1000 resultados para PROGRAMA DE CASAS VECINALES
Se propone una alternativa al Plan de Acciones Prioritarias de LYDEC para el asentamiento precario del Douar de Lahlibiyah mejorando la habitabilidad básica del asentamiento y trabajando sobre el espacio publico y las infraestructuras básicas urbanas. Con esta nueva propuesta, se destruirían 24 casas, frente a las 83 que el plan propone.
En nuestro país, la autoproducción masiva del hábitat popular ha madurado desde necesidades sociales que rebasaron las lógicas estatales y mercantiles instituidas para su canalización. Estos procesos del hábitat popular promovieron organizaciones de base y dirigencias vecinales inéditas, alentando el surgimiento de ONGs con equipos técnicos que ejercitaron una planificación de ?abajo hacia arriba?, pergeñadas a partir de las necesidades concretas de los afectados, la capacitación, la organización y la movilización colectiva. Dado el carácter masivo y estructural que estos procesos fueron adquiriendo con el tiempo, conjuntamente al surgimiento de nuevas modalidades de participación social en la ejecución de las políticas públicas, el estado ha tendido a implementar progresivamente políticas que involucraron estas modalidades populares de producción de vivienda, incorporando a los sectores sociales que no logran satisfacer sus necesidades habitacionales a través de las capacidades de cobertura del mercado, como beneficiarios, y en algunos casos, como actores con diversos grados de decisión en la gestión de las políticas. En este sentido, el Programa de Autogestión de Vivienda ejecutado en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (reglamentado por la Ley No341/00 y su modificatoria Ley No964/02) forma parte de este nuevo complejo de políticas públicas habitacionales. En este marco, la propuesta de esta ponencia es analizar la ejecución de este Programa en una operatoria en particular, la cooperativa de vivienda "La Fábrica" adherida al Movimiento de 1Ocupantes e Inquilinos (MOI), con el fin de rastrear en esta experiencia la modalidad de implementación del programa. Para ello se trabajó con fuentes secundarias, tales como la revisión de trabajos de investigación realizados previamente sobre esta temática, informes institucionales, artículos de orden periodístico y estadísticas oficiales, y fuentes primarias, como la realización de entrevistas en profundidad a informantes claves del proceso autogestionario seleccionado
With the intention of studying and developing the design process based on a specific methodology, the object of this work is to present the design of a gated condominium community in Natal based on the application of principles of shape grammar, used in their design process. The shape grammar is a design method developed in the 1970s by George Stiny and James Gips. It is used for the analysis of the project as well as for its synthesis, with the goal of creating a "formal vocabulary" through mathematical and/or geometrical operations. Here, the methodology was used in the synthesis of the design process, through the relationship between formal subtractions and the houses’ architectural planning. As a result, five dwellings configurations were proposed, each one different from the other with respect to their shape and architectural programming, distributed in three twin groups, which are repeated until the final total of nine architectural volumes. In addition to studies of the condominium’s ventilation and the buildings’ shading simulations, studies of spatial flexibility and acoustic performance were also performed. The mapping of the design process, one of the specific objectives of the dissertation, was composed not only by the record of formal constraints (the preparation and application of rules), but also by physical, environmental, legal and sustainability aspects in relation to, on one hand, the optimization of the shading and passive ventilation for hot and humid climates, and, on the other hand, the modulation and rationalization of the construction.
This study aims to analyze the contribution that the future implementation of community-based tourism can provide to Mebengokre-Kayapo, people of the village Tekrejarôti, they re-inhabiting the indigenous land Las Casas, located in southern of Pará, taking into consideration that tourism is as vector of ethnodevelopment, and it can also contribute to the conservation of Sociobiodiversity and local culture through experiences that will enable the realization of acquaintanceship, where there will be sharing of the daily activities of the customs of the local people, and cultural changes, which is the aim between visitors and the community, where these ones can promote the knowledge of non-indigenous people, and to consolidate the ethnic and cultural identity thereof too. Thus, this study guided by the participatory action research, it was used data obtained in 2012, that were results from the application of interviews with the community to make the diagnosis of tourism potential. It is an exploratory and descriptive research about the topic. The field research combined with participant observation, workshops and interviews contributed to it was possible to conduct a depth analysis about the environment studied. This research has the intention to obtain concrete results in the implementation and/or promotion of a cultural practice and environmentally sustainable ruled in organizational processes that permeates the guidelines of community-based tourism, however this depends on the conditions of human and forest resources, and infrastructure conditions in the community, providing in the short and medium terms, social activities and culturally positive for the culture of this people, and providing to long term, environmental and economic landmarks. As result, it was possible to identify that the community with its cultural events, parties and ceremonies being allied to their way of life and taken from their criteria, it is able to work with the tourism within their land and it can makes the tourism, a cultural affirmation opportunity and income generation. But, it concludes that for tourism to become ,in fact, there are required to be carried out some measures, that meets the new Regulatory Instruction IN 3/2015, this IN states that for the community to work with tourism in their land, it is necessary to be prepared a visitation plan that fits the established requirements. This research is constituted as an important tool in building this visitation plan, given that it was done from the community demand and it was conducted in a participatory manner, valuing the horizontal dialogue and the autonomy of this people.
This study aims to analyze the contribution that the future implementation of community-based tourism can provide to Mebengokre-Kayapo, people of the village Tekrejarôti, they re-inhabiting the indigenous land Las Casas, located in southern of Pará, taking into consideration that tourism is as vector of ethnodevelopment, and it can also contribute to the conservation of Sociobiodiversity and local culture through experiences that will enable the realization of acquaintanceship, where there will be sharing of the daily activities of the customs of the local people, and cultural changes, which is the aim between visitors and the community, where these ones can promote the knowledge of non-indigenous people, and to consolidate the ethnic and cultural identity thereof too. Thus, this study guided by the participatory action research, it was used data obtained in 2012, that were results from the application of interviews with the community to make the diagnosis of tourism potential. It is an exploratory and descriptive research about the topic. The field research combined with participant observation, workshops and interviews contributed to it was possible to conduct a depth analysis about the environment studied. This research has the intention to obtain concrete results in the implementation and/or promotion of a cultural practice and environmentally sustainable ruled in organizational processes that permeates the guidelines of community-based tourism, however this depends on the conditions of human and forest resources, and infrastructure conditions in the community, providing in the short and medium terms, social activities and culturally positive for the culture of this people, and providing to long term, environmental and economic landmarks. As result, it was possible to identify that the community with its cultural events, parties and ceremonies being allied to their way of life and taken from their criteria, it is able to work with the tourism within their land and it can makes the tourism, a cultural affirmation opportunity and income generation. But, it concludes that for tourism to become ,in fact, there are required to be carried out some measures, that meets the new Regulatory Instruction IN 3/2015, this IN states that for the community to work with tourism in their land, it is necessary to be prepared a visitation plan that fits the established requirements. This research is constituted as an important tool in building this visitation plan, given that it was done from the community demand and it was conducted in a participatory manner, valuing the horizontal dialogue and the autonomy of this people.
Diseño y Planificación de un Programa para acoger en la Facultad a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso en primer curso que básicamente pretende informar de qué es la Universidad, cómo es la Complutense, cómo es la Facultad y todo acerca de los recursos de todo tipo que se brindan a cada titulación de esta su Facultad a partir de ahora.
This paper studies modern houses built in the neighborhoods of Cabo Branco, Tambaú and Manaíra by the seafront in Joao Pessoa, built between 1960 and 1974. We start from the already widespread notion that Brazilian Modern Architecture was inspired by foreign ways, mainly European but also American here recast, adapted, often innovating repertoire and ideas received (Y. BRUAND, 2005; H. SEGAWA, 2002; C. E. COMAS, 2002; C. E. COMAS, 2002; M. M. ACAYABA e S. FICHER, 1982; M. B. C. ARANHA, 2008; F. C. L. LARA, 2001; R. V. ZEIN, 2005; L. E. AMORIM, 1999, C. V. STINCO, 2010). With this look, after a field study, we collected 61 specimens in the collection of the Central Archive of João Pessoa City Hall, in order to identify which reformulations, adaptations or innovations would exist in modern houses built along the coast in João Pessoa. As we try to analyze the houses by what the bibliography had suggested (G. C. ARGAN, 1992; L. CORBUSIER, 2002; C.E.D. e M. ADRIÀ, 2007; K. FRAMPTON, 1997; H. H. HITCHCOCK, 1976; L. BENEVOLO, 2004; R. DE FUSCO, 1992, N . PEVSNER, 2002; M. RAGON, 1986; B. RISEBERO, 1982; E. ROBBINS, 1997; W. J. R. CURTIS, 1982; V. SCULLY, 2003; B. ZEVI, 1984; D. DUNST, 1999; A. COLQUHOUN, 2002; R. WESTON, 2005; A. IÑAKI, 2006; J. PETER, 1994) the starting idea seemed to us not sufficiently developed. So we decided, first, to undertake a literature review comparing speech and image of modern houses most often cited by international and national literature, following a script freely inspired the Vitruvian triad: the functional and spatial (sectorization, guidance, spatiality, movement); constructive aspects (structural elements, modulation, deck, sealing), and aesthetic aspects (composition, apertures, ornaments) (Cap.1), then cast a look under this same route in 61 specimens obtained initially, trying to verify any specificities they would have (Cap.2). Failing to deepen the analysis of all these examples, we chose 10 projects which were redesigned and described in more detail to which we supplement with the aspects of place - location / lot location, access, axiality. (E. C. MAHFUZ, 2002; J. C. MIGUEL, 2000; E. C. CHEREGATI, 2007; M. COTRIM, 2007). (Cap. 3). The documentation and description resulting allowed us to approach some related questions about the canonical transcripts hybridizing, adoptions and any vernacular innovations of modern houses along the coast, We conclude that the appellants and anachronistic elements isolates found in each of the studied bind to the Brazilian Modern Architecture
Atender a la población de jóvenes lesbianas, gay, bisexual, transgénero, transexual y transgénero (LGBT) se convierte en una necesidad emergente. El Programa de Salud de Adolescentes del Departamento de Salud del Estado de São Paulo, en colaboración con la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) ha estado reflexionando y permitiendo la implementación de una red de atención a los jóvenes LGBT. En este trabajo se describe la posibilidad de espacios de reflexión y debate sobre el tema de la homofobia y otros temas relacionados con ese público. Describe la metodología de implementación participativa de las directrices para la atención integral a la juventud LGBT, teniendo en cuenta las opiniones expresadas en los grupos de Casas del Adolescente de São Paulo y las encuestas de opinión pública sobre la salud durante los “Desfiles del Orgullo LGBT” en la ciudad de São Paulo entre 2008 y 2013(1).
O ser humano vive maior parte do seu tempo em contato direto com o ambiente construído, portanto tornou-se fundamental pesquisar as relações de alteridade, qualidade de vida e pertencimento dentro de um espaço específico, a casa. Ressaltando que a casa nesta pesquisa é todo e qualquer lugar de moradia, percebe-se que ela exprime um estilo de vida, ou seja, um modo de viver e conviver, de pensar, de sentir, e de se relacionar com as pessoas e com o espaço. A partir das relações de seis moradores do Município de Rio Grande com suas respectivas casas pudemos conhecer os processos que ali ocorrem e quais são os efeitos deles na vida e atitudes de cada morador dentro e fora da morada. O estudo é fundamentado primordialmente na Educação Ambiental e na Ecologia Onírica. Mais especialmente, na Educação Estética Ambiental e Educação Estética Onírica, porém também dialoga com outras áreas do conhecimento, como a Psicologia Ambiental. Esta avalia e compreende o homem, como ele reage, interpreta e sente os espaços, e consequentemente, como ele é constituído através de todas as experiências, vivências, memórias neste meio tão íntimo que é a casa de cada um. O objetivo da pesquisa foi, a partir das relações dos moradores entre si e com o espaço da casa, conhecer qual é o significado desta na vida dos seus moradores, despertar a valorização do espaço/morada e o sentimento de pertencimento a ela, promovendo através dessa consciência uma maior qualidade de vida dentro e fora de casa.
Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Inglés y Francés).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, 2014
Este estudo pretende aferir a relação entre a qualidade de serviço, a satisfação e a intenção de recompra. Foram recolhidos 377 questionários de associados das casas do Benfica, que se deslocaram ao estádio para assistir ao jogo Benfica vs Marítimo, realizado em 23 de Maio de 2015. Posteriormente, os dados foram tratados no programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 20.0 for Windows). Foi utilizada a estatística descritiva seguida de uma análise de consistência interna, por último realizou-se uma análise de regressão linear, para analisar as relações entre as dimensões. Verificou-se que os fatores da qualidade de serviço ajudam a explicar a satisfação com as casas do Benfica, a satisfação com o jogo e a intenção de recompra, nomeadamente o peso da qualidade do acesso e o atendimento das casas do Benfica. Também os fatores inerentes à satisfação ajudam a entender a intenção de recompra, sendo a satisfação com o jogo o fator com maior impacto na intenção de recompra. Verifica-se a importância das interações na satisfação e na intenção de recompra, bem como a importância dos resultados desportivos na satisfação dos inquiridos.
This paper studies modern houses built in the neighborhoods of Cabo Branco, Tambaú and Manaíra by the seafront in Joao Pessoa, built between 1960 and 1974. We start from the already widespread notion that Brazilian Modern Architecture was inspired by foreign ways, mainly European but also American here recast, adapted, often innovating repertoire and ideas received (Y. BRUAND, 2005; H. SEGAWA, 2002; C. E. COMAS, 2002; C. E. COMAS, 2002; M. M. ACAYABA e S. FICHER, 1982; M. B. C. ARANHA, 2008; F. C. L. LARA, 2001; R. V. ZEIN, 2005; L. E. AMORIM, 1999, C. V. STINCO, 2010). With this look, after a field study, we collected 61 specimens in the collection of the Central Archive of João Pessoa City Hall, in order to identify which reformulations, adaptations or innovations would exist in modern houses built along the coast in João Pessoa. As we try to analyze the houses by what the bibliography had suggested (G. C. ARGAN, 1992; L. CORBUSIER, 2002; C.E.D. e M. ADRIÀ, 2007; K. FRAMPTON, 1997; H. H. HITCHCOCK, 1976; L. BENEVOLO, 2004; R. DE FUSCO, 1992, N . PEVSNER, 2002; M. RAGON, 1986; B. RISEBERO, 1982; E. ROBBINS, 1997; W. J. R. CURTIS, 1982; V. SCULLY, 2003; B. ZEVI, 1984; D. DUNST, 1999; A. COLQUHOUN, 2002; R. WESTON, 2005; A. IÑAKI, 2006; J. PETER, 1994) the starting idea seemed to us not sufficiently developed. So we decided, first, to undertake a literature review comparing speech and image of modern houses most often cited by international and national literature, following a script freely inspired the Vitruvian triad: the functional and spatial (sectorization, guidance, spatiality, movement); constructive aspects (structural elements, modulation, deck, sealing), and aesthetic aspects (composition, apertures, ornaments) (Cap.1), then cast a look under this same route in 61 specimens obtained initially, trying to verify any specificities they would have (Cap.2). Failing to deepen the analysis of all these examples, we chose 10 projects which were redesigned and described in more detail to which we supplement with the aspects of place - location / lot location, access, axiality. (E. C. MAHFUZ, 2002; J. C. MIGUEL, 2000; E. C. CHEREGATI, 2007; M. COTRIM, 2007). (Cap. 3). The documentation and description resulting allowed us to approach some related questions about the canonical transcripts hybridizing, adoptions and any vernacular innovations of modern houses along the coast, We conclude that the appellants and anachronistic elements isolates found in each of the studied bind to the Brazilian Modern Architecture
Conchagua, municipio del oriental departamento de La Unión el cual recientemente ha sido incluido dentro de la Ruta turística de El Salvador por el Ministerio de Turismo, cuenta con una diversidad de recursos naturales(como sus playas, lagunas y cerros), patrimoniales y culturales(como su Iglesia y Casas coloniales, su parque Central, sus aseadas calles, sus tradiciones como los bailes folclóricos y la gastronomía); que componen la Oferta turística que sirve de atractivo para visitantes que llegan de cualquier lugar del país, e incluso del extranjero. Es un lugar acogedor, cuya gente posee un enorme espíritu emprendedor, quienes ven en el turismo buenas oportunidades de desarrollo para sus habitantes. Una de las principales estrategias para incrementar el flujo de turistas hacia el casco Urbano del municipio, es el desarrollo de los Festivales Gastronómicos permanentes establecidos en los alrededores del Parque municipal, los cuales se desarrollan con el apoyo de los Actores locales del turismo: El Alcalde municipal, el Sacerdote de la iglesia Católica, el Director del Instituto Nacional de Conchagua, el Director de la Unidad de Salud del municipio, el Presidente de CONCHAGUA TOURS, y el Director de la Delegación de la PNC en el municipio. Estos agentes, buscan fortalecer la imagen que ofrece el municipio como destino turístico, por lo que la apuesta a la que se puntea últimamente, es a fortalecer la Calidad del Servicio que ofrecen los Negocios que forman parte del Festival Gastronómico. La Calidad del Servicio, es por tanto, el punto central de interés en el presente trabajo de investigación, en el cual se hace ver que actualmente los Negocios Gastronómicos de Conchagua no poseen una forma efectiva de identificar el nivel de Calidad que ofrecen a los visitantes, por lo que la propuesta que se muestra en el contenido de este trabajo, se enfoca en la presentación de un Programa de Calidad del Servicio, desarrollando sus Etapas sustancialmente en base al Ciclo de Mejora Contínua o Ciclo de Deming y proponiendo el desarrollo de las Evaluaciones de la Calidad del Servicio en base al Modelo SERVQUAL. Este Programa define claramente el proceso que permitirá a los Propietarios de los Negocios Gastronómicos, determinar realmente como se encuentra el Nivel de Servicio ofrecido a sus visitantes y proponer las acciones necesarias para corregir errores y mejorar gradualmente la Calidad del Servicio. Previamente fue importante diagnosticar la situación actual de estos Negocios, en cuanto a los aspectos que afectan la prestación de un servicio adecuado que satisfaga plenamente a los clientes, asi como conocer de aquellas actividades en la que los actores locales del turismo apoyan para fortalecer el trabajo que la municipalidad está desarrollando por mejorar la imagen y la oferta turística que posee el municipio de Conchagua. De esta forma, se contó con un panorama general más amplio que sentó las bases para la Propuesta del Programa de Calidad del Servicio para los Negocios Gastronómicos. En base a los resultados obtenidos durante la investigación, el municipio de Conchagua no cuenta con un Programa que permita desarrollar procesos ordenados de Evaluación de la Calidad del Servicio, que permita a los propietarios de los Negocios gastronómicos determinar qué tánto se está haciendo por mejorar la atención y el servicio a los visitantes, y es por ello, que se recomienda a los propietarios de dichos negocios, el desarrollo de Evaluaciones de la Calidad del servicio de forma periódica, organizado el trabajo de planeación, ejecución, verificación y seguimiento dentro de un Programa que les permita identificar sus fortalezas y oportunidades de mejora en cuanto al servicio brindado. Dicho Programa plantea el desarrollo de las Evaluaciones a través del Modelo SERVQUAL, el cual es un Modelo creado por los investigadores estadounidenses A. Parasuraman, Valerie A. Zeithaml y Leonard L. Berry, que define la Calidad del Servicio como la diferencia entre las Expectativas con que los clientes llegan a los Negocios, y las Percepciones que estos poseen luego de haber experimentado un servicio determinado. La diferencia entre Expectativas y Percepciones muestra las Brechas existentes en la Calidad del servicio, las cuales serán Negativas e indicarán un Nivel de Calidad deficiente cuando las Expectativas de los clientes sean mayores que las percepciones y cuando estas Brechas sean inferiores al Estándar definido como permisible, tal como se explica a lo largo del contenido de este documento.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo elaborar um Plano de Ação para preparação e/ou qualificação do profissional de Educação Física, para realizar acolhimento e atendimento de indivíduos com diagnóstico de Transtornos Mentais Comuns em uso de antidepressivos e ansiolíticos no Programa Academias da Cidade de Belo Horizonte. O diagnóstico situacional foi realizado na Regional Oeste da capital mineira, e apresenta uma população de 268.124 habitantes distribuída numa área geográfica de 32,10km2. O Distrito Sanitário Oeste compreende 15 centros de saúde dos quais nove estão localizados no território dos seis pólos de Academias da Cidade da regional. Considera-se o Plano de Ação viável para que sejam implantadas duas operações ("O acolher singular" e "Desmedicamentar: intervenções alternativas") de enfrentamento do problema levantado.
One of the main referring subjects to the solar energy is how to compare it economically with other sources of energy, as much alternatives as with conventionals (like the electric grid). The purpose of this work was to develop a software which congregates the technical and economic main data to identify, through methods of microeconomic analysis, the commercial viability in the sizing of photovoltaic systems, besides considering the benefits proceeding from the proper energy generation. Considering the period of useful life of the components of the generation system of photovoltaic electricity, the costs of the energy proceeding from the conventional grid had been identified. For the comparison of the conventional sources, electric grid and diesel generation, three scenes of costs of photovoltaic panels and two for the factor of availability of diesel generation had been used. The results have shown that if the cost of the panels is low and the place of installation is more distant of the electric grid, the photovoltaic system becomes the best option.