comparison of pure black-and-white Holstein cows versus Zebu (p=0.0028), Holstein cows showed 2.65 times greater odds for seropositivity. In the same way, by comparing black-and-white Holstein versus Zebu + crossbreed Zebu/Holstein (p=0.01), it was noted that there is 2.23 times more chance for seropositivity in Holstein cattle. There were no significant differences concerning the comparison of Holstein cattle versus crossbreed Zebu/Holstein (p=0.08) or Zebu versus crossbreed Zebu/Holstein (p=0.11). This study supports the hypothesis that there is a close association between cattle breeds and the frequency of infection by N. caninum.
This paper describes the clinical, pathological, and microbiologic aspects of paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) in a dairy Gyr herd in the State of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. An eight years old cow with chronic unresponsive diarrhea was clinically examined and euthanized for pathological evaluation. Fecal samples from all 160 animals over 12 months of age from the herd were collected for isolation of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Clinically, the index case cow was severely dehydrated, cachectic, with profuse mucous diarrhea. The main post-mortem findings were emaciation and thickened intestinal wall. Microscopically, the intestinal lamina propria and submucosa were infiltrated by macrophages, epithelioid cells, and Langhans giant cells with numerous alcohol-acid resistant bacilli in the cytoplasm. Two fecal samples displayed growth in slants of Herrold's egg-yolk agar supplemented with mycobactin J, 150 days after incubation. No growth was noticed in slants without mycobactin J. Microscopic examination of the isolated microorganisms stained by Ziehl-Neelsen revealed considerable amounts of alcohol-acid resistant bacilli, morphologically compatible with Mycobacterium spp. Based on the clinical signs, gross and histological lesions, growth time, bacterial morphology in Ziehl-Neelsen staining, and dependence of mycobactin J, the first diagnosis of paratuberculosis in Zebu cattle was made.
A cross-sectional study based on planned sampling was carried out to determine flock-level risk factors associated with Toxoplasma gondii antibody prevalence in dairy goat flocks in a semiarid region of northeastern Brazil. Serum samples from 975 adult dairy goats from 110 flocks were examined by indirect immonufluorescent antibody test (IFAT), using cut-off point at 1:64 dilution. From the 110 flocks, 77 presented at least one seropositive animal, corresponding to a prevalence of 70% (95% CI: 60.5-78.4%). Out of the 975 animals, 177 (18.1%; 95% CI = 15.8-20.7%) tested positive. The presence of toxic plants (OR = 5.11; P = 0.045) and the fact that goat breeding is not the main activity on the farm (OR = 3.34; P = 0.014) were identified as risk factors. The results of the present study showed evidence of the presence of T. gondii infection in dairy goats from a semiarid region of northeastern Brazil using planned sampling. Further studies are needed to elucidate the importance of the identified risk factors in the epidemiology of the infection.
This work investigated the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of water from the River Paraíba do Sul (Brazil) using Allium cepa roots. An anatomo-morphological parameter (root length), mitotic indices, and frequency of micronuclei were analysed. Eight bulbs were chosen at random for treatment for 24 to 120 hours with the River water collected in the years of 2005 and 2006 from sites in the cities of Tremembé and Aparecida (São Paulo state, Brazil). Daily measurements of the length of the roots grown from each bulb were carried out throughout the experiment. Mitotic index (MI) and frequency of micronuclei (MN) were determined for 2000 cells per root, using 3-5 root tips from other bulbs (7-10). Only in the roots treated with samples of the River water collected in 2005 in Tremembé city was there a decrease in the root length growth compared to the respective control. However, a reduction in MI values was verified for both sites analysed for that year. Considering the data involving root length growth and especially MI values, a cytotoxic potential is suggested for the water of the River Paraíba do Sul at Tremembé and Aparecida, in the year of 2005. On the other hand, since in this year the MN frequency was not affected with the river water treatments, genotoxicity is not assumed for the river water sampled at the aforementioned places.
Um evento extremo de precipitação ocorreu na primeira semana do ano 2000, de 1º a 5 de janeiro, no Vale do Paraíba, parte leste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, causando enorme impacto socioeconômico, com mortes e destruição. Este trabalho estudou este evento em 10 estações meteorológicas selecionadas que foram consideradas como aquelas tendo dados mais homogêneos do Que outras estações na região. O modelo de distribuição generalizada de Pareto (DGP) para valores extremos de precipitação de 5 dias foi desenvolvido, individualmente para cada uma dessas estações. Na modelagem da DGP, foi adotada abordagem não-estacionaria considerando o ciclo anual e tendência de longo prazo como co-variaveis. Uma conclusão desta investigação é que as quantidades de precipitação acumulada durante os 5 dias do evento estudado podem ser classificadas como extremamente raras para a região, com probabilidade de ocorrência menor do que 1% para maioria das estações, e menor do que 0,1% em três estações.
Structural analysis carried out on a segment of the Neoproterozoic Ribeira Belt, southeastern Brazil, show that it represents part of the transpressive dextral orogen related to the Central Mantiqueira Province. NNE-trending and steeply dipping regional mylonitic belts form anastomosed geometry, and describe a map-scale, S-C-like structure that is characterized by their deflection towards NE near the Além Paraíba Lineament. Lithological and structural control related to deformation partition were responsible for the formation of felsic mylonitic granulites with S-type granites lenses developed in ductile shear zones, alternated with less deformed intermediate to basic granulites associated with charnockites. The dextral shear sense indicators are consistent with transpressive deformation in the region and are common especially at the border of the main shear zones. The presence of S-type leucogranite may lead to variations of linear and planar relationships, which result in local extension zones. These elements are consistent with oblique continental collision considering the São Francisco Craton as a stable block.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar as relações entre fatores socioeconômicos, ambientais e biológicos com a hipertensão, segundo gênero. A população estudada foi formada por adultos residentes em dois municípios do Vale do Paraíba (SP), uma das regiões mais pobres do estado de São Paulo. Foi composta por 274 (39,8%) homens e 415 (60,2 %) mulheres. O estudo foi realizado por meio de um modelo de regressão logística hierarquizada, aplicado separadamente para homens e mulheres. Foram estimados os odds ratios ajustados (ORaj), com intervalo de confiança de 95% e a = 0,05. Para os homens, os seguintes fatores de risco estiveram associados à hipertensão: viver na zona rural (ORaj=2,00; p=0,01); etilismo (ORaj= 1,90; p=0,03) e idade acima de 40 anos (ORaj=3,10; p<0,0001). Famílias numerosas, com mais de seis pessoas exerceram efeito protetor (ORaj=0,46; p=0,02). Para mulheres, os fatores de risco associados foram: ausência de escolaridade (ORaj= 2,37; p=0,0003); sedentarismo (ORaj=1,71; p=0,04); obesidade acompanhada de baixa estatura (ORaj= 4,66; p <0,0001) e idade acima de 40 anos ( ORaj=5,29; p=0,01). A obesidade isolada não se associou à hipertensão, nos níveis pressóricos iguais ou maiores do que os correspondentes ao estágio II do padrão de referência.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a frequência de propriedades positivas (focos) e de animais positivos para a tuberculose bovina no Estado da Paraíba. Foram utilizados dados da Agência de Defesa Agropecuária do Estado, coletados de suas 23 microrregiões, durante o período de janeiro de 2008 a julho de 2009. Durante esse período, foram examinadas 10.963 propriedades e 54.472 bovinos foram submetidos ao teste de tuberculinização. Para o diagnóstico foi utilizada, como prova de triagem, a tuberculinização cervical simples para gado de leite e a tuberculinização na prega caudal para gado de corte; como prova confirmatória foi utilizada a tuberculinização cervical comparativa. Uma propriedade foi considerada foco quando apresentou pelo menos um animal soropositivo. Das propriedades investigadas, 62 (0,57%) apresentaram pelo menos um animal positivo e dos animais analisados, 136 (0,25%) foram positivos. Houve diferença significativa (p<0,001) na proporção de fêmeas (0,32%) e machos (0,04%) positivos. A despeito da baixa freqüência de focos de brucelose e de animais soropositivos, é necessária a condução de medidas que incluem a conscientização dos produtores, fiscalização nas barreiras sanitárias e levantamentos periódicos da situação epidemiológica desta doença, principalmente nas microrregiões com maior frequência da infecção, com o objetivo de evitar, ou pelo menos minimizar, a disseminação do agente.
Descrevem-se 24 surtos de tristeza parasitária bovina no sertão paraibano, sendo 18 de anaplasmose por Anaplasma margimale, dois de babesiose por Babesia bigemina, dois por Babesia não identificada e dois por infecção mista de A. marginale e Babesia sp. Os surtos ocorreram entre agosto de 2007 a outubro de 2009, porém, com uma concentração dos surtos no final do período chuvoso e início do período seco de cada ano, sendo 22 em animais adultos e dois em bezerros de aproximadamente 11 meses. Dois surtos ocorreram em bovinos da raça Nelore, um em animais da raça Gir e os 21 restantes ocorreram em animais das raças Holandês, Pardo Suiço e mestiços das mesmas com zebuínos. Conclui-se que no sertão da Paraíba há áreas de instabilidade enzoótica, ocorrendo surtos de tristeza no final da época de chuvas, principalmente nas áreas de planaltos e serras da região da Borborema e em áreas úmidas como a Bacia do Rio do Peixe, Rio Piranhas e Rio Espinharas em que há a formação de microclimas favoráveis à sobrevivência do carrapato.
Dissertação de mestrado em Direitos Humanos
A new species of Entomobryidae of the genus Seira Lubbock, S. paraibensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The type locality of the species is the municipality of Areia, state of Paraíba, Brazil. The species was found inhabiting the Atlantic forest litter and top soil environment. S. paraibensis sp. nov. resembles S. pseudoannulata in many morphological features. This is the sixth species of the genus found and described in Paraiba so far. A key with the 11 species of Seira registered so far in Paraíba is provided. Also a list with all species of the genus from Brazil is presented.
Two outbreaks of zigomycosis with rhinofacial and two other with rhinopharyngeal lesions involving fungi with filamentous coaenocytic hyphae characteristic of entomoph-thoramycetous fungi are reported in the state of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. One outbreak of rhinofacial zygomycosis occurred during the rainy season affecting 5 sheep. Another outbreak of the clinical form affected one out of 40 sheep during the dry season. Common clinical signs of the rhinofacial infection were bilateral serosanguineous nasal discharge with swelling of nostrils, upper lip, and the skin of the face. At necropsy the nasal mucosa showed dark brownish ulcerated areas which extended from the mucocutaneous region to 10cm inside the nasal vestibule. The mucosa of the hard palate was also ulcerated. The cutting surface of nostrils and palate showed a brownish or red spongeous tissue of friable consistency. One outbreak of rhinopharyngitis took place on an irrigated coconut farm; 7 out of 60 adult sheep were affected. Another outbreak affected a sheep in a flock of 80 during the dry season. Clinical signs as noisy respiration and dyspnoea due to mechanical blockage of the nasal cavities, swelling of the nostrils, and serosanguineous nasal discharge were observed. Six out of 8 sheep in this group showed exophthalmia, keratitis and unilateral corneal ulceration of the eye. The sheep either died of their infection or were euthanized after a clinical course of 7-30 days. At necropsy there was a dense yellow exudate in the nasopharyngeal area affecting the ethmoidal region, turbinate bones, paranasal sinuses, hard and soft palates, orbital cavity, pharynges, regional muscles and lymph nodes. Histopathologically both forms of the disease showed multifocal granulomas with an eosinophilic necrotic reaction (Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon) containing ribbon-type coenocytic hyphae with 7-30mum in diameter similar to hyphae of zygomycetous fungi, possibly Conidiobolus spp. Outbreaks of both forms of mycotic rhinitis are common in northeastern Brazil and in other regions of the country.
The National Water Management Policy was defined by Law 9.433/97 (Water Act), establishing the hydrographic basin as the management unity, independently of geographic limits and respective federal organisms. Nevertheless, water management entities and instruments are directly associated to different federal entities located within the same basin, and depend on them for being effective. The absence of law mechanisms that conciliate the various requisitions of federal organisms located in the same basin is a challenge still without brazilian law support. This study describes the integration process of information systems in Paraíba do Sul river basin. It also emphasizes integration restrictions of these systems, the cooperation level and the instruments used by the various actors and federal organisms in order to meet National Water Management Policy objectives. The management instrument Water Management Information System is presented as an important component that helps the stakeholders decision making process involved in water management, respecting federalism and the water domains defined in the brazilian constitution, and according to the policy established in the Water Act. In theoretical aspects, this work presents the basic concepts of National Water Management Policy institutional arrangement, considering the network aspects in public policy, the limits imposed by federalism and the way that the water domains is defined in the brazilian constitution and according to the brazilian Water Act. Besides, it identifies the most significant questions related with information systems implementation in public administration and water management. It also illustrates how cooperative federalism and information systems may create conditions that do guarantee the National Water Management Policy management instruments operationality within a hydrographic basin. The action research method was used to develop the research and the selected entity was the Fundação Superintendência Estadual de Rios e Lagoas (Serla). Serla was the water management entity in Rio de Janeiro state, at the research beginning. Others methods as bibliographic and documentary research were also used, aiming to describe the hydrographic basin, as well as the processes and systems concerned with the implementation of the National Water Management Policy in Paraíba do Sul basin.