70 resultados para P35


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The dataset is composed of 57 samples from 15 stations. The phytoplankton samples were collected by 5l Niskin bottles attached to the CTD system. The sampling depths were selected according to the CTD profiles and the in situ fluorometer readings. The samples (50 ml sea water) were preserved with prefiltered (0.2 micron) glutardialdehyde solution (1.5 ml of commercial glutardialdehyde (25%)) into dark colored glass bottles. Preserved samples were poured into 10 or 25 ml settling chambers (Hydro-Bios) for cells to settle on the bottom over a day. Species identification and enumeration were done under an inverted microscope (Olympus IX71). At least 400 specimen were tried to be counted in each sample.


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The dataset is composed of 46 samples from 9 stations. The phytoplankton samples were collected by 5l Niskin bottles attached to the CTD system. The sampling depths were selected according to the CTD profiles and the in situ fluorometer readings. The samples (50 ml sea water) were preserved with prefiltered (0.2 micron) glutardialdehyde solution (1.5 ml of commercial glutardialdehyde (25%)) into dark colored glass bottles. Preserved samples were poured into 10 or 25 ml settling chambers (Hydro-Bios) for cells to settle on the bottom over a day. Species identification and enumeration were done under an inverted microscope (Olympus IX71). At least 400 specimen were tried to be counted in each sample.


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The dataset is composed of 48 samples from 17 stations. The phytoplankton samples were collected by 5l Niskin bottles attached to the CTD system. The sampling depths were selected according to the CTD profiles and the in situ fluorometer readings. The samples (50 ml sea water) were preserved with prefiltered (0.2 micron) glutardialdehyde solution (1.5 ml of commercial glutardialdehyde (25%)) into dark colored glass bottles. Preserved samples were poured into 10 or 25 ml settling chambers (Hydro-Bios) for cells to settle on the bottom over a day. Species identification and enumeration were done under an inverted microscope (Olympus IX71). At least 400 specimen were tried to be counted in each sample.


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Baker's asthma is one of the most common types of occupational asthma and its prevalence is increasing in the last years. Diagnosis of occupational asthma is complex. The poor specificity of current diagnostic approaches may be associated with insufficient purity of wheat extracts or lack of inclusion of major allergens in them. In this work, we use microarray technology to characterize the allergenic profiles of baker's asthma patients from three regions in Spain and to analyze the influence of other environmental allergens on the sensitization pattern.


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A cellular protein, previously described as p35/38, binds to the complementary (−)-strand of the leader RNA and intergenic (IG) sequence of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) RNA. The extent of the binding of this protein to IG sites correlates with the efficiency of the subgenomic mRNA transcription from that IG site, suggesting that it is a requisite transcription factor. We have purified this protein and determined by partial peptide sequencing that it is heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A1, an abundant, primarily nuclear protein. hnRNP A1 shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm and plays a role in the regulation of alternative RNA splicing. The MHV(−)-strand leader and IG sequences conform to the consensus binding motifs of hnRNP A1. Recombinant hnRNP A1 bound to these two RNA regions in vitro in a sequence-specific manner. During MHV infection, hnRNP A1 relocalizes from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where viral replication occurs. These data suggest that hnRNP A1 is a cellular factor that regulates the RNA-dependent RNA transcription of the virus.


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IAPs comprise a family of inhibitors of apoptosis found in viruses and animals. In vivo binding studies demonstrated that both baculovirus and Drosophila IAPs physically interact with an apoptosis-inducing protein of Drosophila, Reaper (RPR), through their baculovirus IAP repeat (BIR) region. Expression of IAPs blocked RPR-induced apoptosis and resulted in the accumulation of RPR in punctate perinuclear locations which coincided with IAP localization. When expressed alone, RPR rapidly disappeared from the cells undergoing RPR-induced apoptosis. Expression of P35, a caspase inhibitor, also blocked RPR-induced apoptosis and delayed RPR decline, but RPR remained cytoplasmic in its location. Mutational analysis of RPR demonstrated that caspases were not directly responsible for RPR disappearance. The physical interaction of IAPs with RPR provides a molecular mechanism for IAP inhibition of RPR’s apoptotic activity.


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We have identified and characterized CLARP, a caspase-like apoptosis-regulatory protein. Sequence analysis revealed that human CLARP contains two amino-terminal death effector domains fused to a carboxyl-terminal caspase-like domain. The structure and amino acid sequence of CLARP resemble those of caspase-8, caspase-10, and DCP2, a Drosophila melanogaster protein identified in this study. Unlike caspase-8, caspase-10, and DCP2, however, two important residues predicted to be involved in catalysis were lost in the caspase-like domain of CLARP. Analysis with fluorogenic substrates for caspase activity confirmed that CLARP is catalytically inactive. CLARP was found to interact with caspase-8 but not with FADD/MORT-1, an upstream death effector domain-containing protein of the Fas and tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 signaling pathway. Expression of CLARP induced apoptosis, which was blocked by the viral caspase inhibitor p35, dominant negative mutant caspase-8, and the synthetic caspase inhibitor benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-(OMe)-fluoromethylketone (zVAD-fmk). Moreover, CLARP augmented the killing ability of caspase-8 and FADD/MORT-1 in mammalian cells. The human clarp gene maps to 2q33. Thus, CLARP represents a regulator of the upstream caspase-8, which may play a role in apoptosis during tissue development and homeostasis.


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The cytoplasmic region of Fas, a mammalian death factor receptor, shares a limited homology with reaper, an apoptosis-inducing protein in Drosophila. Expression of either the Fas cytoplasmic region (FasC) or of reaper in Drosophila cells caused cell death. The death process induced by FasC or reaper was inhibited by crmA or p35, suggesting that its death process is mediated by caspase-like proteases. Both Ac-YVAD aldehyde and Ac-DEVD aldehyde, specific inhibitors of caspase 1- and caspase 3-like proteases, respectively, inhibited the FasC-induced death of Drosophila cells. However, the cell death induced by reaper was inhibited by Ac-DEVD aldehyde, but not by Ac-YVAD aldehyde. A caspase 1-like protease activity that preferentially recognizes the YVAD sequence gradually increased in the cytosolic fraction of the FasC-activated cells, whereas the caspase 3-like protease activity recognizing the DEVD sequence was observed in the reaper-activated cells. Partial purification and biochemical characterization of the proteases indicated that there are at least three distinct caspase-like proteases in Drosophila cells, which are differentially activated by FasC and reaper. The conservation of the Fas-death signaling pathway in Drosophila cells, which is distinct from that for reaper, may indicate that cell death in Drosophila is controlled not only by the reaper suicide gene, but also by a Fas-like killer gene.


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Mammalian Cdk5 is a member of the cyclin-dependent kinase family that is activated by a neuron-specific regulator, p35, to regulate neuronal migration and neurite outgrowth. p35/Cdk5 kinase colocalizes with and regulates the activity of the Pak1 kinase in neuronal growth cones and likely impacts on actin cytoskeletal dynamics through Pak1. Here, we describe a functional homologue of Cdk5 in budding yeast, Pho85. Like Cdk5, Pho85 has been implicated in actin cytoskeleton regulation through phosphorylation of an actin-regulatory protein. Overexpression of CDK5 in yeast cells complemented most phenotypes associated with pho85Δ, including defects in the repression of acid phosphatase expression, sensitivity to salt, and a G1 progression defect. Consistent with the functional complementation, Cdk5 associated with and was activated by the Pho85 cyclins Pho80 and Pcl2 in yeast cells. In a reciprocal series of experiments, we found that Pho85 associated with the Cdk5 activators p35 and p25 to form an active kinase complex in mammalian and insect cells, supporting our hypothesis that Pho85 and Cdk5 are functionally related. Our results suggest the existence of a functionally conserved pathway involving Cdks and actin-regulatory proteins that promotes reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in response to regulatory signals.