924 resultados para Nursing Evaluation Research
Introduction: Osteoporosis presenting as low-impact fractures to traumatology units is often undiagnosed and under-treated. Results from the Osteocare study in Lausanne (a nurse based intervention, passive pathway) showed that only 19% of patients received management for osteoporosis, and in the literature [1], the rate is between 10-25%. We have evaluated a different management concept, based on the systematic assessment of patients with osteoporotic fractures during and after hospitalization (active pathway). Methods: Inpatients admitted to the Department of Musculoskeletal Medicine for a fragility fracture were identified by a nurse according to a predefined questionnaire and were then clinically evaluated by a doctor. Based on the results, a management plan was proposed to the patients. Patients could choose between follow up either by their GP or by the Centre of Bone Disease of the CHUV. For patients who chose follow-up in our Centre, we assessed their adherence to medical follow-up 1 year inclusion. The results of patients who had been evaluated in our cohort between the 1 November 2008 and the 1 December 2009 were analysed. Results: 573 inpatients received specific management of their osteoporotic fracture over 18 months. The mean age was 77 y (31-99), 81% were women (203 hip fractures, 40 pelvis fractures, 101 arm fractures, 57 vertebral fractures, 63 ankle fractures, and 25 others sites). During the study period, 303 patients received a proposition of a specific treatment. 39 (13%) chose a follow up with the GP, 19 (6%) dead and 245 (81%) preferred a follow up in our Centre. After 1 year, 166 (67%) patients are under follow up in our outpatient clinic. Conclusion: With an active clinical pathway that starts during the hospitalization, consisting on a nursing evaluation followed by a medical consultation by an expert in osteoporosis, the adherence increased from 19% to 67% in terms of follow up. These results lead us to propose a consultation with a doctor experienced in osteoporosis after all osteoporotic fractures.
Arts Fusió és un projecte pedagògic entorn a la transdisciplinarietat artística, consistent en una recerca al voltant d'aquest concepte i dels valors formatius que aporta en processos d'aprenentatge creatiu. A partir d'aquí hem creat uns principis metodològics per orientar una didàctica cap a la fusió del teatre, la dansa, la música i les arts visuals. Per posar de manifest els beneficis de la nostra proposta hem realitzat aplicacions didàctiques en educacio artística superior i en educació secundària obligatòria. Metodològicament ens situem en el paradigma de la complexitat i basem les intervencions en una perspectiva qualitativa exploratòria, en concret dintre de la línia de la investigació avaluativa. Com a resultats del treball hem vist que la transdisciplinarietat artística pot actuar com a mitjà i com a fi educatiu segons el context en el que ens trobem.
In this article we try to analyze the learning processes of health literacy skills in informal contexts. We intend to broaden the understanding of the learning process beyond the formal contexts, thus contributing to the elucidation of health professionals on how individuals acquire and manage their knowledge in health matters. Given our goal, we use an analytic corpus constituted by one hundred autobiographical narratives written between 2006 and 2011, in educational contexts but with recognized potential for use in different scientific fields, including health. The results reveal the existence of three different types of modes of learning health literacy skills in informal context: : i) learning that takes place in action, in achieving daily tasks; ii) learning processes that result from problem solving; iii) learning that occurs in an unplanned manner, resulting from accidental circumstances and, in some cases, devoid of intentionality.
OBJECTIVES Identifying the socioeconomic and cultural profile of users/readers of educational pamphlets, characterizing the context of the reading material and people involved; describing the user/reader evaluation on language and style used, as well as content range or limitations, and its characterization as an educational material in assisting users for meeting homecare demands. METHOD A reception, cross-sectional, qualitative study. 27 respondents who had received five educational pamphlets were interviewed on Oncology signs and symptoms during primary care consultations. RESULTS Study participants were adults, with average schooling of more than 10 years and low income. Pamphlets were assessed as appropriate for consistent language, quantity and quality of content, and especially in relation to the capacity of helping in the homecare decision making process. The importance of receiving pamphlets at the initial stage of the disease was verified. CONCLUSION Users acceptance was positive and the study revealed aspects that should be reinforced in the creation of educational pamphlets.
OBJECTIVETo assess the quality of prenatal care in mothers with premature and term births and identify maternal and gestational factors associated with inadequate prenatal care.METHODCross-sectional study collecting data with the pregnant card, hospital records and interviews with mothers living in Maringa-PR. Data were collected from 576 mothers and their born alive infants who were attended in the public service from October 2013 to February 2014, using three different evaluation criteria. The association of prenatal care quality with prematurity was performed by univariate analysis and occurred only at Kessner criteria (CI=1.79;8.02).RESULTSThe indicators that contributed most to the inadequacy of prenatal care were tests of hemoglobin, urine, and fetal presentation. After logistic regression analysis, maternal and gestational variables associated to inadequate prenatal care were combined prenatal (CI=2.93;11.09), non-white skin color (CI=1.11;2.51); unplanned pregnancy (CI=1.34;3.17) and multiparity (CI=1.17;4.03).CONCLUSIONPrenatal care must follow the minimum recommended protocols, more attention is required to black and brown women, multiparous and with unplanned pregnancies to prevent preterm birth and maternal and child morbimortality.
Abstract OBJECTIVE The aim of this paper is to understand the experience of smokers in view of unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking. METHOD This study is based on social phenomenology. Between November and December of 2014, nine interviews were conducted with people that had attempted to quit smoking. The content of these interviews was analyzed and discussed based on the related literature. RESULTS Unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking are related to tobacco addiction; cigarettes are seen as a support to cope with everyday stressful situations. Attempts to quit the smoking habits were based on the need of health improvement and insistence of family and friends. Smokers reported the use of habit cessation strategies learned in support groups, but they also express expectation of specialized psychological support. CONCLUSION The study points out the need to expand the strategies of approaching smokers, and reinforcing psychological support in order to achieve success in the attempt to quit smoking.
Summary: The connections between evaluation research and decision making
Los problemas de evaluación de la investigación en humanidades y ciencias sociales son hoy en dia un lugar común en las conversaciones entre profesores universitarios en períodos de evaluación de proyectos de investigación y, cada vez más, en situaciones de evaluación de curricula personales de cara a procesosos de acreditación de profesores. También se ha de contemplar la situación desde la perspectiva de los gestores de la política de investigación y de profesorado, y muy especialmente desde la complicada experiencia que viven los evaluadores que han de afrontar el reto de analizar, tanto cuantitativamente como cualitativamente, el historial de investigación de personas, grupos de investigación o departamentos universitarios...
Este artículo presenta los resultados de un trabajo de investigación y análisis documental sobre la evaluación participativa y el empoderamiento, realizado a investigaciones, proyectos yexperiencias a nivel nacional e internacional, desarrollados en la última década (entre el 2000 y2010 inclusive). Se describe el proceso de búsqueda en bases de datos -en el ámbito de lasciencias sociales -, de registro y de análisis, desarrollado por un equipo interuniversitario deinvestigadores en el marco de un I+D.El objetivo final de este trabajo no solo se centra en recabar y actualizar bibliografía en materiade evaluación participativa y de empoderamiento, sino en analizar los contenidos de las acciones descritas en los registros seleccionados.
En el present estudi es descriu l'experiència de la implantació dels PGS en la comunitat de Castella-La Manxa, partint d'un marc conceptual en el que es descriuen les modalitats i característiques de programes. Es detallen les dades obtingudes mitjançant d'un estudi empíric que ofereix informació sobre els diferents agents (professorat, alumnes, famílies) que concurreixen en tals Programes de Garantía Social.
TE-keskusten toimenkuvaan ei ole kuulunut systemaattisesti selvittää hankkeen päätyttyä tuen vaikutuksia. Vaikuttavuusarviointi on ollut lähinnä hankkeen aloitusajankohdan tietojen keräämistä yrityksiltä. Ensimmäisen ohjelmakauden 1995 - 1999 yritystukien vaikuttavuutta ei ole tutkittu Etelä-Karjalassa jälkikäteisarvioinnilla. Tutkimus selvitti, mitä yhteiskunnallisia ja yrityskohtaisia vaikutuksia TE-keskuksen yritystuilla on ollut 3-5 vuoden jälkeen viimeisestä tukirahan maksatuksesta. Vaikuttavuutta mitattiin laaditulla kyselylomakkeella. Lisäksi tutkimustuloksia verrattiin TE-keskuksen etukäteisarviointituloksiin tukien vaikutuksista. Tutkimustulokset painottuvat eri vaikuttavuustekijöihin kuin TE-keskuksen tuloksissa. Kysely osoitti suurimmiksi tukien vaikutuksiksi yrityksen kilpailukyvyn muutoksen, muun rahoituksen helpomman saannin ja hankkeen nopeamman toteuttamisen. Muut merkittävimmät vaikutukset olivat yritysten tuotteiden ja palveluiden laadun sekä teknologiatason parantaminen ja tuotantomenetelmien kehittäminen. Yritystuilla on myös muita vaikutuksia, mutta ne jäävät alueella pieniksi. Vuoden 2003 lopussa yritystukea saaneista 366 yrityksestä vain 49 % oli toiminnassa olevaa ja 51 % todennäköisesti toimintansa lopettanutta. Tuilla luotiin vain 184 uutta työpaikkaa Etelä-Karjalaan. Keskimäärin syntyi yksi uusi työpaikka yritystä kohden, joka maksoi 38 200 euroa. Tehty arviointi osoittaa tukien vaikuttavuuden jäävän pienemmäksi kuin TE-keskuksen etukäteisarvioinnissa.
Tässä johtaminen ja organisaatiot –oppialaan kuuluvassa väitöstutkimuksessa selvitetään luottamushenkilöarvioinnin merkitystä kunnan johtamisessa ja päätöksenteossa. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan luottamushenkilöiden tekemää kunnan talouden ja hallinnon arviointia ja sen merkitystä kunnan johtamisen ja päätöksenteon palautemekanismina. Empiirisen haastatteluaineiston avulla kuvataan eteläkarjalaisten tarkastuslautakuntien toimintaa ja niiden puheenjohtajina toimineiden henkilöiden kokemuksia tarkastuslautakuntien olemassaolon kahdella ensimmäisellä valtuustokaudella 1997–2000 ja 2001–2004. Tutkimus kohdistuu julkiselle sektorille, kuntien poliittis-hallinnolliseen päätöksentekoon. Tarkastuslautakuntien synnyn taustalla ymmärretään vaikuttavan yleisenä viitekehyksenä erityisesti New Public Managementin (NPM) eli uuden julkisjohtamisen ilmaisemat ajatukset mm. toimintojen tehokkuudesta, tuloksellisuudesta ja vaikuttavuudesta sekä arvioinnista osana päätöksentekoa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään kehysteoriana uuden julkisjohtamisen doktriinia ja substanssiteoriana arviointiin ja arviointitutkimukseen liittyvää teoreettista tietovarantoa. Tutkimuksen ensisijainen empiirinen aineisto koostuu 16 tarkastuslautakunnan puheenjohtajan haastattelusta, jotka on analysoitu sisällönanalyysiä käyttäen. Tausta-aineistona on käytetty 112 tarkastuslautakuntien arviointikertomusta. Tutkimus on ensimmäinen väitöskirjatasoinen työ tältä aihealueelta. Työn keskeinen kontribuutio on tutkimuksessa esitettävä näkemys luottamushenkilöarvioinnista ja sen merkityksestä kunnan johtamisessa arviointitutkimuksen, uuden julkisjohtamisen ja tarkastuslautakunnista tähän mennessä tehtyjen tutkimusten sekä empiirisen haastattelututkimuksen pohjalta. Luottamushenkilöarvioinnin painopisteen nähdään siirtyneen tarkastuslautakunnan lainmukaisen tehtävänannon eli valtuuston asettamien taloudellisten ja toiminnallisten tavoitteiden toteutumisen arvioinnista kunnan toiminnan kehittämiseen, jolloin sillä on konkreettisemmin päätöksentekoa tukeva merkitys. Taaksepäin suuntautunutta arviointia ei koeta kovinkaan merkitykselliseksi, vaikka virheistä oppimisen näkökulmasta ja päätöksenteon palautemekanismina myös ex post –arviointi on tärkeää. Tutkimuksessa on sovellettu poikkitieteellistä lähestymistapaa organisaatiotutkimuksen ja uuden julkisjohtamisen, arviointitutkimuksen sekä kuntatutkimuksen näkökulmia yhteen sovittamalla. Tutkimuksessa esitetään väite, että tarkastuslautakuntia kahlitsee niiden voimakas yhteys ja perustuminen tilintarkastukseen. Tarkastuslautakuntien arviointi ei ole kehittynyt omaehtoisesti ja luottamushenkilöarvioinnin merkitys on vielä osin tunnistamatta eritoten johtamisen itsensä arvioinnin näkökulmasta.
En aquest article identifiquem els debats principals que en l'actualitat, i segons la nostra opinió, tenen lloc dintre del camp de l'avaluació de serveis i programes socials. Aquests temes de debat són diversos i plurals, i hi ha diverses propostes i reflexions al seu voltant, ja que no tots els autors identifiquen els mateixos temes de debat, alhora que, com és lògic, la seva resolució (la posició adoptada davant de cada polèmica concreta) varia enormement d'un autor a un altre.
The purpose of this study was to examine and expand understanding concerning young Finnish registered nurses (RN) with an intention to leave the profession and the related variables, specifically when that intention has emerged before the age of 30. The overall goal of the study was to develop a conceptual model in relation to young RNs’ intention to leave the profession. Suggestions for policymakers, nurse leaders and nurse managers are presented for how to retain more young RNs in the nursing workforce. Suggestions for future nursing research are also provided. Phase I consists of two sequential integrative literature reviews of 75 empirical articles concerning nurses’ intention to leave the profession. In phase II, data had been collected as part of the Nurses’ Early Exit (NEXT) study, using the BQ-12 structured postal questionnaire. A total of 147 young RNs participated in the study. The data were analysed with statistical methods. In phase III, firstly, an in-depth interpretive case study was conducted in order to understand how young RNs explain and make sense of their intention to leave the profession. The data in this study consisted of longitudinal career stories by three young RNs. The data was analysed by using narrative holistic-content and thematic methods. Secondly, a total of 15 young RNs were interviewed in order to explore in-depth their experiences concerning organizational turnover and their intent to leave the profession. The data was analysed using conventional content analysis. Based on earlier research, empirical research on the young RNs intention to leave the profession is scarce. Nurses’ intention to leave the profession has mainly been studied with quantitative descriptive studies, conducted with survey questionnaires. Furthermore, the quality of previous studies varies considerably. Moreover, nurses’ intention to leave the profession seems to be driven by a number of variables. According to the survey study, 26% of young RNs had often considered giving up nursing completely and starting a different kind of job during the course of the previous year. Many different variables were associated with an intention to leave the profession (e.g. personal burnout, job dissatisfaction). According to the in-depth inquiries, poor nursing practice environments and a nursing career as a ‘second-best’ or serendipitous career choice were themes associated with young RNs’ intention to leave the profession. In summary, young RNs intention to leave the profession is a complex phenomenon with multiple associated variables. These findings suggest that policymakers, nurse leaders and nurse managers should enable improvements in nursing practice environments in order to retain more young RNs. These improvements can include, for example, adequate staffing levels, balanced nursing workloads, measures to reduce work-related stress as well as possibilities for advancement and development. Young RNs’ requirements to provide high-quality and ethical nursing care must be recognized in society and health-care organizations. Moreover, sufficient mentoring and orientation programmes should be provided for all graduate RNs. Future research is needed into whether the motive for choosing a nursing career affects the length of the tenure in the profession. Both quantitative and in-depth research is needed for the comprehensive development of nursing-turnover research.