911 resultados para Palos Hills
Presenta los resultados del comportamiento de las redes de arrastre pelágicas tipo japonés 124/1800 y 216/800 utilizada en la toma de muestras en la estimación del stock de recursos pelágicos: anchoveta, sardina, jurel, caballa y samasa durante el crucero hidroacústico 9805-06 a bordo del BIC José Olaya Balandra.
Informe de los resultados de los análisis biológico-pesqueros realizados a las capturas efectuadas por el BIC José Olaya Balandra y la LP IMARPE V, durante el Crucero de Evaluación de Recursos Pelágicos 9808-09, del 20 de agosto al 18 de setiembre 1998, entre la frontera sur y el Callao. Se realizaron 160 lances de comprobación entre ambas embarcaciones. Se obtuvo una captura total de 7.682,6 kg, constituidas por anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) 8,8%; jurel (Trachurus picturatus) 0,1%; caballa (Scomber japonicus) 0,1%. Entre otras especies capturadas tenemos al falso volador (Prionotus stephanophrys) 35,5%; Vinciguerria lucetia 12,1%; samasa (Anchoa nasus) 7,1% y múnida (Pleuroncodes monodon) 10,9%.
This ecological investigation of the beaver (Castor canadensis canadensis Kuhl) was part of the Eastern Slopes (Alberta) Watershed Research program conducted during the summers of 1968 . 1969 . 1970. and 1971 . A soil particle size analysis indicated that soil heavy with clay was used by the beaver for construction purposes in the Porcupine Hills . Examples were given of the beaver controlling erosion with the construction of dams . and also causing erosion to occur . However . in general . the beaver slow down soil erosion and decrease the loss of soil from this region. The beaver utilized measureable amounts of herbaceous vegetation . However, the utilization of herbs by the beaver requires further investigation. A system of ex~sures and enclosures of herbaceous vegetation plots was used to study the utilization of sedges , grasses , and forbs . The beaver indicated stronger species preference for willow as compared to aspen . The size preference for willow was in the 1.0 to 10.0 centimeters basal diameter classes , while the beaver utilization of aspen indicated a preference for the largest trees with basal diameter greater than 20.0 centimeters. Willow was the most important plant in the low lying areas with regard to distribution, abundance and to produce sustained yield. The beaver used this plant for food and construction throughout the study area. The distribution of aspen was limited. and this species did not appear to produce more than one crop in the lifetime of a beaver colony. Nine out of 15 woody plant types were sampled by the beaver in this region. A plot-intercept transect technique was used for systematic vegetation sampling of the woody vegetation in six intensively studied watersheds. The beaver population of the Porcupine Hills region of SW-Alberta is believed to depend upon the chinooks. During the 1971 ground census, a total of 60 active beaver colonies were tallied on the 930 square kilometers large study area. The beaver of the region were not found to store large food caches during fall and winter, however, they are believed to collect feed periodically throughout the winter months. It was observed that the severe winter in 1968-69, reduced by 27 per cent the number of active beaver colonies within the study area. The Porcupine Hills region had 0.07 beaver colony per square kilometer in 1971, a low density of beaver colonies due to the rough topography of the area. However, the importance of the beaver ponds was somewhat clarified as they provide increased moisture, which lessens the fire damage, and store water for wildlife and cattle in the area. Meteorological data was collected by the author in collaboration with the Department of Transport.
It has been well documented, within the field of landscape ecology, that terrestrial fragmentation contributes to increased heterogeneity at the landscape level. It has also been observed that elevated areas of edge habitat occur within fragmented landscapes. Spatial and temporal edge effects were investigated in four areas designated as Nature Reserve Zones within Short Hills Provincial Park, near St. Catharines, Ontario. Random sampling along exposed edges was performed on trees and saplings, at 5 and 25 ill edge depths, using the point-centred quarter method. Diameter at breast height (dbh) and distance from point measurements were used to establish relative density, dominance, frequency and importance value. One-way analyses of variance were used on dbh measurements of tree species and Chi-Square contingency tables were used on size class distributions of saplings species to determine significant differences between 5 and 25 metres. Qualitative comparisons of importance values were also used to determine differences between 5 and 25 metres as well as between trees and saplings. These statistical and qualitative comparisons suggest that a significant overall spatial edge effect is currently exhibited by fragmented wooded islands within the park. The major species of the park, Acersaccharuln, may be exhibiting a temporal edge effect. The heterogeneous nature of the park may be of importance in understanding this area as a complex, ecological system. It is possible that the remaining forest tracts of the park have been affected, and continue to be affected by previous disturbances. Based on these findings, recommendations are made to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources concerning the management of Short Hills Provincial Park in accordance with their 1990 proposed Management Plan.
Pretende dada la carencia de recursos didácticos la necesidad de experimentar con materiales no convencionales, buscando la plasmación de valores sociales muy en auge como la ecología y cambiar el escenario habitual de las actividades físicas. Todo ello realizando un proceso instructivo más completo, y contribuyendo asimismo con nuevos recursos a fomentar unidades didácticas novedosas, lúdicas y recreativas. Habitualmente las pautas en la didáctica de una actividad lúdica viene marcada por una explicación y un material prediseñado, fabricado generalmente por adultos, frente a ello, los materiales ecológicos brindan la posibilidad de potenciar juegos y juguetes diseñados y construidos por los propios niños, con objetos cercanos y cotidianos, dando nueva vida a lo aparentemente inservible, lo cual considera que añade nuevos valores educativos y posibilidades didácticas, no sólo por el material, sino también por el proceso.
Se trata de un conjunto de unidades didácticas con las que se pretende fomentar la imaginación de los alumnos de Educación Primaria a través de la creación de juegos y juguetes con materiales reciclados, aprovechando así lo que el entorno ofrece, para poder exprimir sus posibilidades. De este modo, se fomenta también la educación ambiental, el ecologismo y la educación cívica, entre los más pequeños. Hacer partícipes a los alumnos de la búsqueda de nuevo material despierta su creatividad e invita a la aportación de nuevas ideas. Muchos de los juegos que se exponen se inspiran en juegos populares y tradicionales, se les ha modificado algunas normas y se pueden realizar en cualquier tipo de instalación deportiva. Este libro es el resultado de varios años de investigación en los que el autor ha desarrollado, junto con sus alumnos, juegos y talleres que han sido experimentados y pulidos por ellos bajo un marco educativo y con la pretensión de dejar posos actitudinales, divertirse y aprender a aprender.
Explora y describe la formación de las colinas y montañas de Gran Bretaña. Cómo se revelan la altura,la vegetación, el uso de la tierra y mucho más, a través de fotografías y mapas. Para desarrollar las habilidades de interpretación de un mapa utilizando la orientación, cotas de referencia, símbolos, claves, y escalas. Tiene glosario, índice y direcciones de Internet donde puede encontrarse más información.
Este libro está diseñado para ayudar a conseguir las habilidades necesarias para tener éxito en el examen TABE (Prueba de la educación básica para adultos). Los temas del libro son: trabajar con más inteligencia (crear un plan personal de aprendizaje, identificar tu objetivo), lectura (leer para conseguir el significado, leer para sacar conclusiones, entender palabras en contexto), matemáticas (multiplicar números enteros, dividir números enteros, fracciones, decimales, porcentajes, integrales, interpretación de los datos, álgebra, geometría), lenguaje (construir frases y párrafos, los signos de puntuación, pronombres y adjetivos, los verbos), vocabulario (pasos para mejorar tu vocabulario).
Este libro está diseñado para ayudar a conseguir las habilidades necesarias para tener éxito en el examen TABE (Prueba de la educación básica para adultos). Los temas del libro son: trabajar con más inteligencia (identificar tu objetivo, crear un plan personal de aprendizaje), lectura (utilizar las habilidades de lectura para comprender gráficos y tablas, sacar conclusiones de un cuadro, leer para reconocer técnicas literarias), matemáticas (nuestro segundo lenguaje, geometría, fracciones, decimales), lenguaje (los signos de puntuación, construir frases y párrafos, ortografía).
Intensification of crop production in the mid-hills of Nepal has led to concerns that nitrogen loss by leaching may increase. This study estimated the amount of N leached during two years from rainfed terraces (bari-land) at three locations in Nepal. Maize or upland rice grown in the monsoon season was given either no nutrient inputs or inputs via either nitrogen fertilizer or farmyard manure. Nitrate concentration in soil solution was measured regularly with porous ceramic cup samplers and drainage estimated from a simple soil water balance. Estimated losses of nitrogen by leaching ranged from 0 to 63.5 kg N ha(-1) depending on location and the form of nitrogen applied. Losses from plots receiving no nutrient inputs were generally small (range: 0-35 kg N ha(-1)) and losses from plots where nitrogen was applied as manure (range: 2-41 kg N ha(-1)) were typically half those from plots with nitrogen applied as fertilizer. Losses during the post-monsoon crops of finger millet were small (typically <5% of total loss) although losses from the one site with blackgram were larger (about 13%). The highest concentrations of nitrate in solution were measured early in the season as the monsoon rains began and immediately following fertilizer applications. Leaching losses are likely to be minimised if manure is applied as a basal nutrient dressing followed by fertilizer nitrogen later in the season.