964 resultados para Non-resident Person
The northern biotype of Echinococcus granulosus occurs throughout the holarctic zones of tundra and taiga, from eastern Fennoscandia to the Bering Strait in Eurasia and in North America from arctic Alaska approximately to the northern border of the United States. The cycle of the cestode is complex in taiga at lower latitudes, because of the greater diversity of potential hosts. In the Arctic and Subarctic, however, four patterns of predator/prey relationships may be discerned. Two natural cycles involve the wolf and wild reindeer and the wolf and elk (moose), respectively. Where deer of the two species coexist, both are prey of the wolf; the interactions of the wolf and elk are here described on the basis of long-term observations made on Isle Royale (in Lake Superior near the southern limit of taiga), where only the wolf and elk serve as hosts for E. granulosus. A synanthropic cycle involving herding-dogs and domesticated reindeer caused hyperendemicity of cystic echinococcosis in arctic Eurasia, mainly in northeastern Siberia. The 4th pattern, a semi-synanthropic cycle, formerly existed in Alaska, wherein sled-dogs of the indigenous hunters became infected by consuming the lungs of wild reindeer. The sequence of changes in life-style inherent in the process of acculturation affected the occurrence of cystic echinococcosis among nomadic Iñupiat in arctic Alaska. When those people became sedentary, the environs of their early villages soon became severely contaminated by feces of dogs, and cases of cystic echinococcosis occurred. Compared to cystic echinococcosis caused by E. granulosus adapted to synanthropic hosts (dog and domestic ungulates), the infection produced by the northern biotype is relatively benign. 0fearly all diagnosed cases of cystic echinococcosis (> 300 in Alaska have occurred in indigenous people; only one fatality has been recorded (in a non-indigenous person). After sled-dogs were replaced by machines, cases have become rare in Alaska. A similar effect has been observed in Fennoscandia, in the Saami and domesticated reindeer. Recent records indicate tbat the prcvalence of cystic echinococcosis is increasing in Russia, suggesting that dogs are used there in herding.
Caratteristica comune ai regimi di consolidamento previsti dai diversi ordinamenti, è quella di consentire la compensazione tra utili e perdite di società residenti, e, di negare, o rendere particolarmente difficoltosa, la stessa compensazione, quando le perdite sono maturate da società non residenti. La non considerazione delle perdite comporta una tassazione al lordo del gruppo multinazionale, per mezzo della quale, non si colpisce il reddito effettivo dei soggetti che vi appartengono. L’effetto immediato è quello di disincentivare i gruppi a travalicare i confini nazionali. Ciò impedisce il funzionamento del Mercato unico, a scapito della libertà di stabilimento prevista dagli artt. 49-54 del TFUE. Le previsioni ivi contenute sono infatti dirette, oltre ad assicurare a società straniere il beneficio della disciplina dello Stato membro ospitante, a proibire altresì allo Stato di origine di ostacolare lo stabilimento in un altro Stato membro dei propri cittadini o delle società costituite conformemente alla propria legislazione. Gli Stati membri giustificano la discriminazione tra società residenti e non residenti alla luce della riserva di competenza tributaria ad essi riconosciuta dall’ordinamento europeo in materia delle imposte dirette, dunque, in base all’equilibrata ripartizione del potere impositivo. In assenza di qualsiasi riferimento normativo, va ascritto alla Corte di Giustizia il ruolo di interprete del diritto europeo. La Suprema Corte, con una serie di importanti pronunce, ha infatti sindacato la compatibilità con il diritto comunitario dei vari regimi interni che negano la compensazione transfrontaliera delle perdite. Nel verificare la compatibilità con il diritto comunitario di tali discipline, la Corte ha tentato di raggiungere un (difficile) equilibrio tra due interessi completamenti contrapposti: quello comunitario, riconducibile al rispetto della libertà di stabilimento, quello degli Stati membri, che rivendicano il diritto di esercitare il proprio potere impositivo.
Scent-marking is widespread among mammals and has been observed in many felid species. Although the behaviour is well-described, little is known about its function in wild felid populations. We investigated patterns of scent-marking and its role in intra- and intersexual communication among resident and non-resident Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx by observing interactions among wild lynx at natural marking sites by means of infrared camera traps. Marking activity of resident animals showed a peak during the mating season and was lowest during the time when females gave birth and lactated. Both sexes scent-marked, but male lynx visited marking sites much more often than females and marked relatively more often when visiting a site. Most visits to marking sites were by residents but we also observed scent-marking by non-residents. Juveniles were never observed marking. We found no evidence of lynx regularly renewing scent-marks after a certain 'expiry date' but the presence of a strange scent-mark triggered over-marking. Males responded similarly to the presence of another individual's scent-mark, irrespective of whether it was the top- or the underlying scent-mark in a mixture of scent-marks they encountered. Our results suggest that marking sites could serve as 'chemical bulletin boards', where male lynx advertise their presence and gain information on ownership relationships in a given area. Females placed their urine marks on top of the ones left by resident males, but further studies are needed to explain the functions of over-marking in females.
BACKGROUND Record linkage of existing individual health care data is an efficient way to answer important epidemiological research questions. Reuse of individual health-related data faces several problems: Either a unique personal identifier, like social security number, is not available or non-unique person identifiable information, like names, are privacy protected and cannot be accessed. A solution to protect privacy in probabilistic record linkages is to encrypt these sensitive information. Unfortunately, encrypted hash codes of two names differ completely if the plain names differ only by a single character. Therefore, standard encryption methods cannot be applied. To overcome these challenges, we developed the Privacy Preserving Probabilistic Record Linkage (P3RL) method. METHODS In this Privacy Preserving Probabilistic Record Linkage method we apply a three-party protocol, with two sites collecting individual data and an independent trusted linkage center as the third partner. Our method consists of three main steps: pre-processing, encryption and probabilistic record linkage. Data pre-processing and encryption are done at the sites by local personnel. To guarantee similar quality and format of variables and identical encryption procedure at each site, the linkage center generates semi-automated pre-processing and encryption templates. To retrieve information (i.e. data structure) for the creation of templates without ever accessing plain person identifiable information, we introduced a novel method of data masking. Sensitive string variables are encrypted using Bloom filters, which enables calculation of similarity coefficients. For date variables, we developed special encryption procedures to handle the most common date errors. The linkage center performs probabilistic record linkage with encrypted person identifiable information and plain non-sensitive variables. RESULTS In this paper we describe step by step how to link existing health-related data using encryption methods to preserve privacy of persons in the study. CONCLUSION Privacy Preserving Probabilistic Record linkage expands record linkage facilities in settings where a unique identifier is unavailable and/or regulations restrict access to the non-unique person identifiable information needed to link existing health-related data sets. Automated pre-processing and encryption fully protect sensitive information ensuring participant confidentiality. This method is suitable not just for epidemiological research but also for any setting with similar challenges.
O presente estudo buscou entender a influência da utilização da celebridade Gisele Bundchen em anúncios de propaganda no comportamento do consumidor por meio de uma das técnicas de Neuromarketing: o eye tracking. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa objetivou analisar se é realmente importante a presença da celebridade em propagandas de anúncio impresso analisada sob o ponto de vista do Neuromarketing por meio da análise da atenção visual ao estímulo \'celebridade\'. Para a verificação dos objetivos, das hipóteses e da proposição advindas destes objetivos, foi empregada uma metodologia em que se buscou avaliar a atenção visual dos consumidores acerca do estímulo \'celebridade\' em relação aos demais estímulos presentes nos anúncios impressos como a logomarca, nome ou símbolo que representa a marca; o produto; e outras pessoas não famosas. Essa avaliação foi realizada por meio da técnica de Neuromarketing que utiliza o equipamento de eye tracking. Assim, os participantes foram divididos em três grupos (um que avaliou os anúncios das seis marcas com a celebridade; o outro que avaliou os anúncios destas mesmas marcas com a presença de pessoas não famosas e um último grupo que avaliou os anúncios das marcas sem a presença de pessoas). No final do foi aplicado um questionário para confirmação de alguns dados e para análise em relação à lembrança da marca. Os resultados, no geral, demonstraram que, de alguma forma, os participantes prestaram atenção na celebridade considerada na pesquisa (o que foi evidenciado, principalmente, pelos mapas de calor apresentados). Quando as celebridades foram comparadas às pessoas não famosas, em alguns casos (com a confirmação de algumas hipóteses), foi evidenciada a importância da presença da celebridade; porém, em outros casos, houve mais destaque para a presença da pessoa não famosa. Na pesquisa ficou evidente, também, que a presença de pessoas (sendo elas celebridade ou não) pode atrapalhar no processo de atenção para a marca e o produto e que, quando não se utilizou pessoas, houve mais atenção dos participantes para estes outros estímulos.
Three octavo-sized leaves containing a handwritten letter from President Leverett to an unidentified recipient with detailed notes and extracts of Harvard Corporation votes related to non-resident Fellows of the Corporation. The names of the non-resident Fellows are listed in page margins. The letter begins: "Rev'd & Dear Sr. Pursuant to your desire I have collected the names of the non-resid't Fellows of the Corporation..." The fourth leaf containing the seventh page of text is no longer with the item.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a handwritten copy of a June 29, 1722 report created by a Committee of the General Court responding to the June 13, 1722 memorial of the Board of Overseers. The report lists three points declaring that the Charter of 1650 intended the Tutors to be members of the Corporation "provided they exceed not five in number," that none of the Fellows be Overseers, and that the Charter of 1650 did not grant the Corporation the power to set salaries without the consent of the Overseers. The copy notes that the report was read and accepted on June 29, and signed by Governor Samuel Shute on July 2, 1722, with the stipulation that none of the current non-resident Fellows be removed from the Corporation.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a two-page handwritten copy of the June 21, 1723 petition of Sever and Welsteed requesting the question of non-resident Fellows in the Corporation be readdressed by the General Court, and a one-page handwritten copy of the answer to the petition passed by the General Court on August 7, 1723. The text of the petition begins "Sheweth that we have formerly represented to the Overseers of the College the Difficulty we were under in the business of it by reason of our not being vested with the power of its Charter..." The petition is incorrectly dated as "June 24th 1722" instead of 1723.
Single page notification addressed to the selectmen of Cambridge, Massachusetts, dated 25 April 1758, in which William Cutler writes that he took into his father’s Cambridge house as tenants Dr. George Philip Brukowitz and his wife, from Woburn, Massachusetts. After the Boston smallpox epidemic of 1721, the town of Cambridge enacted a requirement in 1723 that no resident would receive or admit any non-resident family into their homes for the space of a month without informing the town selectmen. The penalty for failing to do so was twenty shillings.
Um destino de sol e praia, nos dias de hoje, trava uma luta constante para manter ou criar atributos que sejam capazes de atrair turistas às suas costas; torna-se por isso importante conhecer o que permite deixar todos esses turistas “agarrados” ao destino promovendo a volta ao mesmo, tantas vezes quantas as possíveis. Explorar os níveis de lealdade apresentados por (Oliver, 1999) num destino como o Algarve numa tentativa de perceber a persistência deste tipo de destinos, focando neste caso os turistas não residentes, pela importância que este tipo de mercados representa para a sustentabilidade do destino. Pretende-se perceber o que influencia a duração da estadia e a relação do turista com o destino – compromisso - e como se relacionam com aquelas construções teóricas, recorrendo à Análise de Equações Estruturais para a sua concretização, tentando contribuir desta forma para a compreensão das dinâmicas que continuam a promover a escolha destes destinos nos dias de hoje.
Co-edited by Peter Hakim, President Emeritus, Inter-American Dialogue and Genaro Arriagada, Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Inter-American Dialogue, this issue examines energy as a priority issue for nearly all Latin American and Caribbean countries and considers its impact on regional integration and both foreign and domestic policy. Articles present opportunities and challenges facing the region, as well as recommendations for addressing the energy issue in Latin America in a strategic, constructive and effective manner.
Dos prejuízos no regime de participation exemption: a relação entre estabelecimento estável e filial
Mestrado em Fiscalidade
While it is uncontested that the medical profession makes a valuable contribution to society, doctors should not always be beyond the reach of the criminal law and they should not automatically be treated as God. Doctors should act reasonably and be conscious of their position of trust. In this sense, the notion of “doctors” is construed broadly to include a range of health care professionals such as podiatrists, radiographers, surgeons and general practitioners. This paper will explore contemporary Australian examples where doctors have acted inappropriately and been convicted of non-fatal offences against the person. The physical invasiveness involved in these scenarios varies significantly. In one example, a doctor penetrates a patient’s private body part with a probe for their own sexual gratification, and in another, a doctor covertly visually records a naked patient. The examples will be connected to the theories underpinning criminalisation, particularly social welfare and individual autonomy, with a view to framing guidelines on when doctors should not be immune from non-fatal offences against a person, and thus where the criminal law should respond.
Child molesters (n=13) and sexually non-deviant subjects (n=29) were immersed with virtual characters depicting relevant sexual features while their sexual arousal and gaze behaviour were assessed to characterize their sexual preferences and intentional dynamics. Sexual arousal was measured using circumferential penile plethysmography (PPG). Gaze behaviour dynamics was derived from average gaze radial angular deviation (GRAD) and GRAD coefficient of variation (GRADCV). Results show distinct sexual arousal profiles according to sexual preferences and point towards the existence of specific gaze behaviour dynamics guided by sexual intentions. Theoretical interpretations are based on the ecological psychology of J.J. Gibson and the integrated theory of sexual offending (Ward, 2009; Ward & Beech, 2006). Theoretical underpinnings coming from these approaches are advocated as being especially well suited to explain how virtual reality can help probing into child molesters’ phenomenology as lived from the first-person stance.