133 resultados para Oedipus Coloneus
Fil: Pedernera, Soledad. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Pedernera, Soledad. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
The late French philosopher Gilles Deleuze has enjoyed significant notoriety and acclaim in American academia over the last 20 years. The unique disciplinary focus of the contemporary discussion has derived from Deleuze the architectural possibilities of biotechnology, systems theory, and digital processualism. While the persistence of Deleuze’s theory of science and the formalist readings of Mille Plateaux and Le Bergsonisme have dominated the reception since the 1990s, few are aware of a much earlier encounter between Deleuze and architects, beginning at Columbia University in the 1970s, which converged on the radical politics of Anti-OEdipus and its American reception in the journal Semiotext(e), through which architecture engaged a much broader discourse alongside artists, musicians, filmmakers, and intellectuals in the New York aesthetic underground, of which Deleuze and Félix Guattari were themselves a part.
The status of entertainment as both a dimension of human culture, and a booming global industry is increasing. Given more recent consumer-centric definitions of entertainment, the entertainment consumer has grown in prominence and is now coming under closer scrutiny. However viewing entertainment consumers as always behaving in a similar fashion towards entertainment as to other products may be selling them short. For a start, entertainment consumers can exhibit a strong loyalty towards their favourite entertainment products that is the envy of the marketing world. Academic researchers and marketers who are keen to investigate entertainment consumers would benefit from a theoretical base from which to commence. This essay therefore, takes a consumer-oriented focus in defining entertainment and conceptualises a model of entertainment consumption. In approaching the study of entertainment one axiomatic question remains: how should we define it? Richard Dyer notes that, considering that the category of entertainment can include – by its own definition in the song ‘That’s entertainment!’ – everything from Hamlet and Oedipus Rex to ‘the clown with his pants falling down’ and ‘the lights on the lady in tights’, it doesn’t make much sense to try to define entertainment as being marked by particular textual features (as is done, for example, by Avrich, 2002). Dyer’s position is rather that ‘entertainment is not so much a category of things as an attitude towards things’ (Dyer, 1973: 9). He traces the modern conception of entertainment back to the writings of Molière. This writer defended the purpose of his plays against attacks from the church that they were not sufficiently edifying by insisting that, as entertainments he had no interest in edifying audiences – his ‘real purpose …was to provide people pleasure – and the definition of that was to be decided by “the people”’(Dyer, 1973: 9). In my own discipline of Marketing this approach has been embraced – Kaser and Oelkers, for example, define entertainment as ‘whatever people are willing to spend their money and spare time viewing’ (2008, 18). That is the approach taken in this paper, where I see entertainment as ‘consumer-driven culture’ (McKee and Collis, 2009) – a definition that is closely aligned with the marketing concept. Within a marketing framework I explore what the consumption of entertainment can tell us about the relationships between consumers and culture more generally. For entertainment offers an intriguing case study, and is often consumed in ways that challenge many of our assumptions about marketing and consumer behaviour.
So what do you want to know? I was in Paris between ‘75 and ‘78. But about half way through, Sylvère published the Anti-Oedipus issue of Semiotext(e) and, actually, that was for me one of the deciding events that made me decide to come to the United States, to come study at Columbia University. There appeared to be this little group working at Columbia working around these issues. In 1970, in Paris even, Deleuze was a cult – there was an incredibly small number of people following Deleuze... A transcript of my Interview with Kwinter about the Architectural Reception of Deleuze in America, which took place at Jerry’s,' Soho, New York, 15 January 2003. The transcript appeared as an Appendix at the back of my Masters Thesis undertaken at Yale School of Architecture, printed May 2003.
In the course of my research for my thesis The Q Gospel and Psychohistory, I moved on from the accounts of the Cynics ideals to psychohistorical explanations. Studying the texts dealing with the Cynics and the Q Gospel, I was amazed by the fact that these texts actually portrayed people living in greater poverty than they had to. I paid particular attention to the fact that the Q Gospel was born in traumatising, warlike circumstances. Psychiatric traumatology helped me understand the Q Gospel and other ancient documents using historical approaches in a way that would comply with modern behavioural science. Even though I found some answers to the questions I had posed in my research, the main result of my research work is the justification of the question: Is it important to ask whether there is a connection between the ethos expressed by means of the religious language of the Q Gospel and the predominantly war-related life experiences typical to Palestine at the time. As has been convincingly revealed by a number of studies, traumatic events contribute to the development of psychotic experiences. I approached the problematic nature, significance and complexity of the ideal of poverty and this warlike environment by clarifying the history of psychohistorical literary research and the interpretative contexts associated with Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan and Melanie Klein. It is justifiable to question abnormal mentality, but there is no reliable return from the abnormal mentality described in any particular text to the only affecting factor. The popular research tendency based on the Oedipus complex is just as controversial as the Oedipus complex itself. The sociological frameworks concerning moral panics and political paranoia of an outer and inner danger fit quite well with the construction of the Q Gospel. Jerrold M. Post, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Political Psychology and Interna-tional Affairs at George Washington University, and founder and director of the Center for the Analysis of Personality and Political Behavior for the Central Intelligence Agency, has focused on the role played by charisma in the attracting of followers and detailed the psychological styles of a "charismatic" leader. He wrote the books Political Paranoia and Leaders and Their Followers in a Dangerous World: the Psychology of Political Behavior among others. His psychoanalytic vocabulary was useful for my understanding of the minds and motivations involved in the Q Gospel s formation. The Q sect began to live in a predestined future, with the reality and safety of this world having collapsed in both their experience and their fantasies. The deep and clear-cut divisions into good and evil that are expressed in the Q Gospel reveal the powerful nature of destructive impulses, envy and overwhelming anxiety. Responsible people who influenced the Q Gospel's origination tried to mount an ascetic defense against anxiety, denying their own needs, focusing their efforts on another objective (God s Kingdom) and a regressive, submissive earlier phase of development (a child s carelessness). This spiritual process was primarily an ecclesiastic or group-dynamical tactic to give support to the power of group leaders.
A partir da interface entre psicanálise e cultura, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o debate contemporâneo acerca das noções psicanalíticas de alteridade e diferença sexual, instaurado pelos deslocamentos ocorridos no campo da sexualidade e pelos desafios que estes impõem à psicanálise. Para isso, propõe-se, em um primeiro momento, examinar a teoria freudiana sobre a diferença sexual, o que é realizado principalmente a partir das formulações acerca da sexualidade feminina. Como a construção do complexo de Édipo apresenta-se como uma tentativa de dar conta da constituição da identidade sexual e da diferença no processo de subjetivação, traça-se o trajeto do autor desde as primeiras menções ao Édipo até o encontro com o impasse do feminino, passando pela teoria das identificações como mecanismo privilegiado de assunção sexual. Em seguida, investiga-se o pensamento de Lacan em relação ao tema da diferença sexual, desde o seu retorno ao complexo de Édipo e a sua estruturação em termos de linguagem até as propostas apresentadas em seu último ensino, em que sublinha o aspecto real da sexuação assim como se valoriza a diferença sexual em termos de gozo. Finalmente, tendo como pano de fundo a nova cartografia das sexualidades, e como fio condutor, o diálogo travado entre Judith Butler e Slavoj iek, considera-se em que medida a psicanálise baseia a constituição da alteridade no modelo binário e hierárquico da divisão sexual, contribuindo para a manutenção normativa do sistema sexo-gênero ou em que medida a teoria psicanalítica proporciona um deslocamento da alteridade do modelo de diferença sexual, contribuindo para a sua compreensão enquanto indeterminação e contingência.
Esta dissertação visa a leitura do texto dramático António Marinheiro (O Édipo de Alfama) de Bernardo Santareno, tendo como ponto de partida Édipo Rei de Sófocles. Os fundamentos teóricos para a interpretação desses textos são a obra freudiana e o ensino de Jacques Lacan. Santareno retira as suas personagens do interior das muralhas de Tebas para colocá-las em Alfama, bairro de Lisboa, na segunda metade do século XX. Nesse novo cenário, o fado, o vinho e a taberna compõem os costumes tipicamente portugueses. Escolhemos dois filmes, Édipo Rei de Pier Paolo Pasolini e Incêndios de Denis Villeneuve, para fazer uma leitura comparativa com as peças de Sófocles e de Bernardo Santareno. O início do filme de Pasolini ocorre em uma cidade pequena ao norte da Itália e depois se transfere para a Grécia antiga onde se passa a tragédia de Sófocles. Incêndios é uma adaptação da peça do libanês Wadji Mouawad e retrata a guerra civil do Líbano, a intolerância religiosa, estupro, incesto e genocídio
A presente pesquisa sobre o gozo na clínica com mulheres devastadas teve como foco o lugar ocupado pelo gozo em seu aspecto mortífero, de excesso e falta de medida, que se manifesta no âmbito das parcerias amorosas. Partindo das experiências relatadas por algumas analisandas, que as descrevem como "sair do corpo", "ficar louca", "descontrolada" ou "fora de si", e das formulações psicanalíticas a respeito do gozo feminino, buscou-se discutir a questão a partir dos referenciais propostos por Freud e Lacan no que diz respeito à constituição da feminilidade e do feminino, tais como a catástrofe e a devastação na ligação com a mãe e com o parceiro, a forma erotomaníaca de amar, além das duas formas de gozo nas mulheres. Entre os temas abordados nesta dissertação destacam-se as operações da castração e do Complexo de Édipo, juntamente com o seu elemento central, o falo, que permitem trazer à discussão algumas consequências para as mulheres, sobretudo as posições implicadas, a saber: o falo e a mascarada. O conceito de gozo é examinado através de três ser mascarada articulações principais. Primeiramente, a tentativa de Freud, que parece a mais antiga na psicanálise, de circunscrever um gozo propriamente feminino, ligado à satisfação da pulsão pela via da zona vaginal; em segundo lugar, o pensamento de Lacan em Diretrizes para um congresso sobre a sexualidade feminina (1958), em que ele recupera a questão freudiana do congresso sobre a sexualidade feminina gozo feminino, e posteriormente no Seminário 7:a ética da psicanálise (1959-1960), desenvolvido durante o período de preparação para o referido congresso, no qual Lacan eleva o gozo ao estatuto de conceito. Como desdobramento, encontram-se algumas articulações clínicas acerca do gozo devastador nos relacionamentos amorosos, tomando como referência a personagem da Erwartung, op. 17 , de Arnold Schoenberg e as mulheres que encontramos no dia a dia da clínica.
O presente estudo discute o tratamento psicanalítico da obesidade, tendo em vista os impasses no manejo dessa problemática. Para tanto, parte-se da análise da patologização do corpo gordo, sua medicalização e os dispositivos biopolíticos de regulação dos corpos que aí figuram para propor uma diferenciação entre o sintoma médico e seu aspecto subjetivo. Contextualizando a cultura na atualidade, que coloca em evidência o corpo, desenvolve-se a disjunção entre necessidade e demanda proposta por Lacan para pensar uma diferença ética que a abordagem psicanalítica da obesidade oferece em relação ao dispositivo médico, na medida em que não se propõe a normalizar os corpos segundo o peso adequado. Essa proposta coloca em pauta a questão do circuito pulsional que, em sua matriz alteritária, estabelece o objeto pulsional vinculado a uma perda originária que, ao mesmo tempo, constitui o desejo como insatisfeito. Considerando que o dispositivo psicanalítico proposto por Freud se estrutura em torno da falta que advém ao final do complexo de Édipo, e que a angústia de castração ocupa lugar prioritário de motor do tratamento, a obesidade se coloca como um problema à medida que a comida comparece revestindo o objeto perdido e fornecendo a consistência à qual o obeso permanece atado. Para pensar de que maneira a psicanálise pode acolher a demanda feita por pacientes obesos e que recursos teórico-clínicos pode-se lançar mão nesses tratamentos, é estabelecido um paralelo com outras problemáticas, tais como: as toxicomanias e a bulimia. Propomos, por fim, que o tratamento psicanalítico visa oferecer um campo de subjetivação que permita a emergência da angústia não somente referida ao corpo e seus excessos, possibilitando a construção de recursos simbólicos necessários à elaboração do real pulsional. Para tanto, enfatiza-se a importância do estabelecimento da transferência, da presença do analista e da função das entrevistas preliminares que, nesses casos, se constituem como um longo trabalho prévio.
Scholarly consensus holds that a law quoted in Demosthenes (23.53) permitted one to kill a highway robber who had lain in ambush and attacked one on a road. But the relevant phrase says nothing explicit about ambush. Modern interpretation derives from Harpocration and other ancient authorities. It is argued here that they were mistaken and that the phrase referred to those who inadvertently killed a fellow traveler while overtaking on a road.' The new interpretation may offer another way to think about the encounter between Oedipus and Laius.
ABC's popular television series Lost has been praised as one of the most innovative programs in the history of broadcast television primarily due to its unique storytelling content and structure. In this thesis, I argue that in spite of its unconventional stances in terms of narrative, genre, and character descriptions, Lost still conforms to the conventional understanding of family, fatherhood, and subjectivity by perpetuating the psychoanalytic myth of the Oedipus complex. The series emphasizes the centrality of the father in the lives of the survivors, and constructs character developments according to Freud's essentialist and phallocentric conception of subjectivity. In this way, it continues the classic psychoanalytic tradition that views the father as the essence of one's identity. In order to support this argument, I conduct a discursive reading of the show's two main characters: Jack Shepherd and John Locke. Through such a reading, I explore and unearth the mythic/psychoanalytic importance of the father in the psychology of these fictional constructs.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Ce mémoire propose une réflexion psychanalytique à partir de L'Âge d'homme et de L'Afrique fantôme de Michel Leiris. Il y est montré que la notion freudienne de scène primitive sert de paradigme à l'écriture autobiographique de cet auteur. Cette étude commence par approfondir les récits de rêves dans ces textes. Il s'agit d'emprunter la voie royale vers l'inconscient. Le moi du narrateur adopte une position masochiste devant des femmes phalliques dont il s'éprend. C'est ce qui le fait basculer dans la passion postcourtoise, notion développée par Paul-Laurent Assoun. La Dame se substitue à l'objet perdu et se présente comme une Judith meurtrière. Les nombreuses identifications du narrateur avec des personnages légendaires nous permettent de transposer son existence à l'intérieur d'une mythologie personnelle. L'analyse de ces fantaisies d'identification avec des modèles masculins révèle le sadisme de son surmoi. À Gondar, l'auteur tombe amoureux d'Emawayish, une sorcière éthiopienne, qui devient son double idéal de Lucrèce et Judith. Cette relation amoureuse répète inconsciemment la structure du complexe d'Œdipe. L'Âge d'homme apparaît comme une recherche du corps maternel et l'écriture autobiographique devient le moyen de remédier au sentiment mélancolique de perte d'objet d'amour.
Notre recherche étudie les particularités esthétiques et matérialistes de l’oeuvre du bédéiste américain Jack Kirby (1917-1994) et la manière dont elles répondent d’agencements qui visent à déconstruire et reconstruire les formes sur la page. Contemporain de Will Eisner, Kirby est largement considéré comme l'auteur et dessinateur le plus influent de son époque, co-signant les premières aventures de certains des super-héros qui perdurent et qui sont aujourd’hui la manne de l’industrie hollywoodienne (Captain America, les Fantastic Four, Hulk, etc.). Son oeuvre protéiforme est composée de superpositions de textures, d’objets récupérés, de figures déviées et trouve dans son rapport à la matière les principaux axiomes qui la définissent. Cherchant dans son travail à cerner les fonctions des nombreux amoncellements de points noirs (baptisés kirby dots par la critique et l’industrie), nous nous écartons des modèles d’analyse sémiologiques pour constituer une approche écosophique de la bande dessinée. Dans cette dernière, nous avons recours à la schizo-analyse théorisée par Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari dans leur ouvrage L’Anti-OEdipe (1972) afin de cerner les conditions de la production de sens et de non-sens du point kirbyen. Pour ce faire, nous proposons de reconsidérer la BD comme une écologie séquentialisée, composée de cases sans icônes, c’est-à-dire d’un espace pris au plus près de la planche, pour soi et en soi, sans rapport de causalité fixe ou de structure prédéterminée. Nous envisageons ensuite les territorialités archaïques de la bande dessinée pour mieux définir son ontogénie, puis pour étudier les rapports machiniques et schizos qu’entretiennent entre eux les différents espaces (que nous distinguons en espaces striés et en espaces lisses) ainsi que les différents traits de la planche. Finalement, nous expliquerons en quoi le point kirbyen apparaît comme une machine abstraite, c’est-à-dire une instance capable d’auto-générer, d’auto-poïétiser, son propre mystère représentationnel.