268 resultados para Opérateur de Schrödinger


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 49L20, 60J60, 93E20


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35L15, 35B40, 47F05.


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We consider the Hamiltonian H of a 3D spinless non-relativistic quantum particle subject to parallel constant magnetic and non-constant electric field. The operator H has infinitely many eigenvalues of infinite multiplicity embedded in its continuous spectrum. We perturb H by appropriate scalar potentials V and investigate the transformation of these embedded eigenvalues into resonances. First, we assume that the electric potentials are dilation-analytic with respect to the variable along the magnetic field, and obtain an asymptotic expansion of the resonances as the coupling constant ϰ of the perturbation tends to zero. Further, under the assumption that the Fermi Golden Rule holds true, we deduce estimates for the time evolution of the resonance states with and without analyticity assumptions; in the second case we obtain these results as a corollary of suitable Mourre estimates and a recent article of Cattaneo, Graf and Hunziker [11]. Next, we describe sets of perturbations V for which the Fermi Golden Rule is valid at each embedded eigenvalue of H; these sets turn out to be dense in various suitable topologies. Finally, we assume that V decays fast enough at infinity and is of definite sign, introduce the Krein spectral shift function for the operator pair (H+V, H), and study its singularities at the energies which coincide with eigenvalues of infinite multiplicity of the unperturbed operator H.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35P20, 35J10, 35Q40.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35Q55,42B10.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35Q02, 35Q05, 35Q10, 35B40.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 42A38. Secondary 42B10.


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In this document we explore the issue of $L^1\to L^\infty$ estimates for the solution operator of the linear Schr\"{o}dinger equation, \begin{align*} iu_t-\Delta u+Vu&=0 &u(x,0)=f(x)\in \mathcal S(\R^n). \end{align*} We focus particularly on the five and seven dimensional cases. We prove that the solution operator precomposed with projection onto the absolutely continuous spectrum of $H=-\Delta+V$ satisfies the following estimate $\|e^{itH} P_{ac}(H)\|_{L^1\to L^\infty} \lesssim |t|^{-\frac{n}{2}}$ under certain conditions on the potential $V$. Specifically, we prove the dispersive estimate is satisfied with optimal assumptions on smoothness, that is $V\in C^{\frac{n-3}{2}}(\R^n)$ for $n=5,7$ assuming that zero is regular, $|V(x)|\lesssim \langle x\rangle^{-\beta}$ and $|\nabla^j V(x)|\lesssim \langle x\rangle^{-\alpha}$, $1\leq j\leq \frac{n-3}{2}$ for some $\beta>\frac{3n+5}{2}$ and $\alpha>3,8$ in dimensions five and seven respectively. We also show that for the five dimensional result one only needs that $|V(x)|\lesssim \langle x\rangle^{-4-}$ in addition to the assumptions on the derivative and regularity of the potential. This more than cuts in half the required decay rate in the first chapter. Finally we consider a problem involving the non-linear Schr\"{o}dinger equation. In particular, we consider the following equation that arises in fiber optic communication systems, \begin{align*} iu_t+d(t) u_{xx}+|u|^2 u=0. \end{align*} We can reduce this to a non-linear, non-local eigenvalue equation that describes the so-called dispersion management solitons. We prove that the dispersion management solitons decay exponentially in $x$ and in the Fourier transform of $x$.


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By using the method of operators of multiple scales, two coupled nonlinear equations are derived, which govern the slow amplitude modulation of surface gravity waves in two space dimensions. The equations of Davey and Stewartson, which also govern the two-dimensional modulation of the amplitude of gravity waves, are derived as a special case of our equations. For a fully dispersed wave, symmetric about a point which moves with the group velocity, the coupled equations reduce to a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with extra terms representing the effect of the curvature of the wavefront.


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Nucleation is the first step of the process by which gas molecules in the atmosphere condense to form liquid or solid particles. Despite the importance of atmospheric new-particle formation for both climate and health-related issues, little information exists on its precise molecular-level mechanisms. In this thesis, potential nucleation mechanisms involving sulfuric acid together with either water and ammonia or reactive biogenic molecules are studied using quantum chemical methods. Quantum chemistry calculations are based on the numerical solution of Schrödinger's equation for a system of atoms and electrons subject to various sets of approximations, the precise details of which give rise to a large number of model chemistries. A comparison of several different model chemistries indicates that the computational method must be chosen with care if accurate results for sulfuric acid - water - ammonia clusters are desired. Specifically, binding energies are incorrectly predicted by some popular density functionals, and vibrational anharmonicity must be accounted for if quantitatively reliable formation free energies are desired. The calculations reported in this thesis show that a combination of different high-level energy corrections and advanced thermochemical analysis can quantitatively replicate experimental results concerning the hydration of sulfuric acid. The role of ammonia in sulfuric acid - water nucleation was revealed by a series of calculations on molecular clusters of increasing size with respect to all three co-ordinates; sulfuric acid, water and ammonia. As indicated by experimental measurements, ammonia significantly assists the growth of clusters in the sulfuric acid - co-ordinate. The calculations presented in this thesis predict that in atmospheric conditions, this effect becomes important as the number of acid molecules increases from two to three. On the other hand, small molecular clusters are unlikely to contain more than one ammonia molecule per sulfuric acid. This implies that the average NH3:H2SO4 mole ratio of small molecular clusters in atmospheric conditions is likely to be between 1:3 and 1:1. Calculations on charged clusters confirm the experimental result that the HSO4- ion is much more strongly hydrated than neutral sulfuric acid. Preliminary calculations on HSO4- NH3 clusters indicate that ammonia is likely to play at most a minor role in ion-induced nucleation in the sulfuric acid - water system. Calculations of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters for the reaction of stabilized Criegee Intermediates with sulfuric acid demonstrate that quantum chemistry is a powerful tool for investigating chemically complicated nucleation mechanisms. The calculations indicate that if the biogenic Criegee Intermediates have sufficiently long lifetimes in atmospheric conditions, the studied reaction may be an important source of nucleation precursors.


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Our investigations in this paper are centred around the mathematical analysis of a ldquomodal waverdquo problem. We have considered the axisymmetric flow of an inviscid liquid in a thinwalled viscoelastic tube under certain simplifying assumptions. We have first derived the propagation space equations in the long wave limit and also given a general procedure to derive these equations for arbitrary wave length, when the flow is irrotational. We have used the method of operators of multiple scales to derive the nonlinear Schrödinger equation governing the modulation of periodic waves and we have elaborated on the ldquolong modulated wavesrdquo and the ldquomodulated long wavesrdquo. We have also examined the existence and stability of Stokes waves in this system. This is followed by a discussion of the progressive wave solutions of the long wave equations. One of the most important results of our paper is that the propagation space equations are no longer partial differential equations but they are in terms of pseudo-differential operators.Die vorliegenden Untersuchungen beziehen sich auf die mathematische Behandlung des ldquorModalwellenrdquo-Problems. Die achsensymmetrische Strömung einer nichtviskosen Flüssigkeit in einem dünnwandigen viskoelastischen Rohr, unter bestimmten vereinfachenden Annahmen, wird betrachtet. Zuerst werden die Gleichungen des Ausbreitungsraumes im Langwellenbereich abgeleitet und eine allgemeine Methode zur Herleitung dieser Gleichungen für beliebige Wellenlängen bei nichtrotierender Strömung angegeben. Eine Operatorenmethode mit multiplem Maßstab wird verwendet zur Herleitung der nichtlinearen Schrödinger-Gleichung für die Modulation der periodischen Wellen, und die ldquorlangmodulierten Wellenrdquo sowie die ldquormodulierten Langwellenrdquo werden aufgezeigt. Weiters wird die Existenz und die Stabilität der Stokes-Wellen im System untersucht. Anschließend werden die progressiven Wellenlösungen der Langwellengleichungen diskutiert. Eines der wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit ist, daß die Gleichungen des Ausbreitungsraumes keine partiellen Differentialgleichungen mehr sind, sondern Ausdrücke von Pseudo-Differentialoperatoren.


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In this paper we deduce the formulae for rate-constant of microreaction with high resolving power of energy from the time-dependent Schrdinger equation for the general case when there is a depression on the reaetional potential surface (when the depression is zero in depth, the case is reduced to that of Eyring). Based on the assumption that Bolzmann distribution is appropriate to the description of reactants, the formula for the constant of macrorate in a form similar to Eyring's is deduced and the expression for the coefficient of transmission is given. When there is no depression on the reactional potential surface and the coefficient of transmission does not seriously depend upon temperature, it is reduced to Eyring's. Thus Eyring's is a special case of the present work.


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157 p.


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In Part I, a method for finding solutions of certain diffusive dispersive nonlinear evolution equations is introduced. The method consists of a straightforward iteration procedure, applied to the equation as it stands (in most cases), which can be carried out to all terms, followed by a summation of the resulting infinite series, sometimes directly and other times in terms of traces of inverses of operators in an appropriate space.

We first illustrate our method with Burgers' and Thomas' equations, and show how it quickly leads to the Cole-Hopft transformation, which is known to linearize these equations.

We also apply this method to the Korteweg and de Vries, nonlinear (cubic) Schrödinger, Sine-Gordon, modified KdV and Boussinesq equations. In all these cases the multisoliton solutions are easily obtained and new expressions for some of them follow. More generally we show that the Marcenko integral equations, together with the inverse problem that originates them, follow naturally from our expressions.

Only solutions that are small in some sense (i.e., they tend to zero as the independent variable goes to ∞) are covered by our methods. However, by the study of the effect of writing the initial iterate u_1 = u_(1)(x,t) as a sum u_1 = ^∼/u_1 + ^≈/u_1 when we know the solution which results if u_1 = ^∼/u_1, we are led to expressions that describe the interaction of two arbitrary solutions, only one of which is small. This should not be confused with Backlund transformations and is more in the direction of performing the inverse scattering over an arbitrary “base” solution. Thus we are able to write expressions for the interaction of a cnoidal wave with a multisoliton in the case of the KdV equation; these expressions are somewhat different from the ones obtained by Wahlquist (1976). Similarly, we find multi-dark-pulse solutions and solutions describing the interaction of envelope-solitons with a uniform wave train in the case of the Schrodinger equation.

Other equations tractable by our method are presented. These include the following equations: Self-induced transparency, reduced Maxwell-Bloch, and a two-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger. Higher order and matrix-valued equations with nonscalar dispersion functions are also presented.

In Part II, the second Painleve transcendent is treated in conjunction with the similarity solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equat ion and the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation.


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