942 resultados para One-point Quadrature


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A complex number lambda is called an extended eigenvalue of a bounded linear operator T on a Banach space B if there exists a non-zero bounded linear operator X acting on B such that XT = lambda TX. We show that there are compact quasinilpotent operators on a separable Hilbert space, for which the set of extended eigenvalues is the one-point set {1}.


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From perspective of structure synthesis, certain special geometric constraints, such as joint axes intersecting at one point or perpendicular to each other, are necessary in realizing the end-effector motion of kinematically decoupled parallel manipulators (PMs) along individual motion axes. These requirements are difficult to achieve in the actual system due to assembly errors and manufacturing tolerances. Those errors that violate the geometric constraint requirements are termed “constraint errors”. The constraint errors usually are more troublesome than other manipulator errors because the decoupled motion characteristics of the manipulator may no longer exist and the decoupled kinematic models will be rendered useless due to these constraint errors. Therefore, identification and prevention of these constraint errors in initial design and manufacturing stage are of great significance. In this article, three basic types of constraint errors are identified, and an approach to evaluate the effects of constraint errors on decoupling characteristics of PMs is proposed. This approach is illustrated by a 6-DOF PM with decoupled translation and rotation. The results show that the proposed evaluation method is effective to guide design and assembly.


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This article, and the research out of which it springs, has a number of points of origin; it may also have more than one point of conclusion even as it argues that the current manifestation of Las Vegas could well be read as its last. This is not to say that Las Vegas will cease to create its new versions of itself; after all, this is one of the main sustaining factors of Las Vegas’ success in the last two decades as a new Strip on Las Vegas Boulevard has arisen from the demolitions and redesigns of the original Las Vegas Strip of the 1950s and 1960s. What is argued for here is a reading of Vegas as a terminal point within American culture and particularly within its visual realms. Las Vegas’ place within the dynamics of American visual and exhibition culture comes as the latest in a sequence which, since the nineteenth century, has included among its manifestations World’s Fairs, side shows, freak shows and travelling carnivals. America’s experiments in the visual domain have been updated in both the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries in a variety of spectacular forms and entertainment zones (Disneyland, EPCOT, the new Las Vegas). Vegas is the ultimate incarnation of a carnivalised display culture, the city’s casino Strip reclothed primarily as a theme park for digital camera-toting tourists than as a resort for dedicated gamblers. The possibility that the current incarnation of Las Vegas of late 2009 and 2010 will be the last Vegas hovers as a spectral remnant of the economic downturn and financial collapse of 2008, marked by the unfinished skeletons of projected new casino hotels on Las Vegas Boulevard and by a sudden reversal of fortune for the nation’s favourite gaming location.


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This invention relates to electronic circuit packages designed to hold high frequency circuits operating particularly, but not exclusively, in the microwave, millimeter wave, and sub-millimeter wave bands. The invention provides a package incorporating a cavity in a material for containment of the circuits, wherein the package further incorporates at least one conductive surface mounted on an inner surface extending into the cavity, the conductivity thereof being adapted to be at least partially absorbent to electromagnetic radiation. The conductive surface according to the present invention will tend to attenuate electromagnetic radiation present within the cavity, and so help to prevent undesired coupling from one point to another within the cavity. The conductivity of the conductive material is preferably arranged to match the impedance of the radiation mode estimated or computed to be present within the cavity.


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Temporally resolved electron density measurements of solar flare plasmas are presented using data from the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The EVE spectral range contains emission lines formed between 104 and 107 K, including transitions from highly ionized iron (gsim10 MK). Using three density-sensitive Fe XXI ratios, peak electron densities of 1011.2-1012.1 cm–3 were found during four X-class flares. While previous measurements of densities at such high temperatures were made at only one point during a flaring event, EVE now allows the temporal evolution of these high-temperature densities to be determined at 10 s cadence. A comparison with GOES data revealed that the peak of the density time profiles for each line ratio correlated well with that of the emission measure time profile for each of the events studied.


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Colistin resistance is rare in Acinetobacter baumannii, and little is known about its mechanism. We investigated the role of PmrCAB in this trait, using (i) resistant and susceptible clinical strains, (ii) laboratory-selected mutants of the type strain ATCC 19606 and of the clinical isolate ABRIM, and (iii) a susceptible/resistant pair of isogenic clinical isolates, Ab15/133 and Ab15/132, isolated from the same patient. pmrAB sequences in all the colistin-susceptible isolates were identical to reference sequences, whereas resistant clinical isolates harbored one or two amino acid replacements variously located in PmrB. Single substitutions in PmrB were also found in resistant mutants of strains ATCC 19606 and ABRIM and in the resistant clinical isolate Ab15/132. No mutations in PmrA or PmrC were found. Reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR identified increased expression of pmrA (4- to 13-fold), pmrB (2- to 7-fold), and pmrC (1- to 3-fold) in resistant versus susceptible organisms. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry showed the addition of phosphoethanolamine to the hepta-acylated form of lipid A in the resistant variants and in strain ATCC 19606 grown under low-Mg induction conditions. pmrB gene knockout mutants of the colistin-resistant ATCC 19606 derivative showed >100-fold increased susceptibility to colistin and 5-fold decreased expression of pmrC; they also lacked the addition of phosphoethanolamine to lipid A. We conclude that the development of a moderate level of colistin resistance in A. baumannii requires distinct genetic events, including (i) at least one point mutation in pmrB, (ii) upregulation of pmrAB, and (iii) expression of pmrC, which lead to addition of phosphoethanolamine to lipid A. Copyright © 2011, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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Much recent scholarship has been critical of the concept of a Dál Riatic migration to, or colonisation of, Argyll. Scepticism of the accuracy of the early medieval accounts of this population movement, arguing that these are late amendments to early sources, coupled with an apparent lack of archaeological evidence for such a migration have led to its rejection. It is argued here, however, that this rejection has been based on too narrow a reading of historical sources and that there are several early accounts which, while differing in detail, agree on one point of substance, that the origin of Scottish Dál Riata lies in Ireland. Also, the use of archaeological evidence to suggest no migration to Argyll by the Dál Riata is flawed, misunderstanding the nature of early migrations and how they might be archaeologically identified, and it's proposed that there is actually quite a lot of evidence for migration to Argyll by the Dál Riata, in the form of settlement and artefactural evidence, but that it is to be found in Ireland through the mechanism of counterstream migration, rather than in Scotland.


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Two different mesoporous films of TiO2 were coated onto a QCM disc and fired at 450o C for 30 min. The first film was derived from a sol-gel paste that was popular in the early days of dye-sensitised solar cell, i.e. dssc, research, a TiO2(sg) film. The other was a commercial colloidal paste used to make examples of the current dssc cell; a TiO2(ds) film. A QCM was used to determine the mass of the TiO2 film deposited on each disc and the increase in the mass of the film when immersed in water/glycerol solutions with wt% values spanning the range 0-70%. The results of this work reveal that with both TiO2 mesoporous films the solution fills the film's pores and acts as a rigid mass, thereby allowing the porosity of each film to be calculated as: 59.1% and 71.6% for the TiO2(sg) and TiO2(ds) films, respectively. These results, coupled with surface area data, allowed the pore radii of the two films to be calculated as: 9.6 and 17.8 nm, respectively. This method is then simplified further, to just a few frequency measurements in water and only air to reveal the same porosity values. The value of the latter ‘one point’ method for making porosity measurements is discussed briefly.


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This article examines the challenges of investigating and prosecuting forced displacement in the Central African countries of Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, where higher loss of life was caused by forced displacement, than by any other. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, armed groups intentionally attacked civilian populations displacing them from their homes, to cut them off from food and medical supplies. In Northern Uganda, the government engaged in a forced displacement policy as part of its counter-insurgency against the Lord’s Resistance Army, driving the civilian population into “protected villages”, where at one point the weekly death toll was over 1,000 in these camps. This article critically evaluates how criminal responsibility can be established for forced displacement and alternative approaches to accountability through reparations.


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REVERIE (REal and Virtual Engagement in Realistic Immersive Environments) [1] is a multimedia and multimodal framework, which supports the creation of immersive games. The framework supports the creation of games integrating technologies such as 3D spatial audio, detection of the player’s body movement using Kinect and WIMO sensors, NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) with advanced AI capabilities featuring various levels of representation and gameplay into an immersive 3D environment. A demonstration game was developed for REVERIE, which is an adapted version of the popular Simon Says game. In the REVERIE version, a player tries to follow physical instructions issued by two autonomous agents with different degrees of realism. If a player follows a physical instruction correctly, they are awarded one point. If not, they are deducted one point. This paper presents a technical overview of the game technologies integrated in the Simon Says demo and its evaluation by players with variable computer literacy skills. Finally the potential of REVERIE as an immersive framework for gaming is discussed, followed by recommendations for improvements in future versions of the framework.


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Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino da Matemática, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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den Dunnen et al. [den Dunnen, W.F.A., Brouwer, W.H., Bijlard, E., Kamphuis, J., van Linschoten, K., Eggens-Meijer, E., Holstege, G., 2008. No disease in the brain of a 115-year-old woman. Neurobiol. Aging] had the opportunity to follow up the cognitive functioning of one of the world's oldest woman during the last 3 years of her life. They performed two neuropsychological evaluations at age 112 and 115 that revealed a striking preservation of immediate recall abilities and orientation. In contrast, working memory, retrieval from semantic memory and mental arithmetic performances declined after age 112. Overall, only a one-point decrease of MMSE score occurred (from 27 to 26) reflecting the remarkable preservation of cognitive abilities. The neuropathological assessment showed few neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the hippocampal formation compatible with Braak staging II, absence of amyloid deposits and other types of neurodegenerative lesions as well as preservation of neuron numbers in locus coeruleus. This finding was related to a striking paucity of Alzheimer disease (AD)-related lesions in the hippocampal formation. The present report parallels the early descriptions of rare "supernormal" centenarians supporting the dissociation between brain aging and AD processes. In conjunction with recent stereological analyses in cases aged from 90 to 102 years, it also points to the marked resistance of the hippocampal formation to the degenerative process in this age group and possible dissociation between the occurrence of slight cognitive deficits and development of AD-related pathologic changes in neocortical areas. This work is discussed in the context of current efforts to identify the biological and genetic parameters of human longevity.


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Niagara Region Municipality Records 1962-1963, 1969-1976, 1980


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Les différents commentateurs de Lovecraft se sont au fil du XXe siècle jusqu’à nos jours entendus sur un point : l’originalité de son oeuvre. Impossible à cataloguer dans un genre littéraire précis, offrant de multiples couches d’interprétation, celle-ci fut analysée à la fois sous l’angle psychanalytique et sous l’angle philosophique et scientifique. Cependant, la dimension purement esthétique semble, peut-être par négligence, avoir été oubliée. Notre mémoire propose une investigation de l’esthétique dans l’oeuvre de Lovecraft. Notre hypothèse de recherche repose sur les analogies évidentes et pourtant peu approfondies par la critique entre l’esthétique de celle-ci et l’esthétique cosmogonique de l’Antiquité. Dans un premier temps, nous situerons l’œuvre dans son contexte littéraire, c’est-à-dire que nous nous pencherons sur les rapports évidents qu’elle entretient avec des auteurs tels que J.R.R. Tolkien et Arthur Conan Doyle et sur les différences moins évidentes qui la distinguent d’autres d’auteurs tels que H.G. Wells et William Hope Hodgson. Ensuite, nous mettrons en perspective les différences qui la séparent logiquement de la cosmogonie hébraïque et de la tradition théologique et philosophique qu’elle inaugure, entre autres, tel qu’elle se cristallise dans La Divine Comédie de Dante. Finalement, nous démontrerons à partir d’une comparaison serrée de motifs analogues, présents dans la longue nouvelle de Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness et dans le poème d’Hésiode, La Théogonie, le parallèle révélateur entre leurs esthétiques respectives; leurs esthétiques qui découlent de paradigmes du réel historiquement et essentiellement distincts, mais non pas opposés ou contradictoires.