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For centuries the science of pharmacognosy has dominated rational drug development until it was gradually substituted by target-based drug discovery in the last fifty years. Pharmacognosy stems from the different systems of traditional herbal medicine and its "reverse pharmacology" approach has led to the discovery of numerous pharmacologically active molecules and drug leads for humankind. But do botanical drugs also provide effective mixtures? Nature has evolved distinct strategies to modulate biological processes, either by selectively targeting biological macromolecules or by creating molecular promiscuity or polypharmacology (one molecule binds to different targets). Widely claimed to be superior over monosubstances, mixtures of bioactive compounds in botanical drugs allegedly exert synergistic therapeutic effects. Despite evolutionary clues to molecular synergism in nature, sound experimental data are still widely lacking to support this assumption. In this short review, the emerging concept of network pharmacology is highlighted, and the importance of studying ligand-target networks for botanical drugs is emphasized. Furthermore, problems associated with studying mixtures of molecules with distinctly different pharmacodynamic properties are addressed. It is concluded that a better understanding of the polypharmacology and potential network pharmacology of botanical drugs is fundamental in the ongoing rationalization of phytotherapy.


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Quantitative meta-analyses of randomized clinical trials investigating the specific therapeutic efficacy of homeopathic remedies yielded statistically significant differences compared to placebo. Since the remedies used contained mostly only very low concentrations of pharmacologically active compounds, these effects cannot be accounted for within the framework of current pharmacology. Theories to explain clinical effects of homeopathic remedies are partially based upon changes in diluent structure. To investigate the latter, we measured for the first time high-field (600/500 MHz) 1H T1 and T2 nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation times of H2O in homeopathic preparations with concurrent contamination control by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Homeopathic preparations of quartz (10c–30c, n = 21, corresponding to iterative dilutions of 100−10–100−30), sulfur (13x–30x, n = 18, 10−13–10−30), and copper sulfate (11c–30c, n = 20, 100−11–100−30) were compared to n = 10 independent controls each (analogously agitated dilution medium) in randomized and blinded experiments. In none of the samples, the concentration of any element analyzed by ICP-MS exceeded 10 ppb. In the first measurement series (600 MHz), there was a significant increase in T1 for all samples as a function of time, and there were no significant differences between homeopathic potencies and controls. In the second measurement series (500 MHz) 1 year after preparation, we observed statistically significant increased T1 relaxation times for homeopathic sulfur preparations compared to controls. Fifteen out of 18 correlations between sample triplicates were higher for controls than for homeopathic preparations. No conclusive explanation for these phenomena can be given at present. Possible hypotheses involve differential leaching from the measurement vessel walls or a change in water molecule dynamics, i.e., in rotational correlation time and/or diffusion. Homeopathic preparations thus may exhibit specific physicochemical properties that need to be determined in detail in future investigations.


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Antibodies which bind bioactive ligands can serve as a template for the generation of a second antibody which may react with the physiological receptor. This phenomenon of molecular mimicry by antibodies has been described in a variety of systems. In order to understand the chemical and molecular mechanisms involved in these interactions, monoclonal antibodies directed against two pharmacologically active alkaloids, morphine and nicotine, were carefully studied using experimental and theoretical molecular modeling techniques. The molecular characterization of these antibodies involved binding studies with ligand analogs and determination of the variable region amino acid sequence. A three-dimensional model of the anti-morphine binding site was constructed using computational and graphics display techniques. The antibody response in BALB/c mice to morphine appears relatively restricted, in that all of the antibodies examined in this study contained a $\lambda$ light chain, which is normally found in only 5% of mouse immunoglobulins. This study represents the first use of theoretical and experimental modeling techniques to describe the antigen binding site of a mouse Fv region containing a $\lambda$ light chain. The binding site model indicates that a charged glutamic acid residue and aromatic side chains are key features in ionic and hydrophobic interactions with the ligand morphine. A glutamic acid residue is found in the identical position in the anti-nicotine antibody and may play a role in binding nicotine. ^


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Viscum album L. lipophilic extract (VALE) contains pharmacologically active pentacyclic triterpenes that are known to exhibit immunomodulatory, antitumor, and wound healing activity. Preliminary clinical observations indicate that VALE was able to influence cutaneous wound healing in vivo. The objective of this study was to investigate wound closure related properties of VALE in vitro. As measured in a wound healing assay, VALE and its predominant triterpene oleanolic acid (OA) significantly and dose dependently promoted the migration of NIH/3T3 fibroblasts in vitro, thereby leading to an enhanced wound closure. Compared to the negative control, maximal stimulation by 26.1% and 26.2%, respectively, was attained with 10 μg/mL VALE and 1 μg/mL OA. Stimulation of proliferation in NIH/3T3 fibroblasts by VALE and OA could be excluded. At higher concentrations both substances affected proliferation and viability of NIH/3T3 fibroblasts and HaCat keratinocytes. In the toxic range of concentrations of VALE and OA, migration of NIH/3T3 fibroblasts was suppressed. The extent of the stimulatory effect on cell migration of VALE quite closely corresponded to the effect expected by the concentrations of OA contained in the crude extract VALE. These data support the casual observation that Viscum album L. lipophilic extract might modulate wound healing related processes in vivo.


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The saliva of blood-sucking arthropods contains powerful pharmacologically active substances and may be a vaccine target against some vector-borne diseases. Subtractive cloning combined with biochemical approaches was used to discover activities in the salivary glands of the hematophagous fly Lutzomyia longipalpis. Sequences of nine full-length cDNA clones were obtained, five of which are possibly associated with blood-meal acquisition, each having cDNA similarity to: (i) the bed bug Cimex lectularius apyrase, (ii) a 5′-nucleotidase/phosphodiesterase, (iii) a hyaluronidase, (iv) a protein containing a carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD), and (v) a RGD-containing peptide with no significant matches to known proteins in the blast databases. Following these findings, we observed that the salivary apyrase activity of L. longipalpis is indeed similar to that of Cimex apyrase in its metal requirements. The predicted isoelectric point of the putative apyrase matches the value found for Lutzomyia salivary apyrase. A 5′-nucleotidase, as well as hyaluronidase activity, was found in the salivary glands, and the CRD-containing cDNA matches the N-terminal sequence of the HPLC-purified salivary anticlotting protein. A cDNA similar to α-amylase was discovered and salivary enzymatic activity demonstrated for the first time in a blood-sucking arthropod. Full-length clones were also found coding for three proteins of unknown function matching, respectively, the N-terminal sequence of an abundant salivary protein, having similarity to the CAP superfamily of proteins and the Drosophila yellow protein. Finally, two partial sequences are reported that match possible housekeeping genes. Subtractive cloning will considerably enhance efforts to unravel the salivary pharmacopeia of blood-sucking arthropods.


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Polyclonal antibodies were prepared against synthetic peptides corresponding to four different extramembrane segments of the rat glucagon receptor. The antibodies bound specifically to native glucagon receptor as judged by immunofluorescence microscopy of cultured cells expressing a synthetic gene for the receptor. Antibodies to peptides designated PR-15 and DK-12 were directed against amino acid residues 103-117 and 126-137, respectively, of the extracellular N-terminal tail. Antibody to peptide KD-14 was directed against residues 206-219 of the first extracellular loop, and antibody to peptide ST-18, against the intracellular C-terminal tail, residues 468-485. The DK-12 and KD-14 antibodies, but not the PR-15 and ST-18 antibodies, could effectively block binding of 125I-labeled glucagon to its receptor in liver membranes. Incubation of these antibodies with rat liver membranes resulted in both a decrease in the maximal hormonal binding capacity and an apparent decrease in glucagon affinity for its receptor. These effects were abolished in the presence of excess specific peptide antigen. In addition, DK-12 and KD-14 antibodies, but not PR-15 and ST-18 antibodies, interfered with glucagon-induced adenylyl cyclase activation in rat liver membranes and behaved as functional glucagon antagonists. These results demonstrate that DK-12 and KD-14 antibodies are pharmacologically active glucagon antagonists and strongly suggest that residues 126-137 of the N-terminal tail and residues 206-219 of the first extracellular loop contain determinants of ligand binding and may comprise the primary ligand-binding site on the glucagon receptor.


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A evolução do veneno, uma das misturas mais complexas da natureza, tem sustentado o sucesso da diversificação de inúmeras linhagens de animais. Serpentes deslizantes ou medusas flutuantes utilizam o veneno, um coquetel de peptídeos farmacologicamente ativos, sais e moléculas orgânicas. Esses animais surpreendentes têm provocado grande fascínio ao longo da história humana. Nesta dissertação propomos um estudo da evolução dos venenos no filo Cnidaria, englobando dados proteômicos e genômicos. Este projeto teve como objetivos: (1) caracterizar e elucidar a evolução da composição do veneno em Cnidaria por meio da comparação de listas de proteínas; (2) testar a hipótese de que a variação na família de toxinas específica de cnidários tem sido o resultado de um regime de seleção positiva; e (3) determinar a extensão em que a duplicação de genes pode ser considerada como a principal razão para a diversificação de toxinas em Cnidaria. O capítulo \"Comparative proteomics reveals common components of a powerful arsenal in the earliest animal venomous lineage, the cnidarians\" propõe o estudo comparado mais completo sobre a composição do veneno de cnidários e uma hipótese sobre a montagem evolutiva do complexo arsenal bioquímico de cnidários e do veneno ancestral desse grupo basal. Vinte e oito famílias de proteínas foram identificadas. Destas, 13 famílias foram registradas pela primeira vez no proteoma de Cnidaria. Pelo menos 15 famílias de toxinas foram recrutadas no proteoma de veneno de cnidários antes da diversificação dos grupos Anthozoa e Medusozoa. Nos capítulos \"Evidence of episodic positive selection in the evolution of jellyfish toxins of the cnidarian venom\" e \"Gene duplications are extensive and contribute significantly to the toxic proteome of nematocysts isolated from Acropora digitifera (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia)\", nossas análises demonstram que as famílias de toxinas nos cnidários se diversificam amplamente mediante a duplicação de genes. Além disso, em contraste com as famílias de toxinas do veneno na maioria das linhagens animais; nós identificamos um padrão diferente na família de toxinas específica de cnidários, em que há uma seleção purificadora por longos períodos seguindo longos tempos de diversificação ou vice-versa


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The current approach for therapeutic drug monitoring in renal transplant recipients receiving mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) is measurement of total mycophenolic acid (MPA) concentration. Because MPA is highly bound, during hypoalbuminemia the total concentration no longer reflects the free (pharmacologically active) concentration. The authors investigated what degree of hypoalbuminemia causes a significant change in protein binding and thus percentage free MPA. Forty-two renal transplant recipients were recruited for the study. Free and total concentrations of MPA (predose, and 1, 3, and 6 hours post-MMF dose samples) and plasma albumin concentrations were determined on day 5 posttransplantation. Six-hour area under the concentration-time curve (AUC(0-6)) values were calculated for free and total MPA, and percentage free MPA was determined for each patient. The authors found a significant relationship between low albumin concentrations and increased percentage free MPA (Spearman correlation = -0.54, P < 0.0001). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed on the albumin versus percentage free MPA data. The cutoff value of albumin determined from the ROC analysis that differentiated normal from elevated percentage free MPA (defined as greater than or equal to3%) in this patient population was 31 g/L. At this cutoff value albumin was found to be a good predictor of altered free MPA percentage, with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.75 and 0.80, respectively, and an area under the ROC curve of 0.79. To rationalize MMF dosing regimens in hypoalbuminemic patients (plasma albumin less than or equal to 31 g/L), clinicians should consider monitoring the free MPA concentration.


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In many parts of the world, plants are directly utilised for their medicinal properties. Traditional medicine from Pakistan, India and the Far East is well documented and its history is embedded in folklore. It has been documented that an aqueous extract of the desert shrub, Fagonia cretica, is a popular treatment for breast cancer in Pakistan. The administration of an aqueous extract of Fagonia cretica is reported effective at reducing tumour size and improving the quality of life of breast cancer patients, is well tolerated and does not exhibit adverse effects like vomiting, diarrhoea or alopecia which are common side effects of standard cytotoxic therapy. In the past, many pharmacologically active and chemotherapeutic compounds have been isolated from plants which subsequently have proven to be successful in clinical trials and been used as primary compounds in therapeutic regimes. Fagonia cretica has historical use as a treatment for breast cancer, yet there is little scientific evidence which shows chemotherapeutic potential towards breast tumours. Preparation and analysis of an aqueous extract of Fagonia cretica may reveal novel chemotherapeutic agents that can be used to effectively target cancer cells. An understanding of the mechanism of any activity may improve our understanding of cancer cell biology and reveal novel therapeutic targets. This thesis describes for the first time that an aqueous extract of Fagonia cretica shows potent in vitro cytotoxic activity towards breast cancer epithelial cell lines which was not seen towards normal mammary epithelial cells. Elucidation and characterisation of the cytotoxic mechanism was undertaken by analysing DNA damage, cell cycle status, apoptosis, metabolic state and expression of transcription factors and their targets. Finally, methods for the isolation and identification of active compound(s) were developed using various chromatographic techniques. An aqueous extract of Fagonia cretica was able to reduce cell viability significantly in two phenotypically different breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231). This activity was markedly reduced in normal mammary epithelial cells (HMEpC). Further investigation into the mode of action revealed that extract treatment induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in both MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines. This coincided with the formation of DNA double stranded breaks and the DNA repair marker ?-H2AX. In MCF-7 cells, ATM/ATR activation resulted in increased p53 expression and of its transcriptional targets p21 and bax, suggesting a role for a p53-mediated response. Furthermore, inhibition of extract-induced p53 expression with siRNA reduced the cytotoxic effect against MCF-7 cells. Extract treatment was also associated with increased FOXO3a expression in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. In the absence of functional p53, siRNA knockdown of extract-induced FOXO3a expression was completely abrogated, suggesting that FOXO3a plays a vital role in extract-induced cytotoxicity. Isolation and characterisation of the active compound(s) within the extract was attempted using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry in conjunction with a cell viability assay. Multiple fractionations generated an active fraction that contained four major compounds as detected by mass spectrometry. However, none of these compounds were identified structurally or chemically due to constraints within the methodology.


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WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT THIS SUBJECT • Little is known about the pharmacokinetics of potassium canrenoate/canrenone in paediatric patients WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS • A population pharmacokinetic model has been developed to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of canrenone in paediatric patients who received potassium canrenoate as part of their therapy in the intensive care unit. AIMS To characterize the population pharmacokinetics of canrenone following administration of potassium canrenoate to paediatric patients. METHODS Data were collected prospectively from 23 paediatric patients (2 days to 10 years of age; median weight 4 kg, range 2.16–28.0 kg) who received intravenous potassium canrenoate (K-canrenoate) as part of their intensive care therapy for removal of retained fluids, e.g. in pulmonary oedema due to chronic lung disease and for the management of congestive heart failure. Plasma samples were analyzed by HPLC for determination of canrenone (the major metabolite and pharmacologically active moiety) and the data subjected to pharmacokinetic analysis using NONMEM. RESULTS A one compartment model best described the data. The only significant covariate was weight (WT). The final population models for canrenone clearance (CL/F) and volume of distribution (V/F) were CL/F (l h−1) = 11.4 × (WT/70.0)0.75 and V/F (l) = 374.2 × (WT/70) where WT is in kg. The values of CL/F and V/F in a 4 kg child would be 1.33 l h−1 and 21.4 l, respectively, resulting in an elimination half-life of 11.2 h. CONCLUSIONS The range of estimated CL/F in the study population was 0.67–7.38 l h−1. The data suggest that adjustment of K-canrenoate dosage according to body weight is appropriate in paediatric patients.


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The Panel wishes to thank the members of the Standing Working Group on non-allowed pharmacologically active substances in food and feed and their reference points for action (2015–2018): Metka Filipič, Peter Fürst, Laurentius (Ron) Hoogenboom, Anne-Katrine Lundebye, Carlo Stefano Nebbia, Michael O'Keeffe and Rolaf Van Leeuwen for the preparatory work on this scientific output, the hearing expert: Eva Persson, and EFSA staff members: Katleen Baert and Sofia Ioannidou for the support provided to this scientific opinion. The CONTAM Panel acknowledges all European competent institutions and other stakeholders that provided occurrence data on malachite green and leucomalachite green in food, and supported the data collection for the Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database.


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International audience


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The role of lipids in providing energy and structural cellular components during vertebrate development is poorly understood. To elucidate these roles further, we visualized lipid deposition and examined expression of key lipid-regulating genes during zebrafish embryogenesis. We also conducted a semiquantitative analysis of lipidomic composition using liquid chromatography (LC)-mass spectrometry. Finally, we analyzed processing of boron-dipyrromethene (BODIPY) lipid analogs injected into the yolk using thin layer chromatography. Our data reveal that the most abundant lipids in the embryo are cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine, and triglyceride. Moreover, we demonstrate that lipids are processed within the yolk prior to mobilization to the embryonic body. Our data identify a metabolically active yolk and body resulting in a dynamic lipid composition. This provides a foundation for studying lipid biology during normal or pharmacologically compromised embryogenesis.